Saturday, March 15, 2014

Federal Liberal Tony Pasin Defends Paedophile In Court

Hello Belgium, Chile, Czech Republic, and Indonesia, and welcome y'all to the blog...and today Saturday March 15th 2014 is the official state election date...(official date?-Ed)...yeah, there's postal votes, some pre-polling, etc, apparently quite a bit of pro-polling...remember, vote early, vote often...

But First: (Can I promo my new album of Banjo blues songs?-Ed)...Banjo blues?...(yeah...some new stuff I wrote myself, a few classic covers, you know things that have moved me, my experiences, the songs that have gone with know the stuff, 'all the girls I've loved before'...24 songs of love, loss, and lament played on the banjo-Ed)...the banjo, I didn't even know you played the banjo...(or yeah-Ed),, what's it called?...(I'm Pluckin' Missin' You-Ed)...are you done?...(well you told me to work on my humour-Ed)...and that's what you came up with?...

For what it's worth, I'll be voting Liberal Troy Bell for the House of Assembly (Lower) and Family First and the Nick Xenophon Party in the Legislative Council (Upper)...again, this is a personally radical lurch to 'the Right' given that I have always voted well to 'the Left', eg, minor parties, Greens, or Independents, but not even the allegedly Socialist Labor Party, let alone Conservatives.

I reserve the right to believe in the importance of the family unit but the apparently contradictory position of the rights of gay couples to equality under the law, eg, marriage...I've met plenty of good Christian heterosexual couples who shouldn't be allowed to have kids, and gay couples who will/do make great parents...genuine respect, affection, and support for the child (and each other) is the key issue...I don't care who gives it, straight or gay, man or woman, but preferably both.

My voting decision is largely based on the abject failure, borne of contempt, of the Labor government for everything that doesn't serve their own interests, namely winning Electoral seats in Adelaide...and that's 'Jay 4 SA' all the way, focus on the one person 'cos lord knows the others around him don't bear scrutiny, and all I've heard him say is how great he's made Adelaide...and again, that's pretty much all Adelaide cares about...

Yeah sure you've got ya' Inner Suburban Greenies and assorted scruffy eco-warriors, but they don't much care about local over-the-horizon stuff like Mt Gambier, they're worried about whales and the latest Gulf War, Land Rights and Gay Marriage, I personally don't have a problem with any of that, in fact I support all of it...I'm just calling it as it is...(there used to be a hilarious bit of graffiti around Adelaide in the 1980s, "Land Rights For Gay Whales"-Ed)...indeed...

I know because I was one, I was an Adelaide Inner Suburban Greenie...and I know exactly what Adelaide thinks of Mt Gambier if it thinks about it at all...many wouldn't even know it's in South Australia, and most just don't care...where's the protests about the Forestry Sale and the massive loss to the state?...where's the kerfuffle on the steps of Parliament re the outrageous Fracking process currently underway at Penola?...what about the latest massive drain that's mixed and contaminated Aquifers, killing wetlands, and future plans for yet more devastating drainage projects?...

Adelaide is very carefully manipulated to believe that it is the centre of the known Universe, constantly has it's ego stoked about how great it is, and that is the Labor strategy...and part of that is the 'Bread and Circuses' governing style where vital services, eg, Health Services in Country Hospitals and the very Hospitals themselves, basic services are constantly under-funded and under's still a 4 year waiting list for basic Dental Care and weeks even months to get a basic General Practitioners appointment...and patients still have to leave Mt Gambier for the majority of services, treatments, etc.

And just on the ABC Local Radio 0900hrs news, a demountable/portable classroom has been torched at a school in St Martins Drive...(well that would have to be...-Ed)...yeah I think it's the only school on that street...sorry, missed the first bit so I didn't catch what the cause was so I'll actually withdraw torched, but I thought it might have said 'a fire in a bin' and maybe $50,000...I'll try to check and post... 

Now it's 1700hrs and what a day I've had...(do tell dear, do tell-Ed)...went to vote and me wee little vehicle wouldn't start and thankyou to the RAA that they were here within half an hour...(well you do pay for that service-Ed)...yeah, but still, it was probably only 25mins, that's pretty good...and he got it started but the water pump and/or timing chain has appears my little jaunt to Heywood and back the other day finally put the sword to the poor thing...but at least I got there to vote...yay... 

And now the Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak has just held a press conference confirming the reports that the missing Malaysian Airways flight MH370 was tracked by Malaysian military radar as turning back after the transponder and other signalling devices were apparently switched off...the plane flew back West over Malaysia, turned again to the North East, and could have ended up South in Indonesia or north in Turkiztan, or anywhere in between...he all but stated that the plane was hijacked, but it was clearly under control and flying for several hours after contact was lost.

I'm just guessing but it seems that someone knew where to fly to lose contact with ground radars with a view to going somewhere else...surely a large unidentified plane giving off no signals but flying through monitored airspace would have triggered some sort of alarm or at least been noticed...(but it didn't seem to in Malaysia-Ed)...fair point...get a map, draw a line from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, subtract the re-covered flight path from KL and back over Malaysia, and what you've got left is a radius of where that aircraft could have wound up.

I don't understand why it's taken authorities a full week to figure out that the military signal was MH 370?...and if it was a terrorist attack, why not just blow it up, why fly for hours?...perhaps the pilot has just lost the plot and overpowered the crew or some such and then just flown around until it's crashed...and if it's a hijack, why no demands and/or claims of responsibility? has been referred to as 'piracy'...again, why would you take 270 hostages and not make any demands, and if you just wanted the plane, for what reason?

But I digress, because today is (was) supposed to be all about the Member for Barker, Liberal Tony Pasin, and please find attached below the report from The Border Watch Thursday 13th March written, apparently our Federal representative feels that our best interests are to be served by him acting as a lawyer and getting a ludicrously inadequate sentence for a 55 year old man 'up-skirting' young children at the supermarket with his camera phone...

Personally I find it so extraordinarily offensive that Mr Pasin would see fit to be silently complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and yet defend this man, and I don't give a rat's arse about the 'right to representation' and 'innocent until given', etc, but that's not the issue...every minute that our alleged Federal representative was attending to this matter is one that he wasn't representing us.

Not A Word Of A Lie: when I was squeaking and chugging my way along the carpark leaving the voting booth at Macdonald Park Primary School this afternoon...(and your car didn't sound much better-Ed)...well quite...perched behind the wheel of a huge four wheel drive coming into the carpark was Tony Pasin...of all the booths in all of the electorates, etc...I sortta' waved kind of and I think he sortta' kind of waved back...sortta'...

I'll finish here but continue with this tomorrow because there's a lot to go through with this and several other issues about Child Protection.

Tomorrow: FLTPDPIC Part II

Thankyou for your patronage today...and congratulations to Liberal Troy Bell who has just been on Channel 10's election coverage being interviewed as the new Member for Mt Gambier...yay...(yay-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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