Sunday, March 30, 2014

Parking Mad - Mt Gambier City Council

Howdy y'all and welcome to the blog...and straight off an apology for shunting the Tony Pasin letter again, but please understand that given that I want to make some specific statements about the abuses visited on 7 year old children at St Martins Lutheran College (School) in 2002 and the subsequent Child Abuse Cover-up, I need to talk to other people before acting...

If you are a regular availee of this here post you might think that there is not much else to be 'exposed' re the St Martins Issue, but unfortunately there is...I will do that letter tonight hopefully (it's already 17:00hrs Sow Straya time) and post first thing tomorrow if possible...sorry...

(We Are Not Clog why do we have to put them back?-Ed)...put what back?...(the clogs...why do we have to put the clogs back?-Ed)...the clocks back, Ed, the clocks back...we will soon be going back to 'non-Daylight Saving Time' here in SA, at 0300hrs Sunday 6th April 2014, which means the clocks get put 'back' an hour for the Winter months...(and is that being put back to where they should be from where they were forwarded to, or just back from where they belong, which would mean that going forward would be going back to where they weren't but should be?-Ed)... sorry what, who are 'they'?...(clocks-Ed)..oh yes, of course, the clocks are going back 1hr...(does that mean I can keep the clogs?-Ed)...if you must...(yeeeeeee-Ed)... 

I think I've lost your mind...(that, or I've lost yours-Ed)...well who's mind is this here then...(ah no yeah, that's mine, ta'...but I can't find yours...are you sure you lent it to me?-Ed)...dunno, thought I had, doesn't matter...moving on...

Clocking Off: has happened though in Sebastapol, capital of the recently 'annexed' Crimea region...(Tony Abbott would say 'liberated' I'm sure-Ed)...well actually that's pretty much exactly what Mr Putin said about it...(my point exactly-Ed)...ah, clever...yes, Russia has taken not just Crimea, but 2 hours as well, with the Town Clock in Sebastapol being put forward 2hrs to match Moscow was more confused than the players of Moscow Dynamo and Spartak Vladikavkaz, who were just kicking off their 'neutral away' final, only to be suddenly in a nil-all Extra time draw headed for a penalty shoot-out...(scandalous-Ed)...(I made up that soccer bit)...

Puttin' Putin On Hold: was a stroke of tactical genius that USofA President Barack Obama probably didn't use the other day when the Russian President Vladimir Putin rang him to discuss the very complex issues re  Crimea and Ukraine, but I just wanted to use that heading...(ah, running off into the dead joke area, clever-Ed)...the parties reportage of this conversation apparently greatly differs...(hardly surprising-Ed)...quite...but the external opinioning is that this is a result of pressure applied to Russia by various countries and organisations, eg, cancelling diplomatic visas, freezing assets, etc. 

(So therefore you could say that those sanctions, have to a degree, cooled Russia's enthusiasm for more 'liberating' in Ukraine-Ed)...if it's not all a bluff or even a not truth, you know, stalling for time, etc...(well Mr Putin didn't really have to do anything so perhaps that's the indication it's intent is genuine-Ed)...fair enough...(so it could be said that actioning said sanctions has put a halt, even if only temporarily, to further action from Mr Putin in Ukraine-Ed)...I s'pose...(so then those sanctions have been successful in Puttin' Putin On Hold, yeah?-Ed).......I don't get it... 

Just caught some of The Insiders (ABC/BBC Radio) this morning discussing Liberal Speaker Bronwyn Bishop, and a broad consensus that she 'heckles Labor members from the chair' and  'dismisses anything the Opposition says' and 'is for the Liberals and not the parliament' and at best 'waxes and wains, but clearly biased' and finally  'does the public care?'...(I do-Ed)...this is paraphrasing of course but close to quotes...and it's all part of the merry circus that is Parliament.

If you ever feel the need a good ol' fashion' belly-laugh, an embarrassing display of trite hypocrisy and old school class bias from people like Liberal Christopher Pyne, the tidiest gentleman's perm in the current parliament...(and that's no mean achievement in and of itself-Ed)...indeed...just tune into the ABC/BBC Radio or Question Time on ABC TV and check it'll laugh 'til ya' cry...(and then you'll keep right on cryin' when you remember that these clowns are running the country-Ed)...

