Hello Romania, Venezuela, Spain, and Aotearoa (New Zealand) and welcome to the blog...let us be getting stuck into it...
Club Go Go Bananas: remains an enigma wrapped in a mystery rolled in secrecy and lightly pan-fried...(whaaa?-Ed)...despite twice writing to the Banana Lord via a lawyer seeking specific definition of the Banana Act and what I can and can't say re SAPol 'raiding' my home and seizing my laptop in May 2014 stating that they were here "to gather evidence" and that I should "expect to be charged", I still have no specific idea of what I can and can't say...(well that's not strictly true, is it?-Ed)...
Sorry, no, you're right, I have received 2 responses from the Banana Lord, but responses don't mean answers...(fair enough-Ed)...and I'm no closer to understanding exactly what it is I'm supposed to have allegedly possibly done...(oh here we go again-Ed)...yes oh here we go again and it's not my fault, because I'm trying to operate to as yet Unlayed Charges re Undefined Rules in a context where the clowns who instigated them and operate them don't appear to have the faintest idea what they're doing with their own ludicrous legislation...
This legislation I probably cannot identify by name because that would immediately identify who/what Club Go Go Bananas is, but I can't even say that for sure...(ok, ok, you've made your point...the legislation is so ludicrous that you probably can't actually refer to it by name, even though you've not been charged with anything-Ed)...thankyou...this legislation is about crushing discussion and dissent and perpetuating the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines South Australia...
And if the Banana Lord can't figure that out for him and/or herself and is somehow operating in some rarified bubble of Divine Ignorance, then why are they there at all? what's the point?...(well you just said the point is to crush resistance and cover-up the rank corruption in SA-Ed)...oh thankyou, so you do listen...well according to the Banana Lord I am now apparently officially allowed by his gracious dispensation to talk to my family, my friends (hence the title), my legal reps, and/or a medical practitioner but I still have no definitions of the relevant Act, etc...(if it wasn't so deadly serious it'd be face-achingly hilarious-Ed)...
It is 3 months today since 2 SAPol Anti-Corruption detectives came to my home to seize my laptop, etc, re statements I'd made on my blog about *** (the Banana Lord)...and I re-iterate that they knew who I was and where to find me and supposedly what I'd allegedly done, yet they took my laptop, left, and I've had to go after them for info about what's happening...it's gotten quite involved and infinitely ludicrous so I'll cover this stuff tomorrow...
And imagine my surprise that rancid Turncoat and career self-congratulator Martin Hamilton-Smith, having betrayed his Electorate, his Party and his Colleagues, and after a decade of repeatedly rooting-up the Liberal Party and/or their Election campaigns with his rank egomania and selfishness, Mighty Marty Moose has publicly stated that he fully supports Labor's Education Minister Jennifer Rankine and her 'handling' of the Families SA Child Rape crises...(I'm sensing a hint of sarcasm suggesting you weren't particularly surprised-Ed)...well you look at it...
(So he's betrayed everyone he asked to support him back into Parliament by taking a massive bribe off the Weatherill Labor government and crossing the floor straight into a Ministry, whilst calling himself 'an Independent Liberal'-Ed)...indeed...(whatta' prick-Ed)...indeed...and of course just another Liberal leader who I have personally discussed the St Martins Cover-up with (in 2006? in the old Civic Centre carpark, whilst Member for McKillop Mitch Williams was with him) and whom then walked away and did absolutely nothing, and by doing nothing declared their absolute support for the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...
Selfie: means many things to many people, but in SA it describes perfectly the Primary Political Motivation and Fundamental Operating Status of our political luminaries, they are in it solely for Self...and I fully concur with the current debate that Australian Politics has descended into a collective of morally blank Idealogues and/or career politicians who have either come up through the Unions or via student politics...I see very few people I would call genuine Socialists, and in a genuine Democracy, by definition, Socialism is the goal...(you bloody hippy-Ed)...
Well Smack My Gob: because I could swear that I just heard a report that there's 'New Legislation' afoot to make it easier for Wind Turbine Development...(sorry what? easier? the October 2011 Interim Development Plan Amendment as ratified in 2012/13 legislatively removes any opportunity to oppose approval of a Turbine Industrial Estate, even via the Courts, which , as we've discussed before, is Fascism...and not just sortta' a bit kinda' like Fascism, that's text-book dictionary definition Fascism-Ed)...well quite...
