*"Yeah, you write that down Nick and put it in your blog!"*...well if you say so Steve...(and said to you with all the usual unpleasantness...I was there-Ed)
Yesterday 30/05/13 I attended the fourth of the five 'Budget Consultation' meetings that Mt Gambier City Council is holding at the library to give the illusion that they are doing consultation, and *this* is what Mayor Perryman had to say as I looked down to write his answer to my question (to follow). Please see previous posts on this issue, particularly the behaviour of Mayor Steve Perryman..
Briefly; he showed up half way through the meeting Tuesday 21/05/13 and went literally right round the room to come and lean on the back of the chair next to me and lean right over me, an act of deliberate intimidation...it is unacceptable as much as it hilarious. As per previous post, if I had stood up I would have collided with him.
He did it again yesterday. Mayor Perryman showed up 5 minutes after I did, and went past four empty chairs, right around behind the accumulated luminaries representing Council, right round the room to come and sit next to me...(oo, oo, I'm calling 'An Epic Fail'...bags "An Epic Fail'-Ed)...you sound very confident...(yeah, well I know your style...and besides, you haven't been arrested-Ed)...hilarious, and yet nice...nice...no of course I wasn't arrested, but yes you have stolen my thunder somewhat...oh, and thanks for saying I have style...
But he didn't just sit in the seat a metre away, he picked it up (while seated still) and took a big shift left towards me to within a foot of my briefcase on the floor next to me.
I said to him as he sat down, "Don't sit next to me". I said it again as he moved the chair closer, and then a third time. He completely ignored me, staring straight ahead. There's no way he didn't hear me.
As this was happening some more people showed up and Steve picked up his chair (still seated) and swung it toward me and it clipped my briefcase.
I called it straight away, "If you think you're pulling another stunt like Tuesday, forget it." and picked up my laptop and pad and moved straight across to the four chairs he had passed to come and sit next to me...(I think he likes you-Ed)...yes, thankyou...and then went back and retrieved my briefcase...with several 'excuse me's' as I went.
Present were Councillors Byron Harfield, Ian Von Stanke, Merv White, and Allen Smith, CEO Mark McShane, Operations Manager Darryl Sexton, and Mayor Perryman...and as it turns out a number of former Councillors and their wives/partners.
Either side of Mayor Perryman's entrance, etc, Cr Harfield and CEO McShane 'explained' the Budget and various projects, and why we must borrow now and the public made us do it and blahhhhhh...(now, come on...explain yourself properly-Ed)...it was all the same pseudo justification, blame shifting, and misrepresentation of the figures...please see previous blogs.
The first person to speak from the floor was Robert Miles who appeared to be reading prepared notes, and immediately stated that 'Council should toughen up on people who speak out' and slammed the media, saying "...that bloke who writes fom his front porch should be shot..." (Graham Greenwood's From the Front Porch column in The Border Watch), and that Jason (Wallace-TBW), Stan (Thompson-ABC) and a couple of other names I didn't catch, should all be hauled into line...quite extraordinary...
He is quoted in today's TBW;
"I am having trouble understanding why council doesn't get tougher on people who criticise
them for spending money."
There was repeated praise for Council, and the Main Corner, and 'you've got to spend to earn', and all the usual esoteric nonsense that doesn't reflect the reality. I knew that this was basically a 'hostile crowd' so I just waited for an opening...and I didn't have to wait long...
Even in such a 'loaded' crowd their were a couple of voices of quiet dissent, leading to someone commenting on the cost of the Main Corner Project, and Mayor Perryman interrupted with the observation that 'people don't understand, it's not a cost blow-out, Council tendered for different bits, and that Council voted for the increases'*. (*paraphrase)
I put my hand up and Cr Harfield acknowledged me, and when Mayor Perryman finished I asked the question, 'So you're confirming that Council is directly responsible for the increases?'*. As I looked down to my notes, Mayor Perryman half-yelled across the room; "Yeah you write that down Nick and put it in your blog!"
But I persisted "So that's a yes?", and after several goes, he did eventually confirm it; Council voted for, is fully responsible for, the massive cost blowouts on the Main Corner.
Shortly thereafter I got CEO Mark McShane to confirm that Council intends to spend several millions of borrowed money on the Rail Lands and Old Hospital with no plan for generating any return...they are going to borrow, then spend it with no way to recoup it.
But not before he had another disasterous attempt at laughing at me and denigrating me...an epic fail within an epic fail...epic...
My question was about how Council would repay these proposed borrowings on top of the annual running cost for the library ($2million) and $650,000 for the Main Corner with virtually no return, and his first response?...that same empty, affected laugh and "Oh, Nick, so you think people should pay to use the library?"...and then he scanned the crowd for support...
I responded simply 'I said no such thing, don't change the subject, answer the question"...and after several back-and-forths eventually he did...and the answer is...YES...Council has no plan for recouping the massive costs of the Library and Main Corner projects, or their combined annual running costs of $2.5million, or the money they intend to borrow and spend on the Rail Lands and Old Hospital.
Debt, debt, and more debt, and absolutely no plan for how to address it...oh, other than lie about the current massive rate rises, completely and repeatedly misrepresenting the ultimate rise of approx 100% over 10 years...but plenty of people have become aware of the deceit...but that didn't stop Mayor Perryman going on the ABC Radio yesterday and again lying about it, even after a young woman rang in and corrected him.
No plan other than for the Mayor to write to TBW threatening that Council will "review" its spending on other items, including the fundamental services they should be providing and financial support for certain events, etc, if not allowed to put up the rates.
At yesterday's meeting Mayor Perryman again raised the issue that "...it costs Council $400,000 a year for street lighting...", an echo even resurrection of the stupid idea that Council had a go at doing only two yeas ago...can't afford the lights, so we're going to turn them off...just wait...
Lies, threats, bullying, harassment, intimidation...(well, attempted intimidation-Ed)...fake consultation, etc, etc...this is the City Council of Mount Gambier...and (Ed), here's a chance to change horses...you still want 'An Epic Fail'?...(ahh, I don't like where this is headed...but I know you...this is reverse psychology...you want me to change...so yes, I'll stick with An Epic Fail -Ed)...good choice...
Mayor Perryman's little effort in coming to sit near me was a deliberate construct to engender a response that could be used against me...in front of the CEO, four Councillors, Daryl Sexton, and a room full of Councils supporters...(are you suggesting that the whole thing was a set-up to 'get you'?-Ed)...absolutely...(can I change horses now?-Ed)...no...and it gets better...
Cr White and Von Stanke, usually so keen to express to me why and/or how I'm wrong, never said one word to me, whilst I was speaking, or indeed virtually at all...they had very clearly been very thoroughly worded up about shutting up...compare this to Cr Von Stanke's extraordinary behaviour at the Saturday meeting (previous post)...can't have that idiot going off like that again, particularly in front of so many people...and not a word from Sexton or Smith either...
And when I got there at exactly 2pm everybody bar a few were already present, seated , and ready to go...5 minutes after I arrive, Perryman comes in and sits right next to me but completely ignores me, tries to provoke me with his behaviour, and then there were repeated attempts to denigrate and laugh at me...and nery a word from Von Stanke and White...and that's the kicker...there's just no way those two clowns sat there silently without having received very specific direction to shut the hell up...
I knew in the moment exactly what Perryman was trying to do, but only realised all this last night when describing it to someone...you call it what you like, but yesterday Council loaded up that meeting and then Perryman came in to trip the trap, and just because it is my nature, I chose to move not react...they all found themselves herded into their own trap and me standing on the outside looking in...and thusly may it be said about the land...hear ye, hear ye...
An Epic Fail...(you know...I'm gonna give you that one...I think you're absolutely right...good work-Ed)...thankyou...
So dear reader, I shall leave it to you decide for yourself...My Paranoia fighting My Ego for supremacy...or the desperate act of a desperate Council...
As always, your humble servant, Nick Fletcher.
Tomorrow: Latest Wind Turbine Propaganda on ABC Radio
Oh, and Council...see you Sunday, you naughty, naughty boys...grrrr...
Socio-political commentary and like words and stuff. Now in several interesting new flavours: "https://TMGI-RailLandsRetailAgenda.blogspot.com" AND "https://TMGI-SMLSChildAbuseCoverUp.blogspot.com" AND "https://TMGI-The100Documents.blogspot.com.au/"
Friday, May 31, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
1) The Seat of Barker, and 2) Mayor Perryman's Budget Threats
A week is a long time in politics but a life-time for a gnat, and thus nature restores the balance...(what does that mean?-Ed)...I don't know...I got nuthin...(oo, I don't like the sound of that-Ed)...alright...woohoo, I've got nuthin' yeah...
When I started this draft only a few days ago, James DeBarro was the National's candidate for the seat of Barker, but he has now withdrawn citing business and/or personal issues that must be addressed. His campaign manager Mr Miles Hannemann may now be the candidate following a new pre-selection process yet to be held.
That leaves Liberal Tony Pasin as the sole officially declared candidate for the electorate of Barker...
Local Labor identity and City Councillor Jim Maher wrote into The Border Watch (15/05/13) and there was a letter in reply from John Williamson, whom, from his letter, I believe to be a Liberal supporter. Rather than tit-for-tat between the letters I have attached them below.
Here is a 'classic example that defines the reality'...an example of how two opposing positions can both be true...they are both right...which defines the reality...that both major parties have grossly failed the electorate to the degree that they can openly denigrate and criticise each other and both be correct...
And the only constant and the only point of agreement, is that which is already defined by their disagreement...(waaahhh?-Ed)...each side agrees that the electorate has been poorly represented but blames the other...in and of their own individual behaviour they acknowledge their collective failings...(waaahhh and huuuu?-Ed)...I know, but bear with me...
Jim Maher is correct on many points of fact, and the actions of the Liberals themselves confirm a good part of what he is saying, eg, during pre-selection the Liberal party have dumped their own long serving current member of parliament, showing even they are not happy with his representation.
John Williamson makes the very valid point that there is not a Labor candidate for the federal election (or state election-NF), and names the Maher's son Kyam as a potential candidate. Mr Williamson is correct in stating that Kyam Maher should run if he is so concerned for the South East, but won't give up a safe 'appointment' for the risk of an election.
Jim Maher's letter refers/responds to federal Liberal candidate Tony Pasin's "contribution" in TBW 15/05/13, but I have not included that because nobody cares what Tony thinks...(owww, chikka, chikka, owww-Ed)...what does that mean?...(just...ooo, scathing...you know...-Ed)...mmm...
I have covered many of these points in previous posts.
Anyway...the most immediate idiot that Mt Gambier needs to deal with is Mayor Steve Perryman who is absolutely responsible, along with former Councillors Tony Pasin, Mr Kyrimis, and Mr O'Donough, former CEO Greg Muller and the rest of the Liberal set running Mt Gambier City Council, for systematically rorting ratepayers money, destroying future development and local businesses, and openly abusing anyone who speaks out about it.
Steve Perryman's letter (TBW 29/05/13) is one long lie that again deliberately misrepresents the reality of rate rises, punctuated by a long, clumsy threat to pull funding from other projects and basic services like park maintenance if Council doesn't get what it wants..."...or we can look at council's operational budget...", followed by "Perhaps council needs to examine other budget areas,..." and then goes on to list some of the things he's threatening. Appalling and unacceptable.
Please find attached Mayor Butterball's letter...(personal abuse...is that appropriate?-Ed)...absolutely...read my posts re his extraordinary behaviour at the first 'Budget Consultation' and the March 2010 pre-Election Forum...petty thuggery and intimidation from a little man...
Mr Perryman believes that he can abuse and threaten me with impunity because he knows that he's not going to get the smack in the mouth that he has so thoroughly earned with his appalling conduct...but you're on notice Steve...next time you try a little stunt like last Tuesday (leaning over me, etc) I'm not going to stay seated, I'm going to stand up...quickly...nothing else...just stand up...and if you have foolishly placed yourself inside my personal space...so be it...no punches, no violence, no threat...but a rock solid promise...
Mayor Perryman this morning on ABC Local Radio, again misrepresented the rate increase reality, even after some-one rang in and corrected him, completely contradicted himself about how Council's 'borrowing habits'* are 'to save first and then spend'*, and outright lied about "the forums" that he has attended. He showed up halfway through Tuesday's meeting and spent most of his time attacking me, and didn't even show for the other two. (*paraphrase)
Mayor Perryman is receiving a massive rate-payer funded income but simply doesn't show up to many things he should, and is in and of himself quite happy to lie about it on public radio. Unacceptable.
Must rush...meetings to go to, Councillors to annoy...toodle pip...
Tomorrow: Yet More Wind Turbine Propaganda on ABC Radio
When I started this draft only a few days ago, James DeBarro was the National's candidate for the seat of Barker, but he has now withdrawn citing business and/or personal issues that must be addressed. His campaign manager Mr Miles Hannemann may now be the candidate following a new pre-selection process yet to be held.
That leaves Liberal Tony Pasin as the sole officially declared candidate for the electorate of Barker...
Local Labor identity and City Councillor Jim Maher wrote into The Border Watch (15/05/13) and there was a letter in reply from John Williamson, whom, from his letter, I believe to be a Liberal supporter. Rather than tit-for-tat between the letters I have attached them below.
Here is a 'classic example that defines the reality'...an example of how two opposing positions can both be true...they are both right...which defines the reality...that both major parties have grossly failed the electorate to the degree that they can openly denigrate and criticise each other and both be correct...
And the only constant and the only point of agreement, is that which is already defined by their disagreement...(waaahhh?-Ed)...each side agrees that the electorate has been poorly represented but blames the other...in and of their own individual behaviour they acknowledge their collective failings...(waaahhh and huuuu?-Ed)...I know, but bear with me...
Jim Maher is correct on many points of fact, and the actions of the Liberals themselves confirm a good part of what he is saying, eg, during pre-selection the Liberal party have dumped their own long serving current member of parliament, showing even they are not happy with his representation.
John Williamson makes the very valid point that there is not a Labor candidate for the federal election (or state election-NF), and names the Maher's son Kyam as a potential candidate. Mr Williamson is correct in stating that Kyam Maher should run if he is so concerned for the South East, but won't give up a safe 'appointment' for the risk of an election.
Jim Maher's letter refers/responds to federal Liberal candidate Tony Pasin's "contribution" in TBW 15/05/13, but I have not included that because nobody cares what Tony thinks...(owww, chikka, chikka, owww-Ed)...what does that mean?...(just...ooo, scathing...you know...-Ed)...mmm...
I have covered many of these points in previous posts.
Anyway...the most immediate idiot that Mt Gambier needs to deal with is Mayor Steve Perryman who is absolutely responsible, along with former Councillors Tony Pasin, Mr Kyrimis, and Mr O'Donough, former CEO Greg Muller and the rest of the Liberal set running Mt Gambier City Council, for systematically rorting ratepayers money, destroying future development and local businesses, and openly abusing anyone who speaks out about it.
Steve Perryman's letter (TBW 29/05/13) is one long lie that again deliberately misrepresents the reality of rate rises, punctuated by a long, clumsy threat to pull funding from other projects and basic services like park maintenance if Council doesn't get what it wants..."...or we can look at council's operational budget...", followed by "Perhaps council needs to examine other budget areas,..." and then goes on to list some of the things he's threatening. Appalling and unacceptable.
