Friday, March 21, 2014

I'm Very Trying - A Healthy Serving Of Self-Justification

Hello Universe and welcome to the blog...and I don't know why a bunch of people in Sweden would be reading my blog, but cheers y'all...and a brief but thorough apology for the sometimes random always rabid in some ways ranting that has crept back into the blog over recent weeks...I have my fun on brief occasions, to be sure, but it is always a confronting and draining and usually traumatising experience to put even an average post together...(so for all of them then-Ed)...and in that context, a genuine thankyou to Troy Bell for running at the state election...(sorry, what?-Ed)...

Well, all things being equal...(yes, but they're not, we've been through this before-Ed)...bear with me...I would have run at both the Federal and state elections just because it was the right thing to do...(says you-Ed)...but because I considered that Mr Bell was a genuinely positive option for the seat of Mt Gambier, I could let that go to the point where I only felt bad for not running to garner preferences for Mr Bell...(now that's some insanity right there-Ed) counter the Labor/alleged Independent/Greens preference manipulation that has cost Mt Gambier indeed the entire state so dearly...(oh well fair enough then-Ed)...

On that point, I don't know exactly why Grant District Mayor Richard Sage didn't run in the March 15th 2014 state Election but I doubt that I had much to do with it...(I reckon it's because of those very dodgy Wind Turbine projects-Ed)...ah yes, the Green Point and Allendale/Acciona Turbine projects...could well be..and will Don Pegler have a crack at getting back on the Grant District Council?...(dunno-Ed). 

I continue to be advised not to do this, but here goes anyway...I have no sense of embarrassment or shame in claiming and addressing the unrelenting trauma and stress that dogs my life re the St Martins Issue...and for some time now, months even, I've been running on empty, fueled up on coffee and anger, spinning metaphoric wheels...for over a year I have poured myself into this blog with all of the ensuing trauma of playing out the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Issue over and over and over again...and the result?...nothing...

And with it comes the ensuing guilt and the unrelenting sense of failure...and then retrieving that situation with the reality that I have destroyed my own life just by trying to do the right thing in a state that seems to function in it's totality to promote and foster paedophilia...and being abused and hated for trying to do the right thing, and entirely Pariahtised by the supposedly welcoming community in which I exist but hardly live, just for trying to do the right thing...

Banned off the ABC...I didn't even bother to contact them re the repeated false teeth claims by the SA Dental Service, or about the Tony Pasin still acting as a lawyer, etc, etc...banned off the air, thrown out of the studio with threats of police, and under the scrutiny of their Legal Services division, howdy fellas...(and gals-Ed)...well I mean gals as well in 'fellas', it's generic not genderic...but will the ABC touch the St Martins Issue? shrecked they will...banned out of The Border Watch for telling the truth...(man, you must be some sort bastard-Ed)...have we not met before?

And abused and howled down and bullied and harassed at public meetings by members of Mt Gambier City Council including Mayor Steve Perryman...for trying to do the right thing...threatened again and again and again with police and/or 'Defamation', including the Crown Solicitors Office threats about "Criminal Defamation" resulting in a "Criminal Liability", which is Gaol Time...threatened with 'Gaol' by the CSO, just for trying to do the right thing.

I reckon I've used this meteoric metaphor before for it best addresses the stressors and messes that have assailed one upon one's journey through this place and at this time...I feel like a meteorite grinding through an ever thickening atmosphere, irretrievably shedding chunks, stripped back to bare rock, the remnants of my very being trailing behind, vaporising and forgotten...and lord knows what happens if I break through the resistance?...there will be a catastrophic impact for many people...and it ain't nuthin' but a thang'...  

And whilst I had made some really good progress recently, Agoraphobia has again gripped the helm, and it's only been a week, but being stuck without transport really impacts on becomes such a hassle to try and get anywhere, to get to anything, that it quickly becomes easier to not bother, eg, Council's meeting on Tuesday evening...this morning there's a Harmony Day forum thingy at the Main Corner/Town Hall starting 0930hrs...first bus this way leaves town at 0930hrs and gets back there at 1000hrs...doesn't sound like much, but try doing that with 4-5 things a day every day of the week...spending all day trying just to get to things and after 1700hrs, some way to get home...

