Hello Bulgaria, India, Indonesia, and Poland, and welcome to the blog...wish I had good news today but it's back to the relentless, Institutionalised Pro-paedophile Corruption of the Labor government and the extraordinary and quite deliberate incompetence of Minister Jennifer Rankine, former SAPol officer now Education Dept CEO......(Tony-TH)...Tony...(nnnHarrison-Ed)...Tony Harrison, and our charming Premier Jay Weatherill re this latest Families SA Child Rape case...
Despite their own totally farcical DeBelle Inquiry and Minister Rankine's, Premier Weatherill's, CEO......(nnnHarrison's-TH)...CEO Harrison's constant bleating about how all things must now be done/are being done strictly by the guidelines of The Gospel According to DeBelle, these clowns haven't even followed step One, namely, all briefings, etc, must be done in writing...they have instead been having 'discussions', allegedly without keeping notes or written briefs...
......(Tony-TH)...Tony...(nnnHarrison-TH)...Tony Harrison has lied through his teeth about the charged workers history, and then tried to excuse that by saying that 'I hadn't read the files before commenting but now I know different'...(sorry? he's the Education CEO and he's commenting on cases without even reading the file?-Ed)...apparently...(and that is an acceptable excuse for his deceits?-Ed)...apparently...(and that's all just fine?-Ed)...just fine...(just fine-TH)...
And they haven't kept notes/written briefs because that would show definitively just who knew what when and just how badly they've stuffed this up...(so, from the abject, corrupted DeBelle farce and the paper-trail that led straight onto Jay Weatherill's desk and then allegedly disappeared, to avoiding any future such unpleasantness by ignoring their own guidelines and keeping no notes-Ed)...and this isn't incompetence, it's absolutely deliberate corruption in absolute support of Paedophilia...
Malaysian Airlines MH 17: Just about fell off my chair just now as our Foreign Minister Julie Bishop is in the news stating as though it were a startling revelation that 'we can negotiate access to the crash site with whoevs but we ain't goin' nowheres 'cos there's a war going on'...(what happened to all her bellicose rhetoric about the 'atrocious criminals' and telling Russia what to do, etc-Ed)...gourd knows...(next thing, PM Tony Abbott will be doing a massive about-face saying Eastern European politics is none of his business-Ed)...well, actually...(nooo? you're kidding me?-Ed)...wish I was, wish I was...
And perhaps people are as stupid as I keep saying they aren't because PM Tones' personal approval rating has dragged itself off the floor, up 5 points, to a staggering 30% Preferred PM, reportedly off the back off his vacuous bluster and rancid Nationalism about "bringing them home"...and now it's the afternoon and he's back to calling it "murder"...(is this our charming politicians giving one 'diplomatic' story to the international press and another much more Nationalistic one for domestic consumption?-Ed)...quite possibly...
And a new book is out about Flight MH 370, apparently outing the disappearance as not such a mystery and more of the result of being accidentally shot down or at least disabled by a missile strike so that it flew 'crewless' until it did crash...haven't read it myself, won't be, but I completely reject the official idea that MH 370 just suddenly turned around and allegedly flew back right over a Malaysian Military base and nobody tried to contact it...missile/hijack/whatevs, it is inconceivable that that plane just flew off anonymously into oblivion...another global conspiracy?...
If it's a global conspiracy to turn the world against the Jews/Israel with endless footage of Palestinian fathers carrying their injured children into hospitals in Gaza, then I'd suggest that it's a very successful strategy...another day in Palestine, another day where citizens are displaced refugees in their own country, getting bombed in United Nations refuges, etc, and the Israelis justifying these hundreds of civilian deaths by saying 'they shot at us first from near there somewhere'...
Deeply Concerning: to hear the vast number of 'Suppression Orders' currently being utilised in Victoria to keep hidden aspects of Court cases, etc...I note that here in Mt Gambier a high-profile case has been moved to Adelaide, allegedly because of the issues with the jury knowing the witnesses, but given the case involves Child Abuse, I believe it's all about keeping Mt Gambier in the dark about the realities of what's happening in this town...
The SA Transport Depts 'Whatevs Road Safety Grants Program' is being widely advertised again through the ABC, The Border Watch, etc...(is that the program that says 'come up with good ideas to get people using Public Transport and we'll give you some money'?-Ed)...that's the one...(here's a crazy idea, actually have some Public Transport available on weekends and public holidays in Mt Gambier and people might use it...where's me money?-Ed)...slow down champ, firstly, you don't get that money...(ahhh what?!-Ed)...it goes to the project, and secondly, that's a perfectly reasonable, socially responsible idea, entirely achievable with the least little effort...(so it ain't gonna' happen?-Ed)...ain't gonna happen...
And it is entirely reasonable to suggest that City Councillors, whom voted to remove Council funding from local Public Transport several years ago, directly shutting down the weekend service, might in future consider the $10,000 cheaper option when voting to get each other new cars, and by my calculations each year that would provide the funding needed to re-instate Weekend Bus Services...(nice-Ed)...
