Tuesday, March 18, 2014

More Mt Gambier Minutiae

Yo' ma' homies in Sweden, Israel, Thailand and Venezuela and welcome to the blog...and again a big howdy to the USofA because yesterday there were apparently more people reading this blog in the USofA than here in Oz...(you are such a narcissist-Ed)...yeah yeah, it's all about me...and sorry I want to do a full post just on reviewing the Rail Lands and Old Hospital, so tomorrow...

And I apologise to all my close friends on Mt Gambier City Council in that I couldn't accept your kind offer to attend this evening's meeting because my little car has finally spat the dummy, and by dummy I mean timing belt, and 2 'experts' have looked at it and I was pretty sure myself, the little I do know...and apparently also probably a bent valve...all in all, it requires a new motor which will cost more than I paid for the car...so that's pretty much the end of that...can't afford to have it fixed and even if I could it's not worth the money.

And so it is I am suddenly rendered sans vehicular carriage and delivered instead unto the tender mercies of Mt Gambier's public transport again...and that means organising my life around the very limited timetable...first one out to here leaves town at 0930hrs getting back into town at 1000hrs so nothing in town before 1030hrs...and not taking the dog anywhere, no going to the coast or the river, no fishing, nothing after 1700hrs when the last bus runs, etc, etc...I am like the mighty Oak...(whaaa?-Ed)...deeply rooted...(ah witty Wilde, witty-Ed)..

This is the reality of my situation on so many things, and so the situation of so many others who 'exist' on support payments...if something breaks it's often a huge sometimes impossible impost to replace it...

Still days away from an officially declared government in South Australia....(20% or more of votes still to count and we may not know until Sunday-Ed)...yes, and if it's still a Hung Parliament, then there'll be likely days more of the Independent Two Step as Messrs Brock and Such sort their collective shizzle out...(has anyone done a 'Troy Bell's the biggest swinger in a Hung Parliament' joke yet?-Ed)...yes, yes they have...

The bizarre behaviour of Malaysian authorities re the 'lost' flight MH370 has yet to be explained, eg, why they let everyone search the South China Sea for a week when it was known the plane turned around and flew in the opposite direction.

Do the authorities actually know or at least have a very good idea exactly what has happened but for some reason are not declaring it? Is Flight MH370 to end up in the same 'official cover-up' file as the TWA Flight 800 which 'crashed' in the USofA on July 17th 1996, officially as the result of a fuel tank explosion, but with dozens of eye-witnesses saying they saw 'streaks of light' going from the horizon up to the plane, ie, a missile...(up to 3 separate missiles-Ed)...indeed, 3 'missiles', indicating it was a 'terrorist attack' or a terrible US Navy mistake...

Why have Malaysian authorities been so irresponsible in withholding clear information about the flightpath, etc, that then led to others searching in what they (Malaysia) knew was the wrong area? And so now the crew is under investigation amid further claims that there were 'unknown passengers' on that flight, possibly using fake passports...whilst some 'experts' are openly stating that this is clearly a very professional and organised event, others are starting to canvas the idea that the plane will never be found.

Also Bizarre: if certainly not in the same ballpark, are 2 odd 'notifications' in The Border Watch newspaper on Friday 14th March 2014 (attached), namely, 1) that Mt Gambier City Council is calling for tenders to do the ugly grey, chipped, stained, clearly second-hand or 'reject' quality pavers up "to Ferrers St" but doesn't say where from...(weren't Council workers doing that work and haven't they done that bit already?-Ed)...first question yes, so why now is there a Tender, and second maybe they mean coming back from the opposite direction, eg, from Crouch St?...

And 2) a notice from the Dept of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure saying that it's perfectly okey dokes for cars to plough along the middle of a painted median strip...which is good news for motorists because if installed as promised - bike lane, traffic lane, 2m wide painted median strip, then traffic lane, bike lane - drivers will be driving from Jubilee Hwy through to Percy St, turning lane or not, with their outside wheel well onto that median strip...so pedestrians will be wondering about on that strip where cars have to drive, safe in the knowledge that when they get run down the driver isn't breaking any laws... 