As much as that's annoying for me, I always think about people who are more compromised than me mobility wise, eg, mums with prams, and senior citizens, etc, and who can't afford the relative luxury of a taxi, not even occasionally...people who will have no transport 7 days of 10 across the Easter and Anzac Day bus on weekends or public holidays...and it's such a fundamental public service that City Council should be funding but doesn't...and that's why I'm so rabid about the whole bus issue...

It is entirely symptomatic of the self-serving attitudes of the Mt Gambier City Council and defines the farcical, self righteous, and vacuous hypocrisy of their constant bleating about Social Inclusion and Inclusive Communities...bollocks...from the failure to provide funding to support a proper service to the failure to provide/maintain appropriate shelters and other infrastructure, eg a renovated Old Rail Station operating as a local and inter-city/interstate Terminal rather than the ludicrous Lady Nelson option...and that of course is all about the Rail Lands Retail Agenda and the extraordinary Council deceits and massively expensive, pointless 'dirt-shuffling', etc...and which drags in the Main Corner and Library projects and all the associated Council malfeasance, missing funds, swimming pool fiasco, etc...

And, again, I wish I was making this shizzle up or imagining it or whatevs, because then at least it would only be me that's the problem...but the problem is the problem...and, again, it's not about me trying to string together a series of unrelated whinges to create a fuss...the Public Bus issue is the proverbial tip of the iceberg because there's a whole bunch of stuff going on just below the waterline that is directly connected, as I've just described. 

From This Morning: It's raining quite nicely here in Mt Gambier at the moment  (1000hrs) but I'd love to see some of those clowns on City Council 'Park and Shreckin' Stride''s a bloody joke...try walking from one place to another in town today and unless you're only in the Main Street, you're going to get soaked....and what about the many bus stops that have no shelters and/or those that face South, in this weather you're often drier behind the shelter than in it...and this light, wind-blown rain will prove again what a rabid waste of money the Lady Nelson Bus Shelter is, etc, etc. 

Gumbelievable: Another report this morning re Dental Services and an interview with a Dr Kelly Jones (of SA Dental Services?-sorry, didn't say)...and according to Dr Kelly, the (her?) 'Triage system' for dental appointments has seen Waiting Lists in areas where it was 3-4 years now reduced to under 12 months...(hang on, didn't SA Dental say just this week that the Mt Gambier WL was now down to only 21 months?...have they somehow managed to knock another 9 months off in a week?-Ed).

I don't know Ed, I think that it's another case of plucking numbers out of thin air to try and pretty up a very ugly situation...does this 'under 12 months' include the 12 month exclusion between treatment and next being able to get on the WL?...(hell I dunno-Ed)...rhetorical question Ed, rhetorical...and only days ago it was the SA Dental Service crowing that the WL was down to 21 months, so it's great news...(sorry, how?-Ed)...well if they've managed to drop the waiting times by 9 months in 1 week, then there should be no WL at all by the end of March 2014...(sarcasm?-Ed)...more like facetiousness really...

And 2 tales of the Catholic Church re the John Ellis case and the St Anns Special School case...and I find it just mind-numbingly unbelievable some of the raw sewerage being spewed onto the floor of the Child Abuse Royal Commission by the Catholics...more tomorrow...

Tomorrow: IVT-AHSOSJ Part II

In case readers had picked up the vaguely disconcerting sense of disturbed synchronicity, it's because I'll do some post early on, a bit more through the day, correct stuff that's changed, etc, and usually finish that (this) evening, which is why a post posted at 2130hrs suddenly refers to 1000hrs and then back to the arvo, etc...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters... 

PS: Windows Technical Service Indian Division is working very late...just had a call from them at 2130hrs...(scam call trying to get Email details, passwords, etc?-Ed)...I didn't wait to ask, but undoubtedly yes...

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