Friday, March 14, 2014

MPLLIML Part II - Stuffed If I Know

Hello Ukraine, the USofA, Canada, and Brazil, and welcome to the blog...and I'll quickly wrap up this one politics wise so's we can deal with some actual news...and I note that the ABC TV is about the only one running any election coverage and even then it's mostly about Tasmania, further perpetuating the sense that South Australia is largely irrelevant to the rest of Australia...

Elsewhere: is where the Malaysian Airlines flight might be...and I'm not making a bad joke in very poor taste, this is pretty much what officials can offer 7 days after the plane's transponder stopped the USofA authorities are stating that the plane's 'automatic maintenance signal' was still trying to contact the relevant satellite for several hours after the transponder stopped, which would indicate that it was turned off.

I've not seen anything that states exactly what happened to the 'turn around' statements other than the search area is now in the Indian Ocean south of Malaysia which would seem to confirm that the plane had turned, but even then it may have turned again somewhere and could have eventually crashed 100s of kilometres away in any direction...or been landed somewhere, etc...    

And just to prove me wrong, an interview with SA Premier Jay Weatherill, he of the St Martins Abuse Cover-up, currently on the ABC News 24TV bleating his way through the same vacuous rhetoric, 'we've got a plan for jobs' but no real explanation as to what that 'plan' is...and now it's Liberal leader Stephen Marshall's turn and all the stuff about highest electricity costs, WorkCover costs, business tax burden, etc, all hurting business...

Rhetoric aside, the facts support many of his claims, particularly with the massive increases to Utility prices that don't just hurt business, but hammer householders as this point in time I have made my position clear re both of the major parties and the alleged Independents that have crucified Mt Gambier for the benefit of Adelaide...all Regional areas have suffered this...and I defend my 'no coverage' position by observing that there is a relatively massive Eastern states media coverage of the Tasmanian election compared to SA...(yeah, I'll give you that one-Ed).

And Adelaide don't give a damn baby...not one iota...(well that's not exactly true, there's a small fraction who are aware of the Regional issues re the last 12 years of Labor government but they're just an innocuous and irrelevant minority and not one of them is in parliament-Ed)...well put sir, I concede that there are some...and maybe a couple of people in the Upper House too?...(yeah, fair enough-Ed).

Please find attached the flyers I received in the mail on Wednesday 12th March 2014, both of which I reject as farcical nonsense...the Labor flyer is a carefully constructed lie perpetuated over several weeks and I have covered this in previous posts...first Don Pegler, then self-appointed Julie Macdonald, and now this...and a careful failure to mention Labor's own plan to dump Housing Trust tenants unto the tender machinations of private providers like CentaCare, acCare, etc...

Please note how it tries to give credibility to the claims made there-in by quoting Julie Macdonald who has been 'exposed' as a self-appointed 'one person army' calling herself the Housing Trust Tenants Association, and a Labor member...this entire episode is one long, nasty stunt designed and conducted to create fear against the Liberals, fear and concern that Don Pegler has been happy to involve himself in as part of his political strategy...disgraceful...   

The second flyer from the Limestone Coast Protection Alliance is just bewildering...I don't know what political allegiances C Pye (Dr?) has, but if she(?) genuinely believes anything Don Pegler says then that's her problem, but to put this ridiculous statement in writing and then my letterbox, then that invites the criticism I'm happy to provide...(well, not quite happy I'm sure, but certainly it needs to be addressed-Ed)...well ok, 'happy' is a turn of phrase, certainly...I actually find it deeply disturbing that someone apparently, reportedly so intelligent can be so naive to the point of rank stupidity.

Only weeks out from the election Don Pegler drops out of the ceiling making promises he's never going to be in any position to keep...(unless he has the balance of power-Ed)...saints preserve us...promises about something that he had previously done stuff all about...writing a letter to the Minister 2 weeks after the Rig is already on site and drilling the 'exploration well'...(December 18th 2013 or there abouts-Ed) letter after it has already started and then whole page ads in The Border Watch and fronting protests with abject lies about 'I oppose''s ridiculously too little, clearly too late, a desperate grab for credibility re the election.

Is C Pye (Dr?- I'm going to assume this is the Dr Catherine Pye also of Community Action Sustainability) a friend or supporter of Don Pegler...does she hate Troy Bell for some reason?...(she's met him perhaps-Ed)...hilarious you are, but seriously, what on Omnipotent, Omnipresent Entities Green Earth does C Pye think she/he is doing promoting Don Pegler and giving credibility to his empty has been well observed, Mr Pegler is preferencing Labor first on his ballot in an alleged shared Labor/Liberal ticket...but when you look at the way he has set that up, it still favours Labor...but that's irrelevant...

The reality is, and anybody who has the faintest idea what's going on...(so you then-Ed)...what?....(well you have the faintest idea-Ed)...oh right yes, hilarious...perhaps if you turned your comedic talents to the task at hand, thankyou...the reality is that there are 2 horses in this 5 horse race, Troy Bell and Don Pegler, and Mr Pegler's faux surprise about the Greens giving him their preferences fooled no-one, and he's getting Labor preferences...and I don't withdraw my criticism of Labor candidate Jim Maher because he is running solely to gather rusted-on Labor voters and get those preferences for's the exact set-up that Labor has run in 2006 and 2010 and here we are in 2014 and everything old is new again. 

My Advice: forget who it actually was in the position, but assess exactly what has happened to Mt Gambier with 12 years of alleged Independents who have clearly been working either as Labor Minister or as Labor apologist calling himself a member of the government.

(I would argue don't forget that it was Rory McEwen who absolutely sold out the South East indeed the entire state over the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...he didn't just betray those 2 dozen 7 year old children and their parents and families by covering that up, he betrayed everyone and guaranteed the abuse of more children...but we'll do this bit Tomorrow-Ed)...we will?...(we will-Ed)...fair enough.

(The chronology of events clearly shows that Rory used St Martins to bargain himself onto the Front Bench and then gave us Shared Services, gave us the Forestry Sale, the Adelaide Oval Re-development lunacy, 4 year waiting lists for Dental Care, no money for the Patient Assistance Transport Scheme, Privatising Health in South Australia with a new hospital, the Flouridation, axing of multiple services outside of the services lost through 'Shared Services', Marine Parks, etc, etc-Ed)...

(A vaguely objective review of what has happened under Don Pegler shows that all of these things, that this 'strip it and sell it' attitude/strategy have continued to decimate social structures, services, etc, in Regional SA...and at every turn Don Pegler has apologised for and/or supported Labor and referred to himself as 'we in the government'...regular ABC Local Radio listeners will be well aware of this-Ed)...

And it's now late afternoon and still nothing clear about the Malaysian Airliner, only some more denials and until...

Tomorrow: Federal Liberal Tony Pasin Defends Paedophile In Court

(Sorry what?-Ed) heard...our Federal representative has been acting as defense lawyer for a man who has been 'up-skirting' young children at supermarkets, etc...(sorry, I'm going to have to take a minute to digest that sentence-Ed)...take all day mate, take until tomorrow...see you there...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...and on any given day I truly wish I was makin' this shit up...but I'm not...and that's what's really sad...anyhoos, cheers and laters...

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