Sunday, March 16, 2014

FLTPDPIC Part II And An Election Sortta'

Hello Greece, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Aotearoa (New Zealand) and welcome to the blog...and it's still unclear who is going to govern the great state of South Australia after our Saturday 15th March 2014 (yesterday) election...(onya' Sow Straya-Ed)...and Labor has their snout in front so that must be where the trough is...(nice-Ed)...and the Liberals are saying what the?...but as it sits Labor have 23 seats needing 24 for a majority...(of 47 in the Lower House, where 'the government' is formed-Ed)...thankyou, Ed...with 2 Independents..

It could be days yet because of postal and pre-polling votes yet to be counted, and they make up nearly 20% of all votes so there could be a swing yet to Liberal because this 1/5th might mean that people made up their minds a while ago before Labor dragged back what was considered to be Liberal popularity...or maybe everyone hates Tony Abbott so much they voted Labor 2 weeks ago...and then weeks more as the 2 Independents decide whom to support in a minority government...

And what does it say of the Adelaide electorates and their disinterest and/or ignorance of what has been happening in Regional SA courtesy of Labor that they can just go on voting for Labor...I know we live in a pseudo-Democratic Fascocracy...(oh here he goes-Ed)...yes here I go because when I was a hang-on, um...we live in a Democracy and everyone has the right to their opinion, but who in their right mind votes Jennifer Rankine back into parliament...or Leon Bignell...any of them...sweet baby cheeses.

And I will identify that 'courtesy' as being a steaming pile of sarcasm swimming in a reduction of Rage, served up on platitudes of empty rhetoric...(do you get fries with that?-Ed)... because it is clearly contempt at the heart of Labor's behaviours...unrelenting self-service and contempt...(and what does it say about the Liberals that they still can't win a bloody election with the economic disaster that 12 years of Labor has visited on SA...what an unmitigated balls-up-Ed)...indeed...

And Premier Jay Weatherill is already threatening massive retribution and pain and suffering...(already?...retribution?...are you sure?-Ed)...yeah, I just heard him on the ABC/BBC saying that he and Labor are still the government, just currently in 'Caretaker Mode', and that it's going to be "business as usual"...(oh my god, the vicious bastard...not 'as usual', anything but 'as usual'-Ed)...oh I'm sure Weatherill and Labor can make it worse yet...(t'rific-Ed)...

The Belle Of The Balls-Up: is our homie, Liberal candidate for Mt Gambier...(I beg your pardon, Liberal Member for Mt Gambier-Ed)...ah (bow, scrape, curtsy) forgive me my lord (grovel, fawn, bow)...signal the heralds...(tooootootoootoooo toootoooot-TH)...and in the blue corner, the Member for Mt Gambier, Troy Bell...who won with a solid majority over incumbent Independent Don Pegler...(well done that man Bell-Ed)...indeed...(can I call him Manbella?-Ed), no you can not...

And apparently Mr Bell is the biggest swinger in South Australian politics...(wow, that'll take some doing, but hey, I'll get the car keys and a bowl-Ed)...fantastic oh no wait, he had the biggest swing of any candidate in the state election, a swing of 9 nearly 10%...(ah yes well, that's slightly different then-Ed)...what are you doing with those lederhosen?...(nothing-Ed)...mmm right, moving on...

My Opinion: is that given the very minimal swings in pretty much every other electorate, that the 9-10% swing to Mr Bell is as much an expression of displeasure with the now former member Mr Pegler as much as it was Mr Bell's personal credibility in the local community...(fair call...give 'em 5% each-Ed)...seems fair...

What The FLTPDIC?: This post election dissection all segues scarily succinctly into the title of this post when one considers that Troy Bell 'quit' his job 12 months ago to campaign for this state election full-time, and here is our federal Liberal representative (copy attached again below) apparently working as a lawyer 6 months after the September 2013 Federal Election, defending a paedophile.

I stand corrected if there is another lawyer named Tony Pasin practising in Mt Gambier or The Border Watch has completely cocked it up and printed entirely the wrong name, but that aside, what the shreck is Tony Pasin doing working as a lawyer, for anyone, when he's supposed to be representing us in Federal Parliament?....and yes it is worse who he is representing and how he goes about it...'most of those photos are completely innocent and if you didn't know he was photographing other peoples children in a shopping centre carpark, it wouldn't be a problem'.

(And the other photos are not so ok then?-Ed)...exactly, and it's all the same motivation and intent...and in one place the un-named offender admits that one photo was "for a purpose of sexual gratification" but others weren't 'evidenced' as being taken by him, and then 'he doesn't remember'...and it's all very chummy with the Court, lots of "common ground"...and a suspended sentence and a "sexual offenders program"...

(Hang on, I've just read that article and I'm very confused...the guy was busted photographing a kid at a supermarket with more, similar images on his phone?-Ed)...correct...(and he's been banned from having a camera phone and/or going near schools and swimming pools?-Ed)...yeah...(but not banned from having a camera or going near a supermarket?-Ed)...apparently not, least it's not reported...and before all you civil libertarians get bent out of shape about 'the offender' not being able to go to the shops, supermarkets do deliver...(good point-Ed)...   

I'll say it again, what the shreck is Tony Pasin doing spending his time in Court acting as a lawyer, let alone for this particular individual, let alone in the manner that he has...why is he not committing his entire energies to serving the people of the electorate of Barker, of South Australia, of Australia, as an elected representative? there not enough bullshit going down in Barker or SA or greater Oz that he has to fill up his days with...this?...

And no, it is completely different to Senator Nick Xenophon acting to support Brighton Caravan Park residents and other similar representations...and yes it is an indication of the prevailing attitude within the Courts that this particular case is 'agreed' down to next to nothing, and he's not even banned from where he offends...way to protect the public, Court persons...

I'm going to stop here...been a long day, cars stuffed, then there's all this bullshit goin' around...and we could yet end up with a Labor minority government...(yay-Ed)...

Tomorrow: Some Old Faves - The Rail Lands

Just want to catch up with some previously visited issues, starting with the Rail Lands Retail Agenda.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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