Please find attached Mayor Butterball's letter...(personal abuse...is that appropriate?-Ed)...absolutely...read my posts re his extraordinary behaviour at the first 'Budget Consultation' and the March 2010 pre-Election Forum...petty thuggery and intimidation from a little man...
Mr Perryman believes that he can abuse and threaten me with impunity because he knows that he's not going to get the smack in the mouth that he has so thoroughly earned with his appalling conduct...but you're on notice Steve...next time you try a little stunt like last Tuesday (leaning over me, etc) I'm not going to stay seated, I'm going to stand up...quickly...nothing else...just stand up...and if you have foolishly placed yourself inside my personal space...so be it...no punches, no violence, no threat...but a rock solid promise...
Mayor Perryman this morning on ABC Local Radio, again misrepresented the rate increase reality, even after some-one rang in and corrected him, completely contradicted himself about how Council's 'borrowing habits'* are 'to save first and then spend'*, and outright lied about "the forums" that he has attended. He showed up halfway through Tuesday's meeting and spent most of his time attacking me, and didn't even show for the other two. (*paraphrase)
Mayor Perryman is receiving a massive rate-payer funded income but simply doesn't show up to many things he should, and is in and of himself quite happy to lie about it on public radio. Unacceptable.
Must rush...meetings to go to, Councillors to annoy...toodle pip...
Tomorrow: Yet More Wind Turbine Propaganda on ABC Radio
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
150th Post - Nick Fletcher: The Nut That Wouldn't Crack
(Why is it always about you and what you think and what you say or what you saw blah, blah, blah?-Ed)...ummm, because it's my blog, and I'm doing this to explain to people who I am and how I think as much as to address issues that a largely compromised Main stream media simply refuse to touch...
Read my previous posts about what has happened with the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and the abhorrent acceptance of this Cover-up by the people of Mt Gambier, an acceptance that guarantees children are vulnerable and will be abused for generations to come...without recourse...you let this happen and you have guaranteed that it continues to happen and you will all continue to blame me because that's just so much easier than dealing with the reality...
And who is it that refuses to accept this disgrace and does what must be done?...who is it that does what must be done regardless of the personal cost?...who goes the hard yards again, and again, and again?...who goes so hard that the derision of his community becomes a mere trifle, a mere reality?...
Is it our local politicians Tony Pasin, Steve Perryman, Rory McEwen, Don Pegler or, shrek me, Bernard Finnigan, or Premiers Rann or Weatherill, or Prime Minister Julia Gillard, or SAPol, or the multiple layers of wholly corrupt Public Authorities like the Crown Solicitors Office, the Teachers Registration Board, or Frank the Pope?...anyone?...no?...
Who is it that swallowed the pain and the frustration and the anger and the hatred and never raised his hand, until it spawned a massive Lymphoma tumour big enough to kill a horse, and then strolled through enough chemotherapy to kill an elephant, and enough radiotherapy to cook a roast, and still kept going with his hands at his side?...
Who has gone time and again to the local media, The Border Watch, WIN TV News, and the ABC Local Radio, and been routinely abused, accused, attacked, and/or ignored, and taken a thousand backwards steps to maintain some sort of relationship...because he understands the issues are more important than the man...?
Who has been relentlessly abused, harassed, attacked, denigrated, snubbed and 'Pariahtised' by their entire community, in particular the local media, to assuage the collective conscience, to cleanse the collective guilt, to be the scapegoat that allows the release that it is all somebody elses fault and/or responsibility...?
What sort of freak goes through all of that, for a decade...not for one day, not for one month, not even for one year...for a shrekin' decade...and still tries to engage appropriately with all of the above, and still genuinely seeks to help the community that has shunned him?...and still keeps his hands at his side...
What sort of nut-case can be so broken so many times and repeatedly re-construct the pieces and come back to the fundamental reality of who they are, and then go again knowing that there is nothing ahead but more of the same?
Honestly, you'd have to be insane, wouldn't you? And who is that nut?
And as it is my 150th post, some more poetry just to break it up a bit...but even then it's about whom I am.
Bright Light
It's like the moth around the
light sortta thing, only I'm
a fruitbat and I smack
into it a couple of times,
smash it, and then go
"What happened?" to the
warmth, the glow;
it's gone, and
so am
And here lies the truth
I've become, the lie I've
become, I have become
a cold man as cold
days stretch glacial
tentacles into the
scarred gullies of
the last age of
And the warmth that I feel is
that loving glow thrown my
way by a fine woman
not deserving of the
idiot that I can be
or not to as the
case maybe;
or maybe
Apart, the long chilled core recovers
the spring thaw of flicking
about the bright light and
soon the facts interrupt
and any respect for
this person is to be
much concerned
with us
Is there growth in this or
again decay as away from
the damage done goes
the blinded bat to run
into the next light
that might mistake
to be turned
on at his
Just in case: the 'smacking into', etc, is a metaphor about attraction and sex, not domestic violence.
I realised a long time ago that if I really liked some-one then the nicest thing I could do for them was not go out with them in the first place.
I don't recall asking anyone to like me or saying that I'm a nice person, but I'm saying vote for me because I don't need a slick pamphlet or a ridiculous cartoon TV ad to campaign briefly for any election...I am what I am and I have been doing what I do for every hour of every day with my entire being just because that's just how I roll...and now I have come to understand that...
I am Nick Fletcher and I am The Nut That Wouldn't Crack...word up mofos...
(Oh...well...when you put it like that...-Ed)
Laters: The Seat of Barker - The Federal Election
Read my previous posts about what has happened with the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and the abhorrent acceptance of this Cover-up by the people of Mt Gambier, an acceptance that guarantees children are vulnerable and will be abused for generations to come...without recourse...you let this happen and you have guaranteed that it continues to happen and you will all continue to blame me because that's just so much easier than dealing with the reality...
And who is it that refuses to accept this disgrace and does what must be done?...who is it that does what must be done regardless of the personal cost?...who goes the hard yards again, and again, and again?...who goes so hard that the derision of his community becomes a mere trifle, a mere reality?...
Is it our local politicians Tony Pasin, Steve Perryman, Rory McEwen, Don Pegler or, shrek me, Bernard Finnigan, or Premiers Rann or Weatherill, or Prime Minister Julia Gillard, or SAPol, or the multiple layers of wholly corrupt Public Authorities like the Crown Solicitors Office, the Teachers Registration Board, or Frank the Pope?...anyone?...no?...
Who is it that swallowed the pain and the frustration and the anger and the hatred and never raised his hand, until it spawned a massive Lymphoma tumour big enough to kill a horse, and then strolled through enough chemotherapy to kill an elephant, and enough radiotherapy to cook a roast, and still kept going with his hands at his side?...
Who has gone time and again to the local media, The Border Watch, WIN TV News, and the ABC Local Radio, and been routinely abused, accused, attacked, and/or ignored, and taken a thousand backwards steps to maintain some sort of relationship...because he understands the issues are more important than the man...?
Who has been relentlessly abused, harassed, attacked, denigrated, snubbed and 'Pariahtised' by their entire community, in particular the local media, to assuage the collective conscience, to cleanse the collective guilt, to be the scapegoat that allows the release that it is all somebody elses fault and/or responsibility...?
What sort of freak goes through all of that, for a decade...not for one day, not for one month, not even for one year...for a shrekin' decade...and still tries to engage appropriately with all of the above, and still genuinely seeks to help the community that has shunned him?...and still keeps his hands at his side...
What sort of nut-case can be so broken so many times and repeatedly re-construct the pieces and come back to the fundamental reality of who they are, and then go again knowing that there is nothing ahead but more of the same?
Honestly, you'd have to be insane, wouldn't you? And who is that nut?
And as it is my 150th post, some more poetry just to break it up a bit...but even then it's about whom I am.
Bright Light
It's like the moth around the
light sortta thing, only I'm
a fruitbat and I smack
into it a couple of times,
smash it, and then go
"What happened?" to the
warmth, the glow;
it's gone, and
so am
And here lies the truth
I've become, the lie I've
become, I have become
a cold man as cold
days stretch glacial
tentacles into the
scarred gullies of
the last age of
And the warmth that I feel is
that loving glow thrown my
way by a fine woman
not deserving of the
idiot that I can be
or not to as the
case maybe;
or maybe
Apart, the long chilled core recovers
the spring thaw of flicking
about the bright light and
soon the facts interrupt
and any respect for
this person is to be
much concerned
with us
Is there growth in this or
again decay as away from
the damage done goes
the blinded bat to run
into the next light
that might mistake
to be turned
on at his
Just in case: the 'smacking into', etc, is a metaphor about attraction and sex, not domestic violence.
I realised a long time ago that if I really liked some-one then the nicest thing I could do for them was not go out with them in the first place.
I don't recall asking anyone to like me or saying that I'm a nice person, but I'm saying vote for me because I don't need a slick pamphlet or a ridiculous cartoon TV ad to campaign briefly for any election...I am what I am and I have been doing what I do for every hour of every day with my entire being just because that's just how I roll...and now I have come to understand that...
I am Nick Fletcher and I am The Nut That Wouldn't Crack...word up mofos...
(Oh...well...when you put it like that...-Ed)
Laters: The Seat of Barker - The Federal Election
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Just Another Post - Here Goes Nothing
Not apologising for this late post...other than to say I feel so traumatised by 24 hours of George Pell's lies in the media, again, that I have had to self-censor today's (already written) post by choosing to pull it down myself until I can present it in an appropriate form...and I simply cannot do that at the moment...a man's gotta know his limitations...
I spent half the day on it, but to no avail. It is no exaggeration to state that I feel physically ill.
My heart, my being, and the last shreds of my poor damned soul ache for the pain and the suffering and for those whom have fallen...and the taste of vengeance, the thirst for retribution, burns itself into every line of that post.
The title alone is fully indicative of that which follows: Catholic Priests - The Case for Involuntary Euthanasia, and it's not so much down hill from there as straight off the cliff...
And something I've never done with my blog before, I even went out to seek advice and immediately agreed to what I already knew...that I had to take a big step back and even away from that post for a few days...
I will post the revised version within a couple of days...wish me luck...and so, some other stuff...
I must be stone cold tripping because I've got a voice in my head...several voices in fact...(it's not me-Ed)...telling me that Federal politcians have just awarded themselves a $50k per annum...that's $1,000 per week...payrise, which raises their salary to nearly $200k per annum...that's $4,000 a week...that's a one-off and immediate increase of approx 33%...just like that...
No, it's Senator John Madigan being interviewed on ABC Radio (sorry, it could have been 'the completely impartial BBC World Service, on behalf of the Conservative Party')...(The Young Ones: BBC TV?-Ed)...yes, you know it?...(no, you've used that joke in a previous post-Ed)...it's not a joke, it's a quote...Senator Madigan stating that he will "donate" the $30k (after tax) because he disagrees with the rise.
Immediately following a Federal Budget that delivered a, what?...nearly $20billion deficit?... that less than 12 months ago was an alleged surplus?...their bare faced hypocrisy, their collective greed, the unanimous contempt in the entire House for the people of Australia, the accumulated bastardry of gouging the Australian tax-payer a further $10million (approx) per annum...I truly wish that it was my halucination...
Elsewhere, I'm delighted that my ongoing if somewhat clumsy efforts to engage with the public discourse via the public broadcaster, ABC Radio, have generated two messages read out yesterday, and on-air time this morning.
The first message (to producer Penny Moorhouse) was in response to a young lady's comments (including that 'Rory McEwen was great' - please see previous posts) but I called specifically re 'negotiating politely and establishing respectful relationships with our politicians'. (paraphrasing)
I went with the bleedin' obvious observation that thousands of South Easterners, and some Adelaide residents, repeatedly, politely protested the Forestry Sale on Parliament's front steps, North Terrace, Adelaide, and where did that get us?...and that's pretty much what was read out...fantastic...
Later during a discussion re the return of rail to and/or through Mt Gambier, I effectively threw announcer Alan Richardson, a notorious and self-confessed Rail Tragic, an absolute 'Dorothy Dixer'. (DD- a common political ploy; ask your own Minister a set up question for a prepared answer)
My question (as read out) was about the Truck/Train system that was being trialled in Adelaide 20 years ago, where Pantechs (?spelling) were placed on rail dollies and linked together to form a train, reducing truck numbers on highways, cheaper freight, etc.
Alan didn't just pick up the ball, he took off, bounced twice, hand-balled and received in a classic one-two, and had a couple more bounces before putting the ball well into the 50m to the advantage of the forwards...but we'll have to leave our coverage there and return now to reality...
Alan described Rail Freight systems being used in Europe (that he had personally witnessed I think) similar to the above and/or simply driving trucks onto flatbeds, and the drivers travel in normal passenger wagons. It is the perfect system and the perfect justification for supporting the return of Rail to (if possibly not through) Mt Gambier.
Many trucks off roads, that therefore reduces wear and tear, makes roads safer, moves more freight more quickly, more cheaply, all of which in turn drives economies and supports production and manufacturing; one of the greatest impediments to Regional manufacturing is the cost of accessing any major markets (cites) in Australia.
But the greatest advantage is that Truck drivers can use the travel times to rest and recover, eg, a driver will arrive in Perth refreshed from a 2 day train ride, not totally knackered from 2 days driving. Further, drivers can be used locally at either end, allowing many drivers to return to 'main-stream existence', plan activities with their families and in their communities, etc.
Also drivers can greatly reduce the extraordinary conditions, regulations, and burueacracy that they are currently subjected to. I studied these Log Book requirements a couple of years ago, and it's got worse.
In my humble opinion, these Log Book regulations look more like provisions for employers to legislatively, legally exploit their drivers than a structure for the benefit of drivers and other road users...badly fatigued is as good as drunk...
There will always be a need for trucks, not least because trains don't go everywhere, but there are many advantages to Truck/Trains. It's a win/win...unless of course you make your income from controlling Road Freight...and that appears to be the big problem in Mt Gambier...
Even I know that if I name the company responsible this post will get pulled, but I don't have to say who is the man personally responsible for deliberately destroying Rail in Mt Gambier, because everyone keeps telling me...
To close by mixing the metaphors...Alan put the ball in the air, and it is now in the politicians and developers court...Truck/Trains are an ideal solution to numerous problems...
But I digress; this morning on ABC Local Radio Mt Gambier, City Councillor Andrew Lee was interviewed
by Stan Thompson about the current 'Budget Consultation' (previous posts) and made some statements that I rang to challenge.
I was politely called back and put to air to make the same points that I have made on this blog, ie; many 'conservative' people turning out to meetings for the first time in their lives, and saying please, no rate rise, we are concerned for the future debt of the town...for the future of Mt Gambier.
I also contested Cr Lee's statement that a 'woman spoke to him at Saturday's meeting*'...there was no woman at that meeting...six blokes and five Council reps, all blokes...no women.
Councillor Lee also declined to answer a question about the public displeasure with the Main Corner Project, particularly the cost, stating that 'it had occured before my time on Council'*.
I pointed out 'that the current Council, Cr Lee included, had approved massive funding for aspects of the Main Corner...the lights, or the Film, or the commercial kitchen...can't remember...at it's very first meeting following the November 2010 election'*.
