Thursday, March 27, 2014

Yet More Electoral Cynicism

Hey y'all and welcome to the blog...and again a special shout out to the apparently numerous blog availees in Sweden and the United States of America...the statistics page graphs don't always match the 'post views' or the 'audience numbers' but it's accurate enough to say that TMGI is slowly, slightly, on the way up...sort of...a bit...(but we're not big in Japan-Ed)...yet...

Completely by accident...(because you accidentally deleted your own blog-Ed)...shhh...I had to go back through a search engine to access the blog and write this sentence, and discovered a 'forum' site called Topix - Mt Gambier, Australia, where-in lies the post dated August 9th 2013, 'Dick Stretcher the local mt gambier blogger'...(yeeha-Ed)...yeah, but it looks like it's a post put up about DS, not by DS...(whaaa?-Ed)...check the 2 only comments on there, both from August 9th 2013;
   1) from MG G Spot (Adelaide) - "Dick Stretcher the anonymous extendable tool, this w@nkstain is
        definately a keeper." ...their spelling...and...
   2) from Jerry (Adelaide) - "looks like yu are another reader of the mount gambier independent 1 Nick Fletcher"...and this referencing MG G Spot's effort...

If you're still out there MG G Spot and Jerry after all the baggings I've given Adelaide, cheers and thanks...(you know, loathe as I am to agree with you, I think you're right, that is about DS not by DS and appears to be supportive of your work...well at least for 1 day...and I'd suggest that if people in Adelaide are regularly availing themselves of the blog it is because they are perfectly aware of the disparity between Adelaide and regional South Australia, and are unlikely to take that commentary personally-Ed)...fair enough...

Yesterday the Governor Kevin Scarce announced the Weatherill Labor government will rort, I mean run, the state for another 4 years...(sweet baby cheeses-Ed)...indeed, SBCs all round...and I absolutely maintain that the Geoff Brock/Bob Such shenanigans are an absolute set-up to get Labor in and dilute and distract any criticism...this was organised very early in the week and then deliberately played out very specifically to a set last time with feeling...(you say one last time, but we both know it's not likely to be-Ed)...shhh...

Messrs Brock and Such are both ex-Liberals, elected in recognised Conservative seats after running as Independents, then with yet another Labor/Adelaide gerrymander result that sees Labor at 47% and Liberal at 53% (Two Party Preferred) but with Labor holding 23 seats against 22, suddenly Bob Such just disappears off the radar and Geoff Brock is all over the media and at the close of business Friday 21st March, we're all waiting for a decision sometime late this week...then, Kapow, it's Labor...

And in this context 'Kapow' means Bob Such suddenly goes into hospital Friday evening without a word being said all week about his health, next day (being a Saturday) it's Geoff Brock announcing Mr Such's  hospitalisation, then by noon Sunday Jay Weatherill is driving over to the Governor's residence to ask for Labor to be recognised as the legitimate government using Geoff Brock's support...and Mr Such is taking 2 months 'leave'.

I'm not saying that Bob Such is having a fake surgery...( was yesterday-Ed)...right, sorry, had...but I would love to know for this a sudden critical heart surgery, for example, that could wait 5 days, or a knee Arthroscopy that's been pending for months, an ingrowing toe nail?...why did Bob Such disappear, re-appear in hospital, and will not apparently be available for 2 months...(and most importantly, why is his vote suddenly irrelevant, null-and-void?-Ed)...indeed...I repeat, it's an absolute con...I don't care what 'incentives' or 'motivations' or 'promises' or 'bribes' or 'threats' or 'blackmails' or whatever combination there-of was at play, it's an absolute set-up...

This was carefully organised and timed for Bob Such to step aside and plead the deniability and sympathy of ill-health, thus deflecting criticism from within his Conservative seat and the Liberals, indeed the whole state...and similarly provides Geoff Brock the deniability of 'I had to choose Labor for stability'...why can't we wait a month, or even just the 3 weeks before Parliament sits again, for Bob Such to decide his support?...why does it have to be done right now?...why? because it's a con and it needs to be settled before Mr Such returns...

This was all carefully choreographed, including Geoff Brock lying to Liberal leader Stephen Marshall about waiting 'til this week to decide...most importantly, my opinion, cynicism and paranoia aside, the   irrefutable fact is that if Brocky and Sucho had chosen Liberal then we would have a Liberal government...they have clearly chosen to go against what a defined majority of South Australians voted for (53% to 47%) and their own Conservative electorates, and have organised to do it in a way that deceives and manipulates...and that's the sort of governing we can look forward to for another 4 years. 

Two Hours I'll Never Get Back: lost to listening to Christopher Pyne, the most hypocritical squealer in Federal Parliament, relentlessly screeching about the bad behaviour of Labor, particularly with his references to Labor's alleged sexist and disrespectful and disruptive behaviour toward Liberal Speaker Bronwyn Bishop...and I'm not entirely sure whether it's her dismissive staring-down-her-nose attitude to Labor that gets them so riled it causes her to chuck them out on a regular basis, but one point is irrefutable..(do tell-Ed)...

Bronny's First Ton: is rapidly approaching as she sin-bins a Labor member for the 98th time today...only two more 'chuckees' for the ton...(yeah hilarious, but with the Liberal members ejected that must be up to a total of what?-Ed)...98...(98?-Ed)...98...(so she's chucked 98 members in under 5 months, and every single one was Labor?-Ed)...yep...(not one Liberal?-Ed)...nope...

Health Costs: or at least Health Insurance costs are set to rise by about 6%, and this would mean an average increase of just over $300 per year...however I'm not sure whether this is just a general increase or is specifically due to the Federal Liberal government announcing that they intend to follow through with plans to sell Medibank Private...(don't you mean 'liberate' MP?-Ed)...very witty Ed...

And the Fosters again in the news this morning discussing the billions of tax-free dollars available to the  Catholic Church because of their 'Tax Exempt' status...and how the then Bishop George Pell stated to them 'you have to go through our system'...and then an 'apology' from Pell to Abuse survivor John is largely immaterial because George is not in charge in Oz any more...and apparently Tony Abbott and George Pell are having lunch today...(super-Ed)...

I am an avowed Pacifist who's never hit anyone in my life, but if I was one of these people, and I had to sit through these excruciatingly fake 'mia culpas' after years of bloody minded bastardry from George Pell and the Catholic Church, I think I may just be capable of slapping George Pell stupid...and I bet I wouldn't get a 'suspended sentence'. 

An Apology: to the Institutional Responses to Child Abuse Royal Commission because I was in part wrong about how corrupted and  pointless the whole process is, because at the very least it has dragged Pell & Co into the spotlight, albeit briefly...however, I maintain that the Commission is not entirely genuine until it comes to Mt Gambier to address the vast raft of institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption clearly defined by the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up... 

Oh, and the National Gallery in Canberra is reportedly returning the stolen Shiva statue that I discussed yesterday...(did they take a copy first?-Ed), it's all gone, all $5million...(t'riffic-Ed)...

Tomorrow: Mo' Bellyachin' 'Bout The Stuff

Some very local issues that need to be addressed, eg, the legal action being conducted re the Support Services Residential Facility at Yahl...(yay-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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