Thursday, March 20, 2014

Much More Mundane Mt Gambier Minutiae

Hello Romania, the United Kingdom, Ukraine, and Thailand and again thankyou for excusing me the angry, venting indulgence of yesterday's post even though it's probably too late after you've already read it...naturally I do not withdraw one word of it because the entire post is a sickening splinter of truth plucked from a plank of failures torn from the raft of issues that is the St Martins Cover-up Case...but today, straight into the Rail Lands malarkey...after this...

Malaysia Airlines MH370: remains lost without a trace, except for the alleged sighting over the Maldives and persistent reports that several nations do have relevant information as collected by 'spy satellites' and/or other monitoring systems, including the USofA via their Pine Gap facility in Central Australia, but aren't sharing that info for 'operational reasons', ie. not giving away their monitoring capabilities, programs, etc.

Just earlier (1300hrs Mt Gambier time) a report on the ABC/BBC Radio stating that an Australian plane has spotted 'debris' in the Indian Ocean which may be MH370...and theories continue, eg, a catastrophic fire or attempted hijack, a cabin decompression, etc, that cut out electronics leaving the plane crippled and out of contact wherein it then flew until fuel ran out and it crashed...I agree that at this point in time, for the families involved, this must be a waking nightmare not just a curio for blogs like mine.

Now 1510hrs and a live cross (ABC Radio) saying that yes debris has been spotted on a satellite image and a USofA search plane is there now but still no report...and if they find something a civilian ship is already on the way and will be contacted with more aircraft headed to the area...with all the implied loss, I almost hope that this is the wreck of the plane for the sake of the families and I cannot imagine what they are enduring.

Rail Lands Stuff:...(yay-Ed)...I have repeatedly covered and clearly defined the Mt Gambier City Council's Rail Lands Retail Agenda, whereby Council and/or the vested interests who actually run it, eg, former CEO and of late 'Consultant' Greg Muller, decided back in early 2005 that the Old Rail Lands 'gifted' to the people of Mt Gambier by the state government at that time, that the ORL should have a massive extension of the Lakes/Centro Plaza built on it...and again, all due respect, but the RLRA is not up for debate, it's an undeniable reality that Council refuses to acknowledge.

The RLRA has dominated Council's planning and development decisions in and around Mt Gambier...(please see previous posts-Ed) they acted to keep that site clear, eg, refusing to put the Interstate Bus Terminal at a renovated Old Rail Station building...and that 'refusal' has required a series of deliberate deceits from Council about 'contamination' and 'the Deed' and 'the Easement', etc, and then the November 2011 $10million Rail Lands (Parklands) Concept Plan launch...Council doubled it's borrowing capacity in last years Budget with the justification that they needed the money for the Rail Lands.

Council's Grant Humphries went on the ABC last year and stated that after the $5million of grants that went into part of the Library and Main Corner, Council wasn't likely to be getting any more government grants 'in the foreseeable future', since then Council has received 2 separate, sudden $1million grants from the state government specifically for the Rail Lands...(yeah, but the second one was a $1m Labor Party promo for Don Pegler, announced by him only a fortnight out from the was a garish, clumsy and offensive piece of carpetbagging...failed carpetbagging-Ed)...

Carpetbagging or pork-barrelling?...both?...(dunno...hey, do you reckon there's room on the Apple Cart for a Pork Barrel as well?-Ed)...indubitably...pork and apples are a match made in heaven...a bushel size barrel of Rotten Apples and a big serve of Barrelled Pork...if you don't understand what I'm talking about here, please review previous posts re Apple Carts and Gravy Trains...

And now the story is that this extra million will allow for lawn and some seats by 2015, supposedly ahead of schedule...and what really concerns me is that the latest TBW reportage refers to extensive work on seats and a fake swamp and platforms, balustrades and other fittings, etc, but not one word about the actual Railway Station building this the official silence ahead of an unfortunate incident that sees the Old Station 'removed'...can't build a shopping centre extension with that sitting in the way...more tomorrow...

And back to this morning and following an ABC Local Radio interview with Member for Barker, Liberal Tony Pasin about the possibility of an MRI Machine (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) for Mt Gambier, announcer Stuart Stansfield mentioned the recent Court case with Mr Pasin lawyering (for a paedophile caught 'up-skirting' young children with a phone camera), as covered in this here blog just recently...Stuart said 'I'll have to ask him next time'...why not ask him this time?...again, call me a cynic, but I see this as a way of acknowledging an issue but not addressing it.