My statements received brief if not glowing endorsement from Stan, and then I threw them a real curve ball by closing with 'I know I don't usually bring the optimism, but I was so pleased to see people show up and express their concern for their community, particularly those saying I'll be ok, but I'm worried about others'. (*paraphasing)
I wasn't being tricky or manipulative or anything...it's absolutely true...just trying to be a little more positive. In my own defence, though, I do try to offer solutions, alternatives and/or possibilities to each observation and/or critique.
This interview with Cr Lee and my response might even be available under 'Rewind' on the ABC Local Radio's Interweb site...laters...
Tomorrow: The Seat of Barker
(see, that turned out alright...not too bad-Ed)...gee thanks...oh, yeah...I'm Nick Fletcher...blog on...
Monday, May 27, 2013
CBC Part II: Send In The Clowns
Ahhh bazinga...just...bazinga...I am of course refering to the Mount Gambier City Council and their 'Consultation Process'...stop laughing at the back...thankyou...re their 'Daft Budget'....right, I'll see you in my office...now...and the rest of you, just get on with it...(please refer previous post)
I'm not even going to bother trying to address the figures provided in the Draft Budget because, 1) I'm not an Accountant, and 2) I don't believe any of those figures are based on reality, and 3) Council cannot be trusted with one red cent...full stop...cannot be trusted, full stop...
I'll say it again...there must be a genuinely Independent Inquiry into the Main Corner Project and associated cost blow-outs, missing money, etc, and until this is done Council should not be allowed near anymore ratepayers money.
But it's too late...because they just voted themselves the ability to spend twice as much as before, and you know that they will spend every cent...and most of it on themselves...look out for a cafe at the Old Hospital site, given free of charge to Steve Perryman or a Councillor's aunty...(I'd suggest they're the same thing-Ed)...nice...very nice...
But I digress...slightly. At the meetings I have had numerous Councillors put there hand up at me to silence me. At the Saturday meeting Cr Ian Von Stanke did it repeatedly, also saying several times "Nobody's interested in what you have to say Nick"...but they are Ian...you know they are, you pr(sorry, gonna have to stop you there-Ed)...I was going to say 'precious little darling'...(yeah, sure you were-Ed)...
But he is...when I had a go at him (Saturday's meeting) about 'The Letter Incident' he was up half out of his chair, leaning across the desk toward me, angrily mouthing off about how I'd called them "criminals" and "insider trading", etc, in The Border Watch, as though that somehow justified and excused coming to my home with the letter that he claimed "isn't threatening". Please see previous posts re this issue.
The Point - At a public meeting Cr Ian Von Stanke openly acknowledged that he had been to my home with the letter, but blamed me for that...I provoked him...and repeatedly denigrated and abused me, repeatedly rising out of his chair, talking over me, waving his hand at me, etc.
It was a most un-gratifying display of unprofessional bullying and harassment...(and Von Stanke's behaviour wasn't much better-Ed)...nice...
Ian Von Stanke also tried to blame "the media" for misrepresenting the cost of the Library and Main Corner, as Darryl Sexton had done at the first meeting, and I duly reminded the meeting of that and repeatedly asked, again, why Council had not corrected The Border Watch, but nobody would answer my question.
I note that The Border Watch printed a full letter from and apology to (including graphic on front page) Grant District Councillor Alan Hill on Thursday 23rd May re an article only the previous day;
"The Border Watch acknowledges some errors were included in the story on the front
page of yesterday's edition. This newspaper apologises for any offence caused to Cr
Alan Hill and the family involved and for confusion to readers. Editor Jason Wallace."
But Mt Gambier City Council allegedly can't get TBW to correct a massive mistake made repeatedly.
Furthermore, when the Rail Lands issue came up I reminded Darryl Sexton that I had asked him 10 times at the first meeting "...have you re-zoned the Rail Lands to Retail?" without an answer...just had to keep asking...
At the third meeting it went like this; "Have you re-zoned to Retail?"...Darryl responded, "No...not to retail"...Say I, "If not to Retail, then what?"..."City Centre"...then someone else asked, "What does that mean?...and Darryl said, "Some Commercial...um...some Retail, and some Public Use."
At a public meeting Darryl Sexton acknowledged that Council has re-zoned the Rail Lands for Retail (and other use) but he initially lied; he said "No" to a direct question, and only when pursued on the issue, when backed into a corner, did he eventually spill the beans...(what do you know about the beans?-Ed)
Council has re-zoned the site to achieve the Rail Lands Retail Agenda as per previous posts. When I identified this RLRA and how it had dominated Council planning, etc, I was howled down with much waving of hands about how wrong I was...but I'm not...
Earlier in the meeting I had also backed CEO McShenanigans into a corner, from where he admitted that at it's Tuesday evening meeting 21/05/13 Council had passed it's 'Increased Borrowing Capacity' with the justification that they needed that money to do the projects currently, allegedly still subject to 'Consultation'...it was an amazing admission...from some-one who wasn't even at the meeting...(he was absent for some reason)...
(Fascinating...but you promised me a Puppet Show-Ed)...yes, I'm getting there...but a quick summary...literally all of the 50+ people who have attended thus far have said the same things...the Main Corner is a disaster; as with the Bus Shelter; the paving; general maintenance; etc, don't do these projects now, wait a bit; and most importantly...don't raise our rates, we/the town just can't afford it.
Throughout the 3 meetings I have been repeatedly 'attacked' by Councillors, Council staff, and Mayor Steve Perryman, whilst they repeatedly refuse to answer my questions...typical of the bullying, harassment, and intimidation that Council metes out to anyone who dares to speak out...but especially to me...but that's ok, because I am special...
In previous posts I described my several interactions/contacts with CEO Mark McShane, namely that he had blown right past me at some functions, glared at me at Council meetings, and stood there speechless and stony-faced not saying a word the day I encountered him and Frank 'The Ghost' Morello outside the Helpmann Theatre...several encounters but not one word spoken (by him)...I wasn't sure that he could talk at all...
The exchange described in the previous post was the first time I'd seen CEO McShenanigans talk whilst not behind his 'desk' in Chambers...I'd just assumed that he was a marionette or a puppet, a Muppet if you will, and couldn't talk unless former CEO and now highly payed 'Consultant' Greg Muller had a hand up the back of his jumper...(nice-Ed)...and that is why you can't see dual CEO Greg at these Council meetings...because he's under the desk operating the dummy...
Why does Mt Gambier need two CEOs?...because that's what's happening...either Mark McShane is such a screaming incompetent that he needs Greg Muller to hold his hand, or he is just a puppet of the people actually running the show...(can I have a fiver each way?-Ed)
At the Budget meeting 25/05/13 McShane appeared to be fully autonomous, apparently moving and speaking independently, and you couldn't see any wires or anything...it was a very clever piece of illusion...
How much are rate-payers forking out to keep Greg in the luxury he's clearly become accustomed to whilst he continues to run Council from behind McShane?...keeping the Gravy Train on track and the corruption buried...good luck with that Greg...
There are 2 more 'Budget Consultation' meetings and I'll review them after the last one.
Later: The Border Watch this Week
Apparently TBW isn't going to give me any election coverage because I said not nice things about them on this blog...deadset...stop being so biased and harden the shrek up...
I am Nick Fletcher and you're not...thus nature restores the balance...(hilarious-Ed)...
I'm not even going to bother trying to address the figures provided in the Draft Budget because, 1) I'm not an Accountant, and 2) I don't believe any of those figures are based on reality, and 3) Council cannot be trusted with one red cent...full stop...cannot be trusted, full stop...
I'll say it again...there must be a genuinely Independent Inquiry into the Main Corner Project and associated cost blow-outs, missing money, etc, and until this is done Council should not be allowed near anymore ratepayers money.
But it's too late...because they just voted themselves the ability to spend twice as much as before, and you know that they will spend every cent...and most of it on themselves...look out for a cafe at the Old Hospital site, given free of charge to Steve Perryman or a Councillor's aunty...(I'd suggest they're the same thing-Ed)...nice...very nice...
But I digress...slightly. At the meetings I have had numerous Councillors put there hand up at me to silence me. At the Saturday meeting Cr Ian Von Stanke did it repeatedly, also saying several times "Nobody's interested in what you have to say Nick"...but they are Ian...you know they are, you pr(sorry, gonna have to stop you there-Ed)...I was going to say 'precious little darling'...(yeah, sure you were-Ed)...
But he is...when I had a go at him (Saturday's meeting) about 'The Letter Incident' he was up half out of his chair, leaning across the desk toward me, angrily mouthing off about how I'd called them "criminals" and "insider trading", etc, in The Border Watch, as though that somehow justified and excused coming to my home with the letter that he claimed "isn't threatening". Please see previous posts re this issue.
The Point - At a public meeting Cr Ian Von Stanke openly acknowledged that he had been to my home with the letter, but blamed me for that...I provoked him...and repeatedly denigrated and abused me, repeatedly rising out of his chair, talking over me, waving his hand at me, etc.
It was a most un-gratifying display of unprofessional bullying and harassment...(and Von Stanke's behaviour wasn't much better-Ed)...nice...
Ian Von Stanke also tried to blame "the media" for misrepresenting the cost of the Library and Main Corner, as Darryl Sexton had done at the first meeting, and I duly reminded the meeting of that and repeatedly asked, again, why Council had not corrected The Border Watch, but nobody would answer my question.
I note that The Border Watch printed a full letter from and apology to (including graphic on front page) Grant District Councillor Alan Hill on Thursday 23rd May re an article only the previous day;
"The Border Watch acknowledges some errors were included in the story on the front
page of yesterday's edition. This newspaper apologises for any offence caused to Cr
Alan Hill and the family involved and for confusion to readers. Editor Jason Wallace."
But Mt Gambier City Council allegedly can't get TBW to correct a massive mistake made repeatedly.
Furthermore, when the Rail Lands issue came up I reminded Darryl Sexton that I had asked him 10 times at the first meeting "...have you re-zoned the Rail Lands to Retail?" without an answer...just had to keep asking...
At the third meeting it went like this; "Have you re-zoned to Retail?"...Darryl responded, "No...not to retail"...Say I, "If not to Retail, then what?"..."City Centre"...then someone else asked, "What does that mean?...and Darryl said, "Some Commercial...um...some Retail, and some Public Use."
At a public meeting Darryl Sexton acknowledged that Council has re-zoned the Rail Lands for Retail (and other use) but he initially lied; he said "No" to a direct question, and only when pursued on the issue, when backed into a corner, did he eventually spill the beans...(what do you know about the beans?-Ed)
Council has re-zoned the site to achieve the Rail Lands Retail Agenda as per previous posts. When I identified this RLRA and how it had dominated Council planning, etc, I was howled down with much waving of hands about how wrong I was...but I'm not...
Earlier in the meeting I had also backed CEO McShenanigans into a corner, from where he admitted that at it's Tuesday evening meeting 21/05/13 Council had passed it's 'Increased Borrowing Capacity' with the justification that they needed that money to do the projects currently, allegedly still subject to 'Consultation'...it was an amazing admission...from some-one who wasn't even at the meeting...(he was absent for some reason)...
(Fascinating...but you promised me a Puppet Show-Ed)...yes, I'm getting there...but a quick summary...literally all of the 50+ people who have attended thus far have said the same things...the Main Corner is a disaster; as with the Bus Shelter; the paving; general maintenance; etc, don't do these projects now, wait a bit; and most importantly...don't raise our rates, we/the town just can't afford it.
Throughout the 3 meetings I have been repeatedly 'attacked' by Councillors, Council staff, and Mayor Steve Perryman, whilst they repeatedly refuse to answer my questions...typical of the bullying, harassment, and intimidation that Council metes out to anyone who dares to speak out...but especially to me...but that's ok, because I am special...
In previous posts I described my several interactions/contacts with CEO Mark McShane, namely that he had blown right past me at some functions, glared at me at Council meetings, and stood there speechless and stony-faced not saying a word the day I encountered him and Frank 'The Ghost' Morello outside the Helpmann Theatre...several encounters but not one word spoken (by him)...I wasn't sure that he could talk at all...
The exchange described in the previous post was the first time I'd seen CEO McShenanigans talk whilst not behind his 'desk' in Chambers...I'd just assumed that he was a marionette or a puppet, a Muppet if you will, and couldn't talk unless former CEO and now highly payed 'Consultant' Greg Muller had a hand up the back of his jumper...(nice-Ed)...and that is why you can't see dual CEO Greg at these Council meetings...because he's under the desk operating the dummy...
Why does Mt Gambier need two CEOs?...because that's what's happening...either Mark McShane is such a screaming incompetent that he needs Greg Muller to hold his hand, or he is just a puppet of the people actually running the show...(can I have a fiver each way?-Ed)
At the Budget meeting 25/05/13 McShane appeared to be fully autonomous, apparently moving and speaking independently, and you couldn't see any wires or anything...it was a very clever piece of illusion...
How much are rate-payers forking out to keep Greg in the luxury he's clearly become accustomed to whilst he continues to run Council from behind McShane?...keeping the Gravy Train on track and the corruption buried...good luck with that Greg...
There are 2 more 'Budget Consultation' meetings and I'll review them after the last one.
Later: The Border Watch this Week
Apparently TBW isn't going to give me any election coverage because I said not nice things about them on this blog...deadset...stop being so biased and harden the shrek up...
I am Nick Fletcher and you're not...thus nature restores the balance...(hilarious-Ed)...
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Council's Budget Consultation
I went to the circus today and saw the clowns and the...(hang on, what?-Ed)...I went to the circus and...(the circus?-Ed)...yeah, and they had clowns and a puppet show and...(a what?...a puppet show?...what the hell do you mean a puppet show?-Ed)...you know...a puppet show...and very good too, you couldn't see the strings or anything...(sorry, what?...what the heck are you talking about?-Ed)
I'll say it very slowly for you...I went to the circus, yes?...(ahh, yeah-Ed)...and there were clowns...(yeah-Ed)...and a puppet show...ok?...(ok...but I thought you went to City Council's 'Budget Consultation Meeting' at the library-Ed)...yes, that's what I said...(ahhh, slowly dawning mega-bazinga...nice-Ed)...
Just got back in after earlier today attending Mt Gambier City Council's third of five alleged 'Consultation Meetings' re their 'Proposed Budget', which is in no uncertain terms an absolute circus where the clowns run the show as well as being the stars...(and the puppet show?-Ed)...I'll get to that...promise...
Present were CEO Mark McShane, Operations Manager Darryl Sexton, and Councillors Andrew Lee and Ian Von Stanke and a fifth person I don't know (possibly Council's accountant or Financial Officer, whatevs).
When I got there at 11am I was the second person, and the other chap was almost 80 not out and deaf as a post but he still showed up...bless him. (I'll come back to his very pointed and emotional address to Council. Fortunately 4 more people showed up over the next 1/2 hour.)
I hadn't been there literally 2 minutes, hadn't even sat down, and found myself explaining a couple of things to CEO McShenanigans, much to his displeasure - it's all the motivation I need...just to watch these bastards squirm...(mmm, not a very Christian attitude-Ed)...ahhh, actually it is...'to bear witness'...because somebody has to...(fair enough...I'll give you that one-Ed)...gee, thanks...
Can't even remember what exactly it was I said, something about my blog, but he laughed at me and waved me away with his right hand (he was sitting and I was standing in front of him) saying "Nobody's reading your blog, Nick."
