Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Some Not So Polite Self-Justification

Hello Switzerland, Iraq, Spain, and Indonesia...welcome y'all to the blog and just a slightly self-indulgent post today for a change...(oh yeah 'cos nuthin' here's ever about you is it?-Ed)...shut it...and it's very late already and so here we go...***(actually revised, completed, posted today Tuesday 12th August...watched the latest ABC TV Catholic Child Abuse expose and it all went to shizzle...and sorry, got really long so this is sortta' 2 posts in 1 for today/yesterday...cheers)***

Today (*yesterday) the fundamentally farcical 'Safer Greener More Active Travel' grants thingy from the state Transport Dept finally close, grants that could perhaps just be directed to providing a Public Transport service (bus) that operates outside of the current 0900-1715hrs and not at all on weekends and public holidays service...(appropriate public bus services for Sow Straya's largest Regional centre?...that's just crazy talk-Ed)...as opposed to everything else I say?...(fair point-Ed)...

And tomorrow (*today) submissions close for the latest farcical South Australian Child Abuse Royal Commission, close after only 7 days...(so shut it down as fast as you can, business as usual, children are vulnerable prey-Ed)...indeed Ed, Premier Weatherill and his phalanx of pro-Paedophile politicians continue to just bluster their way through cover-up after cover-up, knowing full well that there ain't not no-one going to hold them to account for any of it...and forget the forgettin' Liberals relentless dribblings because they ain't gunna' do squat...

Check out this insidiously manipulated, highly corrupt 'draft' at yoursay.sa.gov.au...please note the vague explanation, 'there's been a few concerns about Child Protection'...('a few concerns'? the Child Protection System is in absolute disarray, albeit quite deliberately-Ed)...and that it constantly refers to 'Children in Care' and/or 'at risk of harm'...(well arguably, in a state clearly run directly by paedophiles for paedophiles, every single child is 'at risk of harm' all of the time-Ed)...good point...(but does that mean they're not going to look at schools, etc?-Ed)...doesn't look like it...

Looks like they'll re-separate the Education Dept away from Families SA and then only look at FSA...(looks like they'll do Sweet FA-Ed)...well quite...just another good ol' Official South Australian Paedophile Cover-up Inquiry that is in itself the main Cover-up...what a sad, sick corrupt State we are...
And Oh My God: serial business-buster Grant King was just on the ABC Radio this (*yesterday) morning bleating about the Weatherill Labor state government's plan to potentially amalgamate the South East's Health Advisory Councils...(why? I thought he'd retired-Ed)...me too but there you go, he's apparently still Presiding Officer for the HAC...it's all bollocks because Weatherill wants to cut costs to benefit Adelaide and so that means even less for those who have least and that means us 'ere in Pigsknuckle, Arkansas, over the Hills and far, far away...

Oh and he's on again (*was) and it's 'all about partnerships at a local level' apparently...(bollocks, Grant King is an employee of the Labor state government and operates the HAC in line with their directions...'local partnerships', bullshit...the HACs replaced the Local Hospital Board-Ed)...what a succinctly scathing synopsis...

And as I'm quietly confident that former Mt Gambier City Council CEO and current Manager Operations (1.0)...(you love that 1.0 bit don't you-Ed)...Greg Muller will be in no hurry to drag me into a Court...(albeit for telling the truth-Ed)...well indeed.. and risk a whole bunch of very, very hostile witnesses looking to relocate some blades from their own backs...(keen to get their own back-Ed)...indeed, keen to Render Unto Caesar, and we all know what happened to him...

Well, in that same context, I believe that Grant King won't be keen to try and attack me the same way he attacked Robe Council and/or it's specific representatives when they dared to officially ask Mr King to explain whereth and/or to whometh goeth all the dosheth that he was distributing as head of the local Regional Development Australia...(deadset?-Ed)...yep, apparently when they asked, Mr King responded with a 5 year long 'defamation action' that outlasted his tenure at RDA...(and ''whometh"? what's that?-Ed)...ah just talking in Legalish, you wouldn't understand...