It is entirely appropriate to point at the relatively vast sums of money burned, lost, and/or stolen on the ridiculous new Library and Main Corner Projects, particularly given that Council unilaterally voted to spend over $2.5million on a Commercial Kitchen, multiple ludicrous projectors/lights, and the truly, stupendously self-indulgent $700,000+ Volcano movie, etc, setting up a Commercial Function Facility with Ratepayer's money, and then handed it all free to Councillor Des Mutton's son...it is entirely appropriate to point at all that and suggest that a small percentage of that money would provide something resembling a reasonable Public Transport service...
Why does the news that Karen Prelc (Upper House Independent candidate) has now become a Liberal member warrant nearly 5 minutes on the ABC local Radio this morning?...(she's a Councillor's sister or something similar?-Ed)...no idea, but it might be that she's being promoted as a Mayoral candidate for Wattle Range Council, to replace current Mayor Peter Gandolfi...and apparently Karen's 'all about the important issues, and was only an outside chance in March (at the 2014 state Election), and will be a strong advocate for Disability issues, water protection, and the environment but with a view to development'...
Ms Prelc is absolutely correct that the South East has suffered at the hands of an Adelaide-centric Labor government, but she didn't explain how Liberals would have done/made anything different...(indeed, one could argue quite strongly that their abject failure as an Opposition makes them equally culpable for the disastrous state of affairs in South Australia-Ed)...let's make it 2 arguing 'cos I agree with you...and when it comes to the truly contemptible state of Child Protection in SA, the Liberals are absolutely complicit...
Just this morning on ABC Local Radio I heard 2 senior Liberals who are absolutely complicit in and directly involved, directly responsible, for the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...Mayor Gandolfi was on bangin' on about the atrocious lack of Drug/Alcohol Support Services in the SE, with only 1 full-time worker who does no 'Outreach Service' to local towns...I missed the interview (on the phone) but it's a bloody disgrace that shows the Weatherill Labor government doesn't give a stuff, in fact it appears they want us to suffer...
Shortly there-after David Ridgway was on re the Forestry Water licenses issue...in February 2006, approx 6 weeks out from the March state Election, another father and I met with Messrs Gandolfi and Ridgway for over an hour at Liberal candidate Gandolfi's Ferrers St Electoral Office...we explained at length the multiple systemic failures re the St Martins Lutheran Case, particularly the pro-Paedophile behaviour of alleged Independent Rory McEwen and the Rann/Weatherill/Atkinson Labor government...we literally handed them not just Rory's head on a platter, but the entire Labor Party, indeed the entire Election...
And not one word...not one shreckin' word...we handed them everything they needed to bring down the Labor government and not one word...the Liberal Party is absolutely complicit in the St Martins Cover-up and entirely responsible for the rape of those Families SA toddlers, absolutely as culpable as Labor...this is what South Australia is, one big Paedophile boys club being run from the floor of Parliament...
Wattle Range Mayor Peter Gandolfi, Mt Gambier Mayor Steve Perryman, David Ridgway, Mitch Williams, Martin Hamilton-Smith, shreckin' Rob Lucas, Rob Kerin, etc, etc...they all know about St Martins and have chosen to help Cover it all up...(that's right, you bailed up Williams and Hamilton-Smith in the old Mt Gambier Library carpark when Marty was briefly leader some years back-Ed)...yep, sure did, and Mitch just stood there frowning and grimacing because he clearly knew all about it...and again not one bloody thing said or done...
May you all rot in Hell, because it's better than you deserve...
Tomorrow: Kickin' Off 'Bout Sumpin'
Just one very large, very angry, very hippy looking for somewhere to happen...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...get it down ya' mofos...cheers and laters...
Socio-political commentary and like words and stuff. Now in several interesting new flavours: "https://TMGI-RailLandsRetailAgenda.blogspot.com" AND "https://TMGI-SMLSChildAbuseCoverUp.blogspot.com" AND "https://TMGI-The100Documents.blogspot.com.au/"
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
More Club Go Go Bananas And Greasy Palms
Hello the USofA, France, Mexico and Latvia and welcome to the blog, and a special welcome to Turkey whom are no.1 on the blog statistics page for views today, more even than here in Oz or the USofA...cheers...it's odd because I've not been to Turkey and yet I feel a certain affinity with y'all...(I reckon it's the ANZAC/Gallipoli/Birth of a Nation thing making Turkey part of the collective subconcious-Ed)...yeah, and acknowledging that we were invading a Sovereign nation on behalf of the British Empire...
If One Plants A Tree: does that mean one trees a plant?...went to the Planting day at the Valley Lake Wildlife Park on Sunday, and it's looking fantastic, with the plantings of the last 2 years all well established, a new front entrance, re-vamped ponds, etc...there's been a lot of hard work gone into that site, largely by volunteers, and all involved are to be congratulated...(what, even Greg Muller?-Ed)...ah yes, it's always funny to see Greg and his exuberant greeting, 'Hello Nick, how are you?...look everyone, I'm saying hello to Nick Fletcher, no problems here'...