Not So Hilarious: on the same Insiders program, the observation that South Australia (and Victoria? sorry) are not in a position to take up the Federal government's new 'Privatisation Initiative'...(whereby any funding spent by the states on infrastructure with money obtained from the sale of Public Assets, the Feds will match it 15c in the dollar-Ed)...indeed, Treasurer Joe Hockey is 'making the states an offer they can't refuse' (his words)  but apparently SA won't have a choice...(and why is that Mr Fletcher?-Ed)...

Well young Ed, and I quote, "...'cos SA ain't got no shizzle left to hock, baby"...(and that's a quote is it?-Ed)...alright, it's a slight paraphrase of the statement that 'SA has nothing left to sell'...and when our Labor Premier Jay Weatherill dismissed this 'offer' he repeatedly made reference to 'not selling SA Water'...and I believe that Treasurer Tom Koutsontonis has said the same thing again referencing SA Water repeatedly...(because after 12 bloody years of the supposedly 'Anti-Privatisation' bloody Labor government, SA Water is all that's bloody left to bloody sell-Ed)...I'm sensing some displeasure...

(Also heard Premier Weatherill talking about how he can't wait to see Independent MP Bob Such back in his bondage outfit-Ed)...sorry what?...(yeah, he said 'I can't wait to see him back in the green leather'-Ed)...strewth, on the green leather Ed, on the green leather that is used for seating in the Lower House...what is wrong with you today? for 'commoners' in the House of Assembly, and red for 'the Lords and Ladies' of the Upper House, the Legislative Council...(fascinating-Ed)...

And again, whilst I don't question the reality of Bob Such's illness and can only wish him a thorough, uneventful and brisk recovery, I do believe it is incumbent of him as the incumbent to explain exactly what has happened here, particularly the timing of announcements, and why his vote doesn't count, etc, given that it's been identified as the primary reason that we went from a hung parliament to a Labor government for the next 4 years...again, what's the bloody rush... 

In Music News: Snakeskin Cowboy and all round reptile Ted Nugent just got paid $16,000 to not play at a 4th of July event in Longview, East Texas, after he referred to President Obama as "sub-human" at a Republican event...along with several other charming quotes...used to like the music before I understood what a thorough tool Mr Nugent is...but I digress...

Parking Up the Wrong Tree: as Mt Gambier City Council meets with concerned business owners who are about to lose 8 vital carparks in yet more Main St lunacy with more 'nodes' and grey paving, etc...Council very kindly met with affected shop owners to tell them to get stuffed it's happening plebs, and claimed that claims that people had no idea were irrelevant because Council had put this in various plans, etc, and had done 'Public Consultation', etc...(clearly that alleged PC isn't working very well if people right there don't know-Ed)...good point...

I didn't attend this meeting but The Border Watch had a big article in Friday's edition, and obviously someone raised the issue of Council having reserved parking right next to their offices because Mayor Steve Perryman stated that those are off street parks that belong to Council...(doesn't everything that Council 'owns', everything Council pays for, every horrendous debt they accrue, don't they all actually belong to ratepayers, meaning that that reserved parking actually belongs to all ratepayers?-Ed)...very good point's just another indication of the sense of entitlement and privilege that defines Council...

There is no part of this that I don't have a massive problem with and I've covered it all repeatedly in the blog...Council's either continuing on a pointless and ultimately retrograde program that makes The Main look worse instead of better, with outrageous and unnecessary costs attached...or they are just drumming up a panic to distract from all their other corruptionings and stupidities...quite possibly both...(ah, multi-tasking-Ed)...not quite...

Even with what I've experienced of Council's extraordinarily corruption and/or incompetence, even I am absolutely gobsmacked that Council would cut down the beautiful trees that were there, in their dark brick planter beds with seating, etc, bulldoze the shreckin' lot, and then stand up in a public meeting and state that the street looks bare and that's why we need these stupid 'nodes'...(nodes, really?-Ed)...

Enough for today but I'll do more on this issue for sure...but,

Tomorrow: The Pasin Letter re St Martins

Still trying to contact someone but if I can't I'll have to modify that letter...too easy...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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