Thursday, March 13, 2014

More Pro-Labor Lies In My Letterbox

Hello and welcome to the blog...and a slight misnomer in the title in that there are plenty of said lies floating about the local media, mostly courtesy of Labor and Don Pegler, but which little buttercup can you believe in a field of liars?...and again I'll cut Liberal Troy Bell and Green John Baseley and Family First Peter Heaven some slack on this issue in so much as I think their parties are potentially base liars as much as Labor, but as individuals they possibly maintain a shred of decency and honesty...(wow, don't get too carried away with the cutting of the slack-Ed)...

Well one likes to tailor ones response to the specific situation when cutting the slack, and judge the subject by the cut of their cloth...(well this one doesn't blame one for being sceptical given the way that Mt Gambier has been thoroughly 'pantsed' by it's alleged Independent representatives and had the economic shirt sold off it's back leaving it hardly a leg to stand on-Ed)...and all involved need a cuff around the ear...(well quite-Ed)...

But First: there is still wildly conflicting information coming from Malaysian officials re the disappearance of the Malaysians Airlines flight last Saturday...although the plane's position was known when the 'Positioning Transponder' stopped, nobody seems to know where the plane actually was when it finally went off radar, or why, and there are reports that a New Zealand (Aotearoa) worker on an oil rig just off Vietnam claims to have seen an intact but burning plane crash into the sea, in an area where a Chinese satellite saw debris, but that's been checked and nothing.

Most bizarre are reports that the passenger's mobile phones are still ringing when relatives try to contact them, but go unanswered...this would seem to suggest that the plane landed somewhere rather than crashed...and a low flying plane was seen/heard west of MH 370's last confirmed position...planes have crashed in open ocean before and taken several days to be located, but this has happened in one of the busiest transport corridors, air and sea, anywhere on the planet.

Politicing All The Boxes: will render your vote effectively informal because you need to number the candidates individually...(nice-Ed)...I have previously stated that I support Troy Bell as being some-one whom I believe genuinely has this electorates best interests as his true motivation and will make a good representative for all regional South Australians, but I remind readers of the critical role that the Liberals have played in the ongoing cover-up of Child Abuse at St Martins.

Don Pegler continues to take credit for everything that has happened in the South-East, eg  $27m for  'Forestry Re-structuring' following the Forward Sale of Harvesting Rights, $18m for roads, etc, and including Federally funded projects like the $27m for the Mt Gambier Hospital expansion...and continues to support the Labor Party whilst claiming to be a solid representative for Mt Gambier...reality disproves that claim...I refer again to the one definable actual thing that Mr Pegler could have/should have done but didn't do, being the 6,600 signature 'Flouridation Choice'.

That petition was very carefully prepared by the hard work of local people genuinely concerned with the Flouidation of their water, signed by 6,6oo people who shared those concerns, and at the 2010 Election Forum Don Pegler stated publicly that he didn't have a problem with it (Flouridation) but would represent the will of the people...(and then just handed it over with no speech not nuthin'-Ed)...exactly...the very first thing he did in state parliament was to silently capitulate for his Labor colleagues.

And that's before you even get to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up which Don Pegler is intimately aware of for a decade but has abjectly failed to address...every day he has sat in Parliament doing his Sudoku...(I'd forgotten about that-Ed)...was another day that Mr Pegler helped the Labor Party help the Lutherans cover-up the gross abuse of 2 dozen 7 year old children...may you all rot slowly in hell for your corruption and complicity.

Words are merely words and open to manipulation...whatever he may have to say on the matter to the contrary, Mr Pegler has unequivocally supported Labor in the same way they have supported him, and this definably started...(if not before hand-Ed)...with the gross corruption of the Penola Rd/Millicent Rd Bunnings Rezoning fiasco that involved serving Grant District Councillor Brenton James' land and direct intervention from Planning Minister Paul Holloway...then from the Flouride Choice Petition on through his constant defending of Labor and referring to himself as being part of the government, etc...

On through to his support of the 'No More Funding' model Patient Assistance Transport Scheme Review that Labor repeatedly, fiercely defended...which suddenly, miraculously became a funding promise of $2.5million extra, days after the Liberals announced a $1.5m increase, and that is now apparently all due to Don...(nonsense, there is no question that Troy Bell's activism/petition on this issue stirred Mr Pegler into reluctant action, eg, suddenly organising a PATS meeting after finding out that Mr Bell was having one, and then holding it the day before Mr Bell's-Ed)...indeed...

And then when asked about the Forestry Sale, Mr Pegler claimed to have completely opposed it and that it was wrong, but then hung it on the Liberals, saying  'hang on but remember that Liberal Premier John Olsen sold ETSA and the TAB' (paraphrase)...(wasn't that because of the massive Sate Bank collapse that was orchestrated under John Bannon's Labor?-Ed)...historically correct and certainly the line that the Liberals run...

Never, ever forget that Mr Pegler is at least protege to the widely loathed former MP Rory McEwen and is cut from exactly the same my eyes Don is Rory's puppet as much as Labor's...and the fact that Rory would consider it a wise thing to do to attend the Polling Station to hand out How-to-Vote cards on behalf of Don Pegler, and the fact that Mr Pegler would even consider let alone allow that, to me indicates who's in charge in that relationship...

And Mr Pegler can always count on the apparently morally blank Mt Gambier City Councillor Jim Maher to do the bulk of the heavy lifting against the Liberals, particularly on this PATS Jim's own admission he's only running to 'give Labor people some-one to vote for'...(bloody disgraceful...and I note the double-sided flyer I received from Labor has Kyam Maher (Legislative Council) on the reverse and JIm Maher on the front-Ed)...and of course Viv Maher and  good ol' MGC Councillor Penny Richardson have to have their 2 cents worth...may saints exist that they may preserve us...

And now this ridiculous pamphlet from Community Action Sustainability outright stating 'if you oppose Fracking vote for Don'...I don't know C Pye (Dr Pye?) but I have heard relatively good things about her...(unless that's a different C Pye-Ed)...yes thankyou...but if she believes for one moment that Don Pegler will act against his Labor support base, then she is blinded to the realities, be that by desperation or design I couldn't say...
And don't worry, I'm the first person to ask, "just how shrecked-up am I that I would be voting Liberal (Lower House) and Family First (Upper)?"...I've always voted minor parties, Greens, etc, but I genuinely consider that my decision is a relatively well informed and balanced response to the absolute failures of the Labor Party and our alleged Independent representatives.

Just listening to Gail Gago bleating about how important Regional SA is and how Labor's got a plan for jobs and a plan for prosperity and a plan for blahhhh...$2.7 m for Regional Innovation Clusters, etc,  blahhh...and they'll have 20,000 more people living in the regions by 2020...(ahahahahaa...aha...ha...oh, sorry you're serious...but they've done nothing but reef services and jobs out of the Regions-Ed)...exactly...and now the 'must do no harm' bullshit re mining vs farming and improved notification and information...(have you got any of those saints left?-Ed)...

Because this post is blowing out I'll do a Part II,

Tomorrow: MPLLIML Part II- It's An Anti-Liberal Cluster Fiasco

(Ooo, I thought you were going to say something else, not Fiasco-Ed)...oh don't worry, it's what I'm thinking...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...thanks for reading and cheers and laters...

PS: The 'In My Letterbox' refers to 2 pamphlets I received yesterday, the C Pye one and one from Labor about the Housing Trust...again...copies attached tomorrow...laters...

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