(But aren't you constantly bangin' on about the $344,000 that Greg Muller 'misappropriated' from the Main Corner Project, as raised by Councillor Penny Richardson and as yet still unaccounted for and/or recovered, leading you to use language like, and I quote, "fraud" and "theft"?-Ed)...yep...(and he still greets you amicably?-Ed)...yes, but it's a very forced, faked politeness solely for the benefit of others present, Greg maintaining his 'in control' public persona...me and Greg know what's really goin' on...
(Is he still on the Ratepayers dollar as a highly paid 'Consultant' with Council-Ed)...according to their staff records, currently available on Council's website, that's a big fat yes...under Organisational Structures-Chart for August 2013 Mr Muller is Manager Projects (1.0) working directly in the office of CEO McShenanigans...(and 1.0 means full-time-Ed)...yes, thankyou...in fact, while you're there on the Organisational charts check out just how many people are employed by Council, but particularly in high-level positions, some of which seem quite 'spurious'...
(Wow, you're right...it's almost like they're just creating cushy jobs for their mates and building a foundation of vested interests who will work to maintain their personally profitable positions in the status quo-Ed)...yeah, almost exactly like that...PS...my knees were bloody sore on Monday, but it was that 'I got something done yesterday' hurt, a good hurt...
A New App: for mobile phones from Mt Gambier City Council, following on from the interview on the ABC last Friday 24th July 2014 with Council's Michael Silvy re the Palm trees on the Rail Lands...this App helps locate all the Palm trees in Mt Gambier that Mr Silvy claims are infesting our Parks and Gardens...(sorry?-Ed)...he said that Council had stuck 18 mature Palm trees (costing $3,000+ each) on the Rail Lands because Palm trees are a theme, historically planted throughout Mt Gambier in parks, etc...(really?-Ed)...
So I went for a bit of a drive...(of course you did-Ed)...and if one also counts the 2 Palms near Badenoch's Deli on Bay Rd, I counted 2 in Vansittart Pk, 2 in Umpherston Cave, 2 in the Cave Garden', etc...there are maybe 10 Palm trees scattered throughout Mt Gambier...(don't forget all them Palms in the Library/Civic Centre carpark-Ed)...Council planted those 3-4 years ago, and it was said in a previous interview that they cost more than the Rail Lands ones...Mr Silvy maintained in this latest interview that people who were critical of the Palms completely changed their minds when he explained it to them...
Palm Palm Pilot App: will help you find your way from one stand of $3,000+ vertical rat's nests to the other...and Mr Silvy reckons that the Rail Lands Palms are all about gravitas and there are great examples of
Palm-lined promenades in parks in Victoria, etc, and that they won't block the 'sight lines' through the site, and when asked about using Native trees on the site Mr Silvy actually stated that they were 'either too big or too small and we are using native grasses in the fake Creek thingy' (paraphrase)...
And no disrespect to the 'work experience girl' that the ABC sent to do this ridiculous interview, its not her fault, but it's a load of bollocks that she would've been largely oblivious to...it's been put to me that the blog has had it's say and that that say has made it's way to the light of day and the 'a lot of discussion' referred to in the intro to this actual interview, is in fact everyone Hating on the Palms and saying that Council chose $3,000+ mature Palms because 1) it gives the impression that Council's actually done something, but that 2) it's a something that can simply be moved when Council proceed with the Rail Lands Retail Agenda.
(Hey, they're things you've been saying on this 'ere blog-Ed)...exactly, and being quoted back to me by someone who doesn't read it because it's been said to them, frequently apparently...I still remember the look on Council CEO Mark 'McShenanigans' McShane's face when he smilingly had a go at me at the Council Budget Consultation meetings in May/June 2013, saying 'no-one's reading your blog Nick', but when I smiled right back at him and said 'yes they are and you know they are' he wasn't smiling so much anymore...(priceless-Ed)...
Club Go Go Bananas: has gone exactly nowhere since last time (yesterday), but it remains the overall situation that according to the Banana Lord's own legislation no-one can ever talk about Bananas not never just in case the Banana Lord decides to look at those Bananas some time in the future...and remember that I've had my home raided, my laptop seized, etc, for merely talking about the fact that the Banana Lord supposedly looked at some local Bananas but didn't find any...
And if you think this Bananas nonsense sounds ridiculous, then please consider that the actual reality is far more nonsensical and deeply, deeply disturbing...and when I contacted the Banana Lord seeking advice, via a lawyer, the response was 'not my problem, you tell him'...for slight clarification of this situation please refer to yesterday's post and/or the various posts re the SAPol raid, etc...more to come I'm sure...
Water Licenses: for Forestry have not been paid before (anywhere on the planet allegedly) and how much they should be is highly debatable...apparently the CSIRO did a report in the 1980s but there's nothing more recent...there's no policy in other states that include all in water and concerns are where's that water coming from? off existing license holders?...limited licenses will make it hard to establish new industry and with less employment people go elsewhere...
