Wednesday, March 12, 2014

My Confusion Continues

Hello Canada, Colombia, Israel, and China and welcome to the blog...and the day breaks along with news that as many as 40 children/young teens in 'Residential State Care' with the Dept of Human services have been sexually exploited in Victoria, (Shepparton was specifically mentioned) including being trafficked to other towns and interstate...(that was very briefly on the news late yesterday-Ed)...true, but it was the first thing I saw on the TV news this morning...and the ludicrous assertion from authorities that they can't/won't charge anyone because the kids won't co-operate.

Given that the majority of the kids are reportedly under the legal age of consent, charges are supposedly automatic...this seems like yet another Child Abuse case where police and authorities don't want to act so they blame those being abused..and this has been going on for 2 years now...these are 'severely at risk kids', in state care, and they have been manipulated and abused for at least 2 years and it's still apparently too difficult...I don't know what to make of the police position that they (Police) are trying to get around the non-cooperation of the abused kids by charging the men involved with property, drug, and other offences.

In an ABC interview a local mother claimed that her 12 year old son had been recruited and groomed by teenagers, and effectively delivered to paedophiles where he was abused...and that grooming and abuse with kids within the auspices of the DHS had been going on for 15 years to her direct knowledge...she cited abuse of her own personal belief is that this abuse is at best being ignored with a view to continuance if not actually organised by people within DHS and upper levels of government and the Public Service.

And it has been asked why we spend so much money on Royal Commissions and other Inquiries into Child Abuse, but grossly underfund actual services that would improve staffing levels, etc, and provide genuine support for children...this is a broad paraphrasing but you get the picture...and if I were to respond, it would be to say that Royal Commissions are great for making it look like you (government) are doing something to help improve protections for children, but improved services may actually make that happen...(unfortunately that makes perfect sense-Ed)...

And if you don't want improvements to happen then you have yet another Inquiry...sound familiar...look at the relentless litany of pointless Commissions and Inquiries in South Australia, and yet both the Labor and Liberal Parties are clearly committed to supporting the St Martins Cover-up...and yes I will go there again because St Martins is an irrefutable and definitive example of what get's 'covered-up' in South Australia, and a direct challenge to every single concern and sympathy, etc, every bleated, affected outrage...

And Before You Ask: no, I don't know specifically that there's a paedophile ring operating at senior levels in Mt Gambier, but it would surely explain an awful lot of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and it would be ludicrous to think that it's just in Victoria that children in care are being targeted...and this is South Australia after all...(enough said-Ed)...mmm, I think not...

I Apologise: for leaving out of yesterday's post the 3rd Anniversary of the March 11th 2011 Tsunami that devastated Japan's East Coast with the loss of nearly 16,000 lives...(although some in Japan still question this official number as being lower than the actual toll-Ed)...indeed, there are over 2,500 people still officially missing...whilst the resultant and ongoing problems with the Fukushima Nuclear Plant and how that affects locals who were eventually evacuated, probably never to return, while all this remain in the headlines, I have seen very little about the plight of survivors in other areas.

Whole villages were wiped out and large areas of coastal land, waterways, etc, were contaminated with sea water, greatly reducing the future productivity of that land, and many people were left homeless and without possessions, and they continue to struggle with what is being criticised as inadequate support from their government.

Malaysian Airlines Disappearance: gets even more intriguing for external observers and traumatic for those with family and friends missing without explanation, as the Malaysian military releases information saying they tracked the aircraft via ground radar as doing an approx 160 degree about turn and flying almost back to it's point of origin at low altitude before disappearing...why this information has just been released has not been explained, nor how exactly that impacts on the search thus far...I understand that there has been a generalised search over a large area, but that it was obviously concentrated where the plane was thought to have crashed into the sea.

