Monday, March 17, 2014

Yay, St Patricks Day

Howdy y'all and welcome to the blog...and we here in South Oz still don't have a government and may not for days even weeks to come...essentially, it's going to involve counting all the pre-polling and postal votes but predictions that this may favour the Liberals still might have them falling short, still Labor 23/Liberal 22...and then the 2 Independents to decide whom is the government...and sorry but I won't get to the Rail Lands stuff today...

But First: to my tangential Irish heritage, where-in my great grandfather was with the 5th Irish Lancers training and then fighting with the Wellington Mounted Rifles at Gallipoli in 1915...he was born in Ireland but of English parents I think, so does that make him Irish?...and on the other side I'm Scottish as far as I know, and possibly/probably a bit Irish...(well that's cleared that up then...maybe a bit but also probably not-Ed)...indeed...

The Liberals Are French: perhaps that's why they have those outrageous accents?...(whaaa?-Ed)...a couple of weeks back Labor opposition leader Bill Shorten accused the Liberals, across the floor of Federal parliament mind you, of being French...(of being French? how so? and isn't that 'Un-Parliamentary Behaviour' or something?-Ed)...quite possibly, but one wonders if Mr Shorten was actually aware of what he said...(what did he actually say-Ed)...he called them there those on the other side "Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys"...(oooo, ouch-Ed)...indeed...

Apparently this quote comes from Groundskeeper Willy in The Simpsons cartoon, but I could swear that I heard it used prior to that....couldn't say so I'll have to concede...anyhoos, apparently Mr Shorten was 'persuaded' to withdraw the remark...(I don't know who should be more offended...perhaps Mr Shorten should trip across to gay Paris and accuse them of being the Australian Liberal Party-Ed)...well there's no need for that...

Feedback: is always appreciated but I stand by my call re yesterday's post that anyone convicted of 'up-skirting' children at supermarkets and/or in the carpark with his phone, should 1) not be allowed any camera, and 2) nor should he be allowed near a is absolutely indicative of the attitudes of the Courts and other authorities that every contrivance is engaged to ensure the rights of the perpetrator and openly excuse his behaviours and not compromise his lifestyle, etc, yet kids can't even give evidence to a Court without being exposed to and abused by soulless, self-important lawyers...

Time and again this 'traumatic Court process' was used against us parents, not least of all by people like Rory McEwen, Bill DeGaris, Jim and Viv Maher, SAPol, etc, etc...people claiming to help and/or represent us...used against us to try and dissuade us from pursuing the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...'your kids will be traumatised by the process'...not once, not twice, again and again and again...

Furthermore, if a 55 year old man has to do an 'offenders rehabilitation' program to learn that it's wrong to photograph children, then what hope that he won't offend again program or the very least, given that the Court convicted then gave a suspended sentence, the offender should have extremely strict curfew conditions and not be allowed unaccompanied near a supermarket...and if necessary, given that it is the Courts choice - a choice...not sentencing limitations...he was convicted, sentenced, and then that was suspended by choice of the judge - then the Court needs to provide that supervision...

I refer to the grandmother's comments that she feels 'threatened when a car passes her house', she doesn't feel safe in her own home because of this man's actions, yet he's legally allowed to wonder about supermarkets and carparks with a camera if he chooses...what about an Order stating that he's not allowed to photograph other people, at all, that couldn't hurt...(how about put him in the massively expanded Mt Gambier 'Country Club' Gaol for that 2 years that he was sentenced-Ed)...not likely...first-time paedophile offences in South Australia are almost always Suspended sentences and/or Good Behaviour Bonds...

I'm fully open to feedback even criticism, just check the Comments from July/August 2013 by anonymous stuff-pig 'Dick Stretcher' that I've left on the blog...(yeah, but those Comments are so bigoted and ignorant and factually incorrect, they actually give this here blog more credibility, so it serves your purpose that they remain-Ed)...true, but they are also extremely offensive and deliberately hurtful, eg, 'you've failed your child', etc, and are absolutely indicative of the sort of rank Character Assassination conducted by the Lutherans, Rory McEwen, SAPol, etc, as they have sought to attack and blame and discredit and break us parents...(fair enough-Ed)...but back to the Election and shizzle...

