Sunday, August 3, 2014

Mt Gambier City Council - "We Does Public Consultation We Does"

Hello Cyprus, Netherlands, Moldova, and France...and not a word of a lie, when I just checked the Statistics Page under Views-Audience for 'Now' it says 'Ukraine-2' and nobody else, and under 'Today' it's USofA first, Turkey second, and li'l ol' Oz is third...cheers y'all...said it before I know, but it continues to amaze me that anyone outside Mt Gambier/South Australia is the least bit interested in what I have to say...(apols for no post yesterday, started this and then went gardening and then didn't want to spoil a lovely day).

(Well as I understand it, it's not necessarily everything you write and/or how, so much as at least some-one is writing it-Ed)...fair call, and when it comes right down to it, I don't care why people are reading this, just glad that they are...I am conscious of trying to make light where possible and appropriate, but the nature of this discussion is by definition deeply demanding...I have spoken to people who've stopped reading for a while because 'it's such heavy going', but that they feel 'compelled to come back'...(welcome to your life-Ed)...indeed...

Feedback: that is a fair paraphrase of a conversation that I've had several times 'recently'...'oh, you're Nick Fletcher, I've/we've read your blog and I/we asked around about you'...'oh yeah, that crazy bastard Nick Fletcher' says I laughingly about the predicted response...'yes exactly, but I/we kept reading the blog anyway because crazy doesn't mean wrong, and whilst what you write about is clearly very wrong, I/we don't think you are' in review, 'yeah I/we accept that you're at least a bit crazy, but what you write is largely right'...(damn straight-Ed)...

So when I point at Mt Gambier City Council's latest 'Future Plan' and associated alleged 'Public Consultation' and denounce and deride it all as a screaming joke...(albeit without reading it yet-Ed)...not yet, and I didn't do a submission either because 1) it would have been a complete waste of time, Council's not interested in anything anyone else says, particularly me, and 2) I've already done several submissions to previous alleged Public Consultations, and 3) I don't believe a word of any of it...

So when I put the boot into this latest round of alleged PC, and flay it as a ludicrous attempt at self-delusion, and ridicule it for the farcical failure to fool anyone, it's because the very sad fact is that when push comes down to shove...and it has, trust's the Large, Angry, 'Crazy', Hippy who has the credibility...(quite sad really-Ed)...indeed, it ain't great, I'm certainly not celebrating...

Yet Another Child Abuse Case: as a 49yr old employee of a car hire firm contracted to Families SA is charged with rape of a teenage passenger, and SAPol are allegedly contacting all families who's kids may have been in contact with this man...which segues very unpleasantly into the latest atrocious effort from serial Labor apologist alleged Prof Clem McIntyre of Adelaide Uni (on ABC Late Afternoons), a regular in this here blog...

The South Australian Education and Child Protection sectors are in complete disarray as the pro-Paedophile culture supported by the Mike Rann/Jay Weatherill SA Labor Party spews out of the dark and into the mainstream consciousness...and Education Minister Jennifer Rankine, arguably the most woeful disgrace of a Minister since Labor's Bernard Finnigan was charged with Child Pornography offenses whilst Acting Police Minister (April 2011), Ms Rankine just disappeared for several days, and Premier Jay Weatherill, personally and Ministerially responsible for this pro-Paedophile culture, skips off overseas to the Tour de France...

What A Bloody Disgrace:...economically the State is falling apart with the Sea Warfare Whatevs Project about to get the arse, and is awash with  horrendous Paedophile Cover-ups clearly being perpetrated by the heads of Government depts and senior politicians up to and including Premier Weatherill, with super-dodgy SAPol officers running the Education Dept, and rank Fascism from pillar to post...and Ray Jay forgets off to France...(whatta' forgetter-Ed)...and when Clem is asked 'should Rankine resign?' he completely avoided answering by going off on a long dribble about how Ministers used to resign but not these days, etc...

He summed-up the disastrous state of affairs in SA as 'Labor not having a great week'...whatta' joke...between them, alleged Professors McIntyre, City Council's PC mate John Martin, and that pro-Wind Turbine clown Simon Chapman prove irrefutably that alleged Independent Professional commentary/opinion in this country is the best opinion money can buy...

Far worse, their behaviours completely compromise every single alleged 'Professional Independent' and Academic opinion in the can one believe anything any of these alleged 'professionals' say?...and the Mt Gambier ABC is an absolute shocker, constantly running Labor propaganda 'Dorothy-Dixer' interviews sans opposing opinion, and presenting Labor employees like Grant King as Independent Objective Opinion, again without accountability or opposition...and it's all bullshit, all propaganda, all manipulation...   

Labor's Transport Minister Stephen Mullighan has been spruiking the near $500million Southern Expressway Duplication (about 20kms South of Adelaide's GPO), banging on about how SA has been a laughing stock in other states because of the previous '3-lane One-Way' highway thingy that switched directions to cater for peak hour demand, into the city in the morning, out in the arvo... I guarantee you Mr Mullighan that when other states are ridiculing SA and laughing derisively at us, it's not the roads they're talking about...

Covered this before in the blog...whenever SA comes up in any of these panel programs, alleged comedy thingys, whatevs, it's always a raft of Paedophile and/or bizarre mass murder jokes...every time...and some super charming news outta' Victoria, where Magistrate Simon Cooper has been given a fully suspended sentence after pleading guilty to multiple counts of Sexual Assault on teenage brothers...if you want to read the extraordinary justifications from his Magistrate mates about what a top bloke he is and how unfair a gaol term would be, etc, just Interweb it...bloody disgrace...

But I digress...please find attached the latest The Border Watch article re this latest Council Plan and Public Consultation, and check out just how desperate they are to try and give it some sort of credibility...another Epic Fail...

Please note 1) the relentless attempts to pump-up this entire Plan/Process as being "ground-breaking", "a trail-blazing initiative", and "considered to be a land-mark document"...(who the shreck thinks this farce is  'a landmark document'?-Ed) idea...and 2) the big plans for an All-year Aquatic Centre and fixing the Tennis courts to try and get the International tournament back again, things that Council has flatly refused to do whilst rolling out pavers everywhere, massively expensive and sodden sods on the Old Rail Lands, etc...

(It almost looks like they're trying to address all the things you keep bleating about on this 'ere blog-Ed)...does, doesn't it...because there's so much going on here I'll do this in 2 parts...

Tomorrow: MGCC WDPCWD - Part II

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters

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