(And where was that money going and/or where had it already gone?-Ed)...well that's exactly the question that the Court action was designed to stop being answered, but I believe the issue/question was 'was that money going to Mr King's associates?...(well that's a fair question...it's issues of Probity with Public Funds blah, blah, blah-Ed)...I'd like to see the same questions asked of RDA Tourism Person Biddie (Tietz) Shearing re the $140,000 that she handed to the Barn Palais as one of her first acts as RDA TP...(ooo me too, me too-Ed)...

(And how much did that cost Robe Council?-Ed)...not sure, but a 5 year Court case, albeit withdrawn,  involving banks of lawyers, would have to run into the $100,000s you'd think...(and that's Ratepayers money-Ed)...well I'd reckon that there's probably insurance/indemnity/whatevs because it was the Council...(yes, but even a claim re Insurance would likely see a massive increase in Insurance Premium, that's what Insurance companies do-Ed)...fair point, sorry not sure, I'll try to find out...... 

Some interesting comments yesterday (*Sunday) from SA Aussie Rules 'legend' Graham Cornes, in a discussion re the modern trend of comparing sport to war and calling players 'heroes', etc...Graham quoted Aussie cricketer Keith Miller who was also a fighter pilot in WW II, something along the lines of 'sport ain't pressure, having a Messershmitt up your arse, that's pressure'...(classic-Ed)...

Oh For Fracks Sake: the ahhhhh, yawwwn SELGA Fracking Taskforce has not yet actually started to actually be actualised but SELGA head Richard Vickery met with Minister Koutsontonis to develop ways, via a 'good and constructive discussion' about how the Taskforce will operate...(oh my god, here we go again, the same ol' structures of deceit and diversion...what's the shreckin' point of a Taskforce? what good did the Forestry Roundtable achieve? sweet Forest All, and a SELGA Taskforce will achieve exactly Frack All-Ed)...I like doing stuff about Fracking because I can talk about all the Frackin' stuff, frackin' this, frackin' that...(concentrate, this is Frackin' serious-Ed)...sorry sir...

(Pay attention Fletcher, we've been through this before...the Forestry Roundtable was deliberately instigated to...?-Ed)...um, stifle and undermine opposition to the Forestry Sale sir...(and...?-Ed)...and, um, and set-up a series of vacuous, stop-gap 5 year log-supply guarantees for local businesses sir...(unless...?-Ed)...unless you're on the Forestry Roundtable and then you get 20 years?...(exactly, which then leads to...?-Ed)...your company getting the bulk of the pitiful funding handed out after the Forestry Sale?...(correct, well done-Ed)...  

I Scream About Ice Cream: but not as much as bloody Independent Senator Nick Xenophon who has been on our local screens screeching about local ice cream company Golden North losing their contract with the Adelaide Zoo, who will now use only Streets (?I think) products...and the big issue is that GN have gone to great lengths, apparently, to meet very stringent 'No Palm Oil' requirements as per the Zoo's Ethical Guidelines re Orangutan...(sorry what?-Ed)...well O-Rangas are endangered because they're losing heaps of habitat due to the demand for land for Palm plantations for cheap Palm oil...(orrr, not the Rangas man, I love the Rangas-Ed)...we all do mate, we all do...

Don't have a problem with him supporting GN or any other local company, or getting on the Pro-Ranga train, but it's just all a bit glib for me because it's exactly a year now since I fronted Nick at Whoevs' car dealership down here, just prior to the September 2013 election, and he specifically asked me to back off on the St Martins stuff until after the election...and nuthin'...and I've contacted his office several times since and nuthin'...

How many times have I discussed, have parents discussed St Martins with Nick?...and he helped us into the albeit deeply corrupted SARC Inquiry no.54...and he did go in The Border Watch and on local ABC Radio, but nothing outside Mt Gambier and nothing since (?2007)...you tell me availee, is he the saviour or the betrayer...(or just another politician-Ed)...fair point...