I just lent forward, smiled, and said "Yes they are, and you know they are." His empty, affected laugh broke, he flushed crimson, and the Fear ran in his eyes as the bleak reality washed across his face...teach you to laugh at me you f(whoa, whoa, whoa...come on...we've spoken about this...I know you're upset...but...-Ed)...yes, you're right...sorry...sorry everyone...
And it wasn't that I tried to physically intimidate him or anything like that, it was just the truth of what I said slamming him like a fist...he feebly waved his derision and scorn at me with false bravado, and in but a moment it turned, gathered, and crashed back onto him in a furious foaming torrent that pounded him into the jagged reef of reality.
No longer the stoic Marky Mark of the Inscrutable Visage...more of a Metaphoric Skid Mark...(see, there you go...you can be incredibly scathing and offensive without swearing-Ed)....I know...let's move on...
The Elderly gentleman went first and said almost exactly the same thing I've heard over and over at the 3 meetings...conservative people who have lived their entire lives in Mt Gambier and never complained about anything with Council or attended any meeting, stating that they are so concerned with the massive rates rises and 'proposed spending regime', particularly in the current financial climate, that they had to attend and say something...and that something is please, please, please...don't do it.
Not the lunatic fringe...(fringe?...you wear your hair pulled back-Ed)...hilarious...it was the 'conservative set' who were so concerned that they turned out in relative droves. Many meetings I've been to had almost no-one, eg, I attended all 5 Main Corner 'We've Built It Now What Do we Do With It' Meetings where a total of only 30 people showed up, most of whom were Councillors or media and supported the Project.
(Now its Sunday-NF) - The Thursday meeting - 20 people, 4 specific 'never been to meetings before', etc, all saying please don't do it, shelve the projects, please don't raise rates, etc, all conservative people. (When I summarised/synopsised this near the end of the meeting, one man pointed at me and said "I don't know who this bloke is, but he's right." and there was a chorus of murmurs "who's that"..."oh, that's Nick Fletcher"...damn straight it is...)
The elderly gentleman (above) was critical of Council for not maintaining basic services like footpaths and described how there is no footpath in his street, and how he recently saw a young mum pushing her pram up the road in the gutter in the rain; and how the non-native street trees drop so much stuff in Autumn that cars skid on the litter on the road and drains get blocked. (One person said his "place" gets flooded in heavy rains)
He described at length his efforts to get Council to make the Sheperdson Rd/White Ave intersection properly aligned to make it safer, but was told by Council that there had been no accidents there. He then described three accidents resulting in "...3 cars written off, including Don Pegler's wife's...".
"That bloody monument at the Main Corner..." Apparently when the RSL first mooted their (now demolished) building there, Council tried to stop it, wanting instead a Rose Garden..."...thousands of dollars in glass and then cover it up with wire...it makes no sense..."
"...White Elephant..." and "...the mental attitude of the designer..." were the kick off point for his criticism (but I won't go into it all again; cost to build, cost to run, why, looks horrid, etc, please see previous posts) and he said much the same of the Lady Nelson Bus Shelter, "...should be in the middle of town..."
He repeatedly criticised Council for it's recent form, behaviour, decisions, and for not listening to people, and closed with the observation/question, ' Why do Councillors and the Mayor treat people as though though they were our "Old Colonial Masters"?'...(slight paraphrase, but OCM is the exact term he used...twice-NF)
Topics then raised by others included the financial stresses in the rural community that of course affects commerce in and around Mt Gambier, the pavers (why?..ugly...how much?), Mt G used to be a cheap place to live, house prices plummeting, one builder said (at Thursday's meeting) that he was packing up and leaving after 30 something years, the bus shelter, etc, etc. There was not a lot of optimism at Saturday's or Thursday's meetings.
When the issue was raised of Council already passing the decision to double their debt limit the repeated response was "yes we have, but we don't have to spend that money".
I re-iterate that at Tuesday evening's Council meeting, this doubling was rationalised with the argument that they would need that money to do the projects, the projects that they are allegedly doing consultation on now; and that this decision ensures the continuing massive rate rises that people are just starting to realise are cumulative, not a total.
This has been said over and over at the meetings; people basically thought that their rates were going up 7% over 5-10 years, not 7% every year, accumulating as you go, resulting in a near 100% increase at the 10 year mark.
This is starting to blow out so I'll finish here and...(hey, what about the clowns and the puppet show and stuff?..I was really looking forward to that-Ed)...if you'll let me finish...2 posts today; This Arvo - CBC Part II...(sorry-Ed) and the closing observation...
Forget about me, the next post is all about me...literally all bar one of the 50+ people who have attended the 3 meetings thus far have said exactly the same thing...don't borrow, don't spend, focus on what you should be doing around town but aren't, and for shrek sake Mt Gambier en masse is copping it left, right and centre (Forestry Sale, job losses, sky-rocketing utility costs, plummeting land values, etc), and we/It cannot take this...even those who were saying "I'll personally be alright, but I'm concerned about others and the town" were almost pleading...please don't do it.
One Note of Extreme Optimism - (are you sure you're on the right blog?-Ed)...hilarious..again...I feel that there is enormous optimism to be drawn from the fact that people are going to meetings and making the above statement "I'll be alright, but..."; so often it's just "I'll be alright."...full stop...no buts about it...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...laters..
I'll say it very slowly for you...I went to the circus, yes?...(ahh, yeah-Ed)...and there were clowns...(yeah-Ed)...and a puppet show...ok?...(ok...but I thought you went to City Council's 'Budget Consultation Meeting' at the library-Ed)...yes, that's what I said...(ahhh, slowly dawning mega-bazinga...nice-Ed)...
Just got back in after earlier today attending Mt Gambier City Council's third of five alleged 'Consultation Meetings' re their 'Proposed Budget', which is in no uncertain terms an absolute circus where the clowns run the show as well as being the stars...(and the puppet show?-Ed)...I'll get to that...promise...
Present were CEO Mark McShane, Operations Manager Darryl Sexton, and Councillors Andrew Lee and Ian Von Stanke and a fifth person I don't know (possibly Council's accountant or Financial Officer, whatevs).
When I got there at 11am I was the second person, and the other chap was almost 80 not out and deaf as a post but he still showed up...bless him. (I'll come back to his very pointed and emotional address to Council. Fortunately 4 more people showed up over the next 1/2 hour.)
I hadn't been there literally 2 minutes, hadn't even sat down, and found myself explaining a couple of things to CEO McShenanigans, much to his displeasure - it's all the motivation I need...just to watch these bastards squirm...(mmm, not a very Christian attitude-Ed)...ahhh, actually it is...'to bear witness'...because somebody has to...(fair enough...I'll give you that one-Ed)...gee, thanks...
Can't even remember what exactly it was I said, something about my blog, but he laughed at me and waved me away with his right hand (he was sitting and I was standing in front of him) saying "Nobody's reading your blog, Nick."
I just lent forward, smiled, and said "Yes they are, and you know they are." His empty, affected laugh broke, he flushed crimson, and the Fear ran in his eyes as the bleak reality washed across his face...teach you to laugh at me you f(whoa, whoa, whoa...come on...we've spoken about this...I know you're upset...but...-Ed)...yes, you're right...sorry...sorry everyone...
And it wasn't that I tried to physically intimidate him or anything like that, it was just the truth of what I said slamming him like a fist...he feebly waved his derision and scorn at me with false bravado, and in but a moment it turned, gathered, and crashed back onto him in a furious foaming torrent that pounded him into the jagged reef of reality.
No longer the stoic Marky Mark of the Inscrutable Visage...more of a Metaphoric Skid Mark...(see, there you go...you can be incredibly scathing and offensive without swearing-Ed)....I know...let's move on...
The Elderly gentleman went first and said almost exactly the same thing I've heard over and over at the 3 meetings...conservative people who have lived their entire lives in Mt Gambier and never complained about anything with Council or attended any meeting, stating that they are so concerned with the massive rates rises and 'proposed spending regime', particularly in the current financial climate, that they had to attend and say something...and that something is please, please, please...don't do it.
Not the lunatic fringe...(fringe?...you wear your hair pulled back-Ed)...hilarious...it was the 'conservative set' who were so concerned that they turned out in relative droves. Many meetings I've been to had almost no-one, eg, I attended all 5 Main Corner 'We've Built It Now What Do we Do With It' Meetings where a total of only 30 people showed up, most of whom were Councillors or media and supported the Project.
(Now its Sunday-NF) - The Thursday meeting - 20 people, 4 specific 'never been to meetings before', etc, all saying please don't do it, shelve the projects, please don't raise rates, etc, all conservative people. (When I summarised/synopsised this near the end of the meeting, one man pointed at me and said "I don't know who this bloke is, but he's right." and there was a chorus of murmurs "who's that"..."oh, that's Nick Fletcher"...damn straight it is...)
The elderly gentleman (above) was critical of Council for not maintaining basic services like footpaths and described how there is no footpath in his street, and how he recently saw a young mum pushing her pram up the road in the gutter in the rain; and how the non-native street trees drop so much stuff in Autumn that cars skid on the litter on the road and drains get blocked. (One person said his "place" gets flooded in heavy rains)
He described at length his efforts to get Council to make the Sheperdson Rd/White Ave intersection properly aligned to make it safer, but was told by Council that there had been no accidents there. He then described three accidents resulting in "...3 cars written off, including Don Pegler's wife's...".
"That bloody monument at the Main Corner..." Apparently when the RSL first mooted their (now demolished) building there, Council tried to stop it, wanting instead a Rose Garden..."...thousands of dollars in glass and then cover it up with wire...it makes no sense..."
"...White Elephant..." and "...the mental attitude of the designer..." were the kick off point for his criticism (but I won't go into it all again; cost to build, cost to run, why, looks horrid, etc, please see previous posts) and he said much the same of the Lady Nelson Bus Shelter, "...should be in the middle of town..."
He repeatedly criticised Council for it's recent form, behaviour, decisions, and for not listening to people, and closed with the observation/question, ' Why do Councillors and the Mayor treat people as though though they were our "Old Colonial Masters"?'...(slight paraphrase, but OCM is the exact term he used...twice-NF)
Topics then raised by others included the financial stresses in the rural community that of course affects commerce in and around Mt Gambier, the pavers (why?..ugly...how much?), Mt G used to be a cheap place to live, house prices plummeting, one builder said (at Thursday's meeting) that he was packing up and leaving after 30 something years, the bus shelter, etc, etc. There was not a lot of optimism at Saturday's or Thursday's meetings.
When the issue was raised of Council already passing the decision to double their debt limit the repeated response was "yes we have, but we don't have to spend that money".
I re-iterate that at Tuesday evening's Council meeting, this doubling was rationalised with the argument that they would need that money to do the projects, the projects that they are allegedly doing consultation on now; and that this decision ensures the continuing massive rate rises that people are just starting to realise are cumulative, not a total.
This has been said over and over at the meetings; people basically thought that their rates were going up 7% over 5-10 years, not 7% every year, accumulating as you go, resulting in a near 100% increase at the 10 year mark.
This is starting to blow out so I'll finish here and...(hey, what about the clowns and the puppet show and stuff?..I was really looking forward to that-Ed)...if you'll let me finish...2 posts today; This Arvo - CBC Part II...(sorry-Ed) and the closing observation...
Forget about me, the next post is all about me...literally all bar one of the 50+ people who have attended the 3 meetings thus far have said exactly the same thing...don't borrow, don't spend, focus on what you should be doing around town but aren't, and for shrek sake Mt Gambier en masse is copping it left, right and centre (Forestry Sale, job losses, sky-rocketing utility costs, plummeting land values, etc), and we/It cannot take this...even those who were saying "I'll personally be alright, but I'm concerned about others and the town" were almost pleading...please don't do it.
One Note of Extreme Optimism - (are you sure you're on the right blog?-Ed)...hilarious..again...I feel that there is enormous optimism to be drawn from the fact that people are going to meetings and making the above statement "I'll be alright, but..."; so often it's just "I'll be alright."...full stop...no buts about it...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...laters..
Saturday, May 25, 2013
I Used To Write Poetry
And I haven't shown many people, but those whom have read it say that some of it's passable if not quite Shakespeare. With my 150th post looming, I feel a little something a little lighter than usual can't hurt.
I haven't written any 'poetry' in years...I still use my words, and I'd like to think that on occasion there is a certain degree of poetry to some of it, but that's just my opinion...(no, I think you're right...there is a degree of wordsmithery if not quite poetry about some of your posts-Ed)...our posts...I can't take all the credit...(why thankyou...isn't this so very civilised and polite-Ed)...yes, can't see it lasting myself...(mmm, neither can I-Ed)...
Good, bad, or indifferent, I'm not sure whether I could even write 'poetry' anymore. I feel a bit like a meteorite ploughing into the atmosphere and chunks are just breaking off and disintegrating behind me somewhere and possibly 'poetry' is one of those chunks.
So as not to freak people out too much, I'll use a fairly 'main-stream' poem...a 'love' poem if you will...
In a previous post I briefly described a peiod of my life where I was working part-time nights in Adelaide whilst living in a caravan in Mt Gambier, and so it was that I came to be buying fish and chips for lunch one day at a small set of shops in Glenelg South, when I happened upon one of the most beautiful women I'd ever met...in the Pet Supplies shop next door...(ain't it always the way-Ed)...indeed it is...indeed it is...
In Light Of You
Bumbling tongue trips itself up
endeavouring simply to converse,
and how am I going to
utter those much harder words
to wit will you go out
into tonight with me; the
full lips smile only ever
underlined by the stunning
luscious goddess that surrounds them.
"But my babies need me tonight..."
envelops me with the simple delight
conjured fom your mention of
offspring ahead of the lucky bast...
man in your life; and I can easily
envisage how beautiful the
siblings of your creation.
Just had to engage you in some conversation
under the guise of interest in doggy supplies,
so staring into the dark eyes and falling
to desire beyond simply lusting.
A woman so defining womanness...
When will the perfect picture ever fade
of the dark cascading locks falling to
roll across ample bosom in framing the
distinct beauty that is you.
03 September 1998
and the trick is the title
followed by the letter
beginning each line together
to spell out the bewitching
I now seek to exercise.......
I remember writing this of course, but the whole experience exists in the memory of a person who largely doesn't exist anymore...I've lost the naivety, stupidity, optimism, call it what you will, that allows a person to kid themselves that there is any such thing as desire beyond simply lusting...(heavy dude-Ed)
It is also one of many, many conversations I've had with women where they neglect to mention their partner until well into the discourse...usually not until I ask them out...(is that the 'brutally handsome bordering on strategically shaved ape' thing you mentioned in a previous post?-Ed)...yes...yes, I believe that it is...(I am assuming of course that you are capable of having a conversation with a woman without asking her out-Ed)..........(hello?-Ed).........(hello?...where's he gone?-Ed).........(what do you mean he left?-Ed)
This Arvo: The Border Watch and Council 'Consultation'
I haven't written any 'poetry' in years...I still use my words, and I'd like to think that on occasion there is a certain degree of poetry to some of it, but that's just my opinion...(no, I think you're right...there is a degree of wordsmithery if not quite poetry about some of your posts-Ed)...our posts...I can't take all the credit...(why thankyou...isn't this so very civilised and polite-Ed)...yes, can't see it lasting myself...(mmm, neither can I-Ed)...