There's something about this Labor state government plan that really sticks in my craw, I just don't swallow it...trees capture rainfall before it hits the Aquifer and then draw on said Aquifer in the dry, true, so their overall water use is calculable (according to the CSIRO), therefore a water license can be calculated per tree re rainfall that year, it's size, average temperature, etc...but how does this affect current lease-holders like 141 Plantations, new owners of the SE Forestry Estate?...
Maybe I've got it all wrong, but if all the trees are gone, eg, there's a massive fire due to the untenable cut-backs to Forestry SA, the Country Fire Service, etc...(no no, remember Minister Leon Bignell said that unnamed Contractors will appear out of the trees and shreckin' save us, no probs-Ed)...indeed...if you haven't listened to that interview it should still be available on ABC South East Radio, but if something happens, does this give 141P license to use and/or sell the water licenses they have 'inherited'?...could they for example drop all the trees and then go into agriculture with their new water licenses?
Whatevs, 141 Plantations continue to clear fell and export the South East Forestry Estate ...(well the good news is that employment in the planting sector must have gone through the roof as they scramble to re-plant these record fellings/exports?-Ed)...yeah well that's what concerns me, that there's not the re-planting happening, and that combined with the last minute $2 purchase of the Glencoe Nursery and the extensive log clearing and massive spike in exports via Portland, clearly indicates that 141P has no intention of Forestry for the long term...
Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce: is apparently a self-appointed group of Oz churches criticising Immigration Minister Scott Morrison for Child Abuse re kids in Detention...(sorry what?!-Ed)...oh yeah, the Child-Raping Institutes of Australia have banded together to screech the most abhorrent hypocrisy directly into the public's collectively stupified countenance...(again, what?-Ed)...and 'we're doing it because of our history re Child Abuse' says the ACRT...(and there's that word, History, trying to manipulate the reality and create the very false sense that Child Abuse is a thing of the distant past in Churches-Ed)...indeed.
Some Bits: and the $7million artificial reef just off Carrickalinga Beach, 100kms South of Adelaide, ain't goin' nowhere soon...the Wave Energy unit that sank there months ago whilst on it's way to the SE is not likely to be moved before the end of the year...at the earliest...the old Ambulance station at Frew Pk Centre apparently needs some work before it can be used again, but for what says Mayor Steve Perryman...(ooo, how's about a cafe run by a Councillor's son-Ed)...perfect...enough for today...
Tomorrow: Local Government Elections
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...and there is no App for finding Palms, I made it up, sorry...
If One Plants A Tree: does that mean one trees a plant?...went to the Planting day at the Valley Lake Wildlife Park on Sunday, and it's looking fantastic, with the plantings of the last 2 years all well established, a new front entrance, re-vamped ponds, etc...there's been a lot of hard work gone into that site, largely by volunteers, and all involved are to be congratulated...(what, even Greg Muller?-Ed)...ah yes, it's always funny to see Greg and his exuberant greeting, 'Hello Nick, how are you?...look everyone, I'm saying hello to Nick Fletcher, no problems here'...
(But aren't you constantly bangin' on about the $344,000 that Greg Muller 'misappropriated' from the Main Corner Project, as raised by Councillor Penny Richardson and as yet still unaccounted for and/or recovered, leading you to use language like, and I quote, "fraud" and "theft"?-Ed)...yep...(and he still greets you amicably?-Ed)...yes, but it's a very forced, faked politeness solely for the benefit of others present, Greg maintaining his 'in control' public persona...me and Greg know what's really goin' on...
(Is he still on the Ratepayers dollar as a highly paid 'Consultant' with Council-Ed)...according to their staff records, currently available on Council's website, that's a big fat yes...under Organisational Structures-Chart for August 2013 Mr Muller is Manager Projects (1.0) working directly in the office of CEO McShenanigans...(and 1.0 means full-time-Ed)...yes, thankyou...in fact, while you're there on the Organisational charts check out just how many people are employed by Council, but particularly in high-level positions, some of which seem quite 'spurious'...
(Wow, you're right...it's almost like they're just creating cushy jobs for their mates and building a foundation of vested interests who will work to maintain their personally profitable positions in the status quo-Ed)...yeah, almost exactly like that...PS...my knees were bloody sore on Monday, but it was that 'I got something done yesterday' hurt, a good hurt...
A New App: for mobile phones from Mt Gambier City Council, following on from the interview on the ABC last Friday 24th July 2014 with Council's Michael Silvy re the Palm trees on the Rail Lands...this App helps locate all the Palm trees in Mt Gambier that Mr Silvy claims are infesting our Parks and Gardens...(sorry?-Ed)...he said that Council had stuck 18 mature Palm trees (costing $3,000+ each) on the Rail Lands because Palm trees are a theme, historically planted throughout Mt Gambier in parks, etc...(really?-Ed)...
So I went for a bit of a drive...(of course you did-Ed)...and if one also counts the 2 Palms near Badenoch's Deli on Bay Rd, I counted 2 in Vansittart Pk, 2 in Umpherston Cave, 2 in the Cave Garden', etc...there are maybe 10 Palm trees scattered throughout Mt Gambier...(don't forget all them Palms in the Library/Civic Centre carpark-Ed)...Council planted those 3-4 years ago, and it was said in a previous interview that they cost more than the Rail Lands ones...Mr Silvy maintained in this latest interview that people who were critical of the Palms completely changed their minds when he explained it to them...
