Saturday, August 9, 2014

Going Back To Moving Forward

Hello Poland, Ukraine, the USofA, and again Turkey...and again there's a heap of availees in countries across the globe who honour me with their patronage, even if it is probably to just laugh at my latest First-World whinge-athon, 'hey Mavis, get in 'ere an' read what this damn white-boy's carpin' on about now, unbelievable'...apologies for no post yesterday then really long one today, but I'm trying to have every 5th or 6th day off from the Blog...

I do find it quite releasing to be able to start a post and then not finish it, and an achievement that in itself illustrates the unhealthy compulsion to do the blog that has it occasionally still doing me...and so I end up doing all this...and that's just how it rolls and so then must I...for anyone who thinks I'm having some sort of taxpayer funded funfest please to be revising the blog, pretty much any post will do, but look particularly at the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...

Given that I currently exist in a state of Perma-flux as a direct result of the SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch 'Raid thingy' on my home on the 7th/8th May 2014, now 3 months ago, living in a state where I get very toey 'round about 1700hrs of a Friday afternoon, I make no apology for sleeping when I feel like it, eating when I feel like it, etc, etc, and doing what I have to do to be wearing clean cloths everyday, etc, etc...oh and of course this 'ere blog...(sorry, 'toey at 1700hrs'? please explain-Ed)...

Do you wanna' take this one Inner Bastard?...(please, I rock up at said perp's abode just after all the lawyers, magistrates, local Court, etc, have all shut for the weekend - try to make it a long weekend if ya' can - grab ya' perp and slap them with 'Resisting Arrest', the original 'reason' being irrelevant preferably non-existent, then sling the perp into a cell for the weekend...lotta' things can go wrong in a weekend...every weekend people have unfortunate accidents, unattended homes get broken into every weekend...shizzle happens dude, every weekend-IB)..

(Wow, you've sure put a lot of thought and work into that haven't you?-Ed)...(no, it's what I do-IB)...(well, thanks anyway-Ed)...(piss off-IB)...(fair enough-Ed)...and that's why I get toey every Friday arvo 'round about 5ish...(and fair enough too-Ed)...

I note that we live in a state where the SAPol Commissioner is the person who authorises/distributes the anonymous, 6 month valid, open-ended, go anywhere, do anything, seize whatevs, arrest whomevs, all merely 'on suspicion'  Search Warrants that give SAPol officers the right to march into your home and do whatever they want, take whatever they want, whenever they feel like it...and then if you resist at all you can and likely will be arrested for 'Resisting'...and if you want to try and complain about any of it, good luck with that because you have to deal with the Police Complaints Authority which is run/staffed by serving SAPol officers...

(Sorry?'s the Police Commissioner who hands out 6 month long Search Warrants, not the Courts?-Ed)...yep...(and those Warrants are completely anonymous for use anywhere at any time?-Ed)...yep...(and then if you try to complain, the only Authority/mechanism you can access is the Police Complaints Authority?-Ed)...yep...(the same PCA which is an alleged Independent Statutory Authority but is actually run/staffed by SAPol?-Ed)...that be they...(sorry, sorry, I'm struggling a bit with this-Ed) probs mate, most people do, indeed most people are stunned...

(So the Police (SAPol) Commissioner hands out open-slather Search Warrants to SAPol officers who then have unrestricted powers to do whatevs, wherevs, whenevs, and the only oversight is the SAPol controlled Police Complaints Authority?-Ed)...exactly...(but that's a completely closed loop that gives SAPol absolute power with zero accountability...what about the Ombudsman?-Ed)...nope, 'not my responsibility' apparently...(the Office for Public Integrity and/or the Independent Commission Against Corruption?-Ed)....nope, neither have the authority and/or the powers to appropriately investigate let alone sanction SAPol...there is no-one in South Australia who has responsibility and/or authority to make SAPol accountable, not for nuthin'...

(Ah, what about the Parliamentary Statutory Authorities Review Committee then?-Ed)...aaahahaahhaahaha ahaaha ahaha haaa...(sorry, I couldn't help myself-Ed) no, go' bless, go' bless...ahaaa beautiful...the shreckin' SARC eh?...hilarious...(I try-Ed)'s hilarious because it is their job to objectively review the operation of 'Independent Statutory Authorities' like the Police Complaints Authority or the Teachers Registration Board and bam! we're into the blatantly corrupted TRB/Crown Solicitor 'Inquiry' that took multiple hearings across 21 months (2003-04) to completely exonerate "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling (previous posts)...