Good, bad, or indifferent, I'm not sure whether I could even write 'poetry' anymore. I feel a bit like a meteorite ploughing into the atmosphere and chunks are just breaking off and disintegrating behind me somewhere and possibly 'poetry' is one of those chunks.
So as not to freak people out too much, I'll use a fairly 'main-stream' poem...a 'love' poem if you will...
In a previous post I briefly described a peiod of my life where I was working part-time nights in Adelaide whilst living in a caravan in Mt Gambier, and so it was that I came to be buying fish and chips for lunch one day at a small set of shops in Glenelg South, when I happened upon one of the most beautiful women I'd ever met...in the Pet Supplies shop next door...(ain't it always the way-Ed)...indeed it is...indeed it is...
In Light Of You
Bumbling tongue trips itself up
endeavouring simply to converse,
and how am I going to
utter those much harder words
to wit will you go out
into tonight with me; the
full lips smile only ever
underlined by the stunning
luscious goddess that surrounds them.
"But my babies need me tonight..."
envelops me with the simple delight
conjured fom your mention of
offspring ahead of the lucky bast...
man in your life; and I can easily
envisage how beautiful the
siblings of your creation.
Just had to engage you in some conversation
under the guise of interest in doggy supplies,
so staring into the dark eyes and falling
to desire beyond simply lusting.
A woman so defining womanness...
When will the perfect picture ever fade
of the dark cascading locks falling to
roll across ample bosom in framing the
distinct beauty that is you.
03 September 1998
and the trick is the title
followed by the letter
beginning each line together
to spell out the bewitching
I now seek to exercise.......
I remember writing this of course, but the whole experience exists in the memory of a person who largely doesn't exist anymore...I've lost the naivety, stupidity, optimism, call it what you will, that allows a person to kid themselves that there is any such thing as desire beyond simply lusting...(heavy dude-Ed)
It is also one of many, many conversations I've had with women where they neglect to mention their partner until well into the discourse...usually not until I ask them out...(is that the 'brutally handsome bordering on strategically shaved ape' thing you mentioned in a previous post?-Ed)...yes...yes, I believe that it is...(I am assuming of course that you are capable of having a conversation with a woman without asking her out-Ed)..........(hello?-Ed).........(hello?...where's he gone?-Ed).........(what do you mean he left?-Ed)
This Arvo: The Border Watch and Council 'Consultation'
Friday, May 24, 2013
Free Trade and Foreign Ownership
Unreserved apology for last couple of posts...I've been flat out but still trying to put out a half decent post and some of them take literally half a day, but yesterday's in particular was pretty much slapped together between appointments/meetings...sorry...oh, and I've been told to stop apologising...sorry for that too...(hilarious-Ed)
I know some people think I'm just an overly opinionated, self-important idiot with a lap-top, but I take this blog very, very seriously and try very, very hard to be accurate and appropriate. I want to 'talk to' people, not 'down at' them.
As per previous posts, and if you've read some of these issues, for example, some of the things we've been put though as parents by the Lutherans, SAPol, and other authorities for just trying to protect our children re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, you'll understand that sometimes I also have to get up and just walk away...for a while...
Still only one comment...(one...snigger, snigger-Ed)...yes, alright, thankyou...only one comment 'on-blog' but an avalanche of feed-back 'off-blog'....thankyou...eg, it took less than 24 hours for someone to alert me that I hadn't blocked out a name properly, thanks, and I rectified that...it won't happen again...
But what's really pleasing are the comments being made to me about the posts that have been pulled down by DeGaris Lawyers, Piper Alderman Lawyers, and the Education Department (previous posts), and then re-posted in revised form and now remain 'on-post' un-challenged...people are stating to me that pulling down the posts arouses suspicion, but the un-challenged 're-postings' with attached documents absolutely confirm what I'm saying.
And further, if those 'pulled posts' are thus proven to be true, then what does that say about all of the other posts/claims/accusations that have not been pulled?...as it has been put to me 'proven by default, proven by a failure to challenge'...
Also observed repeatedly; 'Why has anyone even acknowledged your blog at all?...surely the smart thing to do would be just to completely ignore it; pulling down posts only gives the whole blog credibility'...correct and too late...but back to the subject matter...
NO and NO...easy...what's the fuss...next post...(whoa, hang on...you can't just say NO without explanation...who do you think you are?...Tony Abbott?-Ed)...ahh, hang on yourself, there's no need for name calling...particularly that name...(sorry-Ed)...it's ok, I understand...we're all under a lot of pressure...
If I may open with 'an bleedin' obvious observationing'...(top grammarings-Ed) about how Car Manufacturing jobs are some sort of sacred cow but everyone else are just sacrificial lambs...(nice...unpleasant situation and unfair treatment but nicely put-Ed)....thanks...many a true word spoken in jest...but we are all dead meat...
Free Trade - NO - it is really that simple, because it is completely insane to tie yourself to a series of self-imposed restrictions that nobody else follows...you cannot, will not win...you will lose...
I disagree with Senator Nick Xenophon that the Australian government is "Free Trade Taliban"...I don't care what "the world calls us" because I think it's all a massive con...this terminology attempts to excuse and generate sympathy for a Labor government that is quite deliberately crippling Australia economically with a view to carving it up between mates and international companies and even other countries...
This description suggests a genuine if in-correct belief in the ideology, an illness or mentally unstable obsession, whatevs, and makes the perpetrators look 'a bit sad' as opposed to 'rabidly corrupt'...I know which horse my monies on...
Australia is being very neatly, very thoroughly carved up and sold off to the largely overseas concerns that are manipulating markets, economies, and whole social structures, with the absolute and un-relenting support of government, eg, Wind Turbine legislation in South Australia and/or the extraordinary $10billion Clean Energy Finance Commission (?-Committee? Council? whatevs) that Labor has just established to hand out massive subsidies to 'Renewable Projects' that private enterprise wouldn't touch with somebody elses 10 foot pole...(cheeky-Ed)...$2billiion in the first year...
And we are our own worst enemy. Time and again our own greed and avarice are used to manipulate us as we, for example, choose to borrow to purchase a 'luxury foreign car' over a slightly more expensive locally produced one, because we pay such high wages, etc, (in a global comparison) and there are virtually no tariffs (5% I'm fairly sure) on imported cars, etc...and debt is a wonderful tool of control...cue massive mortgages for middle-of-nowhere McMansions...fear and owing in suburbia...
And control by targetting utility prices, and food prices, etc...It's 'Masai Economics' - keep stabbing the cash cow in the neck and bleed it so as to consume that blood; just don't kill it...but we have crossed that line...one too many stabs too close together...and so we become 'dead meat'...the corruption and corporate avarice has gotten away from it's master and the beast lies slain in the dust...and there was only ever one cow...
Foreign Ownership - NO - We have an international obligation to produce with the least impact on the environment the maximum quantity of resource that we can, but that does not mean ripping up Western Australia within a week so that certain billionaires can buy a bigger pile of moral highground, or destroying local production, industry, etc, with cynically lunatic adherence to Free Trade ideologies, etc, or 'Selling the Farm'...
I am genuinely very concerned about animal welfare issues and would like for there to be no cloven hooved animals anywhere in the fragile Australian environment, but what the Australian Broadcasting Corporation has repeatedly done with it's 'Live Trade Exposes' is not cutting edge journalism, it is relentless manipulation of inner-suburban greenies with emotive button punching.
I consider the ABC's behaviour on 'Live Trade' as 'Industrial Espionage' on behalf of all those furtively lurking in the shadows, waiting for the whole cattle and/or sheep industries to collapse as a result of the lunacy of the instant halting of trade, etc, so they can swoop in and carve it up for themselves.
Furthermore, in the unlikely event that I might have that influence, say after...say September 14, I will immediately call on the government of the day, give a damn who it is, to instigate a formal Inquiry into the allegedly corrupt sale of Cubby Station to a Chinese led concern, in effect to China itself, and for charges to be laid against the 'Receivers'.
And if the 'Receivers' allegedly corrupt conduct is proven, that the government therefore immediately act to recoup those monies from the allegedly fraudulent 'Receivers' by suing their allegedly corrupt allegedly small backsides clean off...(that's a lot of 'allegedlys' for what looks like a specific allegation-Ed)
Fair enough, but not my allegation...I saw National Barnaby Joyce (amongst others) on TV News make this specific accusation...'the receivers deliberately ignored higher priced tenders from Australian based concerns in giving the property to 'China', specifically so as to gain favour with the Chinese government for future work'.
I will then also call for the immediate Compulsory Aquisition of Cubby Station with an associated written apology to the Chinese people and Government and written contract to provide all produce from Cubby Station to the Chinese people for ever...not much of a promise given the planet's got about 20 years left of our collective abuse before major systems collapse causing global famine, etc...we are rooted...(gosh...really working the optimism today I see-Ed)...
I will deliver that apology myself were it to be so.
The Chinese government has done exactly what I would have done in the circumstances, the issue is clearly the conduct of the 'Receiver'...I'll give those bastards something to receive...(ah now, come on big fella...you were doing so well...-Ed)...yeah, yeah, sorry...
Other 'Government purchases' are more problematic, but similar 'Aquisition' processes are perfectly legal and acceptable, Australian governments do it to their own citizens all the time...this is Australia...not China, not Singapore, not Qatar...sod 'Free Trade' and 'Free Market processes'...it's all a massive con...
There must be absolute scrutiny of all land/asset sales of any level...the current $250million (approx) 'Foreign Investment Threshhold' is a cynical joke to make it look like there's some sort of regulation...
Stone the flamin' ponies...look at me getting all hot and bothered on my high horse...(nice-Ed)...
There's a whole raft of other issues to be covered in future posts, but I believe that I have made my point...
I am Nick Fletcher...this is my blog...deal with it...
Tomorrow: I Used to Write Poetry
...and Council issues and The Border Watch This Week...maybe 2 posts...
I know some people think I'm just an overly opinionated, self-important idiot with a lap-top, but I take this blog very, very seriously and try very, very hard to be accurate and appropriate. I want to 'talk to' people, not 'down at' them.
As per previous posts, and if you've read some of these issues, for example, some of the things we've been put though as parents by the Lutherans, SAPol, and other authorities for just trying to protect our children re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, you'll understand that sometimes I also have to get up and just walk away...for a while...
Still only one comment...(one...snigger, snigger-Ed)...yes, alright, thankyou...only one comment 'on-blog' but an avalanche of feed-back 'off-blog'....thankyou...eg, it took less than 24 hours for someone to alert me that I hadn't blocked out a name properly, thanks, and I rectified that...it won't happen again...
But what's really pleasing are the comments being made to me about the posts that have been pulled down by DeGaris Lawyers, Piper Alderman Lawyers, and the Education Department (previous posts), and then re-posted in revised form and now remain 'on-post' un-challenged...people are stating to me that pulling down the posts arouses suspicion, but the un-challenged 're-postings' with attached documents absolutely confirm what I'm saying.
And further, if those 'pulled posts' are thus proven to be true, then what does that say about all of the other posts/claims/accusations that have not been pulled?...as it has been put to me 'proven by default, proven by a failure to challenge'...
Also observed repeatedly; 'Why has anyone even acknowledged your blog at all?...surely the smart thing to do would be just to completely ignore it; pulling down posts only gives the whole blog credibility'...correct and too late...but back to the subject matter...
NO and NO...easy...what's the fuss...next post...(whoa, hang on...you can't just say NO without explanation...who do you think you are?...Tony Abbott?-Ed)...ahh, hang on yourself, there's no need for name calling...particularly that name...(sorry-Ed)...it's ok, I understand...we're all under a lot of pressure...
If I may open with 'an bleedin' obvious observationing'...(top grammarings-Ed) about how Car Manufacturing jobs are some sort of sacred cow but everyone else are just sacrificial lambs...(nice...unpleasant situation and unfair treatment but nicely put-Ed)....thanks...many a true word spoken in jest...but we are all dead meat...
Free Trade - NO - it is really that simple, because it is completely insane to tie yourself to a series of self-imposed restrictions that nobody else follows...you cannot, will not win...you will lose...
I disagree with Senator Nick Xenophon that the Australian government is "Free Trade Taliban"...I don't care what "the world calls us" because I think it's all a massive con...this terminology attempts to excuse and generate sympathy for a Labor government that is quite deliberately crippling Australia economically with a view to carving it up between mates and international companies and even other countries...
This description suggests a genuine if in-correct belief in the ideology, an illness or mentally unstable obsession, whatevs, and makes the perpetrators look 'a bit sad' as opposed to 'rabidly corrupt'...I know which horse my monies on...
Australia is being very neatly, very thoroughly carved up and sold off to the largely overseas concerns that are manipulating markets, economies, and whole social structures, with the absolute and un-relenting support of government, eg, Wind Turbine legislation in South Australia and/or the extraordinary $10billion Clean Energy Finance Commission (?-Committee? Council? whatevs) that Labor has just established to hand out massive subsidies to 'Renewable Projects' that private enterprise wouldn't touch with somebody elses 10 foot pole...(cheeky-Ed)...$2billiion in the first year...
And we are our own worst enemy. Time and again our own greed and avarice are used to manipulate us as we, for example, choose to borrow to purchase a 'luxury foreign car' over a slightly more expensive locally produced one, because we pay such high wages, etc, (in a global comparison) and there are virtually no tariffs (5% I'm fairly sure) on imported cars, etc...and debt is a wonderful tool of control...cue massive mortgages for middle-of-nowhere McMansions...fear and owing in suburbia...
And control by targetting utility prices, and food prices, etc...It's 'Masai Economics' - keep stabbing the cash cow in the neck and bleed it so as to consume that blood; just don't kill it...but we have crossed that line...one too many stabs too close together...and so we become 'dead meat'...the corruption and corporate avarice has gotten away from it's master and the beast lies slain in the dust...and there was only ever one cow...
Foreign Ownership - NO - We have an international obligation to produce with the least impact on the environment the maximum quantity of resource that we can, but that does not mean ripping up Western Australia within a week so that certain billionaires can buy a bigger pile of moral highground, or destroying local production, industry, etc, with cynically lunatic adherence to Free Trade ideologies, etc, or 'Selling the Farm'...
I am genuinely very concerned about animal welfare issues and would like for there to be no cloven hooved animals anywhere in the fragile Australian environment, but what the Australian Broadcasting Corporation has repeatedly done with it's 'Live Trade Exposes' is not cutting edge journalism, it is relentless manipulation of inner-suburban greenies with emotive button punching.
I consider the ABC's behaviour on 'Live Trade' as 'Industrial Espionage' on behalf of all those furtively lurking in the shadows, waiting for the whole cattle and/or sheep industries to collapse as a result of the lunacy of the instant halting of trade, etc, so they can swoop in and carve it up for themselves.
Furthermore, in the unlikely event that I might have that influence, say after...say September 14, I will immediately call on the government of the day, give a damn who it is, to instigate a formal Inquiry into the allegedly corrupt sale of Cubby Station to a Chinese led concern, in effect to China itself, and for charges to be laid against the 'Receivers'.
And if the 'Receivers' allegedly corrupt conduct is proven, that the government therefore immediately act to recoup those monies from the allegedly fraudulent 'Receivers' by suing their allegedly corrupt allegedly small backsides clean off...(that's a lot of 'allegedlys' for what looks like a specific allegation-Ed)
Fair enough, but not my allegation...I saw National Barnaby Joyce (amongst others) on TV News make this specific accusation...'the receivers deliberately ignored higher priced tenders from Australian based concerns in giving the property to 'China', specifically so as to gain favour with the Chinese government for future work'.