Palm Palm Pilot App: will help you find your way from one stand of $3,000+ vertical rat's nests to the other...and Mr Silvy reckons that the Rail Lands Palms are all about gravitas and there are great examples of
Palm-lined promenades in parks in Victoria, etc, and that they won't block the 'sight lines' through the site, and when asked about using Native trees on the site Mr Silvy actually stated that they were 'either too big or too small and we are using native grasses in the fake Creek thingy' (paraphrase)...
And no disrespect to the 'work experience girl' that the ABC sent to do this ridiculous interview, its not her fault, but it's a load of bollocks that she would've been largely oblivious to...it's been put to me that the blog has had it's say and that that say has made it's way to the light of day and the 'a lot of discussion' referred to in the intro to this actual interview, is in fact everyone Hating on the Palms and saying that Council chose $3,000+ mature Palms because 1) it gives the impression that Council's actually done something, but that 2) it's a something that can simply be moved when Council proceed with the Rail Lands Retail Agenda.
(Hey, they're things you've been saying on this 'ere blog-Ed)...exactly, and being quoted back to me by someone who doesn't read it because it's been said to them, frequently apparently...I still remember the look on Council CEO Mark 'McShenanigans' McShane's face when he smilingly had a go at me at the Council Budget Consultation meetings in May/June 2013, saying 'no-one's reading your blog Nick', but when I smiled right back at him and said 'yes they are and you know they are' he wasn't smiling so much anymore...(priceless-Ed)...
Club Go Go Bananas: has gone exactly nowhere since last time (yesterday), but it remains the overall situation that according to the Banana Lord's own legislation no-one can ever talk about Bananas not never just in case the Banana Lord decides to look at those Bananas some time in the future...and remember that I've had my home raided, my laptop seized, etc, for merely talking about the fact that the Banana Lord supposedly looked at some local Bananas but didn't find any...
And if you think this Bananas nonsense sounds ridiculous, then please consider that the actual reality is far more nonsensical and deeply, deeply disturbing...and when I contacted the Banana Lord seeking advice, via a lawyer, the response was 'not my problem, you tell him'...for slight clarification of this situation please refer to yesterday's post and/or the various posts re the SAPol raid, etc...more to come I'm sure...
Water Licenses: for Forestry have not been paid before (anywhere on the planet allegedly) and how much they should be is highly debatable...apparently the CSIRO did a report in the 1980s but there's nothing more recent...there's no policy in other states that include all in water and concerns are where's that water coming from? off existing license holders?...limited licenses will make it hard to establish new industry and with less employment people go elsewhere...
There's something about this Labor state government plan that really sticks in my craw, I just don't swallow it...trees capture rainfall before it hits the Aquifer and then draw on said Aquifer in the dry, true, so their overall water use is calculable (according to the CSIRO), therefore a water license can be calculated per tree re rainfall that year, it's size, average temperature, etc...but how does this affect current lease-holders like 141 Plantations, new owners of the SE Forestry Estate?...
Maybe I've got it all wrong, but if all the trees are gone, eg, there's a massive fire due to the untenable cut-backs to Forestry SA, the Country Fire Service, etc...(no no, remember Minister Leon Bignell said that unnamed Contractors will appear out of the trees and shreckin' save us, no probs-Ed)...indeed...if you haven't listened to that interview it should still be available on ABC South East Radio, but if something happens, does this give 141P license to use and/or sell the water licenses they have 'inherited'?...could they for example drop all the trees and then go into agriculture with their new water licenses?
Whatevs, 141 Plantations continue to clear fell and export the South East Forestry Estate ...(well the good news is that employment in the planting sector must have gone through the roof as they scramble to re-plant these record fellings/exports?-Ed)...yeah well that's what concerns me, that there's not the re-planting happening, and that combined with the last minute $2 purchase of the Glencoe Nursery and the extensive log clearing and massive spike in exports via Portland, clearly indicates that 141P has no intention of Forestry for the long term...
Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce: is apparently a self-appointed group of Oz churches criticising Immigration Minister Scott Morrison for Child Abuse re kids in Detention...(sorry what?!-Ed)...oh yeah, the Child-Raping Institutes of Australia have banded together to screech the most abhorrent hypocrisy directly into the public's collectively stupified countenance...(again, what?-Ed)...and 'we're doing it because of our history re Child Abuse' says the ACRT...(and there's that word, History, trying to manipulate the reality and create the very false sense that Child Abuse is a thing of the distant past in Churches-Ed)...indeed.
Some Bits: and the $7million artificial reef just off Carrickalinga Beach, 100kms South of Adelaide, ain't goin' nowhere soon...the Wave Energy unit that sank there months ago whilst on it's way to the SE is not likely to be moved before the end of the year...at the earliest...the old Ambulance station at Frew Pk Centre apparently needs some work before it can be used again, but for what says Mayor Steve Perryman...(ooo, how's about a cafe run by a Councillor's son-Ed)...perfect...enough for today...
