Sunday, August 31, 2014

Random Up The Flag Pole - Saluté Team Australia

Hello and welcome to the blog Ghana, Spain, Turkey, and Moldova...and Moldova was featured lengthily on the ABC/BBC? yesterday re the economic impact of Independence following the collapse of the former Soviet Union and the perceived/alleged/actual retribution from Moscow et al, and how this illustrated the potential for these sort of trade punishments re the current Ukraine conflict, sanctions that flow in both directions......

Slightly Vindicated: by the discussion on Morning TV (Channel 7?, 9?-sorry) re the Military Industrial Estate in that when I tried to return to study 'on-line' (Politics, Law, etc) in 2011 I was completely scuppered by various issues, eg, my computer illiteracy, dental health issues, etc, but the one thing that really stuffed me was the comments/criticisms on my very first essay re 'The Apparent Popularity of Conflict', for which I received a low C grade...these comments dismissed my paragraphs about the role of the Global Military Industrial Complex and Religion as being irrelevant to the discussion...

(But surely the profit motive is a huge one genuinely promoting governments to spend on armed forces they are then almost forced to use, forced by lobbyists and industrialists...and the religious motivations I would have thought self-evident-Ed)...indeed...I'm not saying that essay was an A++ or anything, but to have these 2 very obvious points dismissed as irrelevant, royally ripped the rug out from under my study aspirations because it mangled my respect for the institution, and I didn't have the faintest idea where to go from there...

Some Self-justification: I don't mind being corrected or contradicted even argued with or even proven wrong, whatevs...sometimes I forget stuff, whatevs...(sometimes I just make shizzle up because it helps my narrative where facts may fail me-Ed)...exactly, and when hang on...(nah nah, go' bless go' bless, just joking, you always try, yeah yeah whatevs-Ed)...finished?...all I can do is try and if I'm wrong I apologise, whatevs...anyhoos...

PM Tony Abbott has travelled to Greenland to announce new funding for Elective Surgery waiting lists...(really?-Ed)...oh yeah, he's calling it Operation Operation...(you are such an idiot...and what's he doing in Greenland?-Ed)...oh I made that bit well...just thought of a country on the other side of the planet that's absolutely none of our business, and I thought about Tony's extraordinary "enemies of freedom" criticism of Scottish Independence supporters, Aussie Muslim leaders are "foolish", etc, and looked at where he hasn't been yet to cause his special brand of offense, and I struck on Greenland...

And in the interests of supporting international trade I am now going to go to my kitchen and eat some of my Iranian dates as packed in Turkey before being shipped out here to us in Oz...(don't we have a bit of spare desert out here that we could use to establish some sort of domestic production/market?-Ed)...surely, and there are some small Aussie producers but imports are the usual supermarket fare...and so we have become allied to the supposed 'Axis of Evil' as date-peddlars...

And a segue that just wrote itself from dates to dynamite as we are to be involved, airforce airlift style, to supply Humanitarian Aid to the 'Kurdish'* forces in Northern Iraq/Kurdistan (* I apologise because I know there are several groups and areas, etc, that are collectively called 'Kurds', 'North Iraq', etc...I use these terms in their broadest definitions and hope not to cause offense*)...and we are involved in dropping HA which itself consists of arms/munitions...(and only weeks ago Iran started doing that-Ed) we are also allies with Iran in supporting HA in North Iraq...(and therefore so are the USof A, et al-Ed)...yep. 

I genuinely apologise for the following terrible pun that is engaged merely by speaking the truth about what is a terrible situation, but I believe it perfectly sums up, encapsulates what is going on in our PM's little wooden 'ead...why is that we must drop everything to engage in the 'humanitarian catastrophe' of the Northern Iraqi Christians fleeing via Mount Sinjar to the recently declared Kurdish state or even to Syria and beyond, yet we seem relatively disinterested in the Muslims being persecuted in the same place?...(or in Palestine-Ed)...or even for the relative plight of some of our own citizens here in the Oz...

Go Tell Them On The Mountain: unfortunately defines the Judeo-Christian paradigm that we are currently subjected to under our illustrious leader PM Tony 'The Mad Monk' Abbott, where we have apparently some sort of humanitarian responsibility for a bunch of people on a mountain in the 'Holy Lands' and we're going to spend squillions, send fighter jets, etc, yet back in Australia he's all but ignoring his own citizens in what I'll call the Cold Shoulder War against Aboriginal people...some call it genocide...(wow, that's a massive call I'd really like to pull you up on-Ed)...but?...(but I can't because I think you're right-Ed)...