I will then also call for the immediate Compulsory Aquisition of Cubby Station with an associated written apology to the Chinese people and Government and written contract to provide all produce from Cubby Station to the Chinese people for ever...not much of a promise given the planet's got about 20 years left of our collective abuse before major systems collapse causing global famine, etc...we are rooted...(gosh...really working the optimism today I see-Ed)...
I will deliver that apology myself were it to be so.
The Chinese government has done exactly what I would have done in the circumstances, the issue is clearly the conduct of the 'Receiver'...I'll give those bastards something to receive...(ah now, come on big fella...you were doing so well...-Ed)...yeah, yeah, sorry...
Other 'Government purchases' are more problematic, but similar 'Aquisition' processes are perfectly legal and acceptable, Australian governments do it to their own citizens all the time...this is Australia...not China, not Singapore, not Qatar...sod 'Free Trade' and 'Free Market processes'...it's all a massive con...
There must be absolute scrutiny of all land/asset sales of any level...the current $250million (approx) 'Foreign Investment Threshhold' is a cynical joke to make it look like there's some sort of regulation...
Stone the flamin' ponies...look at me getting all hot and bothered on my high horse...(nice-Ed)...
There's a whole raft of other issues to be covered in future posts, but I believe that I have made my point...
I am Nick Fletcher...this is my blog...deal with it...
Tomorrow: I Used to Write Poetry
...and Council issues and The Border Watch This Week...maybe 2 posts...
Thursday, May 23, 2013
My Letters to the Teachers Registration Board
Apologies for late, lazy post that is not the much advertised Free Trade and Foreign Ownership, sorry again, it will happen...but here's a clue...NO and NO...been at appointments all day. Just been to second 'Council Budget Consultation' meeting...20 people all saying please No rate increase, don't borrow, don't spend...also post tomorrow...and letter submitted to The Border Watch re Council approving it's own loan extension...
In my TRB letters I have chosen to remove the names solely to stop the post being dragged down. Anyway, the important issue is that these letters identify some of the many people, documents, and other general evidence that the TRB/Crown Solicitors Office chose to ignore before even starting their hearing, and then repeatedly throughout the hearing. (TRB/CSO Hearing into Glyn Dorling - March 2003 to November 2004 - as per previous posts)
Because there are so many letters I'll do it incrementally...(totally mentally if you ask me-Ed)...well nobody did ask you thanks very much...I'll do a few at a time, but the over-all picture is I believe almost immediately obvious.
The TRB/CSO were not ignorant in their failures, they were wanton in their achievement...to exonerate Dorling.
I believe it was the Mahatma, the great Ghandi whom said;
"Ignorance alone is merely ignorance, but ignorance with pride is sheer shrekin' stupidity."
(That's wasn't Ghandi you idiot, that's one of yours-Ed)...really?...(well yeah, I'm fairly sure Ghandi never mentioned Shrek-Ed)...ah, astute observation my learned friend...
Sorry for poor quality copy of hand-written letter but I didn't have a computer at that time. This first letter shows the date as 03/05/2003, posted 12/05/03, following original phone complaints in late March 2003, confirming complaints lodged well over a year before the hearing started June 2004. More to come.
I am Nick Fletcher...this is a genuine document sent at the time...and this is my blog...cheers...
Tomorrow: Free Trade and Foreign Ownership
plus other stuff from Council
.jpg)
.jpg)
In my TRB letters I have chosen to remove the names solely to stop the post being dragged down. Anyway, the important issue is that these letters identify some of the many people, documents, and other general evidence that the TRB/Crown Solicitors Office chose to ignore before even starting their hearing, and then repeatedly throughout the hearing. (TRB/CSO Hearing into Glyn Dorling - March 2003 to November 2004 - as per previous posts)
Because there are so many letters I'll do it incrementally...(totally mentally if you ask me-Ed)...well nobody did ask you thanks very much...I'll do a few at a time, but the over-all picture is I believe almost immediately obvious.
The TRB/CSO were not ignorant in their failures, they were wanton in their achievement...to exonerate Dorling.
I believe it was the Mahatma, the great Ghandi whom said;
"Ignorance alone is merely ignorance, but ignorance with pride is sheer shrekin' stupidity."
(That's wasn't Ghandi you idiot, that's one of yours-Ed)...really?...(well yeah, I'm fairly sure Ghandi never mentioned Shrek-Ed)...ah, astute observation my learned friend...
Sorry for poor quality copy of hand-written letter but I didn't have a computer at that time. This first letter shows the date as 03/05/2003, posted 12/05/03, following original phone complaints in late March 2003, confirming complaints lodged well over a year before the hearing started June 2004. More to come.
I am Nick Fletcher...this is a genuine document sent at the time...and this is my blog...cheers...
Tomorrow: Free Trade and Foreign Ownership
plus other stuff from Council
.jpg)
.jpg)
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Mt Gambier Council Meeting and Budget Consultation: 21/05/13
Apologies, again, very long day...Free Trade and Foreign Ownership will have to wait, Council's on the job again.
Who put the 'con' and 'insult' in 'consultation'?...(hilarious, but I don't get 'insult'-Ed)...well if you take the the 'i' and the 'n' and move them to the...(yeah...bit convoluted maybe?...and what about the 'a' 't' and 'o'?-Ed)...yes, that doesn't quite work, does it?...
Ooo, ooo...I've got it, I've got it...(well don't give it to me-Ed)...oh now who's being hilarious?...anyway, no, even better...check it out...Who takes 'Consultation' from an 'insult to a con'?...brilliant...(even if you do say so yourself-Ed)...no, no, it's perfect, listen...Council insults ratepayers intelligence with pretending to give a fat rat's behind about what rate-payers think, by conducting a disingenuous consultation process they have no intention of listening to, an absolute con...from an 'insult to a con'...
Last night 21/05/13 Mount Gambier City Council passed/ratified/approved, whatevs, it's approval of itself approving It raising It's borrowing/debt level from just under $7million to $12million to accomodate It's budget/financial/whatevs plan that Council is allegedly doing consultation on...
(Hang on...they're doing 'Consultations' about the Budget-Ed)...yes...(but they just passed through Council the debt level increase for those infrastructure projects in the proposed budget that will lead to the massive rate increases forecast in the budget-Ed)...yes...(and the justification is that they have to raise that limit to borrow to pay for those various things that they say they are consulting on-Ed)...yes...(but...-Ed)...yes, I know...don't try to figure it out, you'll just hurt yourself, and it is exactly what it looks like anyway...from an insult to a con...
Budget Consultation Meeting
Daryl Sexton repeatedly blamed "the media" for misrepresenting/exaggerating the cost of the Library and Main Corner project, and one person asked why Council had not addressed this with The Border Watch and Darryl replied "...we have, you know the media." He stopped making these comments the moment TBW's Sandra Morello showed up.
Classic Council; lie, deny, and blame everybody and/or anything else...anything other than take responsibility for their corruption, nepotism, and fundamental incompetence.
Darryl repeatedly stated that Council had to do the Main Corner because "the public were demanding that something be done with that eyesore on the corner"...please refer my previous posts for the reality...Council did exactly what it wanted despite public opinion and concerns...same with the Rail lands, pool, bus shelter, etc...it's all about the Rail Lands Retail Agenda...
Mayor Steve Perryman rolled in halfway through to grace us with his presence...(o-oh, I think I can see where this is headed-Ed)...do you mind?...(no, no, I concur and sympathise...please continue-Ed)...thankyou...oh, now I've lost my train of abuse...oh, yeah...and virtually the first thing he said was that "the Library and Main Corner only cost $12million combined"...he said it twice so it must be true...
He failed to offer any explanation but seemed to be riding on the back of Darryl Sexton's comments blaming the media for misinforming the public, and this is clearly a new Council strategy to counter the community rage over the outrageous expenditure...good luck with that...
Stevie made a point of coming around the group standing to my left, round behind the pillar and several chairs, to lean on the back of the chair right next to me; he didn't sit in any of the available chairs...he made a point of going literally half way around the room to come and lean over me...
It's what apes do...when the one who thinks they are the Alpha male is threatened by the true Alpha male in the room...when the pretender is usurped...assume threatening and intimidating postures...absolutely hilarious...I made a point of staying in my chair because even sitting down I'm still twice the man, twice the Alpha Ape Stevie clearly thinks he is...and he knows it otherwise he wouldn't be so driven to act in these ways..(wow, you weren't joking in that previous post were you?...you really are a vain, arrogant, prick...but it's still hilarious...and so true...please do go on-Ed)...absolutely...
When I engaged Steve about Council's re-zoning of the Rail Lands to Retail/Commercial neither he nor Darryl would answer my repeated, specific question; "Has Council re-zoned the Rail Lands to retail? I asked over and over throughout the meeting and not once was I answered...not even a 'No Nick you're wrong'...and if not No, then what does that leave...can't say no, musn't say yes, best say nout...
Immediately after Stevie came round to do his 'Mad Monkey' routine over my shoulder, he still would not answer my direct question, instead stating aggressively "...if you've just come hear to pick a fight...". This was a pathetic and failed attempt to denigrate me in front of the other people present, in sync with a pathetic and failed attempt to physically intimidate and dominate me...pathetic and failed...says so much about how Council conducts business full stop...
Anyway, Monkey boy (oh, I knew you wouldn't be able to help yourself-Ed)...your point?..(oh, no point...hilarious...please continue...Anyway...monkey boy...-Ed)...any way...when Monkey boy tried to aggressively denigrate me I simply gave it to him from the seated position...
'Steve, I've written, spoken, petitioned, submitted, etc, to Council over and over again and I have been ignored or attacked, eg, via a secret Council report specifically about me, released through The Border Watch (previous posts). I have tried time and again for years to do this appropriately with zero result, so me coming here to ask questions is not just perfectly appropriate, but it is something that you/Council have created for yourselves'...(paraphrasing myself)
I did not swear, raise my voice, or stand up...it backfired horribly for Stevie because he tried to provoke and intimidate me but instead all present saw a clearly un-impressed person engage politely but ruthlessly...I saw at least one jaw drop...cheers...
Steve refused to answer my repeated specific questions about the Council's multiple plans for Retail Development and the multiple consultations, and/or the re-zoning, even when I produced said plans from my bag, instead repeatedly trying to get other people to engage and/or change the subject.
My other questions re the Bus and pool, etc, similarly went unanswered...Only four meetings to go...
Council Meeting
Good news everyone...no need to go to the remaining four 'budget consultation meetings' because Council last night voted to approve themselves a massive increase in Mt Gambier's allowable debt limit from $7million out to $12milliion with no specific business plan other than 'you have to spend to make money'...stupid, retrograde, and an absolute con.
This is the cornerstone of the new budget and has apparently been done to allow for the 'infrastructure projects' outlined in the Draft Budget...con, rort, lie, deceit, malfeasance, nepotism...(are you going somewhere with this?-Ed)...no, just venting...corruption, greed, selfishness, incompetence, stupidity, ugliness...(hold on...personal abuse?...is that appropriate?-Ed)...absolutely, when the corruption is writ grande dans le visage...(whaaa?-Ed)...when the corruption of the individual is etched into their countenance, their face, their every fibre...hello Merv...
Following the 4% response to the 700 letters that Council sent out re 'Park and Stride', last night Council approved paying a 'private phone canvasser' to ring 70 businesses to ask why...more expenditure on more consultants...why can't Council staff make those phone calls?
Council still can't/won't see the realities that ratepayers; 1) just don't believe that Council listens to them; 2) know that if they speak out they will be attacked; and 3) therefore just don't give a stuff....why go to all the trouble of researching and writing a detailed submission to Council, when you know that Council is just going to do what is most beneficial/profitable for it's individual members and/or their mates and probaly attack you into the bargain...why would anyone bother?
And it is a classic political tactic to blame the victim for the actions of the perpetrator and this 'consultation process' is a perfect example...just ignore and/or attack rate-payers long enough and eventually they'll just give up, and then you can start blaming them for not participating...it's a self-perpetuating monster of deceit and manipulation.
As per previous post, I don't know whether Council is so far removed from these realities that they genuinely cannot see this, or whether it's just part of the wall of disingenuousness that defines the deceitful conduct of Council on virtually every issue...as Pops would have said; "...they couldn't even lie straight in bed..."
More Council meeting stuff to come...you know you like it...ooo, you do....naughty...
Tomorrow: Free Trade and Foreign Ownership
I promise...trust me...I'm a politician...
Who put the 'con' and 'insult' in 'consultation'?...(hilarious, but I don't get 'insult'-Ed)...well if you take the the 'i' and the 'n' and move them to the...(yeah...bit convoluted maybe?...and what about the 'a' 't' and 'o'?-Ed)...yes, that doesn't quite work, does it?...
Ooo, ooo...I've got it, I've got it...(well don't give it to me-Ed)...oh now who's being hilarious?...anyway, no, even better...check it out...Who takes 'Consultation' from an 'insult to a con'?...brilliant...(even if you do say so yourself-Ed)...no, no, it's perfect, listen...Council insults ratepayers intelligence with pretending to give a fat rat's behind about what rate-payers think, by conducting a disingenuous consultation process they have no intention of listening to, an absolute con...from an 'insult to a con'...
Last night 21/05/13 Mount Gambier City Council passed/ratified/approved, whatevs, it's approval of itself approving It raising It's borrowing/debt level from just under $7million to $12million to accomodate It's budget/financial/whatevs plan that Council is allegedly doing consultation on...
(Hang on...they're doing 'Consultations' about the Budget-Ed)...yes...(but they just passed through Council the debt level increase for those infrastructure projects in the proposed budget that will lead to the massive rate increases forecast in the budget-Ed)...yes...(and the justification is that they have to raise that limit to borrow to pay for those various things that they say they are consulting on-Ed)...yes...(but...-Ed)...yes, I know...don't try to figure it out, you'll just hurt yourself, and it is exactly what it looks like anyway...from an insult to a con...
Budget Consultation Meeting
Daryl Sexton repeatedly blamed "the media" for misrepresenting/exaggerating the cost of the Library and Main Corner project, and one person asked why Council had not addressed this with The Border Watch and Darryl replied "...we have, you know the media." He stopped making these comments the moment TBW's Sandra Morello showed up.
Classic Council; lie, deny, and blame everybody and/or anything else...anything other than take responsibility for their corruption, nepotism, and fundamental incompetence.
Darryl repeatedly stated that Council had to do the Main Corner because "the public were demanding that something be done with that eyesore on the corner"...please refer my previous posts for the reality...Council did exactly what it wanted despite public opinion and concerns...same with the Rail lands, pool, bus shelter, etc...it's all about the Rail Lands Retail Agenda...
Mayor Steve Perryman rolled in halfway through to grace us with his presence...(o-oh, I think I can see where this is headed-Ed)...do you mind?...(no, no, I concur and sympathise...please continue-Ed)...thankyou...oh, now I've lost my train of abuse...oh, yeah...and virtually the first thing he said was that "the Library and Main Corner only cost $12million combined"...he said it twice so it must be true...
He failed to offer any explanation but seemed to be riding on the back of Darryl Sexton's comments blaming the media for misinforming the public, and this is clearly a new Council strategy to counter the community rage over the outrageous expenditure...good luck with that...