And with the associated 'Visual Amenity Screening' legislation that allows these massive Turbines at 1001m from a non-host residence so long as they are screened by plants, and that's not an exaggeration, that's the law, with this 'Screening' clause the government has removed the grounds for any Right To Appeal via the Environment, Resource and Development Court...what is an already un-opposable Development Approval process becomes un-Appealable at 1001m so long as there's a bloody hedge in front of it...
The Pastoral Lands Management Bill purports to be about easing restrictions on Solar and Wind Turbine Development, bur given that there's just about bugger-all Solar investment and/or Research and/or funding currently happening, this is unquestionably all about forcing more bloody Wind Turbines...the whole Turbine industry is bleating about how they can't progress with their allegedly wonderful projects across SA because they might lose the massive government (therefore taxpayer funded) subsidies that they desperately need to survive.
Labor Minister Ian Hunter reckons that Turbines can co-exist with a Pastoral lease, but I was very concerned to hear the term 'Crown Land' used in the debate...does this also mean National Parks will be up for grabs? are we headed, for example, for a massive Turbine Industrial Estate through Canunda National Pk?...I also remind readers that the Country Fire Service and/or Workplace Safety authorities won't let people within that 1001m distance if there's a Turbine failure/fire/whatevs because debris can and has been sprayed if the Turbine disintegrates...(actually I reckon that's at 1500m-Ed)...whatevs...(and pilot's won't fly too near them either-Ed)...quite...
Equally concerning was the ABC Late Afternoon program just running this story followed by a long interview with the Clean Energy Council, the self-titled Renewable Industry lobby group that promotes Wind Turbines, and yet again not one word of dissent...not one opposing call read out, not one dissenting opinion from the interviewer, not nuthin'...the Late Afternoon show had become the last bastion of balanced opinion and objective discourse in an otherwise rabidly corrupted ABC Radio, particularly re Wind Turbines, but it appears that the last bastion has fallen...
And more farcical debate on ABC Local Radio this morning about Premier Weatherill pushing another Child Abuse Royal Commission on us, when interviewer Stan Thomson stated that it was 'great to see the Premier getting right behind this Royal Commission' (reckon it might be on their Reloaded thingy on their Interweb site)...Stan Thomson knows better than anyone in Mt Gambier exactly what Jay Weatherill has done re his involvement in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(indeed, there'd be few people full stop who know more about the St Martins Cover-up than Stan Thomson-Ed) ...indeed, I'll also be covering this tomorrow...
Victorian Premier Dennis Napthine has promised outright 'while I'm Premier, nothing to jeopardise farming water, etc, so no Fracking under our government' which would appear to be a great win for the Lock The Gate crew...well done...I don't care if Dennis is mildly desperate given the shambolic state of his government, the Geoff Shaw shenanigans, the recent withdrawal of 2 of his candidates, etc, and the looming November 2014 Victorian state Elections, yay to No Frickin' Frackin'...
But what's the point of the Planning and Development plan Expert Panel thingy Chaired by Brian Hays QC and it's 27 key reforms, eg, calling for a Planning Commission and local Boards to effectively take over Development issues from Council's but still give them input...and there's been 'extensive consultation' apparently, but so what...this is purely about trying to distract from the gross corruption of the Labor government when it comes to their highly corrupted Development shenanigans, eg, the Bunnings/Penola Rd fiasco, the Mt Barker sub-division, the Gillman Land Sale, etc...
I know nothing of Brian Hays, but I well recognise that huge pile of bullshit right next to him, bullshit that he's furiously shovelling my way with his empty rhetoric about how the Regions feel they aren't listened to and want a say...(yeah, it's hardly ground-breaking research is it?-Ed)...and that there will be massive public Consultation via his proposed new set-up...(and yeah, that's where he lost me, lottsa' PC, yeah sure-Ed)...and even if he's absolutely genuine, he is working for shonks, crooks, and liars who have absolutely no intention of doing anything that doesn't exactly suit their own purposes...
More Wind Turbine Fascism, another Development Plan, yet another Child Abuse Royal Commission, another vacuous denial from Education Minister Jennifer Rankine in Parliament...(another one?-Ed)...yeah, apparently the young girl raped by her Families SA driver...(so not the 7 toddlers raped by their Families SA Carer?-Ed)...no, this is a different one, well her family weren't told until after it was exposed in the media and possibly found out that way...(oh good on you Jennifer Rankine-Ed)...and Marty Moose thinks she's just super...
And another bloody argument about a Children's Commissioner referencing the bloody 2003 Layton Report and this Bill has passed the Upper House but won't get through the House of Representatives...stop the world, I want to get off...deadset...enough for one day...
Tomorrow: The MGCC WDPCWD Part III
As promised...honest...I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
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