Friday, March 28, 2014

Froming At The Mouth

Hello France, China, the Philippines, and Canada...and welcome to the blog...and as I sit to post today, the 'Statistics Page' suggests that this here blog will hit 40,000 'views' today if not even as I type...(very slowly and very poorly-Ed)...thanks...(nah nah, go' bless, go' bless, congrats on reaching the big 40k...does this mean the blog just begins now?-Ed)...

*Apologies for very late post (it's 22:30hrs already)...did some post early this morning, then more with my child this arvo, and forgot we hadn't finished...also credit for title and 'whole' joke later in post to aforementioned child...(more of a person than a child really-Ed)...yeah, fair enough...and the 'view' counter, for what it's worth, went past 40k this morning...(yay-Ed)...*

And a special shout-out to the Ukraine as well...not much I can do about it, but it's just an international embarrassment that the United Nations et al just sit around passing resolutions about the annexation of Crimea whilst Mr Putin waves a big stick at the rest of this about protecting Energy supply to Eastern Europe, energy that comes from Russia?...there is undoubtedly some reluctance to act in ways that might threaten that supply...

(Yeah, I'm very confused-Ed) so?...(I thought that, as you say, the 'Energy Supply' flowed toward Europe from Russia, but I read a statement that senior Russians are having their 'asses frozen', which I assumed was referring to a critical lack of heating fuels, etc, as a result of sanctions or threats to supply networks, etc -Ed)...they're having their 'Assets frozen', their 'Assets', not their asses...(ah, my bad-Ed)'re an ass...(and you make me whole-Ed)...

I am of course making a trite joke about the actions the UN/European community in freezing the vast assets of Russian oligarchs that are being held in various banks and other institutions, and the impression that this is actually having a bit of an effect in motivating some of these 'oligarchs' to pressure Mr Putin, et al, to hold, or rather a lack of, talks...

In all fairness, the European Union officially does not recognise and "strongly condemns" the Crimea annexation, and there have been travel restrictions placed on many Russian officials, and there is the Asset freeze, but the United Nations is more restricted having Russia involved as part of the institution.

And having made the 'freezing one's ass off' joke, I must acknowledge that I sure as heck wouldn't want to try and get through the average Russian winter without access to shelter and a secure energy/heating supply, as I currently enjoy thanks to the Housing Trust...I know what a struggle it is to keep this little place warm in our relatively mild weather... it's usually the same temperature inside and out...

Unfortunately, my schoolboy history fails me on the exact story of the Ukraine/Crimea beyond what has been covered at length already by many experts in the media, but I agree with the many parallels being drawn between this 'annexation' and similar events in European history, eg, events leading into the Second World War...(oh, so no biggy then-Ed) a rank 'outside observer' I can only think about the many people in Crimea who don't want to part of Russia...but I digress.

Just announced coming up on the ABC Local Radio, the explanation as to why our Federal Liberal member Tony Pasin has been back in the Courtroom acting as a lawyer...(oo, we covered this in a couple of recent posts-Ed)...indeed we did Ed...can't wait to hear why Mr Pasin would consider it appropriate to act for the people he has...(do you think he'll explain why he has acted in the manner he has whilst 'acting', eg, the self-contradicting evidence of the 'up-skirting paedophile' and the statements about 'innocent photos when considered out of context', etc?-Ed)...I doubt it, that's all 'just being a lawyer' stuff I'm sure. 

Mind Boggling: that our new state Treasurer Tom Koutsontonis...(Treasurer? you're joking-Ed)...wish I rejecting the Federal government's call to sell public assets to raise funds for, say, road infrastructure, with 'Incentive payments', eg, giving the state governments Company tax...but Special K says 'we don't sell public assets to pay for things that the Federal government should be funding'... (say sorry, what?...Labor sold the South East Forestry Estate for only $680million, less than two thirds it's actual book value, and then used that money to bribe the SA Cricket Assoc by paying off their $80m debt and do the Adelaide Oval 'redevelopment' that they (Labor) suddenly promised only weeks before the March 2010 state election-Ed)...well exactly...

But it gets better...(spare me-Ed)...Mr Koutsontonis further stated that 'Labor doesn't sell public assets, particularly because they generate wealth for the state'...(you what?...the Forestry Estate made on average $100 million per annum for the State, of which just over half went on Forestry SA wages, fire protection, infrastructure maintenance, etc, delivering a net profit of approx. $40m per year...which means the Government has to find the money for those wages, etc, and the State isn't getting that $40m profit...every year-Ed)...good point.  

(And all day the media has been full of the wonders of a football game tomorrow at the 'new' Adelaide Oval, where the rest of that $680m was used, and in a hilarious Freudian slip, an ABC announcer this arvo called it the "Adelaide Evil"...deadset, even she commented on it as a FS) 

Heeeeere's Tony: And the answer as to why he's still acting as a lawyer?..."Simple" because he 'took on certain matters and gave a professional undertaking' prior to the September 2013 election and has been 'finalising' his work...'my wife and I are finalising and closing the business'. He then stated that under exceptional circumstances he had agreed recently to represent a young man charged with assault because 'the mother came and saw me and pleaded with me for her son'.

He stated 'I intend to maintain practice in Sydney' (I think) to do pro bono legal work to help the community like Senator Nick Xenophon does, but not like SA Labor's Patrick 'Part-Time' Conlon', which would help Mr Pasin keep his hand in as required for registration and help pay for certificates, etc...Mr Pasin assured that he was 100% focused on the electorate. "I go above and beyond"...(this is a very short paraphrase of a much longer interview).

(Wants some work to keep himself busy and registered, lawyer-wise?...looking to do pro bono to help the community?...well you know what you have to do?-Ed)...yep...indeed, I'll make it tomorrow's post.

And now on the ABC, Geoff Brock, Independent for the seat of Frome, and Labor Regional Development Minister banging on about how there's been 12 years of failure from Labor to appropriately fund/maintain/provide adequate infrastructure for Regional SA for mining, roads, etc...(but hasn't he just given Labor power in SA for another 4 years via the extraordinarily suspect shenanigans of the last week, and a reported $126m windfall for the seat of Frome and a promise of state government support for the Lead Smelter at Pt Pirie?-Ed)...exactly...

And yes I know that my whole Bob Such/Brock/Labor conspiracy theory from previous posts does make me sound like a rabid collusionist, but I maintain that the timing of events was carefully orchestrated to provide the platform of justifications to follow...and yes I am foaming at the mouth with fury that the Weatherill government, responsible for the St Martins Cover-up...(and the gross mismanagement of the states finances and economy and contempt for the Regional areas-Ed)...yes, all of that...I'm foaming that we get these clowns for 4 more years.

Tomorrow: My St Martins Letter To Tony Pasin

Let's see how keen Mr Pasin really is to act pro bono for the betterment of his community...can't think of a better case, a better cause, whereby Mr Pasin can represent the best interests of Mt Gambier, SA, all of Australia...and he already has an extensive knowledge of the St Martins case so we're off to a flying start...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters

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