Stevie made a point of coming around the group standing to my left, round behind the pillar and several chairs, to lean on the back of the chair right next to me; he didn't sit in any of the available chairs...he made a point of going literally half way around the room to come and lean over me...
It's what apes do...when the one who thinks they are the Alpha male is threatened by the true Alpha male in the room...when the pretender is usurped...assume threatening and intimidating postures...absolutely hilarious...I made a point of staying in my chair because even sitting down I'm still twice the man, twice the Alpha Ape Stevie clearly thinks he is...and he knows it otherwise he wouldn't be so driven to act in these ways..(wow, you weren't joking in that previous post were you?...you really are a vain, arrogant, prick...but it's still hilarious...and so true...please do go on-Ed)...absolutely...
When I engaged Steve about Council's re-zoning of the Rail Lands to Retail/Commercial neither he nor Darryl would answer my repeated, specific question; "Has Council re-zoned the Rail Lands to retail? I asked over and over throughout the meeting and not once was I answered...not even a 'No Nick you're wrong'...and if not No, then what does that leave...can't say no, musn't say yes, best say nout...
Immediately after Stevie came round to do his 'Mad Monkey' routine over my shoulder, he still would not answer my direct question, instead stating aggressively "...if you've just come hear to pick a fight...". This was a pathetic and failed attempt to denigrate me in front of the other people present, in sync with a pathetic and failed attempt to physically intimidate and dominate me...pathetic and failed...says so much about how Council conducts business full stop...
Anyway, Monkey boy (oh, I knew you wouldn't be able to help yourself-Ed)...your point?..(oh, no point...hilarious...please continue...Anyway...monkey boy...-Ed)...any way...when Monkey boy tried to aggressively denigrate me I simply gave it to him from the seated position...
'Steve, I've written, spoken, petitioned, submitted, etc, to Council over and over again and I have been ignored or attacked, eg, via a secret Council report specifically about me, released through The Border Watch (previous posts). I have tried time and again for years to do this appropriately with zero result, so me coming here to ask questions is not just perfectly appropriate, but it is something that you/Council have created for yourselves'...(paraphrasing myself)
I did not swear, raise my voice, or stand up...it backfired horribly for Stevie because he tried to provoke and intimidate me but instead all present saw a clearly un-impressed person engage politely but ruthlessly...I saw at least one jaw drop...cheers...
Steve refused to answer my repeated specific questions about the Council's multiple plans for Retail Development and the multiple consultations, and/or the re-zoning, even when I produced said plans from my bag, instead repeatedly trying to get other people to engage and/or change the subject.
My other questions re the Bus and pool, etc, similarly went unanswered...Only four meetings to go...
Council Meeting
Good news everyone...no need to go to the remaining four 'budget consultation meetings' because Council last night voted to approve themselves a massive increase in Mt Gambier's allowable debt limit from $7million out to $12milliion with no specific business plan other than 'you have to spend to make money'...stupid, retrograde, and an absolute con.
This is the cornerstone of the new budget and has apparently been done to allow for the 'infrastructure projects' outlined in the Draft Budget...con, rort, lie, deceit, malfeasance, nepotism...(are you going somewhere with this?-Ed)...no, just venting...corruption, greed, selfishness, incompetence, stupidity, ugliness...(hold on...personal abuse?...is that appropriate?-Ed)...absolutely, when the corruption is writ grande dans le visage...(whaaa?-Ed)...when the corruption of the individual is etched into their countenance, their face, their every fibre...hello Merv...
Following the 4% response to the 700 letters that Council sent out re 'Park and Stride', last night Council approved paying a 'private phone canvasser' to ring 70 businesses to ask why...more expenditure on more consultants...why can't Council staff make those phone calls?
Council still can't/won't see the realities that ratepayers; 1) just don't believe that Council listens to them; 2) know that if they speak out they will be attacked; and 3) therefore just don't give a stuff....why go to all the trouble of researching and writing a detailed submission to Council, when you know that Council is just going to do what is most beneficial/profitable for it's individual members and/or their mates and probaly attack you into the bargain...why would anyone bother?
And it is a classic political tactic to blame the victim for the actions of the perpetrator and this 'consultation process' is a perfect example...just ignore and/or attack rate-payers long enough and eventually they'll just give up, and then you can start blaming them for not participating...it's a self-perpetuating monster of deceit and manipulation.
As per previous post, I don't know whether Council is so far removed from these realities that they genuinely cannot see this, or whether it's just part of the wall of disingenuousness that defines the deceitful conduct of Council on virtually every issue...as Pops would have said; "...they couldn't even lie straight in bed..."
More Council meeting stuff to come...you know you like it...ooo, you do....naughty...
Tomorrow: Free Trade and Foreign Ownership
I promise...trust me...I'm a politician...
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
I See The Problem - It's Me, Isn't It
I know I promised Federal election stuff but this is sort of and due to current economic conditions I had to lie and...(yes, alright, hilarious...just get on with it please-Ed) (tech problems - cannot get documents up - will add asap - sorry - NF) (oops, just fixed it - now attached - ignore last apology)
Following the lead of ABC Radio Sports and Olympic commentators Messrs Rampaging Roy Slaven and H G Nelson, I realised that I needed to revise some issues of self-perception, so I "...stepped into the Room of Mirrors, stripped off to have a good hard look at myself, and said to myself..."There's something wrong with me...ah, I know what it is...it's me...I'm a joke..."
They went on to ruthlessly roast the particular former footy player for "...shamelessly celebrating 350 games in a career that really finished 100 games ago..." Absolutely hilarious.
It had occurred to me, and I'm sure I'm not the only one, that the one constant in all of the conflicts, etc, in this blog is...well...me...and I'm very, very special.
I mean, I must be special...time and again I get very special treatment...time and again it seems that an entirely separate set of rules are applied to me...and the good, the bad, and the indifferent...the only constant is my involvement...
Recently I negotiated a billing credit due to service delivery problems with Telstra. The specific details are private (I don't want to start an avalanche of false claims quoting my experience), but over several months I clearly proved my case.
At one point there was a stuff-up with their paperwork, for which they took full responsibility, and the matter is effectively resolved to the best of Telstra's ability; hopefully this is a general attitude from Telstra.
However, I know that my behaviour and attitude clearly worked in my favour, not least of all because two of the various operators that I spoke to said so; they were so struck by how polite I was that they actually commented on it...repeatedly...and in one chat whilst 'on hold' the lady asked me if I was Civil Engineer because of my knowledge on Wind Turbines...bless her...
These people, unfortunately so accustomed to being abused, were genuinely surprised, and I absolutely believe that a big part of getting what I wanted was simply being polite, simply being nice...who'da thunk it...being nice gets results...(no, I don't understand either-Ed)...
Unfortunately my phone communications with my own child have not been so balanced and/or controlled and I apologise publicly and un-reservedly for the swearing and yelling that typifies some of those 'conversations'...(yes...I think a 'conversation' involves two voices...one voice is a tirade-Ed)...geez I hate it when you're right...
The difference - emotion. In all my other dealings I fundamentally don't care about me or what people think of me, etc, so I can pour emotion and commitment into it to the point of rupture, but with my child it starts with emotion and goes from there...I don't have that control...
I refer to previous posts about how I have been treated by Mt Gambier City Council, eg, Cr Von Stanke coming to my home and the subsequent 'secret Council report' about me; the good Christian folk of St Martins Lutheran School; etc, in support of my position that I am special.
Please find attached my latest attempt to engage with the political debate in an appropriate manner on ABC Local Radio, which I have posted because I'm well sick and tired of being ignored, abused, and censored by specific people within the organisation...it is after all why after many years of trying to do this 'appropriately' via the main stream media, that I finally started doing this blog.
My name is Nick Fletcher and I am the Opposition to Wind Turbine Fascism genuinely Independent candidate at the upcoming September 14th election.
Vote once...vote often...vote large, angry, hippy...
Tomorrow: Foreign Ownership of Australia - Not Acceptable
(Please explain-Ed)...oh, you're hilarious Ed...scything criticism with an attempted witticism referencing arguably Australia's most famous quote defining xenophobia and ignorance...and you haven't even read the post...you can't have, I haven't written it yet...(ah, you forget...I'm in your head and I know what you're thinking-Ed)...ah yeah, I did forget...
Following the lead of ABC Radio Sports and Olympic commentators Messrs Rampaging Roy Slaven and H G Nelson, I realised that I needed to revise some issues of self-perception, so I "...stepped into the Room of Mirrors, stripped off to have a good hard look at myself, and said to myself..."There's something wrong with me...ah, I know what it is...it's me...I'm a joke..."
They went on to ruthlessly roast the particular former footy player for "...shamelessly celebrating 350 games in a career that really finished 100 games ago..." Absolutely hilarious.
It had occurred to me, and I'm sure I'm not the only one, that the one constant in all of the conflicts, etc, in this blog is...well...me...and I'm very, very special.
I mean, I must be special...time and again I get very special treatment...time and again it seems that an entirely separate set of rules are applied to me...and the good, the bad, and the indifferent...the only constant is my involvement...
Recently I negotiated a billing credit due to service delivery problems with Telstra. The specific details are private (I don't want to start an avalanche of false claims quoting my experience), but over several months I clearly proved my case.
At one point there was a stuff-up with their paperwork, for which they took full responsibility, and the matter is effectively resolved to the best of Telstra's ability; hopefully this is a general attitude from Telstra.
However, I know that my behaviour and attitude clearly worked in my favour, not least of all because two of the various operators that I spoke to said so; they were so struck by how polite I was that they actually commented on it...repeatedly...and in one chat whilst 'on hold' the lady asked me if I was Civil Engineer because of my knowledge on Wind Turbines...bless her...
These people, unfortunately so accustomed to being abused, were genuinely surprised, and I absolutely believe that a big part of getting what I wanted was simply being polite, simply being nice...who'da thunk it...being nice gets results...(no, I don't understand either-Ed)...
Unfortunately my phone communications with my own child have not been so balanced and/or controlled and I apologise publicly and un-reservedly for the swearing and yelling that typifies some of those 'conversations'...(yes...I think a 'conversation' involves two voices...one voice is a tirade-Ed)...geez I hate it when you're right...
The difference - emotion. In all my other dealings I fundamentally don't care about me or what people think of me, etc, so I can pour emotion and commitment into it to the point of rupture, but with my child it starts with emotion and goes from there...I don't have that control...
I refer to previous posts about how I have been treated by Mt Gambier City Council, eg, Cr Von Stanke coming to my home and the subsequent 'secret Council report' about me; the good Christian folk of St Martins Lutheran School; etc, in support of my position that I am special.
Please find attached my latest attempt to engage with the political debate in an appropriate manner on ABC Local Radio, which I have posted because I'm well sick and tired of being ignored, abused, and censored by specific people within the organisation...it is after all why after many years of trying to do this 'appropriately' via the main stream media, that I finally started doing this blog.
My name is Nick Fletcher and I am the Opposition to Wind Turbine Fascism genuinely Independent candidate at the upcoming September 14th election.
Vote once...vote often...vote large, angry, hippy...
Tomorrow: Foreign Ownership of Australia - Not Acceptable
(Please explain-Ed)...oh, you're hilarious Ed...scything criticism with an attempted witticism referencing arguably Australia's most famous quote defining xenophobia and ignorance...and you haven't even read the post...you can't have, I haven't written it yet...(ah, you forget...I'm in your head and I know what you're thinking-Ed)...ah yeah, I did forget...
Monday, May 20, 2013
Mt Gambier Council Popaganda in The Border Watch
Apologies for slightly repetitive post but major issues still un-resolved. I'll do a 'TBW review' post each weekend.
Also, the 'Blog Statistics' with view numbers, post stats, audience and search terms, etc, tells me that I'm big in Japan, Indonesia, Croatia, China, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Iraq, Colombia, India, Pakistan, Poland, Brazil, Germany, France, Russia, Serbia, Greece, the USofA, the United Kingdom, and lil'ol' Australia...amongst others...seriously...
Apparently my blog is being read, at least some of the posts, across the globe...bizarre...oh, and a big shout-out to DeGaris Lawyers, Piper Alderman Lawyers, and the Education Dept, all of whom apparently read my blog...
But I digress; during the week I had the distinct pleasure of explaining to some-one the situation with the $12+million Main Corner and how it has been handed free of charge - no rent, no bills, no nothing - to Sorrentos Cafe which is Lachlan Mutton who is Councillors Des Mutton's son...she was thrilled...as people always are when they find out the reality...
And I remember Mutton Jnr had the bare-faced audacity to go in the media and whinge about how he had to pay for his own plates and stuff...boo shrekin' hoo...you can almost taste the sense of self-entitlement...gets given a brand new ratepayer funded commercial kitchen in a brand new ratepayer funded function facility, and a Council supplied captive audience/clientele, and he still wants to whinge about it...deadset....oh, and we're paying all Lachlan's bills at the Main Corner too; gas, electricity, etc.
How is it appropriate for City Council to spend vast sums of rate-payers money to build commercial premises for their children and/or mates?...and are the costs of running the Commercial Function/Kitchen facility included in the $624,000 pa operating cost of the Main Corner...there must be an Inquiry, particularly before Council is allowed to proceed with anymore spending...
Council continues to neglect fundamental services and responsibilities, and repeatedly try to support and/or justify this with already proven deceits. As per previous posts, their conduct with the Rail Lands Retail Agenda is indicative as much as directive...(whaaa?-Ed)...Council's behaviour and decisions are typified by the Rail Lands Site issue, as much as their obsession with massive Retail Development on that site directs (has directed) all of their planning and development decisions.
Pulling down a building for a walkway that already exists 40 feet away, pulling up the appropriate small, dark pavers to replace with completely in-appropriate large grey ones (including $40,000+ for a Tile Laying Machine specifically for that job); replacing posts all along Keegan Drive - why? - but leaving hacked down trees and rubbish strewn about at run-down lookouts, etc...these are the acts of a Council that has run out of ideas, is desperately keen to be seen to be doing something, and/or needs to create some controversy to hide all the other malfeasance and/or incompetence...Red Herring politics
I am very concerned with the tone of the debate as it appears in TBW re the Council's 2012/13 Budget...it appears Council is using it's influence to promote postponing their November 2011 $10million Rail Lands Parkland Concept.
Comments in the Editorial 14/05/13;
"There is no point spending millions of dollars of ratepayer's money if they become just
another disused garden park."
and the long letter from Bill Barrows 16/05/13;
"Mr Barrows said council should halt redevelopment of the rail corridor to help reduce
council's rate burden on the community. "The rail lands don't need to be done now - it
is easy for councillors to put rates up, but the impact on the community must be considered.
It is in my opinion not justifiable."......."
show that the push is on to shelf developing the $10m RLPC, and it' all so obvious...
Council sets up a ludicrous Budget with multiple projects that naturally people rail against, set up the Rail Lands as a waste of money, and it sits there like wasteland for another 8 years, or, and far more likely, it will be sold to fund the other debts and/or projects with the threat/reward that 'if we sell the Rail Lands we won't have to put your rates up...quite so much.'
Perhaps Mr Barrows could approach Council and The Border Watch and get them to explain the $350,000 missing/stolen from the Main Corner project by former CEO Greg Muller...(and perhaps the Von Stanke letter thing-Ed)...yes, good idea...(and the pool thing...and the bus thing-Ed)...yes, quite...(and the Lady Nelson Bus Shelter farce-Ed)...yes, indeed...
