Saturday, March 29, 2014

Some Bits Of Stuff From Places

Hello Denmark, Belgium, Brazil, and yet again the USofA where again this week this blog has apparently had slightly more views than here in Australia...(indeed, each day this week-Ed)...indeed...and again I know that these relatively tiny numbers are hardly earth-shattering, but I am genuinely flattered that anybody reads the blog at all, let alone a bunch in the USofA...cheers y'all...

Apologies for late, short post, but having trouble logging's an indicator 1) that I've gone past my rather minimal 'allowance' which means my connection 'slows' to the point that it can get to the blog eventually but doesn't have the strength to bring up content, because 2) of Mt Gambier's limited 'bandwidth' availability...I look forward to the promised improvements from the National Broadband Network and UniSA.

Further apols for not doing the Tony Pasin post today but I've changed what passes for 'my strategy' on that and will do tomorrow...breaking news has interrupted and it can wait 1 day.

Debris Spotted: would have to be the most thoroughly over-used headline this past week...I don't understand why authorities would keep reporting unidentified debris as being 'possibly related' to missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 when they don't know...the worlds oceans are full of our collective crap...and yesterday the search zone moved to a completely different zone much nearer Perth, Western Australia, and then 'debris spotted' there but still no specific information or identification.

And it appears that at least some people must agree with my Such/Brock/Labor Election shenanigans...even people who have criticised me for being a paranoid idiot...(yo-Ed)...acknowledge that there is something very wrong with Bob Such just dissolving into the background in such an 'odd' manner, and 'why doesn't his vote count now?'...'what about his electorate?'...'we could have had Liberal', etc.

That Breaking News: just reported this morning(09:00hrs) on ABC Radio that Independent Bob Such has been diagnosed with a Brain Tumour and will receive Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy, but there was no mention of what sort of tumour, benign or aggressive, etc, or how long this treatment would take, or what the operation last Wednesday was about, etc...having been through a version of this process (there are many different combinations of Chemo and/or Radiotherapy for different Cancers) I can only wish Mr Such a boring and uneventful treatment albeit with excellent results.

Later reports have included stuff about how he has possibly had chemo already, he'll be back in 2 months, he's on indefinite leave, the modern mad rush to report it is hard to discern sometimes exactly what the truth is, particularly with reporting that is reasonably similar yet varies on the exact details. 

Again though, I'm incredibly suspicious of the timing of this announcement...again, it appears to have been done specific to the news cycle, it is an old political trick that still works even in the 24hr Portable News Cycle as it currently exists...(certainly worked last weekend-Ed)...I've heard several references to a quote from a statement released by Mr (Dr?) Such, and various reportage that he has had and/or will be getting Chemo and Radiotherapy...I would think such treatment would last many months not just a couple  
I readily concede that I should have identified the remote possibility that Mr Such has been deceived and manipulated as much as anyone, as part of what I have always accepted as a genuine illness...however, I do not withdraw my original claim that the timing and manner of Bob Such's 'disappearance', hospitalisation, withdrawal from deciding government, etc, have been carefully manipulated to achieve the outcome that we currently have, another 4 years of minority Labor government based on the decision and support of an ex-Liberal Independent, Geoff Brock...

And having gone there, it has been put to me that I should perhaps back off the Brockster and give him a chance to get some nice things for other electorates as well as his own...(fair enough-Ed)...yep, fair enough, but everything I've seen thus far, and it's only been 2 weeks, makes me nervous to the point of twitchy...I know just how fundamentally broken I am when it comes to trusting a South Australian politician, but it's only a sane response to the realities I have experienced...(let's talk about some other stuff for a while, you're starting to depress me-Ed)...sure...

Sir Peter Supporters: (why is everybody swearing at poor ol' Peter Cosgrove?...I thought everybody loved him but yesterday the Senate was full of people there to swear at him-Ed)...swear him in, they were there to swear him in as the latest Governor General, and now to be addressed as Sir Peter...(I thought it was the politest swearing I'd ever heard-Ed)...I wonder if he get's his own square on the Tony Abbott version of Monarchy Monopoly, where transgressors go to serfdom, directly to serfdom, you are a class below, do not get any dole.

(Does outgoing GG Quentin Bryce get a square?-Ed), she get's her own game completely...(really?-Ed)...yes, the Dame Bryce Dice Game...(sweet-Ed)...yeah, from one role to another...

Earth Hour Only Hope: given that it's the only one we've got...and there-in lies the problem with Fracking or any other mining on productive cropping/agricultural land...(or dumping dredged sludge onto the Great Barrier Reef-Ed)...indeed, any pollution/environmental degradation issue, but the specific issue this evening is about switching out lights to show support for the planet and appreciating the resources we have that provide our power but cause major pollution issues...(so it's actually about using less power, eg, electricity, which is more about reducing consumption rather than conserving or appreciating-Ed)...fair enough...

Dead Horse: is what we Antipodean Colonials put on our pies don't you know, being as it is a 'colonial colloquialism' for Tomato Sauce...unfortunately, there are more/continuing concerns in Europe, including the UK, that there's still more DH in rather than on your average pie...this came up again recently with fears that not all 'contaminated' meat had been removed from the supply chain following the latest replacement/substitution scandal (2013), and that possibly even new meat was in the system...

And it also appears that there will be 50,000 Geoff Brock's at the Adelaide Oval today...(50k Geoff Brock's?-Ed)...yeah, it's a sell-out crowd apparently...(geez, you don't like Mr Brock do you?-Ed), I'm really struggling...this fortnight's events are part of it, but I applied the 'Sound Down Test' on the TV news and I didn't like what I saw...(the 'Sound Down Test'?-Ed)...yeah, where you turn the sound right down and just watch the person...(oh yeah...ever done that to yourself?-Ed), I don't like what I look like with the sound up...(fair enough-Ed)...

Just A Thought: whilst gazing at the spectacular Milky Way when walking to the shop the other night along a dark road near here, 'I am a speck of Cosmic irrelevance...if everything every human ever achieved, ever achieves, were it all piled high, it would be but nought'...(strewth dude, that's a bit heavy-Ed)...actually it was extremely beautiful and quite humbling...all that 'perspective' bullshit don't ya' know...   

Tomorrow: The Pasin Letter As Promised

With bonus extra features...stay tuned dudes...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...toodlepip...

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