(It is an unquestionably terrible situation across Northern Iraq and Syria, but what the heck has it got to do with us? why does Tony Abbott seem so very keen to get armed Australians into some conflict zone somewhere, anywhere? what happened to "the Debt and Deficit Disaster" that he's been constantly spewing forth as a justification for dismantling Social Support Services, etc? do we not have enough serious domestic issues that he should be addressing with that money, eg, chronic disadvantage in Aboriginal Education, Health, Employment, the legal system, etc, etc?-Ed), quite...

(Indeed, it appears that PM Abbott is living out his 'Boys Own Story' fantasy to engage in a Christian Crusade into the Holy Lands, and the restless natives back home, including Aboriginal people, are an annoying if not irrelevant distraction...a few examples in recent months, 1) PM Abbott has 'driven his shreckin' DDD Fire-truck through fences' (where fences actually means us), 2) snubbed the Garma event, Australia's largest Indigenous Festival, 3) just this week laughed it up about SAPol horses trampling student protesters outside his speech in Adelaide, and 4) Friday straight out stated that the defining moment in Australian history was the official White Occupation/Invasion of Australia in 1788-Ed)...err right...but you're right...

And it's all well and groovy to talk about the 'historical right for Israel to exist' and they have the right to do this and they have the right do that, but from the same PM, our PM, in fact to our PM, 'Dear Tony, what is the Right of the Aboriginal person?' what is the Right of the Aboriginal person who can but doesn't need to trace their ancestry across 60,000+ years...(uhhum 6,000years thanks if you're gunna' get on the Flat Earth Team Australia Team...and if you're not on the team you're against us remember-Ed) many options, too confusing, could you perhaps reduce it a bit?...

Medicinal Marijuana: has raised it's head again on ABC TV News24 with Dr David Allsop from Sydney Uni, a specialist in Addictive Medicine, etc, (he's on the Interweb) re applications for MM that are already widely acknowledged and treatment programs already underway in other countries, eg, the highly (pardon the pun) successful programs where MM effectively addresses the severe symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis.            
He straight up stated the many risks as associated with any drug, eg, dependency, and those specific to Cannabis, eg, risk of psychosis, respiratory problems, etc, but inside a minute was right into "a suite of benefits"...I struggled to keep up with his albeit excellent explanation of the 120 molecules in Cannabis, of which the psycho-active agent THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) is only 1, and that there are many non psycho-active properties, and "they all have interesting medicinal qualities", etc...

And He Scores: 250 samples of "street Cannabis" for testing, and which has been grown to focus on increasing the THC, but then explained in specific terms that THC itself has important medicinal qualities in dampening nausea and stimulating appetite, as he said, "the munchies" that Cannabis is known to cause...and this makes it often an excellent option for people with AIDS, Cancer, MS, and other wasting diseases...other Cannabis can equally have the THC bred right down for other applications, eg, the proven non-intoxicating spray used for childhood epilepsy, MS, etc...

The above is not medical advice from me, I am not a is my recount of an interview...please review the issues of MM for yourselves...I can only say that I did MM self-medicate following specific if unofficial medical advice when I had a bucket load of Chemo 10 years ago and I genuinely believe that it worked to completely control my nausea, etc...I also believe that the evidence is in and conclusive when it comes to lawful MM for a range of ailments...

Sweet Baby Cheeses?, but's the Candy Canes being used as Jesus lollies by the Access Ministries group to indoctrinate small children as past of the School Chaplaincy Program they have been running in public schools in New South Wales (I think it was)...using Candy Canes to bribe children, to 'get their attention', and then it's all about the J-shape for Jesus, all about the indoctrination, etc...and parts of a very scary speech either by an Access Ministries person or from one of their seminars, whatevs (sorry didn't hear that bit) straight out stating that this is the opportunity to 'evangelise' many children...

(Fanatical religious organisations getting to our could that possibly go wrong?-Ed)...more...

Tomorrow: Finally That Last Council Stuff

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog..cheers and laters...

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