Saturday, March 22, 2014


Hello Indonesia, Spain, United Arab Emirates and Portugal, and welcome to the blog...and across the news services this morning is the "possible object" in the Indian Ocean, as picked up by a satellite, as announced by our beloved Prime Minister Tony Abbott, that may or may not be related to missing Malaysian Airways flight MH370, but happens to be the exact same size as a shipping container.

Just now (0835hrs) on the French News via SBS TV, extensive coverage featuring the same footage from ABC News TV24 late last night...all of the wild theorising aside, mine included, I find it very hard to understand how MH370 could turn around and head back roughly toward Kuala Lumpur, where resides one of the worlds tallest buildings, whilst being tracked by Malaysian military, and nobody tried to contact the plane, no-one from Vietnamese Air Traffic called their Malaysian counterparts to say 'where's that plane that was headed our way', etc.

And then it flew back across Malaysia without being challenged or allegedly detected, and then the Malaysian authorities appeared to let searchers scour entirely the wrong area whilst denying the military contact, than after a week confirmed that the radar tracking was of MH370...and on it went and on it the search has moved to 2,500-3,000kms from Perth, deep in the Indian Ocean, but still nothing...

And I was just about to kick-off on another post of self-justification and venting, but sorry, a large distraction just loomed over the horizon so's I'm going to ambush my own post with this piece of breaking news...

Left Hanging: is me and all other South Australians as our beloved Parliament remains undecided at 23 seats Labor, 22 Liberal, and 2 Independents a week after the March 15th 2014 election...but today it's gone completely off the rails because one of the Independents, Bob Such, has just announced that he will be taking extended 'sick leave'...(well it's been announced by the other Independent Jeff Brock-Ed)...well quite...which is in itself quite bizarre...

I am genuinely concerned for Mr Such, as I'm sure most people are, in so much as he has previously had Cancer, but I cannot understand why he ran for the election if he knew he was ill...perhaps he has only very recently been taken ill...I can't say because there has been no official statement from Mr Such...even if he is extremely unwell, I don't understand why he would not do a formal, official press release, particularly given the critical nature of his support in deciding the SA government...

Why has Mr Such just dropped off the radar for 6 days without comment, then, on a Saturday, suddenly have some-one else (Mr Brock) announce his impending absence?'s just being reported again on ABC News TV24 but they also have footage of Mr Brock being interviewed and apparently he spoke with Mrs Such, no official statement...apparently Mr Brock is getting 'constitutional advice', but this clearly leaves him basically running the show for the moment..

If Mr Such resigns for health reasons there would have to be a by-election for his seat of Fisher, a seat he's held with a strong majority for nearly 20 such a critical seat in the current election this could draw out the 'hung parliament' by weeks even months...unless Mr Brock goes with Labor which renders Mr Such basically irrelevant...if Brocky chooses Liberal, we could reportedly have another election...(yay for democracy, or for whatever this is-Ed)...yes indeed, call me a cynic, but my dodgy politics radar is pinging like a mofo...something very strange is going on there some sort of deal going on here? is this a game?

(What are you talking about a deal? how can this be a game?-Ed)...well, is Mr Such quietly stepping back to allow Mr Brock to say 'the responsible thing to do is support Labor or risk a permanently hung parliament and therefore another election', before making a sudden return after the election has been declared for Labor?...this would allow the Independents to back Labor but take all the pressure off re the largely Conservative base of their relative electorates...(yeah, I can see that, but I still think you're reaching-Ed).

Possibly, but I find it extremely hard to believe that Mr Such has been suddenly struck down, eg, even with a sudden return of his Cancer, and is so sick that he can't do a formal statement to explain...and failing that, even a statement from his office...(now I agree, that is very odd...a statement from Jeff Brock relaying what Mrs Such supposedly said, is at best heresay...but is being reported as fact-Ed)...indeed...not that we're questioning Mr Brock's honesty as such, but technically you're right, that is heresay.

There's various reports already on the Interweb, but it appears that the Brockster is the only person who has spoken to Mr Such since Thursday 20th March...this is an absolute dog's breakfast...and surely the people of Fisher must be represented in some way in the formation of the new government, they just can't be disregarded and discarded...(you mean like Mt Gambier for the last 12 years-Ed)...true, but that's another story for another day.

(And then there's the Speaker's position to be filled-Ed)...oh my gord , I'd forgotten's an absolute schmozzle...I'm left with the very disconcerting desire that I want Mr Such to be ill so that that is the absolute truth and this is not some sort of political bastardry...(so, you don't actually wish ill of him, none of us do, but given that illness is the proffered explanation, then sooner that than some other reason, because 'some other reason' would make that explanation a very concerning lie-Ed)...exactly...bizarre isn't it...

And I go round and round with this and come back to the same nagging concern...why hasn't Bob Such done his own press release, even just a written statement, even just from an official spokesperson, or his wife, anyone actually from his office...why is this being divulged via Geoff Brock?...just again on the ABC 2 TV News main bulletin, but nothing any clearer than I've already stated.

Availees of this here blog shall have to wait for my further venting about the Royal Commission and the bloody Catholics and the shreckin' Lutherans and City Council and the bike lanes and the bus service and the ICAC and the, the.....sorry, I forgot where I was...(complaining?-Ed)...oh yeah, and the bloody Teachers Registration Board, and friggin' Fracking, and stinkin' Flouridation, and, and.....(Wind Turbines?-Ed)...ohhh don't mention the bloody Wind Turbines...(what about the Rail Lands?-Ed)...ohhh...(the Old Hospital Demolition?-Ed)...ahhhhh...(the swimming pool?-Ed)...noooo, no more, I can't stand it any longer...(what? the subject matter of your own whinging?-Ed)...I hate you...

Tomorrow: All That Venting    
Again, in context, I hope that Bob Such's illness is genuine but readily addressable...please let this farce be over soon, but soon means Labor, and nobody needs that...what a shambles...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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