Please review my previous posts re the Rail Lands Retail Agenda which explains Council's absolute and clearly un-relenting commitment to Retail on the Rail Lands.
I believe that the 'propaganda' side of it looms when these positions and/or this agenda get full stories and pictures, etc, yet the opposing views get bit piece coverage in 'Letters to the Editor'.
May I please claim a 'retrospective I Told You So' with the 'Letter to the Editor' from Andrew Lang of World Bioenergy re Biomass TBW 17/05/13;
"I urge the Mount Gambier council along with other regional South Australian councils to
send some councillors and council officers to one of the regular conferences or workshops
providing practical information on bioenergy economics and technologies that are held
across Europe every year...The relatively small cost of sending these people should be
recouped many fold...."
When this was mentioned in Council's meeting in March 2013, I said to myself, because I was literally the only person there, that this is the set-up for a rate-payer funded junket to Europe for corrupt Councillors...hitch the cash-cow (that's you and me) to the Gravy Train, and choohoowhoooooo...we're off on a Scandinavian holiday courtesy of ratepayers...
Why does City Council have any business going anywhere to do anything? They can't do the fundamental things properly like provide and maintain public Bus Shelters and/or services...and it's not good enough to say that public transport is not Council's responsibility, and/or "is not cost effective, therefore un-warranted", etc.
Time and again Councillors like Merv White trot out this 'justification' when it suits them in opposing something they personally don't want to do, and completely ignore the exact same issue if it gets in the way of what they do want to do, eg, no to a covered pool vs yes for the Main Corner.
Park and Stride: Virtually no public response other than disbelief that Councillors and/or staffers who get rate-payer funded cars and/or reserved parking right next to their workplace, would be so stupid as tell others that they need to park one place and walk everywhere...in the rain, baking heat, with children and/or shopping, etc.
Also, I have been swamped with a barrage of allegations about the conduct of Mayor Steve Perryman in his position as a motel operator, allegations that appear to have hit The Border Watch 17/05/13 with the article about a motel operator charging massively increased rates during the 'Generations in Jazz'.
I will put these very specific 'complaints' in a letter to him, and post the letter as well. Due to his position as Mayor, Mr Perryman is obliged to a higher level of conduct, let alone maintaining basic legal standards.
But the crowning glory for the week, buried on page 7 TBW 17/05/13, a small anonymous article of 80 words "Finnigan ordered to court". Please read previous posts re Bernard Finnigan, and join me in asking why it is that TBW has literally a dozen pages, including Front Pages, for horse racing, but a critical and damning piece of legal/judicial bastardry that involves a senior local politician, and shows all of us exactly what we are as a society, gets a brief mention buried deep...
I'm not a bad person because I wanted to go to the races and just scream at them, "What the shrek is wrong with you people?'...and I'm not a good person because I didn't...(unfortunately, that makes perfect sense-Ed)
Maybe, just maybe, I'm a little bit too clever for myself...(yes, 'cause that's the problem-Ed)...yes, thankyou...and The Border Watch is actually seeking to genuinely promote the debate rather than manipulate it...there is a big difference...
In such a closed and officially vindictive community people tend to not speak out...unless provoked by, say, an article praising the paving, or one explaining how much the Main Corner fiasco is costing per day with no hope of recovery (although I think TBW continually under-quotes the building cost).
Consider The Advertiser's reportage, or rather lack of, on the Forestry Sale issue, and the extensive and diverse coverage in The Border Watch. I have been seethingly critical of TBW but never forget that where the entire Adelaide media flatly refuses to touch the St Martins Lutheran School Cover-up, at least TBW has done some coverage...some...
I do this blog not least of all to address this intense official pressure to comply or suffer the consequences, and to address the bias and deceit pouring from Council via The Border Watch, but in my every criticism of the paper is the genuine belief that The Border Watch is a critically important piece of social infrastructure, and that makes it encumbent of the paper to do it's best for the community...every time on every subject...
If I can try so hard, so can they...
Tomorrow: The Federal Election We Had To Have
Also, the 'Blog Statistics' with view numbers, post stats, audience and search terms, etc, tells me that I'm big in Japan, Indonesia, Croatia, China, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Iraq, Colombia, India, Pakistan, Poland, Brazil, Germany, France, Russia, Serbia, Greece, the USofA, the United Kingdom, and lil'ol' Australia...amongst others...seriously...
Apparently my blog is being read, at least some of the posts, across the globe...bizarre...oh, and a big shout-out to DeGaris Lawyers, Piper Alderman Lawyers, and the Education Dept, all of whom apparently read my blog...
But I digress; during the week I had the distinct pleasure of explaining to some-one the situation with the $12+million Main Corner and how it has been handed free of charge - no rent, no bills, no nothing - to Sorrentos Cafe which is Lachlan Mutton who is Councillors Des Mutton's son...she was thrilled...as people always are when they find out the reality...
And I remember Mutton Jnr had the bare-faced audacity to go in the media and whinge about how he had to pay for his own plates and stuff...boo shrekin' hoo...you can almost taste the sense of self-entitlement...gets given a brand new ratepayer funded commercial kitchen in a brand new ratepayer funded function facility, and a Council supplied captive audience/clientele, and he still wants to whinge about it...deadset....oh, and we're paying all Lachlan's bills at the Main Corner too; gas, electricity, etc.
How is it appropriate for City Council to spend vast sums of rate-payers money to build commercial premises for their children and/or mates?...and are the costs of running the Commercial Function/Kitchen facility included in the $624,000 pa operating cost of the Main Corner...there must be an Inquiry, particularly before Council is allowed to proceed with anymore spending...
Council continues to neglect fundamental services and responsibilities, and repeatedly try to support and/or justify this with already proven deceits. As per previous posts, their conduct with the Rail Lands Retail Agenda is indicative as much as directive...(whaaa?-Ed)...Council's behaviour and decisions are typified by the Rail Lands Site issue, as much as their obsession with massive Retail Development on that site directs (has directed) all of their planning and development decisions.
Pulling down a building for a walkway that already exists 40 feet away, pulling up the appropriate small, dark pavers to replace with completely in-appropriate large grey ones (including $40,000+ for a Tile Laying Machine specifically for that job); replacing posts all along Keegan Drive - why? - but leaving hacked down trees and rubbish strewn about at run-down lookouts, etc...these are the acts of a Council that has run out of ideas, is desperately keen to be seen to be doing something, and/or needs to create some controversy to hide all the other malfeasance and/or incompetence...Red Herring politics
I am very concerned with the tone of the debate as it appears in TBW re the Council's 2012/13 Budget...it appears Council is using it's influence to promote postponing their November 2011 $10million Rail Lands Parkland Concept.
Comments in the Editorial 14/05/13;
"There is no point spending millions of dollars of ratepayer's money if they become just
another disused garden park."
and the long letter from Bill Barrows 16/05/13;
"Mr Barrows said council should halt redevelopment of the rail corridor to help reduce
council's rate burden on the community. "The rail lands don't need to be done now - it
is easy for councillors to put rates up, but the impact on the community must be considered.
It is in my opinion not justifiable."......."
show that the push is on to shelf developing the $10m RLPC, and it' all so obvious...
Council sets up a ludicrous Budget with multiple projects that naturally people rail against, set up the Rail Lands as a waste of money, and it sits there like wasteland for another 8 years, or, and far more likely, it will be sold to fund the other debts and/or projects with the threat/reward that 'if we sell the Rail Lands we won't have to put your rates up...quite so much.'
Perhaps Mr Barrows could approach Council and The Border Watch and get them to explain the $350,000 missing/stolen from the Main Corner project by former CEO Greg Muller...(and perhaps the Von Stanke letter thing-Ed)...yes, good idea...(and the pool thing...and the bus thing-Ed)...yes, quite...(and the Lady Nelson Bus Shelter farce-Ed)...yes, indeed...
Please review my previous posts re the Rail Lands Retail Agenda which explains Council's absolute and clearly un-relenting commitment to Retail on the Rail Lands.
I believe that the 'propaganda' side of it looms when these positions and/or this agenda get full stories and pictures, etc, yet the opposing views get bit piece coverage in 'Letters to the Editor'.
May I please claim a 'retrospective I Told You So' with the 'Letter to the Editor' from Andrew Lang of World Bioenergy re Biomass TBW 17/05/13;
"I urge the Mount Gambier council along with other regional South Australian councils to
send some councillors and council officers to one of the regular conferences or workshops
providing practical information on bioenergy economics and technologies that are held
across Europe every year...The relatively small cost of sending these people should be
recouped many fold...."
When this was mentioned in Council's meeting in March 2013, I said to myself, because I was literally the only person there, that this is the set-up for a rate-payer funded junket to Europe for corrupt Councillors...hitch the cash-cow (that's you and me) to the Gravy Train, and choohoowhoooooo...we're off on a Scandinavian holiday courtesy of ratepayers...
Why does City Council have any business going anywhere to do anything? They can't do the fundamental things properly like provide and maintain public Bus Shelters and/or services...and it's not good enough to say that public transport is not Council's responsibility, and/or "is not cost effective, therefore un-warranted", etc.
Time and again Councillors like Merv White trot out this 'justification' when it suits them in opposing something they personally don't want to do, and completely ignore the exact same issue if it gets in the way of what they do want to do, eg, no to a covered pool vs yes for the Main Corner.
Park and Stride: Virtually no public response other than disbelief that Councillors and/or staffers who get rate-payer funded cars and/or reserved parking right next to their workplace, would be so stupid as tell others that they need to park one place and walk everywhere...in the rain, baking heat, with children and/or shopping, etc.
Also, I have been swamped with a barrage of allegations about the conduct of Mayor Steve Perryman in his position as a motel operator, allegations that appear to have hit The Border Watch 17/05/13 with the article about a motel operator charging massively increased rates during the 'Generations in Jazz'.
I will put these very specific 'complaints' in a letter to him, and post the letter as well. Due to his position as Mayor, Mr Perryman is obliged to a higher level of conduct, let alone maintaining basic legal standards.
But the crowning glory for the week, buried on page 7 TBW 17/05/13, a small anonymous article of 80 words "Finnigan ordered to court". Please read previous posts re Bernard Finnigan, and join me in asking why it is that TBW has literally a dozen pages, including Front Pages, for horse racing, but a critical and damning piece of legal/judicial bastardry that involves a senior local politician, and shows all of us exactly what we are as a society, gets a brief mention buried deep...
I'm not a bad person because I wanted to go to the races and just scream at them, "What the shrek is wrong with you people?'...and I'm not a good person because I didn't...(unfortunately, that makes perfect sense-Ed)
Maybe, just maybe, I'm a little bit too clever for myself...(yes, 'cause that's the problem-Ed)...yes, thankyou...and The Border Watch is actually seeking to genuinely promote the debate rather than manipulate it...there is a big difference...
In such a closed and officially vindictive community people tend to not speak out...unless provoked by, say, an article praising the paving, or one explaining how much the Main Corner fiasco is costing per day with no hope of recovery (although I think TBW continually under-quotes the building cost).
Consider The Advertiser's reportage, or rather lack of, on the Forestry Sale issue, and the extensive and diverse coverage in The Border Watch. I have been seethingly critical of TBW but never forget that where the entire Adelaide media flatly refuses to touch the St Martins Lutheran School Cover-up, at least TBW has done some coverage...some...
I do this blog not least of all to address this intense official pressure to comply or suffer the consequences, and to address the bias and deceit pouring from Council via The Border Watch, but in my every criticism of the paper is the genuine belief that The Border Watch is a critically important piece of social infrastructure, and that makes it encumbent of the paper to do it's best for the community...every time on every subject...
If I can try so hard, so can they...
Tomorrow: The Federal Election We Had To Have
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Rory McEwen and the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up: Letters from 2007
Sorry for late post that is a bit shabby, a bit short, and yet a bit long, but I have wanted to do this post for a while anyway. Will post today's post tomorrow...if you see what I mean.
The two attached letters are my letter 28th March 2007 to then local MP Rory McEwen re the meeting between him, myself, another parent, and one of Rory's office staff, held on 22nd March 2007 at Rory's Electorate office here in Mt Gambier...and Rory's reply...as such...
I have mentioned these in previous posts, and maintain that Rory's response is that of a guilty man acting like a bunny caught in the spotlight, a spotlight that is a construct entirely of Rory's own making, fueled by his own guilt...but it is not so much a self-constructed spotlight as a self-fueling bonfire...and in the flickering shadows dance the dreaded ghosts of deeds so done and the demons of accountability...
Rory received our letter and went 'Shrek...this is so accurate they must have prepared it fom a recording...oh my god, they recorded it...quick...stonewall...panic...send me a copy.'
If he didn't have a possible recording dangling over his head, he would have done the standard 'I've done everything I said I would...authorities investigated,' etc. I'll dig out and post the articles where Rory makes these statements in The Border Watch.
I maintain that Rory's response quantifies just how accurate our letter was...and of course we didn't secretly record that meeting...his guilt and his fear made him leap to conclusions, but even in doing that he only confirms everything in that letter...
But don't take my word...read for yourself and judge whether I've over-reacted or mis-represented this issue.
One thing that remains un-arguable...Rory confirms that as late as March 2007 we were still trying to resolve the St Martins Child Abuse issue via the appropriate people, including him, and that was nearly 5 years after he first stated that he would help us.
My name is Nick Fletcher, this is my blog, these are genuine documents...(go you good thing-Ed)...
Tomorrow: Today's Post re City Council Propaganda, etc.
apology first page removed but will replace - tech problems....sorted - NF...
The two attached letters are my letter 28th March 2007 to then local MP Rory McEwen re the meeting between him, myself, another parent, and one of Rory's office staff, held on 22nd March 2007 at Rory's Electorate office here in Mt Gambier...and Rory's reply...as such...
I have mentioned these in previous posts, and maintain that Rory's response is that of a guilty man acting like a bunny caught in the spotlight, a spotlight that is a construct entirely of Rory's own making, fueled by his own guilt...but it is not so much a self-constructed spotlight as a self-fueling bonfire...and in the flickering shadows dance the dreaded ghosts of deeds so done and the demons of accountability...
Rory received our letter and went 'Shrek...this is so accurate they must have prepared it fom a recording...oh my god, they recorded it...quick...stonewall...panic...send me a copy.'
If he didn't have a possible recording dangling over his head, he would have done the standard 'I've done everything I said I would...authorities investigated,' etc. I'll dig out and post the articles where Rory makes these statements in The Border Watch.
I maintain that Rory's response quantifies just how accurate our letter was...and of course we didn't secretly record that meeting...his guilt and his fear made him leap to conclusions, but even in doing that he only confirms everything in that letter...
But don't take my word...read for yourself and judge whether I've over-reacted or mis-represented this issue.
One thing that remains un-arguable...Rory confirms that as late as March 2007 we were still trying to resolve the St Martins Child Abuse issue via the appropriate people, including him, and that was nearly 5 years after he first stated that he would help us.
My name is Nick Fletcher, this is my blog, these are genuine documents...(go you good thing-Ed)...
Tomorrow: Today's Post re City Council Propaganda, etc.
apology first page removed but will replace - tech problems....sorted - NF...
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