Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Post 450ish - Bloggin' A Dead Horse

Hello y'all and welcome to the blog...and straight off I'd like to acknowledge the feedback about looking after myself and maybe cutting back on the blog, to give myself a few days off here and there or every other day, something like that...a bit of a break from the self-identified, almost self-inflicted trauma of doing some of these posts...(you're sure they're not just sick of your particular brand of angry bollocks?-Ed)...yeah thankyou...said feedback is much appreciated, but please let me explain myself a bit better.

It's not a self-inflicted trauma that has me feeling so unattached and distant from the community I live in, so deeply traumatised and broken and irretrievably cynicalised, so isolated and Pariahtised, such an abject, unemployable failure who can't even get the screamingly undeniable St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up resolved, so completely...(yeah, yeah we get it, you're having a bit of a shocker-Ed)...for a decade...(for a decade-Ed)...

If one may be so gauche as to quote oneself, The Nut That Wouldn't Crack post pretty much sums it up for me, I'm down and struggling to get back to my feet but I'm still trying...the damage done may ne'er be retrieved but I'm still trying...back to the meteorite metaphor...this is the trajectory and it is irresistible...I can only apologise for bad posts and mistakes, etc, that shizzles gonna happen, but when it gets right down to which is more difficult to endure, the trauma of doing the blog vs just doing the trauma, the blog wins hands down.

I cannot avoid the trauma so I engage it and attack it and do what I can to bring it to heel...even if I cannot get resolution on anything at least I'm giving it a go, eg, look at the extraordinary conduct of the alleged Independent Commission Against Corruption and it's supposed investigation of Mt Gambier City Council...it is not being arrogant or delusional or even irresponsible to state that I made all that happen and have conclusively proved exactly what I had predicted about ICAC...

How does one lone loose unit bring to account a system, a state, a society, a community so thoroughly corrupted that it produces the St Martins Cover-up and an ICAC like this?...doing the blog gives me the avenue, the release, the sense of confronting that makes me at least able to tolerate myself...just...still floggin' a still dead horse and urging it to charge that Windmill...but I digress...    

The Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak has now officially stated that the missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 definitely most likely crashed into the Indian Ocean almost certainly killing all on board, most likely roughly where several navies, airforces, and civilian craft are currently searching...('definitely most likely'? 'almost certainly'? 'most likely roughly'? that still sounds very vague-Ed)...yeah well, that's not his actual words, but I'm not sure why this statement has been made...(apparently it relates to British analysis of satellite data re a locational 'ping' from the still flying plane that indicates the 'predicted' southern corridor-Ed).

It is also reported that some relatives of passengers and crew were notified of this 'official declaration' via an SMS, not an official call or even a letter...a text message to say 'yeah, it crashed, and they're all dead' would seem to be a little harsh...(and I don't know why you would say 'they're almost certainly dead' unless there was definitive evidence...this must surely be a further, unnecessary trauma for families-Ed)...quite...and I still don't understand how that plane could turn around and fly off somewhere else without air traffic controllers being almost immediately aware and contacting each other. 

I don't understand how they can state definitively that the plane crashed and that there are no survivors without even finding any debris that is confirmed as part of the plane...it is a terrible situation for the families and I feel that they could well do without another series of 'maybes' and 'probablies'.

It Ain't Fair: 'cos I had a beauty half-post ready to fire about the ludicrous proposed changes to Financial Regulation legislation and Liberal plans to enact removal of restrictions on Financial Advisors that would then legally allow FAs to accept commissions from Providers, eg, banks, rather than to advise based solely on the best interests of their client...but I can't because the government has reacted to the massive backlash and temporarily shelved the legislation.

And yes I do agree that this sudden backdown, that only days ago was absolutely ruled out by the Liberals, is highly likely highly motivated by the impending Western Australia Senate re-Election and likely to get slammed back on the table the moment WA is done friggin' about...so half a post denied, for now, but George Brandis saved the day for me with his great comments about everyone's right to be a bigot...yes you should have the right to say whatever you want, but you should also have the right to be sued and/or otherwise held to account for what you say...it's why I put my name to everything I do.

For example, I should be able to express my opinion about sickening mouth breathers like Andrew Bolt who has been given his own show by selfish, bigoted idiots like Gina Rinehart, with the specific purpose of pouring his/her particular brand of massively biased, corrupted mind vomit into the public sphere...(I hear he has a very small penis-Ed)...even for a white man...I think it says so much about us as a species that people like Kyle Sandilands, Andrew Bolt, etc get their own shows, but other more moderate voices can only get bit-piece exposure via shows like Q&A on the ABC...and then the ABC gets accused of being 'Leftist' by the Right...

For crikey sake, the magazine style morning shows on commercial networks often offer a more balanced and accurate account of issues than Andrew Bolt...although I must admit I haven't watched or read Andre Bolter for a year, probably longer...it's not news, it's not even opinion, it's all bias, nothing more than propaganda...and I don't need that shizzle...

The Fosters and Cardinal George Pell:...I made myself watch as much as I could stomach of this back-sliding reptile yesterday and was unfortunately not disappointed with his extraordinary refusals to accept responsibility for legal proceedings he was clearly directing...time and again he denied responsibility, any recollection of various incidents/directives he was directly involved in, and pointed the blame at various often un-named others...(and then claimed that he wasn't the sort of person to blame others-Ed)...indeed.

I may be one crazy, broken, wreck of an old angry hippy, but I love to stand next to people like George Pell, Rory McEwen, Mike Rann, Steve Perryman, etc, because in that company, in that context, I'm a strong and decent person...(well that's a big call, but fair enough-Ed)...and I thought that the Fosters showed incredible strength in the face of such blatant lies from the man who personally fought them over the abuse of their 2 daughters, abuse that lead to one daughter suiciding...

And in the Royal Commission's Adelaide hearing it's just more of the same from the Catholic Church re the abuse of disabled children by bus driver Brian Perkins, a relentless litany of official failures and unbelievable excuses that don't bare the slightest scrutiny...and of course there's SAPol with it's own list of excuses as to why Brian Perkins wasn't arrested 20 years ago, even when they attended his home following complaints, and he already had multiple convictions for Child Abuse, and he had a warrant pending...and blaming it all on a now deceased Deputy Commissioner...

Lie after lie, excuse after excuse, and relentless, vacuous rhetoric and meaningless, fake mia culpas from the Catholics...excuse me for not believing that the Catholics pushed SAPol and the state government to have Perkins returned to South Australia after he was 'caught' in Queensland...(if they are so concerned and contritious, then why are they still fighting some of the parents over compensation some 20 years after their children were abused?-Ed)...exactly...and why keep it a secret from parents for 10 years after the event?...(bastards-Ed)...indeed...

In Closing: Cr Ian Von Stanke was on the ABC Local Radio this morning discussing a Council initiative to place solar panels on the Library, Sir Robert Helpmann Theatre, Main Corner, etc, to reduce power costs...(fair enough-Ed)...and then he mentioned the Bio-mass Furnace at the part-time Mt Gambier Pool...(not so great-Ed)...and oh my shreckin' lord, a bloody Wind Turbine in a Council reserve...(more about this...-Ed)....

Tomorrow: More Local Issues Of Import

Again, I appreciate the feedback and the opportunity to explain myself...and yes, it is alright for me to make jokes about white men because I am one...and may I award myself some lovely honours...therefore...

I am Sir Nick Fletcher and that there's Dame Ed, and this 'ere's our blog me lovelies...toodle pip and tally bally ho...(what is it with you and the 'ho's'?-Ed)...   

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