(Hang on, back it up...that means that SAPol is fully autonomous and entirely unaccountable-Ed)...yep...(that the SAPol Commissioner exercises absolute power without accountability, via officers who have the same authority/impunity, courtesy of their own Commissioner, and then they investigate each other-Ed)...if you're stupid enough to try and complain, and I certainly was, that's why I can state as fact what happens, well then yes you have only the PCA to go to...but moving on...

(No no, hang on, that's just unbelievable-Ed)...yeah, you ain't Robinson Crusoe if you're struggling to come to terms with this extraordinary unfettered, non-vetted power...some suggest it's a recipe for Corruption...I appreciate, having had the conversation many times 'recently', that it is a stunning even gutting realisation that SAPol have this power...without being facetious, if you struggle to believe this, nobody blames you, please read these paragraphs over a few times...if you'll excuse me though, I'll move on to other thangs y'all...(yeah, you go on, I'm gunna' go over this a bit more, catch you up-Ed)...sweet...

The Electoral Roll for the November 2014 Sow Straya Local Government elections closes today (closed yesterday), but it's largely an irrelevant process in Mt Gambier because the current Council has already organised itself into a self-replicating paradigm...(whaaa?-Ed)...they're shuffling butts about benches, eg, Mayor Steve Perryman moving to Councillor and Crs Allen Smith and Andrew Lee amongst several challengers for the vacated Mayorship, but the Chamber will be chockers with the same sorry old arses...(so you're going to keep going to the meetings then-Ed)...

For What It's Worth: I'd like to apologise twice to Council's Strategic Projects Officer Tracy Tzioutziouklaris who has repeatedly appeared albeit by default in my posts re Council's latest ludicrous 'Future Plan' and associated alleged 'Public Consultation', because she happens to be in the photo in The Border Watch from last Friday August 1st 2014, standing alongside the prize clowns Messrs Cr Smith and Cr White...(if it's any consolation, it's a good shot, particularly for the harsh, unforgiving medium of newspapers-Ed)...

I apologise because I believe that Ms Tzioutziouklaris is one of those genuine mid-level bureaucrats/officers/whatevs who do all the bloody work at Council, at the direction of Council, and are not to be lumped in with the morons making those decisions...I don't know enough about her position/title to say specifically what it is that she does, but I doubt whether it's a completely superfluous position like, say, Manager Projects (1.0)...(fair enough, but why apologise twice?-Ed)...

Because I always feel that, given the levels of animosity toward me from Council, indeed politicians of all persuasions, me being nice about/to someone is likely to cause their career to suffer...(I can see how you might feel that way-Ed) it's not just me then?...( many people have stated to you that your phones will be tapped, your computer monitored, even your home bugged?-Ed)...well, a few yes...(and who had their home raided by SAPol for the heinous crime of, well, something about talking about 'Bananas' but I don't know really but then neither did the SAPol detectives or anyone since?-Ed) that a question or a statement?...

(My friend, the fact that merely speaking the otherwise apparently unmentionable truth about the omnipresent Pro-Paedophile Corruption that runs South Australia gets you off-side with basically everyone in Politics, the Police, and Judiciary, the media, etc, says everything about them and what they do and who they are-Ed)...well I appreciate the support Ed, really I do...(and I'm not the only one-Ed)...true, true, I continue to be surprised by the support for the blog, eg, people who help provide me with information re Wind Turbines, Council, etc, and for the more general support for what it is I'm trying to do...(yeah, what is that exactly what you're trying to do?-Ed)...Weevenge!...

(I thought that was when Stonehenge got yarn-bombed, Weavehenge -Ed), that's just terrible...(as always, you are my inspiration and I am but a student of the master-Ed)...oh stop it you... 

I Do Love African Elk: but you know Ed, that I don't do it for the Kudus...(that's 'kudos' you idiot, kudos, being congratulations/accolades/whatevs...and a Kudu is an African antelope not an Elk thingy-Ed)...'a frickin' antelope'? why so abusive?...('African antelope'...'African' in from Africa-Ed)...oh right, anyhoos, cheers for all the all availees, if you haven't had the opportunity to read all of the 'Comments' left by the anonymous coward/dickhead/whatevs calling themselves 'Dick Stretcher', please do so (August 2013) far as I'm concerned, those 'Comments' are massive vindication that what I'm doing is the right thing...