This 'tracking' completely changes the complexion of the situation in that whilst the plane did eventually 'disappear from radar' it clearly was not a sudden and devastating failure of the plane's systems or even destruction of the plane because it was airborne for quite sometime (an hour?) after the locating transponder was switched off...this does not rule out a 'terrorist attack' but makes it much more likely that one of the pilots/crew was involved/responsible...and the last known position of the plane was over a small isolated island.

I was wildly theorising of course about the plane being 'stolen' with the intent to use it for a future 'terrorist attack', but I was just trying to explain why a hijacker might not immediately crash the plane or fly it to another country, and this latest revelation seems to confirm that the plane was flown, apparently under control, for over an hour after it was thought to have crashed. 

And since I wrote this first bit earlier this morning, Malaysian officials have denied/dismissed the military claim, but have moved/expanded their search area...then the same 'off-course' reports have continued, been denied again, and then repeated, and it does finally appear that the original military statement is relatively accurate...ultimately no-one knows where that plane is...

Hilarious: was the rather Freudian slip by a Commonwealth Bank representative on the ABC TV Lateline program on Monday night when being questioned about the relaxing of regulation of Financial Advisors and issues they had had with 'rogue advisors', the perceived conflicts of interests with the bank employing supposedly Independent advisors, etc...sorry, I didn't catch his name (Ian something?) but his response to this range of issues?...we will "make wrong what we did right."...(classic-Ed)...

Hosing My Buswell Man: Western Australian Treasurer and former Liberal leader Troy Buswell has finally snapped...(and not a staffers bra strap this time-Ed)...well quite...but after a wedding he drove home a bit 'tired and emotional'...(he means full-pissed-Ed)...uh uh, it was never established that he was drunk, remember, the police attended his home where he'd smashed his government car into the front gate but they never went in...(fair enough-Ed)...anyhoos, whatever the motivation, he has suddenly up and resigned and gone into 'rehab'.

Some Rare Good News: that the 79% of Queensland that is officially drought declared because of virtually no rain since April 2012, eg, Mt Isa has had only 20% of it's annual rainfall, and what is being described as a 1 in a 100 year disaster, the worst conditions ever...(that's the good news?-Ed), apparently the Liberals have committed to $330million Drought Relief funding.

I didn't go to Penola today for the Beach Energy Fracking Info session, but I did hear Beach's Chief Operating Officer Neil Gibbens (?spelling) on the ABC Local Radio this morning discussing amongst other things the Sulphur Gas odour from the mud at their drilling site...I didn't hear him exactly explain where that Sulphur had come from, even though he was asked, but I understand that Sulphur is inherent when dealing with volcanic areas...Mr Gibbens waved it away as unimportant and then declined to comment on the 'political issues' re his Fracking.

He stated that Aquifers were safe because horizontal Fracking only went out 100m from the central well, (but previous reports have stated 1km-Ed)...yep...he continued that with the well being 3500-4000m deep, it was well away from Aquifers...(but the shaft goes right through 2 Aquifers-Ed)...exactly...and it's all super lined and super safe, all the usual bumpf...and also that an Inquiry and/or moratorium "won't affect our timetable" because they are 18 months away from any actual Fracking.

In response to the observation that the community feels powerless, Mr Gibbens stated outright that they (Beach) need land-holders permission to go onto their land and simply can't do so without that permission...(rubbish, land-holders can do nothing to stop exploration and Labor have declared they will slash regulation further to encourage investment...and what about Aquifers, they run from one property to many others-Ed)...exactly...

Mr Gibbens openly acknowledged that this gas will likely go to the Eastern States market and for export where they will get the good prices they need because Fracking is much more expensive than standard Gas Extraction...but it's all to benefit the country, it's all about economic benefits...last of all he mentioned that the gas may be used locally for fertilizers...and concluded that they have at least 6 months to decide but the first of 2 wells is already nearly finished.

Enough for one day, but more very specific confusion,

Tomorrow: The Whole World's Crazy, 'Cept Moi    

Nah nah, go' bless, go' bless, just jokin' with ya'...clearly one doesn't exclude the other...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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