Tuesday, March 4, 2014

How To Wave Energetically Goodbye To $3.7Million

Hello and welcome to the blog...lots of stuff to cover today so away we go...(oo, may I?-Ed)...please...

(But First: It's great to see the $7million Oceanlinx Wave Energy Turbine Unit has been safely installed just off Carrickalinga, about 100kms south of Adelaide-Ed)...Pt MacDonnell...(sorry, I'm certain I heard it reported that it was just off Carrickalinga-Ed)...no, sorry, you heard right, it was being towed to the South-East and that's where it sank...(sank?-Ed)...sank...(a Wave Energy Unit sank?-Ed)...mmhm...(damn, that's hilarious-Ed)...mmm...

Best thing that could have happened really, for the South-East anyway...(how is that in anyway a good thing-Ed)...well, Oceanlinx  may look at this little disaster and decide that if they're going to put dozens even hundreds of these massive units off Cape Northumberland/Pt MacDonnell it might prove more effective to construct them in the SE, effectively on site...(I love your thinkin', but I don't see that there's any infrastructure anywhere in the SE that could accommodate this project-Ed)...just sayin'...   

And no, we don't think it's a dodgy insurance scam that was never intended to get anywhere near Pt Mac...(then why are we mentioning it?-Ed)...well, some people love a bit of conspiracy theory and skulduggery, and regular availees of this here blog would be surprised no doubt if I didn't go there...(we are of course being incredibly facetious in that it seems so unlikely that this 'towing' project could have been handled any more incompetently, that surely it must have been deliberate-Ed).

Saw a hilarious report where a Pt Adelaide local was saying they were betting each other it wouldn't make it out of the Port River let alone to Pt Mac...not so hilarious, the footage of a massive, tilting, rusting Wave Energy unit sitting just offshore in southern New South Wales where Oceanlinx has just left it after it also sank several years ago...(also sank?-Ed)...well technically, chronologically the new Carrickalinga artificial reef is the 'also'...

(Fair enough, but the point being that Oceanlinx hasn't even cleaned that up yet, and now they've sunk another-Ed)...along with the $3.7million that SA taxpayers 'sank' into the project...(sorry, what?...$3.7m?-Ed)...yep...and this Titanic effort in NSW...(Titanic? oooo-Ed)...too soon?...anyhoos, this is a critical issue for these many Wave units planned for the SE, and equally important re the proliferation of hundreds of massive Wind Turbines and proposed 3,000+ Gas Fracking Rigs...who's going to pay to remove those things when they break loose and wash-up on the Pt Mac breakwater, or the companies go bust, or the Wind Turbines reach their end of service, when the Aquifers are polluted and unusable, etc?...

What happens if Oceanlinx goes bust and there's dozens of these massive objects just off Pt Mac that nobody wants? What about all of the toxic waste from Fracking? Who's goin' t' clean that shit up? Just to mention it, but obviously Wave generation has similar limitations to Wind Turbines re weather conditions vs demand, etc...moving on...

Shredded Letters: is my new favourite catch-phrase and refers specifically to some specific items published in The Border Watch newspaper, but can be expanded to include all articles, segments, editorials, etc...I have already covered in previous posts, several of the particular issues from said letters, but a quick review...

Labor candidate and Mt Gambier City Councillor Jim Maher has been very critical of his Liberal opponent Troy Bell re the Patient Assistance Transport Scheme petition that Mr Bell organised recently, but this criticism didn't acknowledge the reality of what that 'not a real' petition achieved, a bipartisan agreement to increase PATS funding by $2.5million...(that's a 30% increase on current funding-Ed)...indeed, and an increase that Labor had repeatedly, flatly refused to provide, even in their 2013 PATS Review, a review fully supported by local Member, alleged Independent Don Pegler. 

Mr Maher also neglected to mention the 6,600 signature 'Choice About Flouridation ' petition that was meticulously formatted, collated, and presented, in every sense a 'real petition', but that Don Pegler simply handed to the Labor government without doing his allotted Parliamentary address, and that was immediately 'shelved', never to be mentioned again, and the Flouridation was immediately implemented.

This is a critical failure by both Labor and Don Pegler, particularly after Mr Pegler gave repeated public assurances that he would represent the desire of the electorate re that petition, and clearly defines Labor's contempt for Democracy and the electorate, and Don Pegler's complicit compliance with the Labor Party...which segues nicely into...

No, I Swear It's True: it was former local member and rank Labor stooge Rory McEwen, arguably the most corrupt person in Mt Gambier's political history...(and that's some achievement in itself-Ed)...well quite...it was Rory whom I swore vehemently if but quietly at whilst he was sitting outside the Electoral Pre-Polling station in Crouch St South on behalf of Don Pegler, as covered in a previous post.

I appreciate the feedback that I need to be a bit more professional, but that's not what I am and it has proven to be my greatest strength...(sorry, something you're not, is your greatest strength?-Ed)...yep, and as furious as I was in that exchange, I maintained absolute control, the lady who witnessed it asked me if I was ok, and the Returning Officer Bill Russon, whom Rory fetched...(man Rory's a coward-Ed)...absolutely, a flat-wicket bully...Mr Russon, aware of my motivations, was absolutely respectful of my position, clearly appreciated my offer to leave before he had to ask me, and was almost apologetic.

What really floors people though, is not so much that Rory would dare to show his face in public because of the bristling hatred for him in the community re his rank corruption and betraying collusion with Labor, eg, the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, the SE Forestry Sale, etc, but that Don Pegler would have Rory anywhere near his campaign...(well it is Rory's campaign after all, Don's just the hood ornament on the Rory McEwen Gravy Train-Ed)...great application of mixed metaphors...

Sorry, already out of time and space...but quickly, I have previously concurred with Labor's 2010 state election candidate Viv Maher re the crass and offensive comments made on the ABC Local Radio by Liberal Vicki Chapman about Don Pegler's loss of a family member...disgraceful...and Mrs Maher (Jim Maher's wife) goes on to write about how she's a counsellor....that's true...she 'counselled' me about the St Martins Issue nearly 10 years ago...and I wasn't the only one...more tomorrow...

It's A Disgrace: Wattle Range Mayor Peter Gandolfi...(ah, I don't think you should refer to Mr Gandolfi as an 'It'-Ed)...let me finish...Mayor Gandolfi said on the radio this morning re political signage placed at the Cross of Remembrance in Millicent, even though it may have been moved there by an unknown third party...just for the record, Peter Gandolfi, 2006 state election Liberal candidate for Mt Gambier, you sir, are a disgrace, a key player in the St Martin's Child Abuse Cover-up (previous post) and more...

Tomorrow: Bringin' The Angry

Some things that piss me off and maybe some 'newsy' type stuff if we've got time...and when 'we' say 'we', I of course mean me, because Ed exists purely in my head, a creation of dialogistic inclusion...(I don't know what that means, but it sounds like it's about me and a bit rude-Ed)...nah, nah, go' bless ya', go' bless...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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