Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Latest Labor Lies About Child Protection

Hello Greece, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Indonesia, and welcome to the blog...let us be getting it on...(I think you mean 'let's get on with it'-Ed)...I know what I mean...

You're Fracking Joking: Unfortunately was exposed on ABC Local Radio that the contaminated drilling sludge from the Penola Fracking site has been trucked from those holding dams to the Telford Quarry just near Mt Gambier...I fail to see how dumping this dried up sludge in a deep hole, effectively only meters above the Aquifer, is anything other than an escalation of the contamination discussed, what happens when it rains and the clay lined 'holding dam' within the quarry fills up and overflows?

As I understand it, this removal from the Penola site followed exposure by locals of the burgeoning waste product and it's identified on the ABC, if this sludge is allegedly so innocuous, then why hasn't it just been left in situ, covered, and some nice plants grown on it?..the Penola Fracking site has also already hit problems in the form of hard rock, and apparently has had to drill at an angle around said strata, which means at least 2 bends in the shaft, one off course then one back, and these are massive weak points in an already vulnerable 4km deep shaft.    

Just a quick jump back to yesterday re my venting about St Martins and Wattle Range Mayor Peter Gandolfi and 2010 state Labor candidate Viv Maher...apologies but pushed to tomorrow...(again?-Ed)...if you have time you could review previous posts re this issue...sorry, again...other than to say the common denominator is of course that I and other parents have carefully explained to both of them the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(damn, I knew you were goin' to drop that in, you just can't help yourself can you?-Ed), and apparently they can't help either...(can't or won't?-Ed)...exactly... 

Nashy Does A Thommo: Just listening (ABC/BBC Radio) to federal Assistant Health Minister Liberal Fiona Nash lying through her teeth about the Conflict Of Interests that saw her Chief of Staff, Mr Alistair Furnival, quit after a 'Healthy Food' website was pulled down after only 1 day, and it was revealed that the COS was a 'lobbiest' for junk food companies, via a company owned by his wife, etc, etc...there is a clearly defined, well documented litany of lies from Minister Nash on this issue.

I do not know whether the original lies were her honestly repeating lies told to her, but her overall behaviour on this issue is as unforgivable as the litany of bizarre lies told under Parliamentary Privilege by former Labor member Craig Thompson re his use of Health Union credit cards for prostitutes, cash, etc...Fiona Nash's behaviour is arguably as serious because it goes to a direct COI in her specific portfolio...

But even more sickening than that, is the shrill denials spewing from Liberal Eric Abetz on behalf of Minister Nash...completely ignores the facts, starts ranting about Thommo, going off like a two-bob watch...(how long have they been going at that now?-Ed)...nearly 2 hrs...(so who's running the country then?...where's the governing?...what about Qantas?...the drought?-Ed), no this is clearly far more important... 

The Naracoorte Student: Craig Mariah, who received a "hush money" payment after being falsely,  wrongly accused about accessing hard-core pornography on his school computer, when it was actually his teacher, and as known to the Education Dept after they 'investigated' the teacher in 2004...apparently Premier Weatherill has offered/promised Mr Mariah, at a 'personal meeting', that Labor will create a Children's Rights Commissioner...I agree for the need for a Children's Commissioner and a modified role to allow them to act as an advocate for students.

Mr Mariah stated that the Education Dept was still failing to respond with often promised documents and he has been effectively fobbed off to a 2nd contact, it's nothing other than excuses and no-one else calls him...(but he did say that...-Ed)...(Tony-TH)...(Tony...-Ed)...(nnnHarrison-TH)...(Tony Harrison calls him sometimes-Ed)...great, just great...

Mr Mariah also described the situation in November 2013 where there was still no investigation until it was exposed, and then the teacher was suspended the same day as it hit the media, and still no investigation of the Deputy Principal...that he would continue to pursue issues of 'Child Protection' and that there was 'other stuff' he felt he couldn't currently speak to, of the weight of other situations.

Following his Advertiser article several weeks ago he had 24hrs of non-stop messages, not all supporting him but people clearly had encouraged him to 'hang around' and help a bit longer, but that a number of vocal supporters had now backed off...he was also explaining that Naracoorte is serviced from Murray Bridge Ed Dept office (270kms away) whilst Penola was covered from Mt Gambier...

He finished stating that a Commissioner For Children would stop these situations where a teacher can go to their Union and have help from a person who knows the system, and yet students are effectively alone, and that hopefully both Liberal and Labor will commit to the creation of the Commissioner regardless of who wins the election...I have paraphrased broadly and left out great chunks but the gist of it was that Mr Mariah has had extensive contact with Premier Jay Weatherill and other senior Labor Ministers and/or senior Education Dept staff, and that a Commissioner was now on the horizon.

I'm sorry Mr Mariah, but if you believe one word that the pro-paedophile Rann/Weatherill Labor state government says about acting to implement a Commissioner for Children, then you are not the astute young gentleman I took you for...Labor has been in power for 12 years and their own Layton Report from 2003 has as it's very first Recommendation the creation of the position of Children's Commissioner...(and nothing?-Ed)...absolutely nothing.

Then suddenly weeks out from the March 15th 2014 state election, a promise that this position will be created...(absolute bollocks?-Ed)...absolute and utter bollocks...and an Education Dept still fighting tooth and nail to protect the teacher involved and the entire corrupted system as it exists, as it has flourished under the pro-paedophile attitude of the Rann/Weatherill state government.

(You're just jealous because Mr Mariah is hobnobbing with the J-Man and TH and Co.-Ed)...absolutely, I'm deeply envious, I couldn't even get Jay Weatherill to answer my letters...the best I got was a dismissive letter from the frequently disgraced Minister Grace Portolesi, who didn't even call me...what's Mr Mariah got that's so special, sob, am I not pretty enough?...(well you can cut that crap out right now, man up hippy-Ed)...sorry...please refer to previous posts re Jay Weatherill's repeated role in the St Martins Issue...      

Plain Offensive: the ridiculous TV ad about lawn mowers that's been running for several years now on and off, and that ends with the charming statement that these particular mowers are so efficient that 'you'll have time to cut your neighbour's grass' as the bloke follows a beckoning woman into her house...this is a common euphemism for 'have an affair with your neighbour's partner'...perhaps I'm being a bit precious, but this ad really pisses me off...

Also, I note that someone has been fined $105,000 for Defamation against a former teacher on Twitter...just sayin'...

And to round it all out, a torrent of conflicting info today re the Shared Accommodation Unit at Yahl, where it is being repeatedly stated that the 'residents' are not from the Corrections System, but yes they are...(sorry, what?-Ed)...I know, just sayin' what's been said...and more tomorrow once I've sussed it out a bit better...

Tomorrow: Yahl Come Back Soon, Ya' Hear! 

And I apologise, yesterday I stated that the $7million Wave Energy Unit bound for Pt MacDonnell that sank just off Carrickalinga, was paid for with $3.7m of South Australian taxpayers money, and I was wrong..(what, it didn't sink?-Ed), it sank...(oh, it wasn't $3.7m of SA taxpayers money?-Ed) was apparently $4m of Federal funding...(oh well that's fine then-Ed)

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...get some down ya' cobber, it's good for what ails ya'...cheers and laters...

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