Hello Spain, Dominican Republic, Moldova, and Romania and of course everyone up Robe way, Kingston -On-Sea...(pardon my ignorance, but is it officially different to distinguish from the Kingston on the Murray River?-Ed)...no no, pardon my ignorance, because I'm not sure...check and get back to you...and hello to ourselves here in Mt Gambier, and right on through to 'our' amazing coast...(or what's left of it-Ed)...indeed...
(And that's a debate right there, about vehicular beach access vs conservation/environmental impacts vs tourism vs marine parks vs sustainable impact, back to local 'rights' to access, etc, eg, the whole Kingston Fishing thingy covers a bunch of those issues in one event-Ed)...as an ol' hippy I'd have to go with restricted track access through sandhills to allow beach access, but I'd be super strict on things like fanging around in delicate environments like sand dunes...sorry if it spoils a handful of people's fun but it allows for allowing good access to the beach, whilst preserving what precious little natural environment we have left...
(And don't get me started about rising bloody sea levels-Ed)...since when did you need 'getting started' on anything...(stand at Brown's Beach and tell me erosion isn't already a massive problem...Grant District Council is investing in much needed infrastructure there, but they might be fetching it out of the ocean within a decade-Ed)...well quite, and whilst we haven't experienced the ocean level rises that some low-lying Pacific nations are already suffering, it's an indication that there are issues to come for us whether Tony Abbott wants to admit it or not...(how did we get onto this?-Ed)...I forget, moving on...
Attached Below Again: because I'm very confused with yesterday's stuff about $1million apparently allegedly possibly being mistakenly misplaced if not actually lost....and definitely not stolen...(sounds like someone's afraid of getting sued for defamation?-Ed)...just going by what's happened previous when Robe Council and/or it's representative Mr Peden, he as in this article, asked questions of Regional Development Australia's Grant King re how Mr King distributed the massive amounts of state government funding he was responsible for...(that's right, Mr King responded with a Defamation Action that was just recently dropped some 5 years later-Ed)...indeed...
And my confusion lies in that I'm not entirely sure as to whom's foot it is in which boot and/or which boot is in whom's behind...with this missing million it looks like it might be the same foot, Mr Peden as a rep of Council, in the same boot, asking uncomfortable questions, but yet that same boot is on the other foot because Robe Council is effectively on the receiving end...(sounds a bit like a mini New South Wales Independent Commission Against Corruption in that reasonable questions are problematic for all parties with questions to answer-Ed)...nice...
Smells Like Local Election: as Member for Barker Liberal Tony Pasin has been congratulating himself and the City of Mt Gambier because they are apparently fighting tooth and nail for the 'Headspace' Mental Health program to be expanded to Mt Gambier...(so that's former City Councillor Tony Pasin-Ed)...yeah...(praising up his mates on Council?-Ed)...well, yeah, sort of I guess...(only 11 weeks out from the Local Government Elections?-Ed)...ah, I see what you mean...moving on?...
(Yep, but not before we make the observations that there are virtually no Mental Health treatment services in Mt Gambier, almost no Drug/Alcohol treatment, and 18 months ago (possibly longer, before the blog started) that Council actually voted to not advocate for Mental Health patients-Ed)...
you're right, but yes that was some time ago, and quite frankly I don't care if it is just a self-promotional stunt that Council has apparently written to Health Minister Peter Dutton if it gets some sort of services for Mt Gambier...(and if it is just a stunt and there's no likelihood of any improvement?-Ed)...well then it's just business as usual and we've lost nuthin' except that last shred of respect for our elected officials who seem in personally profitable deceit and institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption...
Teething Problems: aside there's now 10 Dental chairs open at Mt Gambier Hospital as part of the very artistic expansion of the facility...(artistic?-Ed)...yeah, improvements made in the Minimalist style...(are you suggesting that this $27million upgrade of various hospital facilities/services is really only a stop-gap pittance given the many services that patients still have to leave Mt Gambier to access?-Ed)...you mean like having to drive 400kms round trip yo get an MRI scan in Warnnambool, Victoria?...not least of all because your Mt Gambier surgeon and GP are such rank incompetents that they took over 5 years to not even be able to organise the pre-scan appointment in Adelaide...(sorry, was any of that actually a question?-Ed)...no, not really...
