Friday, March 7, 2014

Stuff That's Like So Random

Hello Argentina, France, China, and the Netherlands...and oh my goodness but what a popular post yesterday re Premier Weatherill and his Child Abuse Cover-up shenanigans...nearly as popular as the ones re Bill DeGaris and the complicit role he played in betraying me, other parents, and our children re the St Martins Cover-up.

Still Waiting: for the ol' Billy Baroo to sue me for my viciously factual exposure of his irrefutable and  rank corruption...come on Billy, make good your gutless threats to sue me for defamation...and at this point I would like to briefly tangentialise to do a spot of self reflection and note that, yes, I do realise that I have been a bit 'angry and taunty' in the last few posts, but I'm just lettin' it all hang out...(ah that's what that is-Ed)...and I do still try to be specific and factual...

I guess it's just that I'm a little bit sick and tired of being threatened with defamation and/or 'I'm calling the police'...   
MRI Hearing This Right?: but the 'faux petition' circulated by Liberal candidate Troy Bell re getting a Magnetic Resonance Imaging machine for Mt Gambier, was yesterday presented to Federal parliament by local Liberal Tony Pasin and/or health Minister Peter Dutton...(but Labor state candidate Jim Maher has dismissed that petition as a pointless exercise of equal non-importance to Mr Bell's Patient Assistance Transport Scheme petition that has seen both Liberal and Labor commit to a 30% funding increase-Ed)...indeed.

And it's a great day for Adelaide and therefore the world...more shreckin' festivals and 'aren't we great'...and extra public transport services across the long-weekend including Free Shuttle Buses...and in Mt Gambier?...enjoy your public transport on weekends or public holidays...

Ludicrous: the statement made yesterday on ABC Radio by SAPol Superintendent Trevor Twilley that "Reported Crime" is down 40%...(pretty bloody hard to report crime when the bloody station is shut and/or nobody answers the desk if you can get in-Ed)...well exactly...and what about incidents as I was unwittingly embroiled in last Monday where a young man was screaming abuse at a young woman, got out the car and said to me "I'll smash your f***ing head in", and then SAPol attended due to multiple phone complaints, but then 10 minutes later I see the guy wondering down the street yelling abuse down his phone.

What was he charged with?...(apparently nothing-Ed)...again, exactly...what about 'Disturbing the Peace', or hows about 'Uttering Threats'?...where's SAPol's alleged commitment to addressing Domestic Violence?'s pretty bloody glib to rock up to White Ribbon Day and 'Shout No' and put on a big show, and then let that exact situation just go unpunished...I rang Mt Gambier Police Station this morning to ask what was happening, and the officer I spoke to said they had no record of 'me' on their system.

Fair enough, when Centro Plaza staff rang the police then handed me the phone, and I spoke to a call centre and the woman asked my name and number and stated that there was already a unit attending, the call ended, I looked out the door, and sure enough SAPol were already there...I left them to it, expecting to get a call...I didn't obviously, but I accept that there has been a 'failure to communicate' between the call centre and here...however, that is still SAPols failure because I said to the call centre, and it should therefore be on the recording of that call, that I'd been directly threatened.

Perhaps I should have gone up to the police at the time, but it just seemed wrong at the time, they were there and I thought were handling it and I'd get a call and do a statement, etc...whatevs, this doesn't explain why the Screaming Abuser was allowed to just walk away given that police clearly were aware of exactly what the incident was...I also hear 'a few' stories about violent incidents in and around venues in town, many of which don't appear in the media...anyhoos, SAPol will 'get back to me'...

I am also aware...(oh here we go-Ed)...what?...(here we go 'The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up', blah, blah, blah-Ed) do you know that?...(I could tell by the tone of your typing-Ed)...well you're wrong...I'm aware of a teacher who...(oh I knew it-Ed)...who abused a class of 7 year old children, was 'removed' by the school, but wasn't even formally interviewed by SAPol let alone charged with anything...(you're a gem-Ed)...that was reported to SAPol over and over again and then SAPol blamed us parents, repeatedly, for their not doing anything...(fair enough-Ed)... 

Gobsmacked: that this week in The Advertiser virtually the only story on Women's sport was about Beach Volleyball and included a close-up shot of one of the player's backsides in her small bathers with her kneeling partner grinning away next to it...oh and of course the Grid Girls for Clipsal...that was pretty much it for women in sport this week according to The Advertiser.

Gobsmacked II: by the report that Senator Nick Xenophon is supporting disgraced Labor member for Hartley, Grace Portolesi, her of the lying to parliament about the 'Western Suburbs School Case...I don't understand why he would do this, particularly given that all major parties are apparently preferencing away from Mr Xenophon...(but even if they weren't, why in hell would he support her?...look at her conduct on that School Case, just atrocious-Ed).

I read this story several times over looking for the punchline, or where it was a report about a shady Labor stunt...(do they have any other kind?-Ed) try and gain votes, similar to the 2010 Election fraud where Labor candidate Leon Bignell and his wife and supporters dressed up as Family First volunteers and handed out fake How-To-Vote cards directing preferences to Labor...but it wasn't, it is apparently genuine...

GS III: that Electoral Commissioner says that the 'T-shirt Fraud' was just fine, as was the extraordinary conduct of The Border Watch newspaper at the 2010 Election, etc, yet has ordered Melita Calone to remove her ad re Premier Jay Weatherill...(ooo he's definitely going to sue-Ed)...and I note that Family First are already planning counter measures to address that same 'T-shirt Fraud' they expect to be perpetrated by Labor again this election...(yay for Democracy-Ed)...yay...

Yahl Don't Come Back Now, Ya' Hear?: As I understand it the specific 'incident' at the Yahl SA Support Services 'house' involved SAPol attending to remove someone who wasn't supposed to be there...I believe that it was a resident who was placed there by SASS and that this is the issue re Conditions of Use, conflicting stories about ties to the Corrections System, etc, but it may have been a guest of a resident...there have also been several minor incidents involving residents...there is a meeting re this issue at the Yahl Hall for 7pm (1900hrs) on Monday 10th March 2014.

I also note that the Mt Gambier City Council has suddenly received yet another 'unexpected' $1million grant from the Labor state government, for the Rail Lands mind you, and knock me down with a hammer, they gave it to their man Don Pegler to announce...I'll cut crook about all this and more...

Tomorrow: oo I'm Gonna Sue...Or Probably Not

Just another day in paradise, or failing that, Mt Gambier...and OMG, Don Pegler has a full page ad in today's The Border Watch, and he's the man against Fracking, Don'll save us...(rubbish, he did nothing until the Drilling Rig was on site, and he'll do exactly what Labor tell him-Ed)...just reporting the advertisement...more tomorrow...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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