Hello British Indian Ocean Territory, Lebanon, Ukraine, and the USofA, and welcome to the blog...(where the crikey is the BIOT?-Ed)...no idea...Antarctica maybe?...I'll check and get back to you...(dunnit already...according to Hippypedia it's halfway between Tanzania (East Africa) and Indonesia...that's sortta' where MH 370 allegedly went missing-Ed)...settle down...and yet another day where the systemic, institutionalised Child Abuse culture that clearly runs politics, the police, and particularly the Judiciary in South Australia is sickeningly prolific in the media stream...
Whoevs it is, the Crown Solicitor?..(no, it's the Director of Public Prosecutions, Mr Adam Kimber-Ed)...ta...the DPP is going to appeal in a Court...(the Court of Criminal Appeal-Ed)...ta...to increase the sentence given to Mark Harvey, the After School Carer who raped an 8 year old in his care and was then also convicted of assaulting 4 other girls in his care, meaning 2 Court hearings for a combined non-parole period of 3 years 3 months...combined total...
It was the Harvey case that led to the farcical DeBelle Inquiry that supposedly sorted out the Education system, as covered in many previous posts, and as repeated now with yet another Child Abuse Royal Commission, this time into Families SA...someone please tell me why Premier Jay Weatherill is not the man responsible for this disastrous situation in Families SA, particularly as he was the Families SA Minister for so long (then FACS) including officially refusing Comm Ted Mullighan officially investigating the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...
And regardless of his specific multiple personal involvements and subsequent direct responsibilities for so many facets of this current situation, how is it appropriate for the Premier of the state to just wash their hands of responsibility and slink off to hide behind yet another fake shreckin' inquiry?...(because it's South Australia?-Ed)...well that explains why but not how it's appropriate..(fair enough-Ed)...
This Appeal process has no upside...my paranoia and cynicism screams 'snowjob' in my ear, in that it could likely be a set-up to try and lend credibility to the DPP on issues of Child Protection in an environment where South Australian authorities no longer have any credibility...and it would be bad enough if this was a deliberately minimised sentencing to set-up for the DPP to Appeal...(fair enough-Ed)...but if it's genuine sentencing decisions, 2 separate sentences remember, totalling only 3yrs/3mths, then that's even a worse scenario...
What does it say of South Australia and it's Judiciary, etc, when crazy Nick Fletcher's paranoia and cynicism, even if realised, is not as bad as the reality as presented?...(dude, stop, you're doin' my head in-Ed)...hello, welcome to my world...
Cardinal Sins: And this was immediately followed by a report that Catholic lounge-lizard George Pell will
today again give evidence to the Federal Royal Commission into Institutional Responses To Child Abuse, this time re the Church's 'Melbourne Response' program...(is that the FRCIIRTCA that knows about the St Martins Cover-up, a cover-up that involves multiple 'Institutions', but isn't even coming to Mt Gambier, and, in over a year of operation, has never once uttered the word 'Lutheran'?-Ed)...yeah, that's the one...
Starting At The End: of the Mt Gambier City Council meeting from Tuesday 19th August because that's where the meat is...(well Councillor Des Mutton declaring a 'Conflict of Interest' on the Library Solar Panels bollocks because his grandson apparently works for the consultant/as a consultant/whatevs, that's fairly meaty-Ed)...his grandson? are you sure?...(that's what he said-Ed)...and didn't Cr Allen Smith also excuse himself?...(indeed he did, but I didn't hear his excuse, maybe an interest in the company imvolved? sorry, and the Minutes have not yet gone up on Council's Interweb site-Ed)...which doesn't really mean anything because the Minutes are only ever a version of what was said anyway, not a verbatim reproduction...(well quite-Ed)...
The Bottomline: is where this comes to rest regardless of whichevs Councillor's relative/mate/whatevs is going to make a direct profit from these decisions (they're also still proceeding with the Blue Lake Solar Lights at $500,000-$750,000) to suddenly invest in Solar all over the shop...(and they said Solar Lights for the Rail Lands too-Ed)...orrr no, I'd forgotten that, why did you have to remind me? yes, more bloody solar lights for the Rail Lands...(and the Lady Nelson-Ed)...yeah, yeah, and the Main Corner and everywhere else I'm sure...
And a long interview with a Council rep (name? sorry) on the ABC Radio this morning explaining exactly this sudden rush to chuck solar panels on everything starting with the Library, is that panels/systems now cost 1/3 of what they did in 2010...(so when the Library was built? sounds like a lame excuse to explain away why Council didn't just do this when the building was first done, which is the question being asked about town-Ed)...yeah, whatevs...apparently the proposed panels will only provide 1/4 of the Library's power needs, but what they'd get would be free
power after 5 years...he then went on to discuss the lights around the Blue Lake and on the Rail Lands as well...