In My Defense: when you hear a local ABC announcer discuss Child Abuse but not mention the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up what does that mean to you? not that much? fair enough...it is constantly with me every moment that I listen to/watch the ABC that all of these people know about the St Martins Cover-up...literally all of them know, and yet they just go about their very important lives and I'm the problem...and damn straight I'm the problem...and if you think that's likely to change anytime soon you've never met a Large Angry Vain Arrogant Man-Bear Stuff-Pig Scorpio Hippy...(such poetry, sob-Ed)...

Every story I hear on the ABC is in a context where I'm banned off talk-back radio, have been threatened with the police just for being at the ABC office, and have the ABC's legal turkeys watching the blog to see if I mention that they are entirely complicit in the St Martins Cover-up, etc, etc...every time they say 'we welcome your calls' who else says to themselves 'unless of course you're Nick Fletcher'?...

In My Defense: when I hear the latest round of trite pro-Council propaganda, or atrocious 'Dorothy-Dixer' interview, or Labor employee presented as objective opinion, eg, Grant King, who was appointed as head of the local Regional Development Australia Board and the Health Advisory Council, at the same time, straight after he destroyed Green Phone with $millions missing...all of this stuff, all of this corruption, to me it's not just annoying or a bit frustrating, it is just a gaping schism revealing the underlying rank, Institutionalised Pro-paedophile Corruption of South Australia  

In My Defense: when in December 2012 Stuart Stansfield ran a long interview with former local MP Rory McEwen who constantly praised the Lutherans, then I'm listening to the man at the heart of the St Martins Cover-up, Rory McEwen, who lied to, manipulated, betrayed, attacked and vilified us parents to knowingly help the Lutherans cover-up the abuse of our children, listening to him praising up the Lutherans, in collusion with his good mate Stuart...Stuart who knows full well exactly what has happened at St Martins and Rory's specific role in it...

In My Defense: I don't need anyone's permission to be well peeved with Stuart Stansfield when I ring up, almost in tears (Dec 2012), and his response is to abuse me and to taunt me, to goad me and to laugh at me, to mock me with "you just don't get it do you Nick?"...I re-iterate that it was that conversation that tipped me over the edge and right into this blog that I started about a month later...and I don't see any cops on my doorstep wanting to word me up for threatening anyone, or creating a disturbance, or whatevs...when they do show up, it's all about Bananas...(bloody Bananas-Ed)...moving on...

Just Paraphrasing: some chatter I've heard about the federal Liberals rapidly unravelling plans to re-legalise bigotry, Racism, etc, by removing Section 18C from the legislation, and out front they got their main man George Brandis...(who looks just like the Professor who works with Beaker in The Muppets, only with eyes-Ed)...good call...who went from this thundering cock-up straight into his hilarious and now Interwebbily popular attempts to explain 'meta-data', and 'ISP addresses' re proposed new 'Data Collection Powers'...

All Hail George: for that he spoketh such dross about bigotry and Racism and so ye' draweth he together all of the peoples of the land in the collective kickingeth of his bollocks...in the media there's been several references to the rallying effect that Mr Brandis' comments have had, drawing together otherwise distant if not actually hostile parties, not least of all the Muslim/Palestinian groups with the Jewish/Israeli sectors of the Australian community...of the Australian community...and how we should send him to Gaza 'cos he'd sort that out quick smart 'cos they'd all be united in Hating on Gorgeous George...

Whilst here's nothing funny about any of that it is a valid point that what he said was so extreme it drew others together in ways that have not been achieved elsewhere...

In closing,  I know that I tend to be a little blinkered and mildly obsessive with the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and at 12 years and counting that ain't likely to change...and don't care what any of them think because as far as I'm concerned all of these people, Rory McEwen, current Mayor Steve Perryman, et al, and Greg Muller and Grant King included, all of these people are by definition part of the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines South Australia...

Tomorrow: Mo' 'Bout Me Mofos

(Now there's a surprise-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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