Thursday, March 6, 2014

Premier Jay Weatherill Covers-Up Child Abuse At St Martins Lutheran School

Hello Romania, Thailand, Brazil and the United States of America...sorry to bang on about St Martins yet again but today's title is in direct reference to Mr Weatherill's hypocritical bleating today about a Liberal 'funded and approved' Election advertisement by Independent candidate for Lee, Ms Melita Calone, who is a parent running because of the Western Suburbs School case where several 8 year old children were abused by their After School Carer, Mark Harvey.   

The public exposure of the gross mis-handling of this case by the Education Dept and then Education Minister Jay Weatherill precipitated the farcical DeBelle 'Royal Commission', set up by Mr Weatherill, to excuse Mr Weatherill, and to provide Mr Weatherill with exactly the sort of platform from which to launch the faux outrage that he pissed in my ear today via the ABC 'I have been completely exonerated by Commissioner DeBelle'...rubbish...(ooo, he's angry though, the JMan, and ooo he's going to sue...and, um, can one actually 'launch urine'?-Ed)...

Well that's a rather ridiculous, trite, purile and inane question given the seriousness of the circumstance...(yeah, sorry, it's just that when dealing with Mr Weatherill I feel inspired to new levels of ridiculous, trite, purile and inane-Ed)...oh, and I heard a big shout-out from Mr Weatherill today to my main man Rory McEwen, 'it's the lowest thing to do to advance your political ambitions by using Child Abuse'...(high praise indeed from The Master-Ed)...but we digress... 

Ms Calone has apparently claimed that Premier Weatherill had 'failed to notify parents' re the jailing of Harvey, etc, but Angry J was appropriately semi-apoplectic in screeching his innocence according to DeBelle...'I didn't know and DeBelle proved that and I'm gonna' sue'...well, Mr Weatherill, what about the direct and repeated role that you have personally played in covering-up the abuse of dozens of 7 year olds at St Martins?...big man picking on a mother driven by the fallout of your about you have a go at suing me for telling the truth about you.

How's about you have a go at suing me and how's about you bring your paedophile protecting business partner Stephen Lieschke who acted as Lutheran teacher Glyn Dorling's lawyer in the Teachers Registration Board, how's about you bring him along as well...and your former Attorney General Michael Atkinson...and anyone else you care to bring...and why not get Piper Alderman lawyers to help you?...they're bang up for a bit of threatening distressed, traumatised parents to help their clients cover-up Child Abuse...(angry much?-Ed) more than usual...

I respectfully refer availees to the many, many posts that constitute this blog, and the many points of fact that I have proven beyond doubt as to the culpability of all those mentioned thus far in the St Martins Cover-Up...not my opinion, not a political stunt, not some Machiavellian manipulation of unrelated half truths cleverly cobbled together to construct a plausible all ain't not nuthin' but a Thang...all of it...nuthin' but a Thang...a very real, very, very ugly Thang.

To all those others 'monitoring' this blog on behalf of Mr Weatherill, et al...get please accept genuine respect where appropriate, and appropriate stuffage to the rest...but I digress...

Feedback: again, yes, it was Rory McEwen former member for Mt Gambier, rank Labor stooge, and key player in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, whom I confronted outside the pre-polling station last Friday as he handed out how-to-vote cards on behalf of Don Pegler...I have been thanked by a couple of people for confronting Rory, but that's not why I did it, and I'm not particularly proud of doing it...I am proud of how I handled it though...again, ain't nuthin' but the Thang... 

Tony Pasin: is on the ABC/BBC Radio right now (1530hrs?) spruiking the Liberal Party re the state election, and he's apparently not terribly surprised that everything is Labor's fault just because they've been making the decisions for the last 12 years...something about 'job losses', Stephen Marshall is super and so is Mr Troy Bell "an exceptional candidate" and there's the PATS stuff, and the MRI stuff...and then onto the Upper House, blah, blah, etc...(someone said 'Mt Gambier' in it'll just be another 12 months before it happens again-Ed)...

A Fine Crop Of Rotten Eggs: would explain the horrid Sulphur Smell from the Beach Energy Fracking drill site just out of Penola...and DITR (the Dept of Innovation, Trade, Resources, and blahhhh) say everything's just fine and there's no Sulphur emissions above allowable limits according to their monitoring...(so that stench is just a standard part of their environmentally responsible drilling then?-Ed)...yep...(and is it one of the chemicals they're using or in the drilled-up sludge from 1km+ down that stinks like that naturally?-Ed)...don't know sorry...

And Community Action for Sustainability want Fracking no go zones, eg, for cropping, grazing, water security, etc...(and they are absolutely right-Ed)...and have canvassed the state Election candidates and apparently everybody supports it, namely Labor and Liberal, but alleged Independent Don Pegler is opposed. 

Dear CAS: Don Pegler will tell you exactly what you want to hear with absolutely no intention of doing anything that will compromise his position with the Labor Party...I plagiaristically paraphrase a recent letter from The Border Watch in saying that 'Don Pegler is claiming credit for anything good that's happened, and denying any responsibility for everything else'...and Labor candidate Jim Maher's response came from the Minister Tom Koutsantonis and embraced all the usual rhetoric about strict conditions, farming and mining can go together, etc...all lies, doesn't care, Adelaide, Adelaide, Adelaide...

Liberal candidates Troy Bell and Mitch Williams apparently recognise water issues are important as are prime agricultural land, etc, but that mining and farming can co-exist...I believe the Liberals are still promising a long Fracking Inquiry before any approvals to 'extract' would be granted...(Inquiry into what?-Ed), no, an Inquiry into Fracking...(oh oh, yes, of course-Ed)...

I note that the recent National Health and Medical Research Council 'review' of the 'science' related to Health Issues stemming from Wind Turbines, eliminated all but 7 of some 3,000 studies/submissions, etc, they considered, and had included only 1 from Australia, that of Anti-Turbine campaigner Mary Morris, a private citizen...(sorry? scientific study from Oz, but they included a private citizens personal submission?-Ed)...yep...(but why?-Ed)...

Call me a cynic, but I believe that this was a deliberate but failed strategy to discredit Ms Morris and her submission and undermine Turbine opposition on issues of health...(failed strategy?-Ed)...yeah, well if I can bloody well figure it out, I'm fairly sure that others have....furthermore, the ass-about approach to this NHMRC study demonstrates a clear desire to support Turbines...(sorry, ass-about-Ed)...absolutely...

Rather than gather the alleged testing/studies/whatevs that prove there are no Health Issues re Wind Turbines...(well t/s/w don't exist, do they?-Ed)...exactly...(sorry, I'm confused-Ed)...rather than address the appropriately collated and presented data/evidence that Wind Turbines are safe, the NHMRC has attacked and dismissed the 'science' and Ms Morris who say there is a problem...(yes, but how can the NHMRC refer to data/evidence of Turbines being 'benign' when that testing hasn't been done ahhh now I get it-Ed)...

At the very least it is a clear admission that virtually no testing has been done before these monstrosities have been approved, and I would argue a clear indicator of support for Wind Turbines...(fair enough-Ed).

Tomorrow: More Politics I Guess

(I'd bet on it if I was a betting literary mechanism of your imagination-Ed)...sorry, you talking to me?...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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