(Does a bottomless bucket of money have a bottomline?-Ed)...sorry, what?...(well Council spends like it has a bottomless bucket of money-Ed)...well, in their Budget last year they just doubled their borrowing capacity to pay for things they should have saved for, eg, the $2m for the Caroline Landfill...I guess in that context ratepayers are the bucket because every cent Council spends is ratepayers money...(what about government funding, grants, etc-Ed)...nah, it's all ratepayers/residents money held in trust by elected officials...
Notable By His Presence: our charming Mayor Steve Perryman continues to redefine carrying out Public Office as being an act of Public Offence, eg, his deliberately deceitful misrepresentation re the Aboriginal Flag being flown in Council Chambers, a deceit perpetrated at the opening ceremony for NAIDOC Week just gone...where others are usually notable by their absence Stevie is so notorious for not showing up for things that the Mayor should be at, that when he does show up it's noted for it's unusualness...(yeah, Mayor Perryman's comments at the meeting re the Vietnam Veteran's Day commemorations on Monday 18th August were also quite meaty-Ed)...yeah, not so much meaty as offensive and shitfully self-serving...(I'm sensing some animosity-Ed)...well sense this...
Mr Perryman has failed to attend the VV Day commemorations for so long that his presence has been remarked upon and I'd suggest very much not appreciated...nor was the presence of Councillors White, Von Stanke, and Smith, and CEO McShane...as it was put to me, nobody's fooled by this sudden show of alleged respect given the failure to show up previously, and it's already been identified specifically to me and dismissed as being a crass political stunt, an act of opportunism so lacking in genuine respect as to be offensive in the extreme...more tomorrow...
And it will come as no surprise that I completely reject 'this weeks' Sow Strayan Child Abuse Royal Commission as yet another farcical plank in a raft of fake Inquiries that are always about gathering and suppressing evidence and covering-up abuses and the Pro-Paedophile nature/conduct of the South Australian Parliament, Police, and Judiciary...these are the three official arms of governance and society, so when we exist in a society that has Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption underpinning everything that happens, these are the clowns responsible...(more like a 3 ring circus really-Ed)...quite.
Said it before, I'll say it again...(saying it right now in fact-Ed)...indeed...that I'd be more than furious to happily tear each of these shreckers a metaphoric new one via a Court, but the only Court they'll let me near is one where I'm on trial for merely talking about the rank corruption of SA as personified/ institutionalised in the crassly corrupt form/formation of the Banana Lord...(or one where you're on charges for whatevs SAPol and/or the DPP feels like-Ed)...well, quite...
Yet another situation where my paranoia and cynicism, this time about the likelihood of false charges being used to 'just get me' because the Banana Lord stuff is so unworkably farcical, that this makes the actual reality worse than my paranoia...(there's no other solution for it, you're just going to have to get more paranoid and cynical-Ed)...
More Breaking Wind News: the CERES 197 Wind Turbine project was only approved in February 2014 but developer Suzon is now whinging about how the Federal Liberal's review of the Renewable Energy Targets is threatening the viability of their proposed bastardisation of the Yorke Peninsula...(chuck a massive Copper mine near Ardrossan onto that heap of socio-economic, panic stations, Adelaide-centric ideology-Ed)...quite...and Suzon reckon that scrapping Renewable Energy Targets isn't the solution, but I reckon it's just further evidence of how un-viable Turbines are without massive subsidies.
So much more to cover re Council meeting so some more,
Tomorrow: SSG CCSTL - My Back Causes Affront
I hope because that's what was intended if not premeditated...(yeah, I was gunna' say what happened about the leaving the meeting but not actually leaving thingy, how's that done then?-Ed)...well you sort of leave and then sort of stop and then just sort of end up just sort of standing there with your back sort of to the Mayor, the CEO, et al...(I'm sort of with you, but sort of not-Ed)...
Council, specifically CEO Mark McShane...(ah, Mighty Mark McShenanigans-Ed)...that be he...he was/they were getting stuck into a thick slice of self-congratulation re their Motion Without Notice re their Lifelong Learning Sub-Committee...(uh-oh-Ed)...the LLSC Mt Gambier Charter for Children...(shazzam...and does it say 'it takes a village to raise a child'?-Ed)...close Ed, "Our community is a village...Our children are loved, respected, safe and free to be...."...(wow, no wonder you walked out, sort of...I still don't get that-Ed)...I'll explain tomorrow...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
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