Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Post 450ish: Catharticking All The Boxes

Hello Indonesia, Sweden, Nigeria, and all my homies here in ye olde land of Oz...home of the deadly KillerRoo, known universally as the Antipodean Killin' Macheean (Killing Machine)-(from The Mighty Boosh BBC TV)...gidday cobbers, strewth, and welcome to the Colonies ma' Lords, ma' Ladies, and ma' gentlemans...Prime Minister Tony Abbott has dragged Australia back to the 1950s by unilaterally re-instating the titles of 'Knight' and 'Dame' and immediately dispensing said honour to outgoing Governor General Quentin Bryce...(Labor leader Bill Shorten's mother-in-law-Ed)...dead set?...(dead set-Ed).

The other immediate recipient is the incoming GG Peter Cosgrove...(does this mean that we get a manufacturing sector again?-Ed)...sorry?...(well, if we're going back to the 50s then do we get to actually make stuff again?-Ed)...well there's no need to get ridiculous about it...Lord Tony just wants to remind us of our subservient position re the English Royal Family...(well actually they're more German than English-Ed)...shhhh, you'll upset Tony and it'll be off to Van Diemen's Land for you, bloody peasant.

And besides, we do build stuff...we're going to build about $50billion worth of submarines here in Straya...($50billion? strewth that's a lot of money...I thought we were in a Federal Fiscal Cesspit courtesy of Labor?...and how did those last submarines work out that we built?-Ed)...ahhh, not so great...(we should probably spend that money on something else then?-Ed)...probably...(like Health, maybe Regional infrastructure...imagine the high-tech National Rail Network you could build for $50b, and the work and the exports, etc-Ed)...yeah yeah, you've made your point. 

Today's title covers 1) the 'I'm not exactly sure which is actually the 450th post' problem, and 2) the 'as confronting as it may be doing the post some days, it is always at least slightly more cathartic than not doing it'...I am very committed to doing the blog accurately and appropriately and have tried hard to modify my language, etc, and it is often a struggle, but it remains a genuinely cathartic experience...(that ticks all the boxes?-Ed)...alright, maybe not all of them...but enough of them...   

Gallery Of The Artful Dodger: or a Gallery full of Dodgy Art?...two Aussie institutions, the New South Wales and Canberra Galleries have been caught out not doing the necessary provenance checks before spending $squillions on art from India...$5million on just one piece...(yeah, I don't know that the art itself is 'dodgy', it's apparently genuine pieces that were stolen...and that's the problem...we would actually be better off if it was a fake-Ed)...sorry, what?...better off if it was a fake?...

(Yeah, well, if that $5m piece was originally stolen-Ed) is stolen...(ok, given that it was stolen from a temple in India by agents of the 'famous' broker Subhash Kapoor and the Gallery purchased it from him, we'll have to give it back-Ed) would seem the decent thing to do, and quite possibly a legal requirement/reality anyway...(so given that we have to return the original and lose that $5m, we would be better off if we'd purchased a fake for $5m because then at least we would get to keep it-Ed)..........moving on...

Nothing Quite So Funny: as Mayor Steve Perryman on ABC Radio bleating out the same trite lie that Council is just fascinated with ratepayers opinions about various issues and how committed Council is to making sure that "all points of view are represented"...(ahhhaaahaahhhaaaaaaa...I never get tired of that one, it's a classic...public consultation, ahhh dear-Ed)...and it's all about yet another 'long-term plan' and involves paying an unnamed Consultant...(gee whiz, I hope that doesn't cut into the $100,000s that Council has payed former CEO Greg Muller as a 'Consultant' since his alleged retirement from the CEO position-Ed)...I very much doubt it Ed.

That money would have come from the bottomless pit of funds known to Council as Ratepayers...'another catered forum at the Main Corner? ratepayers can pay for that'...'another ludicrously pointless expert-in-their-field? ratepayers can pay for that'...'mindless, ugly, rooting up of the Main St with ludicrous street scaping?'...(ratepayers?-Ed)...ratepayers...'can't manage our own finances so that we're hemorrhaging $millions every year just running the Library and Main Corner?'...'needlessly pushing piles of dirt around the Old Rail Lands to continue the Rail Lands Retail Agenda corruption...(ratepayers?-Ed)...almost...increase Council's borrowing capacity and therefore debt and then ratepayers can pay for all of that...(charming-Ed)...

And a long interview with Council staffer (Acting Operations Manager I think it was) Daryl Morgan all about all the 'Public Consultation' that Council does...which is apparently news to the Retailers in The Main St who have just learned they will lose 8 carparks from the street in front of their stores when Council puts in another "node"...(a what? ahaahaahhhhaa  haahaaa...a node...priceless...and whatever happened with that hugely expensive animated fly-through that Council produced that shows all parking removed between Bay Rd and Ferris St?-Ed)...don't know, I can't find it on the Interweb...(it'll be there somewhere, keep looking-Ed). 

(And it did just occur to me, where did the Independent Commission Against Corruption 'investigators' stay when they came to Mt Gambier to exonerate, sorry I mean investigate, the rank corruption evident in Mt Gambier City Council...they didn't stay at Steve Perryman's motel did they?-Ed) idea, but quite frankly it wouldn't surprise me given the gross and clearly deliberate failure of the ICAC to find Council corruption that is evident in Council meeting minutes and/or on the front page of The Border Watch.

And I'll say it again, the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up is the common denominator, the common motivator, is the set standard for the corruption that is crippling South Australia...dodgy land deals and rezonings for the Labor government's mates, Council officials defrauding Council funds, gross nepotism, insider trading, etc, etc, and one long, perpetual Child Abuse's just the way we roll in SA...(sing it with me, "we're all in this together"-Ed)...

Clear As Mud: as to why contaminated Drilling waste is being (was) moved from the Panax Geothermal drill site at Penola to a quarry just South of Mt Gambier, some 55kms away...and the very genuine concern that dumping this crappy sludge in a big hole has just put that material right on top of the Aquifer...and according to the Environmental Protection Authority statement read out on the ABC this morning, the EPA is aware of the appropriately licensed moving of the dry drilling mud via an EPA licensed truck to an EPA licensed land fill where it is being kept appropriately separate from other waste materials...(yay-Ed)...

More Humble Pie: because I believe that I may have previously stated that this muck was from the current drilling by Beach Energy near Penola, but it is not Beach Energy's muck, their muck is where-ever they left it last...this is Panex's muck...(yay-Ed)...a couple of closing points...

Come See SE SA: is my catchy Tourism phrase to replace this Limestone Coast nonsense, because apparently nobody knows where that is...apart from those that live here...please refer to any Tourism documentation from Tourism SA...(or whatever it's called this week-Ed)...indeed...and see how little the whole South East SA appears, if at all...

Make It Stop: Already sick to death of the sight and sound of alleged Independent Geoff Brock...wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him...this whole 'I chose Labor for stability' pantomime is an absolute set-up, an absolute con...(no no, please say what you really think-Ed)...I will,

Tomorrow: Gettin' On The Angry Pills

Just more stuff really, but I do so love a dramatic titling...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters....

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