This counting of votes will take all week, and then if it stays 23/22 probably another week or two after that for the Independents to make up their minds...and Bob Such and Jeff Brock are both dis-enfranchised, disillusioned ex-Liberals but will Mr Brock consider the Regional issues as priority as per his campaign?...and what if Bob Such leaps to Labor straight away?...then Brock is irrelevant...(and vice versa, and I would think that all parties involved would realise exactly that, once one goes to Labor the other Independent is effectively irrelevant-Ed)...indeed, and Liberals need them both...

(But if one goes to Labor then the other could get offered the Speakers position to get them on side but retain the 24/22 Labor advantage...and if both go to Liberal, someone still needs to be Speaker and that would be 23/23 unless Liberals make a Labor member just goes around and around-Ed)..clear as mud Ed, clear as mud... 

And in an ABC Local Radio interview with outgoing Member for Mt Gambier Don Pegler this morning, Mr Pegler stated that he felt the electorate unfairly blamed him for the Forestry Sale...and that he'd tried to ring Troy Bell to congratulate him and had left a message...Don also feels the outcome is sad for Mt Gambier, not best for Mt Gambier...and stuff about 20years in local and state politics and how he'd achieved heaps of improvements in the Health System, local road infrastructure, marine facilities, education, etc, etc. (paraphrasing)

Mr Pegler stated that the Liberals had massive amounts of cash to throw at the election and that Troy Bell took 12 months off to campaign but that he as Member had to spend his time representing his homies...and he stated that he hadn't focused on all his achievements throughout the campaign saying 'Im not blowing my own bags all the time' but had achieved a lot for the district, 'we did achieve a lot but I didn't promote that'. (paraphrasing)

(Sorry, 2 points, namely 1) some would argue that Mr Pegler took most of the last 4 years 'off'....and 2) that he relentlessly campaigned, advertised, pontificated, about his alleged achievements...he took out whole page ads with lists of what he has 'achieved'...which actually brings me onto 3 points, doesn't he get funding as a sitting member, eg, postal allowances?-Ed)...not sure about that last bit but yes, no-one's disagreeing with you about the advertising, etc, Ed, because that's exactly what happened.

Flamin' Heck: it was a fire at St Martins Lutheran School at about 0100hrs Saturday 15th March 2014, and something about some computers being lost and a total damage bill of $50,000...(well can't have been much of a fire if only $50k, that wouldn't even be 1 classroom-Ed)...maybe it was one of those things where a relatively small fire caused some damage but then there was smoke and/or water damage that made it worse...(whatevs, so long as no-one was injured...apart from that, the whole damn thing can burn to the ground for all I care-Ed)...ditto Ed, ditto...

Flight MH370: now 10 days after it's disappearance, Malaysian authorities are still apparently at a loss to explain what happened, other than the plane was clearly under control and could have flown for nearly 8 or 9 hours after contact was initially lost...this has been acknowledged as most likely a hijacking but why and where the plane went are allegedly still unknown...(allegedly?-Ed)...yeah, it just seems really odd that it took over a week for authorities to figure out what had happened that night, and 'experts' are saying that if the plane was flown to Asia Minor as part of a hijacking, that it surely would have been picked up on someones' radar somewhere...

(True, but other 'experts' counter that it could have been flown close to the ground to avoid detection if that was the intent-Ed)...fair enough, but my experts say that if it was 'stolen' to be used for another purpose in the future, then when it takes off again surely it would be detected...and if it was hijacked and then crashed in the Indian Ocean as part of a terrorist attack, why has no-one claimed responsibility,?...why did not one single passenger manage to get away a text or phone call to a relative if they knew they were being hijacked?...were they unawares until well over the Indian Ocean and out of range?

One thing is agreed...Malaysian authorities must have known in real time what was happening with the 'turn-around' and flight back over Malaysia, yet denied this for a week before then confirming it as though it were a major breakthrough...bizarre behaviour...and this led to a massive search in entirely the wrong area...there's something very, very odd with the authorities behaviours...

Tomorrow: Rail Lands Stuff

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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