Tomorrow: Local Government Elections
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...and there is no App for finding Palms, I made it up, sorry...
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Greasy Palms And Club Go Go Bananas
Hello Turkey, China, Ukraine and Russia and welcome to the blog for the second time today...deadset, I was blogging myself stupid this morning...(ooh aah-Ed)...at first quite happily, but then it got really hard...(fnargh chortle-Ed)...and then it just dropped off...(nyuk nyuk nyuk-Ed)...and try as I might I just couldn't get it up again...(wheeeeezzz-Ed)...Interweb connectivity is crap in Mt Gambier... (**actually finished and posted 29th May 2014**).
Deadset, you can just about set ya' watch 'cos as everyone gets to school and work, starting about 0800ish, my connection starts dropping out, then you can't get back to the blog, then no connection at all by about 0830...this happens quite regularly and not on weekends...
Bingo, just on ABC Radio (0630hrs 29/07/14), the Truth is dead, and the culprit was Prof Martin, in my ear, with a poe-full of very expensive piss...(sorry what?-Ed)...Prof Martin has been paid a small fortune by Mt Gambier City Council to repeatedly come to Mt Gambier and tell Council what they told him to tell them, and is now still clearly in Council's employ, going into the media to praise up Council for the wonder of their 'Public Consultation Processes'...(deadset?-Ed)...not a word of a lie, according to the Prof, Mt Gambier Council's PCP are an innovative, Australia leading example of how to do PC...(may I?-Ed)...certainly, and may I join you?...(please do-Ed)...
Ahahahahhaaaaahhahahahhhah...(ahahahhaaahhahahhhaaahaa-Ed)...ahahahhahaaah...(aaahahahaha-Ed)...ahahahaa...(ahahaa-Ed)...ahaa ahaaa...(ahhh-Ed)...ahhh...(ah dear-Ed)...ahhhh oh boy...(ohhh goodness-Ed)...yesss indeed...(I think I wee'd a bit-Ed)...me too, me too...(*A Touch of Cloth even-Ed)...LTIS in fact...(sorry, LTIS?-Ed)...Laughed 'Til I Shat*...(*sorry, couldn't help myself-A Touch of Cloth is a hilarious parody, available Interwebbily I believe-'touching cloth' is a euphemism for when you're busting to pooh, aka, a Turtlehead Sweater)...(it's all so very 'ighbrow on this 'ere blog, innit' guvna'?-Ed)...
Ooo and he's on again, he's on again (0730)...going on again about this amazing initiative from Council and how everybody has been consulted...(ahahahaha-Ed)...and this exciting Plan has 4 focuses apparently, People, Location, Environment, and Natural Resources...(so focusing on everything then-Ed)...I think so, gourd knows, and it's 'not just for the city' and 'not just the Chamber of Commerce' that have done this, 'over 600 people have been involved', apparently, blah, blah, blah...whatta' loada' bollocks...
Mt Gambier City Council does not now and has never listened to anything that anyone has said...Council does what it wants, when it wants, and almost without exception, there's a profit in it for a Councillor and/or their family and/or friends and/or someone in their tight-knit 'Vested Interests Bloc'...Council has again burned $10,000s of Ratepayer's money on multiple spurious workshops, paying a man to tell them what they want to hear...(that or the Prof is genuine in his praise because he's just got no idea what's actually happening, having been deceived by Council with yet another faux PCP-Ed)...
Fair call but the fact remains, Council could get a 10-page essay from everybody, can spend as long as they like, talk to whoever they want, 'cos it's all bullshit, they have absolutely no intention of listening to anyone about anything other than that which benefits them...(the Lady Nelson Bus Shelter is a perfect example-Ed)...well quite...Council completely ignored the definable majority support for a Terminal at/on the Old Rail lands because it compromised their ongoing plans for a massive Retail/Commercial expansion of the Lakes Plaza (Centro)...
Again, all due respect, but the Rail Lands Retail Agenda is not up for debate, this is what Council has been doing with that site, it's why the Terminal/shelter is way out on the Jubilee Hwy with no services, instead of adjacent the Plaza with all it's services, and it defines just how much Council is prepared to lie to Ratepayers to get what Councillors want...I dropped someone at the LNBS early one day last week and it was approx 2C (35F) and dropping, the open metal seating was absolutely freezing and the chill wind was just gusting through, no shelter what-so-ever...and when it rains and it's windy it's even worse, and when it's hot, you're stuck out in the middle of a baking car park.
The LNBS is a perfect example of all the things that Council can ignore, and not least of all because it doesn't affect them, and how any PCP they claim to be conducting is totally bullshit...it quintessentially defines the RLRA that Council flatly refuses the publicly responsible, logical, sensible option (renovating the Old Rail Station as a Terminus) and spends $250,000+ on that ludicrous sun-shade thingy...(and didn't they put out different Tenders and then give the job to a Queensland firm?-Ed)...