(Nearly as vindicating as having your home raided by SAPol at the (SAPol alleged) behest of the Director Public Prosecutions and/or Crown Solicitor, allegedly for the heinous crime of talking about bloody 'Bananas', and under the extraordinary circumstances where SAPol knew exactly who you are and where to find you and that it was your blog, etc, etc, and yet just left without charge, effectively wrenching the lid off the Pandora's Box of Fascism that is the alleged Machinery for dealing with 'Bananas'-Ed)...and again 'Bananas' just doesn't begin to describe it...

But you're right, no-one I've spoken too believes that the SAPol raid thingy was anything more than a retributional act of intimidation and harassment utilising farcical legislation only 'recently' introduced with the direct view to doing exactly what is happening now...but having been opened, that box ain't so easy to get shut again...and then you get some on yourself, and accidently wipe that on your brow, then your pants...and now it's spilling onto the floor, damn, these are new shoes, and etc, etc, end of metaphor. 

(And all the the meanwhilst?...during the while?...meanwhilstly? the same bloody time former MGCC CEO Greg Muller continues to suckle at the teat of Local Government Corruption under the very well paid title of Manager Projects (1.0), a position created for him by him so that he can be right there at the right elbow of current CEO Mark 'McShenanigans' McShane to try to keep a lid on the bulging pressure cooker of Mt Gambier City Council corruption-Ed)...indeed, I've been asked repeatedly recently to explain how it was that Greg Muller managed to unlawfully/illegally access and allegedly distribute approx $344,000 of Ratepayers money re the Main Corner Project...

As is always the case I can/will not identify specific personages, not least of all because of the above identified potential retributionings, but ever since I started posting about this $344,000 'anomoly' it has been put to me in no uncertain terms by people who claim to have specific experience in the field/s, that it's just not possible for a Council CEO, who does generally have the authorisation to approve small sums/payments/whatevs of several $1,000s without further scrutiny, even with that 'power' it's just not possible to unlawfully/illegally access such a huge sum, particularly in such a short period of time...fair enough...yet still it happened...

And, again, this was stated in Council by Cr Richardson and duly reported on the front page of TBW who stated that it was Main Corner related expenses for Earthquake Insurance and Fire-Rating and some other bollocks, all of which still totalled only just on a third of that $344,000...and then it all just went away...

I have also had made to me multiple specific allegations of Mr Muller attempting to bribe and then bully and then outright threaten local business owners re various issues...starts with a jovial attempt at bribery, 'I'll help you with such-and-such profitable enterprise', and where that's not successful on to 'just do it', and from there to 'just do it or else'...the first time I met Greg Muller (at the Rail Lands meetings February 2006) he openly furiously glared at me from the stage for daring to ask about a Parkland plan for the site...

And I feel perfectly comfortable discussing these 'interactions' between the former Council CEO/current Manager Projects (1.0) Greg Muller and those whom have been subjected to his thin-lipped, mustachioed harassment and intimidation because I'm quietly confident that 1) he's done it so often he'll struggle to identify whom has told me what so I'm not immediately exposing anyone by talking about it, and 2) Mr Muller and his Vested Interests mates will not be terribly keen to have a series of very unhappy people dragged into Court as very, very hostile witnesses in defense of my alleged defamation...(wow, you is one Large, Angry Hippy dude-Ed)...damn straight...Strike Up, Not Out...

And Oh My God: one afternoon I won't be getting back (yesterday) spent trawling through Council's 52 page, wait for it...Strategies for a prosperous & resilient Mount Gambier - A FUTURES PAPER FOR CITY DEVELOPMENT...Plan thingy...and it's farcical mind-shreck of Vacuous Blue-Sky Aspiration after Blatantly Obvious Re-iteration of Fundamental Fact...(whaaa?-Ed)'s 52 pages of waffle about bullshit...(now that I understand-Ed)...chockers with illustrations and pictures, but still just wall-to-wall bullshit...more,

Tomorrow: Mo' Bananas And Council Shenanigans

Where to start? is there an end? why am I so soft in the middle now?...(stop that, stop that right now...there is never any call for Paul Simon lyrics-Ed)...sorry, been a long day/week/month/year/decade/millenium/life...and lovin' it, for what it's worth...

I am Nick Fletcher and this here is my blog...cheers and laters...

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