Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Simply Bewildering

Hello and welcome to the blog...and the world continues to bewilder and/or amaze me and I'm quietly confident that I'm not the only one...from the glory and wonder of what some people will do to help others, to the mind-boggling violence we visit on each other, so often in the name of God.

This week there was yet another massive bombing in Iraq that killed approx 50 people and critically injured 150 more...it gained a brief mention but is so commonplace that it was lost amongst the other 'massacre' stories from the African Central Republic, the Republic of the Congo, Nigeria, several more shootings in Sydney...and on and on it goes...and all of this swamped by the unnervingly fascinating story of a missing airliner.

The disappearance of Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 3 days ago en route to Beijing continues to baffle authorities because, despite a massive search, there has been no sign of any debris...the parade of experts in the media are unanimous in their belief that something immediate and catastrophic must have happened to cause the sudden loss of contact, ie, if there had been any sort of problems it only takes a matter of seconds to activate emergency procedures, alert authorities via radio, etc...but the experts were equally agreed that a structural failure of this magnitude would not/could not 'just happen'.

Again, like many others I'm sure, when I first heard this report on the weekend about a plane missing on it's way to Beijing I had one of those 'jarring' moments and immediately thought that this might be related to the horrific multiple stabbing that killed 33 people at Kunming Railway Station, an attack allegedly carried out by separatist Uighers from the predominantly Muslim Xinjiang Provence...this has been repeatedly reported as a connection being investigated...

When it was revealed that several passengers had used stolen passports I immediately thought that it was a hijacking, and there were a number of highly regarded Chinese intellectuals on the flight who would make excellent bargaining pieces in any negotiations...but also that the possibility of a suicide bombing would explain the sudden and continuing disappearance without any distress calls, etc, and again, the Chinese calligraphers could have been the specific target.

Now into it's fourth day, the search has found nothing and no-one has claimed responsibility, and there has been no indication of hijacking, eg, no demands, etc, leaving authorities at a complete loss to explain what's happened...in previous posts I have discussed the idea that the greatest threat to China's unity, it's economy, etc, was internal and that continues to play out with a series of attacks, eg, the October 2013 car crash/suicide attack in Tienanmen Square, Beijing, and the stabbing attack...is the loss of this flight another internal issue?

Often when trawling through the news I have had cause to wonder how the sort of 'suicide attacks' that occur so frequently with various sorts of bombs, might have been committed 500 years ago when the same largely Sectarian influences were already well established...and the stabbing in Kunming was the answer I guess I never wanted to hear. 

And just being reported that the transponder that sends out a signal about the plane's position suddenly went dead, but that it can be switched off from the cabin...and of course the cockpit doors are re-enforced, locked, and have cameras to tell pilots who is outside...from all of the info, all of the opinion, I glean that the plane has either been destroyed mid-flight by a bomb or other explosion, eg, from a fuel leak, etc, or has been hijacked, most likely by either of the pilots who would have been able to switch off the transponder.

Hijacking would explain why there has been no debris or wreckage found yet, despite the 40+ ships and similar number of planes searching the area...as I understand it, the plane had not appeared to deviate from it's course prior to disappearing so the search area is relatively well defined and yet days of searching has found nothing...even if the plane had completely disintegrated at it's correct altitude, there would be debris strewn across a large area...but there would be nothing to find if the transponder was switched off and the plane was landed somewhere...

Even if the plane was somehow brought down externally, eg, a rocket, a jet fighter, an unexpected meteorite or some piece of random junk floating about, there would still be debris everywhere.

My Second Jarring: when it occurred to me, why would someone hijack a plane but not make any demands...and if it had been landed, where?...and then my mind strayed to other hijackings and the 911 attacks in the USofA...and it occurred to me, what if a qualified pilot was involved in that hijack, landed the plane away from prying eyes, and that plane was yet to used for a terrorist attack?...what if it was planned to be fitted out with some sort of nuclear or 'dirty' bomb, and then flown to a major population centre and deliberately crashed and/or detonated.

I know this sounds ridiculously 'James Bondish', but it would explain the thus far absolute disappearance, and why if it was a hijacking or a bombing that no-one has claimed responsibility and/or made demands...if it had yet to serve it's true purpose...if I were an Air Traffic controller in the immediate area I'd be keeping a sharp eye out for unexplained aircraft...outside of this very 'out there' theory of mine, the only other thing I could think of is that there was a massive sudden electrical failure that 'killed' the plane and that then somehow it has crashed on land somewhere yet to be discovered or has somehow landed on the water intact but immediately sank before anyone could get out...again, this is a complete theory based largely on a lack of actual information.   

A Healthy Contempt: is not what Mt Gambier City Council has for ratepayers...theirs is an absolute contempt for sure, and at great cost...Council has declined to donate at all to the 'Peter's Project' Cancer treatment facility at Warnnambool...and obviously those involved with PP are very disappointed...just another example of how Council doesn't give a rats arse about anything that doesn't put rate-payers dollars into the pockets of Councillor's and their mates....

Apart from the fact that we are all vulnerable to his greed and sociopathy, who gives a damn what Mayor Steve Perryman (on ABC Local Radio) thinks?...you sir, are an irrelevant blight and unnecessary burden on Mt Gambier...your immediate political demise is high on the list of priorities for many locals...bring on the Local Government election in November 2014.

100% Bullshit: Labor Health Minister Jack 'The Rat' Snelling has today announced that if Labor wins the March 15 state election, they will build 2 Regional Health Hubs, one in Mt Gambier and one in Whyalla...and he openly admits that there are 100 Country Health positions in Adelaide compared to only 75 in the regions and that they will move many of these jobs to the 'Hubs' but they won't be forced, rather as jobs become available by "natural attrition", those positions will be re-offered only in the Regions.

(That's bollocks...Labor reefed 45+ full-time Public Service jobs out of Mt Gambier only a few years ago with the disastrous Shared Services, we've had no state funding for Medical Infrastructure, Dental waiting lists are still at 3 years plus, almost no Mental Health and Drug/Alcohol Counselling services, not one resident psychiatrist where there should be 6, minimum of 3, etc, and now 4 days out from an election Le Rodente is promising a 'Hub'...absolute bollocks-Ed)...you left your run quite late Ed, but good to have you along...   

200% Bullshit: George Pell has completely reversed his opinion about his own behaviours in now stating that the Catholic Church shouldn't legally contest Child Abuse compensation claims in the vilely self-serving, aggressive fashion that he himself has been intimately involved in...yet again a massive fake mia culpa from George Pell and the Catholics who have still been conducting these campaigns of denial, abuse, and threats of massive Court costs, etc, to protect paedophile priests, Church workers, etc...

I refer to the recent reportage re the Fosters who's daughter suicided after being abused, and that of John Ellis, and George Pell's involvement in both of those cases and many others...I see nothing genuine about this sudden contrition in the face of absolute public exposure of his and the Chruch's behaviours...when he's been metaphorically staked out naked in the baking noon day desert sun, and the magnifying glass is just being brought into focus on his scrotum, suddenly it's "I see the Light"...lies, all lies, absolute lies...

Tomorrow: No To Fracking Says Family First 

Thankyou for your patronage again today, and look forward to corresponding with you on the morrow...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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