Liberal Senator Arthur Sinodinos: is looking good for a corrupt $20million pay-off related to 'his' company Australian Water Holdings which was involved with disgraced New South Wales Labor politician Eddie Obeid...(I think we need a Royal Commission into that don't we?-Ed)...why not...and to quote Oz band Redgum, something along the lines of "the Costalot Royal Commission into Wallpaper Hangers and Stock Brokers."

And yet another case in a South Australian Court where the magistrate goes to great lengths to excuse a paedophiles behaviour...with the double joy of blaming the victim for the perpetrators offending...(seems like the SA Courts just can't get enough of this almost pro-paedophile behaviour-Ed)...and it's even a female judge, Rosemary Davey stating that the girl, 13 years old, 4 years below the age of consent (17), pursued 21 year old Sasha Pierre Huerta and tricked him by saying she was 14...this morning on Channel 9 (7? sorry, channel hopping) they were absolutely scathing...it is openly acknowledged that he knew he was with a girl he thought to be 14, and he got a minimum sentence, and then that was suspended.
Ever since moving to Mt Gambier I have been aware of a 'culture' of young men in their late teens/early twenties targeting 14-15 year old girls...I'm not saying that everyone is doing this but I have heard this claim directly from young women and parents of girls, spanning the last 20 years, who have been 'recruited' in much the same way as the recently 'exposed' paedophile ring in Shepparton was operating, eg, offered alcohol, cigarettes, presents, driving around in cars, parties, etc...

Interviewed again on ABC Local Radio this morning, outgoing state Member Mr Don Pegler is Stone Cold Tripping when he states that he didn't bring up Fracking as an election issue, but that he'd been looking at it for 18 months...(and calm down people STC is a metaphor for inexplicable and/or unbelievable behaviour, not an accusation of actual acid droppage and getting ones hands in the shreckin' air woop woop-Ed)...thankyou DJ Sowhite...(woop woop, were'd I put that glowstick? woop-Ed)

We do however agree that a potential Parliamentary Inquiry into Fracking would likely bring down whatever finding the government wants, as do most such Inquiries...but I'm not interested in hearing Mr Pegler complain about people 'blaming me for the Forestry Sale' because he is one of a number of local alleged representatives, eg, former member Rory McEwen, the Forestry Roundtable and it's constituent members, etc, who failed comprehensively to stop the massive financial disaster...

Represent Mofo: apparently Federal member (for the seat of Barker) Tony Pasin has taken time out from defending paedophiles in Court to write to his own party about improving mobile phone coverage in Regional SA...(yay-Ed)...but he has also formally presented the MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) petition organised by Troy Bell to Federal Health Minister Peter Dutton...(yay again-Ed)...

And following on from the National Health and Medical Research Council's extraordinary 'Non-science Reverse Justification' that there is no evidence proving negative Health issues re Wind Turbines, now the AMA (Australian Medical Association) has jumped on the bandwagon...(dare I suggest onto the Apple Cart or the Gravy Train or whatever it was-Ed)...indeed you may dare...in Australia, alleged Independent Professional Advice is apparently not hard to come buy...(I think that you've mis-spelled that, shouldn't it be 'by'-Ed)...no, it's fine as it is...

The AMA says there is no credible evidence that Wind Turbines cause Health problems, followed by a deafening silence where they should be saying 'extensive, thorough, and conclusive experimentation and investigation prove irrefutably there are no negative Health issues associated with Wind Turbine noise' but they can't reference this testing and evidence because it doesn't exist...(Dr) Sarah Laurie of the Waubra Foundation states that there has been Acoustic testing that shows there is a direct correlation. 

Enough today and I absolutely promise...

Tomorrow: Rail Lands And Hospital Shizzle

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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