Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Lawyer Peter Humphries Is A Betrayer

Hello Indonesia, Hungary, France, and Belgium and welcome to the blog...and today again I'm really sorry but I'm going to shunt the Rail Lands stuff again because I've covered it extensively before...but more importantly I wanted to expose Peter Humphries for the Trojan Judas Goat of Pro-paedophile Corruption that he is...(sorry, a Trojan Judas Goat?-Ed)...yes, he comes into the room professing support but is full of betrayal...(nice-Ed)...

I do not apologise for the simmering fury evident in this post's language nor for the 'taunty' tone, and I guarantee it's not just taunting, I absolutely mean it...I am sick and tired of being threatened with the police or defamation or whatevs by these gutless bastards as they act to protect paedophiles and cover-up abuse and pro-paedophile corruption...come on you gutless pricks, let's get it on...

And not just your standard 'Tony Pasin acting for a paedophile' type protection, these bastards like Peter Humphries have deliberately, repeatedly acted to manipulate and betray parents and traumatise and break us and then send us bills for services rendered allegedly on our behalf...rot in hell just doesn't begin to cover it, but I am trying hard to keep it decent so that'll have to do... 

And straight up I challenge Mr Humphries to join the cast of clowns that have threatened me repeatedly with Defamation, Criminal Defamation, etc...join them and I'll be more than happy to take you all on...and I note that the Crown Solicitors Office Simon Stretton, who is intimately, professionally involved in the St Martins Cover-up, eg, openly threatening me in writing to stop talking about St Martins (previous posts), that prick is now a magistrate...along with Bill Morris...

I'll repeat it for those who are otherwise unawares...I repeat my challenge to the Lutherans, Jay Weatherill, Mike Rann, Rory McEwen, Micheal Atkinson, Gary Costello, Bill DeGaris, Piper Alderman Lawyers, etc, etc, etc...the shreckin' lotta ya'...let's get it on and I'll bring the truth about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and you bring whatever it is you think you have, you bring all the lawyers you have, all the lawyers you are, and I will cane you mercilessly with the substance of your own corruption.

Perhaps you could organise to have Simon Stretton and/or Bill Morris as presiding Magistrates 'cos I'd love to have a go at those pricks as well...but I digress...

Mr Humphries is a key player in the St Martins Cover-up as the lawyer that parents were directed to by local lawyer Bill DeGaris...(yo' Billy-Ed)...the only time I spoke to Mr Humphries was about joining that (already commenced) legal action but he stated that as non-resident parent I couldn't...this turned out to be apparently untrue...

Mr Humphries then directed parents to lawyer Tim Bourne, the then SA Attorney General Micheal Atkinson's close friend and personal 'free' legal advisor, and Mr Bourne callously betrayed parents by manipulating and tricking them into a financially vulnerable position and forcing them to drop the case...and again Bill DeGaris was right in the middle of that...

Bill DeGaris and Peter Humphries and Tim Bourne (also on the Parole Board) are liars, betrayers, deceivers and enablers...(I get the first 3, and absolutely concur, but enablers?-Ed)...they have enabled "text-book grooming paedophile" (Flinders Child Protection Service) teacher Glyn Dorling to escape justice and have emboldened and enabled him to continue offending...and this done whilst pretending to represent parents...

Furthermore, by helping to cover-up the openly pro-paedophile attitudes of senior police, government Ministers and Departmental heads, the Teachers Registration Board, etc, and the clearly deliberate wholesale failure of the alleged Child Protection System in South Australia, these 3 bastards have acted to perpetuate the Child Abuse boys club that runs South Australia...(fair enough-Ed)...   

The only reason these 3 clowns got involved was to collect information to pass on to their genuine 'employers', and to manipulate and control parents with a view to undermining and destroying any case that parents might have had...(might have had? it was open and completely rock solid this case was/is against the Lutherans, defines how comprehensively and deliberately it was mis-handled by DeGaris, Humphries, and Bourne...they have unequivocally acted against their own clients, the parents, to make it all just go away-Ed)...fair enough.   

I look forward to the various threats of 'defamation' and/or having this post pulled down, the usual things that are likely to accompany my exposure of the truth...Peter Humphries is a slavering Judas, at all times and in all ways in the employ of the state, except when he's acting for the Catholics, etc...(and when it comes to the pro-paedophile corruption stuff there is no distinction between state and Church, certainly not in South Australia-Ed)...

I noted with extreme concern Peter Humphries involvement with Ms Gilchrist, whose husband was run down (murdered) by pro-paedophile lawyer Eugene Magee, himself a close friend and representative of convicted paedophile Magistrate Peter Liddy, and of course notorious 'criminal' Magistrate Bill Morris, etc...thick as pro-paedophile thieves...

Now Mr Humphries is representing the parents whose children were abused at St Anns Catholic School in soon as I heard his name mentioned my blood ran cold...he's there to gather information, misdirect parents, and completely compromise the case...he will steer parents away from the truth and appropriate resolution with soothing lies about 'this is what's best'...his soul is empty and his advice is poison...a Judas Goat in serpents clothing...he is arguably the slickest viper in the pit...

SA Bowler Banned In Penis Incident: is headline of the week, referring to a South Australian cricket player who apparently 'etched' the outline of 'uno member et scroti' into a cricket pitch due to be used in a district final or some such...(what a dick-Ed)...well quite...

Bewildering: and yet not, when ABC announcer Stan Thompson this morning stated that Mt Gambier City Council does great things getting 'events' to Mt Gambier, including a swimming championship to be held here in January 2015...(but that pool's only open less than half the year thanks to Council's mismanagement and malfeasance, and Council recently lost the highly prestigious International tennis tournament because they didn't maintain the courts-Ed)...never let reality get in the way of a bit of professional sycophancy...

And this followed after an interview about how constant reports about the Child Abuse Royal Commission can traumatise people who have experienced abuse, concluded with the advice that if you are having issues contact the Victims Support Service...well the VSS in Mt Gambier is just another of the long line of official bodies who are aware of the St Martins Issue and have done what?...anybody?...the VSS have done?...nothing...been there, done that...

And more crap (sorry I'm in a fowl mood) from the SA Dental Service about how they've done great work getting the 'Waiting List' times down to 21 months from the 48 months of a year ago...(I didn't hear him mention the 1 year wait to get on the actual 'WL' as we covered in previous posts-Ed)...well that's because he didn't...he failed to mention that once you've got to the head of that list and had whatever limited treatment it was you needed 3 years ago, then you have to wait another year to get back on the 'WT'...(well my math's not great, but that looks more like 33 months then, not 21-Ed)...exactly...

And how is a 33 month wait appropriate?...even the alleged 21 months is absolutely much as you can't trust a single fact, figure, cost or number that any SA government department presents, this '21' reportedly remains way above the alleged state Regional average, and in Adelaide itself the wait is allegedly under 4 months, but I don't know if they have this 12mth gap to get back on the list...the same 'WL' for the 'WL' has been applied in other areas as well, eg, elective surgery.

Thanking you for your patience with my venting today, and ongoing patronage...I readily admit to a certain dislike for Peter Humphries, Bill DeGaris, and Tim Bourne...and Simon Stretton and Bill Morris...these learned men of our most honourable legal fraternity...and I haven't worked that hard to fight it...

Tomorrow: The Rail Lands

(Yeah yeah, believe it when I see it-Ed)...fair enough, but bear with me, I'm trying...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...


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