Excellent memory Ed, indeed they did...Council put out one Design Tender here that included a huge Limestone 'back wall' then refused to use a local contractor saying their Tenders were all too expensive, then, using the 'lower cost justification' gave it to the Queensland firm because 'they were cheaper', but the Shelter they built has no wall at all, it's a different design...(is it legal to put out different Tender designs to different applicants so as to deliberately manipulate the final choice of Contractor?-Ed)...I would very much doubt it Ed, but hey, this is SA Local Government we're talking about so I'm sure it's just fine...(just fine-Ed)...(just fine-LGA)...just fine...
On Friday 25th May ABC Local Radio ran a superb Dorthy-Dixer interview with Council's Micheal Silvy re the Palm trees on the Rail Lands, but this post is too long already, sorry, so in Tomorrow...
The first 3 stories on Channel Nine News (Adelaide) this (*last*) evening were the resignation of Families SA Deputy CEO David Waterford re his supposed 'misinforming' of the Education Minister Jennifer Rankine over the recent Families SA Child Rape case...(do you think there's a chance that a Labor minister will ever take responsibility for the fact that they have been wholly and fully responsible for this entirely dysfunctional system, have repeatedly lied on the floor of Parliament, Covered-up the Abuse at St Martins, etc?-Ed)...hell no, sociopathic incompetence knows not how to apologise...
And nobody in the Liberal Party is the least bit interested in holding Labor to account for anything, let alone Sow Straya's Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption...(indeed I'd suggest that it's the other way around...it's because they both have so many current and former Members directly involved, neither is going to hold either to account for that or anything else-Ed)...well quite...good ol' South Australia, organised, institutionalised, bipartisan, officially sanctioned paedophilia...call me crazy, tell me I'm a liar, think it's all bollocks, read the blog and know different...just look at the posts re senior Liberal Rob Lucas, a member of the grossly corrupt SARC Inquiry no.54...
I was recently asked, again, if there's a Paedophile Ring operating in Mount Gambier, and I answered that I certainly hope so...(sorry, what?!-Ed)...because at least that would explain the extraordinary behaviours of local politicians, SAPol officers, alleged Child Protection Services, etc, in a context that wasn't just about profitting from other corruption...(ah, I get it, fair enough...if these people were/are acting compulsively to abuse children then that's bad enough, but if they're protecting St Martins, the Lutherans, and teacher Glyn Dorling purely for the profit to be made from engaging with the Institutionalised Corruption that is SA, that is arguably worse-Ed)...spot on......
There's of course a third group who are just weak and compliant for the sake of their precious careers and don't necessarily involve themselves in specific corruption, eg, nepotistic Planning Decisions, but are equally complicit by "averting their eyes or looking away"...
But it's all good, no probs, according to former senior SAPol officer, now Education CEO......(Tony-TH)...Tony...(nnnHarrison-TH)...Tony Harrison...(so we've got 2 cops running the Education Dept, one replacing the former CEO Keith Bartley who 'quit' after the Western Suburbs School Case and the farcical DeBelle Inquiry, and who happened to be in the middle of another Child Abuse scandal in his former position with Oxford Council in England, and now a senior Families SA exec gone, rolling Child Abuse Cover-ups, eg, the Naracoorte student, Mark Harvey the WSS After School Carer, and now this...and everything's just fine-Ed)...just fine...(just fine-TH)...
Besides, when you look at most of these people, Labor and Liberal, it is my extensive personal experience re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up that they seem to want dysfunctional, emotionally traumatised, vulnerable children available, be it for their own personal sexual gratification or just because it's politically advantageous, whatevs...second: a male teacher from an Adelaide high school was arrested on school camp in Victoria, charged with Indecent Assault, etc, of a female student...and third is an old friend to this 'ere blog...Bernard Finnigan's Child Pornography case has stalled again as new charges are laid, which are the same as the old charges...
Originally arrested in April 2011, then Labor Acting Police Minister Bernard Finnigan (based in Mt Gambier) was facing nearly 2 dozen Child Pornography charges, which have since been reduced, re-instated, reduced again and/or changed, repeatedly, in and out of different jurisdictions, for over 3 years...and his lawyers continue to argue that this just isn't fair on their precious bloody client, and again are trying to get everything thrown out...and that's exactly what's going to happen, guarantee it...it'll take another year maybe, but that's exactly what will happen...
Multiple horrendous Child Rape cases with associated Cover-ups and ludicrous Royal Commissions, the entire SA Child Protection system in disarray, the Economy collapsing, etc, and Premier Jay Weatherill shrecks off to the Tour de France...I lied sorry, do hurry back Jay because we're all waiting to see you champ.
Feedback: please excuse my lack of 'Netiqette' re answering specific Notifications, etc, but I definitely appreciate the efforts, ideas, and support that I continue to receive...again, I don't blame some people for wanting to contact me off-blog, and many for wanting to remain blog 'availees' without making any contact at all...I do also receive quite a bit of third party feedback ...it's all good, just ask Oscar Wilde...(sorry?-Ed)...you know, 'the only thing worse than being talked about, is not being talked about'...(indeed-Ed)...you all will understand that I however remain reluctant to approach others...