The interviewee, Dr Geoff Franklin (? DentalSA sorry), stated that as of July 2014 the waiting time was 16.7 months, well down from the December 2012 wait of 45 months...(wow-Ed)...indeed...and it's a very fine line between 1) celebrating this drastic improvement, and 2) criticising the still inappropriately ridiculous waiting time, and/or 3) pursuing the 'how the shreck was it allowed to get to 45 months' issues...in my experience, the actual Mt Gambier Clinic does wonderful work juggling emergencies with cancellations, and the constantly rotating roster of dentists...
And thankfully that question was put to Dr Franklin, 'can you get enough extra staff to match the chairs?', and he acknowledged that recruiting staff is always an issue...(ya' know, it's sortta' like the 'glass half full versus the glass half empty versus the I don't even have a bloody glass let alone something to put in it so stop your bloody whinging' thing-Ed)...wow, that's a very specific thing that I've not actually heard before...(that's because I just made it up-Ed)...right, but it does offer itself as a reasonable template for considering many things in life, eg, is my TV bloody big enough already...
PM Tony 'Super WASP' Abbott is likely going to fly himself to Iraq in support of the USofA military action, eg, air support/strikes for Kurdish and/or Iraqi forces...(sorry what? I think you'll find he's a White Anglo Saxon Catholic not a Protestant for a start-Ed)...are you sure, because I swear that it was reported that we're sending 'Super WASP' to help...(you idiot, not 'Super WASP', Super Hornet-Ed)...no, the Green Hornet is a comic book hero/character...(nooo, Super Hornet, not Green Hornet-Ed)...so he's going to fix it with his Magic Penis then? 'Super Horn' it? get it?...
(Agreed, I've always said that there's nothing a man can't fix with his penis-Ed)...indeed, but no, the Mad Monk wants to send all, all mind you, of our 24 Super Hornet fighter jet thingys to Iraq or there-abouts to support the USofA...(well let's just hope that Palmer United Party Senator Jackie Lambie is just a xenophobic windbag blowing hard about China invading Australia then?-Ed)...China invading? dude, I reckon Aotearoa (New Zealand) could probably take us...(from behind-Ed)...indeed, take us from behind whilst our entire fighter contingent is halfway across the planet...
Back 'Ere: our charming Premier Jay Weatherill and/or Labor Party advertising continues to spew the same lies about fed cuts to health as being $630+m loss when a state government committee found that 2 thirds of that is actually state Labor cuts... and squillions is being spent on the big red ads all across the media saying that it's all the Feds fault...it's the same empty rhetoric and blaming that City Council CEO Mark Mcshane spruiks, saying that Council is going to suffer Federal cuts yet they're borrowing to do paving, etc...
Only last week he was on the ABC saying this stuff again, one minute it's a disaster and then it's everything's fine because Council is so fiscally responsible, 'rates are coming down in real terms', etc...(but all I've heard is rabid complaints about huge rate increases, and even more rabid discourse bordering on fury re those disgusting grey pavers down the Main St-Ed)...indeed, and questions about why did Council buy a paver-machine for the Main, and then tender out other street paving?...
OH MY GOD: just heard Senator/billionaire Clive Palmer praising-up Jay Weatherill as a man who cares about the people...(don't look at me, I got nuthin', it's just more of Jay bleating about how it's not his/Labor's fault that SA is in the crapper even though he/they put us there-Ed)...moving on then...
I know that I used that 'It's Raining Mayors' title thingy before but it'd be quicker to write a list of people in Mt Gambier who ain't runnin' for Mayoral Glorification...there's now 6 aspirants, and I reckon that's still more than prospective Councillors at this stage, but nominations don't even open 'til Tuesday 2nd September 2014 and close a fortnight later...that's current Councillors Allen 'Is The Key' Smith and Andrew Lee, the RSLs Bob Sandow, and David Burt, Leon Rigopoulis and this week former Councillor Paul Jenner...
Absolutely hilarious to see Mayor Steve Perryman in the media telling all aspiring candidates to behave appropriately, including the line that they shouldn't use public functions for electioneering...(you mean like say showing up to a Vietnam Veterans memorial for the first time in memory?-Ed)...yeah, don't act just like that...I've added this below...and more on this Mayor stuff...
Tomorrow: There's A Mayor In There
And one over there, and oops I just sat on one, and there's one stuck in the flyscreen door again...(PUSH, you push the bloody door, no, don't pull the wire, doh look, hang on)...excuse me, I have to go...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
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