If not quite a miracle...hello Ukraine, the USofA, Moldova, and India, and welcome to the blog for Tuesday 5th August and the ongoing official commemoration for the start of World War One...due to the various Alliances at the time, the declaration of conflict was a rolling event across several days as country after country was dragged over the lip and into the abyss...
Having said that, no-one could possibly have imagined what lay ahead as ideals of 18th Century Militaristic Imperialism and Glorification and 19th Century Tactics were consumed by modern technologies...I admit that for all my cynicism about Nationalism and Militarism, I've been well programmed because the playing of The Last Post immediately puts me in a deeply reflective mood and in mind of my grandfathers, both WWII veterans...but we have problems here and now...
I'm Running A Bit Late: was Prime Minister Tony Abbott's message to Australia's largest and arguably most important Aboriginal/Indigenous peoples gathering, the Garma Festival in the Northern Territory...so committed to addressing and correcting issues of Aboriginal people's disadvantage across all aspects of Australian society, our charming PM isn't even bothering to go...(and his excuse?-Ed)...no excuse, no apology, just 'I'm headed up that way some time soon'...('when I'm damn good and ready'-Ed)...quite...
(Is this insulting failure to even show-up just about avoiding facing a potentially hostile crowd, or is it a blatant albeit Freudian slap, and that is 'slap', illustrating just how much contempt The Mad Monk has for anyone who isn't a fellow White Liberal Sociopath, but particularly for Aboriginal people?-Ed)...I don't know what to say really about this, other than to concur Ed that it does look like a massive forget you from Mr Abbott...
Just For The Health Of It: Ten years ago this week I was being unceremoniously shoved in and out of various machines and/or having them shoved into me, eg, a Lumbar punch for a Marrow sample...(mmm, hurty-Ed)...dunno', I was so outta' my gourd on pre-gouge tranquilisers I didn't feel a thing...if I may...
In and out of all manner of scanners and
specialists rooms full of treatment planners,
from pillar to post for concise confirmation
as how best to conflict this substantial inflammation,
how to inflict defeat on said affliction,
with bucketsa' drugsa' curative non-addiction,
and lo and behold and here we are after going
so very, very near to not going any further.
The scan attached below (with my personal details covered) was done at the Royal Adelaide Hospital on August 4th 2004...I'm the large grey smudgy lump behind/around the large dark lump what is a 16cm x 12cm Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma Tumor in the centre of my chest...my concerns remain for the system that, albeit with many problems at this end, shoved me through gord knows how much $$$ worth of scans, Chemo and Radiotherapy, etc, that cumulatively, ultimately saved me from The Rockmelon...'cos that's what one specialist joked it resembled in size, shape and weight, like a rockmelon...(that's a canteloupe for our Continental cousins-Ed).
A decade I should have probably not have had at all later, and we have the pleasure of each others company you and I...(who me?-Ed)...well yeah you too you ol' imaginary literary device you, but I was just dialoguing with me peeps'...I do however note the 3 misdiagnosis in Mt Gambier before the fourth visit x-ray followed by being discharged from Mt Gambier Hospital (July 2004) and told to find my own way to Adelaide, and the Radiotherapy botch-up (April 2005) that saw me and 1000+ other patients 'under-treated' by about 5% because the machine wasn't calibrated correctly...
In my case it was not an immediate issue because it was at the end of my treatment, but reportedly had fatal consequences for several patients who were having Radiotherapy as their main treatment...all of that aside, I did still receive a ton of excellent treatment that saved my life...(sweet-Ed)...indeed, very sweet...and it's a minor marvel because my lymphoma was highly treatable but it was still a bloody massive tumour.
Hilarious: that 2 Victorian Liberal candidates for the upcoming state Election have 'withdrawn' after texting/posting/whatevs sexist and/or homophobic and/or Rascist comments...(how is that hilarious? these clowns are stupid enough to post what they think, but what about those around them who are more circumspect about broadcasting their beliefs?-Ed)...fair enough, but I don't think anyone expects any better from the Liberal Party when it comes to issues of Sexuality or Gender or Race...(fair enough-Ed)...
And the 'hilarious' I refer to is the fact that 'the Gays et al' have vicariously scuppered the immediate future careers of 2 dopes who don't like them, simply by being talked/written about...now that's hilarious...(yes, indeed, there's a certain sweet irony to that-Ed)...but I digress...
More reports that the Families SA worker was investigated after concerns were raised by a fellow worker and then allegedly referred by Families SA to SAPol, where it was apparently looked at, but 'nothing concrete was found'...(but Education Minister Jennifer Rankine state that this didn't happen-Ed)...I know...and now Jay's calling yet another Royal Commission and drafting former Police Commissioner Mal Hyde into some sort of Families SA recruitment and review thingy...it's a catastrophic shambles that Weatherill first tried to handball to the Federal Royal Commission but just can't seem to palm off...(but he's still tryin'-Ed)...oh yeah he's tryin'...
Mr Weatherill is absolutely responsible for this current state of disarray and dysfunction in Families SA/the Education Dept because, 1) he's the Premier, 2) he was responsible for joining Families SA and the Education Dept, 3) as FAYS (Families SA) Minister in 2006 he stopped Comm Ted Mullighan from investigating the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, therefore perpetuating the system that was clearly dysfunctional then under him as Minister...
And Mr Weatherill is further responsible because it was his business partner Stephen Lieschke who represented teacher Glyn Dorling in the wholly corrupted Kangaroo Court that was the Teachers Registration Board/Crown Solicitor hearing that was underway 10 years ago...an 'Inquiry' where Mr Lieschke had carte blanche to attack parents and just make shizzle up as he went along, was handed our children's statements, etc, etc...and after the hearing exonerated Dorling, Mr Lieschke was publicly denigrating us parents...
How many different ways does Jay Weatherill have to be responsible for this disgraceful avalanche of abuse and attempted cover-up that defines South Australia, before he actually takes responsibility?
Tomorrow: MGCC WDPCWD -Part III
Sorry for not getting 'round to it today but I reckon it doesn't hurt to break it up a bit...and hence...
Drool Me Once: drool on me, but drool me twice is just more bloody drool on me...just dropping my child home recently and reached into the backseat to scratch the hound on his furry bonce but he snouted me from elbow to wrist, and as I distractedly half-swiped at him laughingly, he deftly leaned to one side and I self-snouted all the way back up the other side of my fore-arm back to the elbow...in one brief moment of poignantly poetic motion and intricately choreographed synchronicity, I done got my arm covered in dog snot.
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
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