I've seen this pattern of behaviour so many times, where something gets mentioned at the end of an interview, without any resolution, or the answer is 'I'll get back to you' as a way of avoiding the question...these are common 'plausible denial' techniques that allow the instigator the opportunity to say yes we started to look at that but no it isn't resolved...again, why mention it at the end of the interview not during it?...

I may be over-reacting about this incident re the ABC, but I am bang on the money re Tony Pasin acting in Court...(let alone for a paedophile-Ed)...indeed, and the manner in which he conducted that defense...but again in The Border Watch Wednesday 19th March 2014, in a double page spread consisting 6 separate articles about a series of violent assaults where 3 young men 'coward punched' (king hit) and then stomped 3 lone people in 3 different attacks across 1 night, "Defence lawyer seeks suspended sentence"...and that lawyer?...(Tony Pasin?-Ed)...well it was a rhetorical question, but yes, Tony Pasin...

(So when Mr Pasin, our elected Member for the seat of Barker, pretty much everybody from Murray Bridge East to the border, when Mr Pasin isn't in Court representing an up-skirting paedophile, he's in Court representing a violent, cowardly thug...I note that the facts of the assaults are not being disputed...can't help wondering when Mr Pasin finds the time to represent me and he's been elected to do-Ed)...well quite...more on this tomorrow.

Family Fun Day: is apparently not being referred to as 'The Mayoresses FFD' anymore, and an old cynic like me might think that the 'Mayoresses' bit has been dropped because of the now negative associations due to the $$35,000+ lost on this years FFD...($35,000 lost?-Ed)...well it cost Council therefore ratepayers nearly $50,000 to bankroll, with only under $12,000 in sponsorships and other support...(ah so you mean that, as it was originally about promoting the Mayoress relative to Mayor Steve Perryman's personal political ambitions, now that it's a bit of a disaster, that link needs to be severed-Ed)...indeed...that and Steve Perryman has given up on any political career outside of the rank corruption of Mt Gambier City Council...

Council's Barbara Cenovskis was interviewed (ABC Local Radio) and kept referring to Mt Gambier being a Family Friendly and Child Friendly community and workshops and forums etc, and twice punched my buttons right in the face with the observation that "it's the village that raises the child"...(ah, quoting the Collected Works of Councillor Jim Maher-ed)...well quite...and then about 'the thinker in residence came to Mt Gambier' and 'Professor such-and-such' and forums and workshops...and all a nice little earner for the Main Corner 'leasees' and Mayor Perryman who has these visiting 'experts' stop wiv' 'im an' 'ne missus at Shady Lodge Motel...and if one more Council rep says 'social inclusion', ahhhhhhh...   

And a long interview with said waste of space, Mayor Perryman, re the 'Peter's Project Cancer Centre' in Warnnambool and why there'll be no funding from Council...yes Steven we know that Health Services are state and Federal government funded, and that Mt Gambier wants an MRI...but saying it's "not our core business" just doesn't fly Steven when Council constantly blows millions on things that aren't their business, eg, setting up a Commercial Function Centre at the Main Corner, all done with ratepayers money, and then handing it to Councillor Des Mutton's son, initially for free...(or a cafe in the Library...or their 'Electronics Recycling' business they've set up-Ed)...indeed...

Mr Perryman's main argument was that the project isn't Council's business, and anyway they have $25m of the $30m they need so they're nearly there and part of that's Federal funding and that's our taxes and people come to Mt Gambier from Victoria, blahhhh...I'm sorry but I pretty much zoned out after that because I just get angry and stop listening...many people from the Mt Gambier region will be utilising that service for decades to come, of course we should be contributing.

And I've just watched 10 minutes of the last quarter of AFL Adelaide vs Geelong and that's all I need to remind me why I don't watch this crap anymore...10 minutes of pro-Geelong umpiring that takes the lead off the Crows and turns the'd think it was's worse than the NRL, nearly as bad as European soccer...I stopped watching, shan't watch again...evening all......

Tomorrow: Much Much More Manuric Minutiae

(Manuric?-Ed)...yes, being as of manure...(fair enough-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...and still no word at 2145hrs re the MH 370 search.

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