Recent Discussions: have included that again someone thought Ed was a real person, not a linguistic construct I use to argue opposing ideas/positions/whatevs, and to set up jokes, etc, but that even knowing that, they still find themselves getting drawn into reading it as though it were 2 separate people...(willing suspension of disbelief-Ed)...honest to goodness, it's only me...(I note that the 2 Anti-Corruption Detectives who visited your home on Wed 7th May , then 'raided' your home the next day Thursday 8th May and "seized" your laptop as "evidence", etc, they didn't ask who is me-Ed)...no, no they didn't...
But that's because they've read (are still reading?) this 'ere blog and knew exactly who was doing this 'ere blog because I put my name on every post...(and they knew exactly where to find you, and when-Ed)...indeed...they stated outright that I had supposedly transgressed the first Law of Club Go Go Bananas by talking about Club Go Go Bananas, but were unable to say exactly what that was, they were just here to 'gather evidence for the DPP' (Director of Public Prosecutions), and that I should "expect to be charged"...
Club Go Go Bananas: is the high-tech, high-brow Double Super Secret Probation Nomenclature that I'm going to use here-on-in for the Authority that I probably can't mention by name although that's just a guess because SAPol didn't know the day they raided me and I've heard nothing since, and I've written to the Lord Of Bananas, via a lawyer, seeking clarification of what exactly is going on and the response was 'you figure it out lawyer and you tell him'...this in reply to the question, 'is Mr Fletcher allowed to speak to a lawyer?'...(deadset-Ed)...
So, the Lord of Bananas oversees issues to do with bananas and, via Club Go Go Bananas, will sort out all the bananas, but nobody else is allowed to mention the bananas or the fact that the Banana Lord has looked at the bananas...(ludicrous-Ed)...oh it gets better...by definition of the Banana Lord's own legislation, nobody can talk about any bananas anytime, ever, because the Banana Lord might possibly look at those bananas at some point in the future...and so it is that my legal advice has had to write yet again to the Banana Lord asking further and even more ludicrous but necessary questions...(sounds like the system that's 'Bananas' quite frankly-Ed)...indeed, quite Bananas...
Emergency Services Minister Tony Piccolo is furiously back-peddling away from comments he made in Mt Gambier on Sunday night that Labor were considering amalgamating the State Emergency Service, the Country Fire Service (both largely volunteer), and the full-time Metropolitan Fire Service...(so he lied-Ed)...wellll...(no, he came to Mt Gambier and said one thing, and then goes back to Adelaide and withdraws that saying 'I said something else'...that's lying-Ed)...well, deceit certainly, but possibly just standard Labor stooge incompetence, it's highly possible that Mr Piccolo is just another of these semi-functioning 'puppet-Ministers'...(yay-Ed)...
Tomorrow: Hey Let's Go To Club Go Go Bananas
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Deadset, you can just about set ya' watch 'cos as everyone gets to school and work, starting about 0800ish, my connection starts dropping out, then you can't get back to the blog, then no connection at all by about 0830...this happens quite regularly and not on weekends...
Bingo, just on ABC Radio (0630hrs 29/07/14), the Truth is dead, and the culprit was Prof Martin, in my ear, with a poe-full of very expensive piss...(sorry what?-Ed)...Prof Martin has been paid a small fortune by Mt Gambier City Council to repeatedly come to Mt Gambier and tell Council what they told him to tell them, and is now still clearly in Council's employ, going into the media to praise up Council for the wonder of their 'Public Consultation Processes'...(deadset?-Ed)...not a word of a lie, according to the Prof, Mt Gambier Council's PCP are an innovative, Australia leading example of how to do PC...(may I?-Ed)...certainly, and may I join you?...(please do-Ed)...
Ahahahahhaaaaahhahahahhhah...(ahahahhaaahhahahhhaaahaa-Ed)...ahahahhahaaah...(aaahahahaha-Ed)...ahahahaa...(ahahaa-Ed)...ahaa ahaaa...(ahhh-Ed)...ahhh...(ah dear-Ed)...ahhhh oh boy...(ohhh goodness-Ed)...yesss indeed...(I think I wee'd a bit-Ed)...me too, me too...(*A Touch of Cloth even-Ed)...LTIS in fact...(sorry, LTIS?-Ed)...Laughed 'Til I Shat*...(*sorry, couldn't help myself-A Touch of Cloth is a hilarious parody, available Interwebbily I believe-'touching cloth' is a euphemism for when you're busting to pooh, aka, a Turtlehead Sweater)...(it's all so very 'ighbrow on this 'ere blog, innit' guvna'?-Ed)...
Ooo and he's on again, he's on again (0730)...going on again about this amazing initiative from Council and how everybody has been consulted...(ahahahaha-Ed)...and this exciting Plan has 4 focuses apparently, People, Location, Environment, and Natural Resources...(so focusing on everything then-Ed)...I think so, gourd knows, and it's 'not just for the city' and 'not just the Chamber of Commerce' that have done this, 'over 600 people have been involved', apparently, blah, blah, blah...whatta' loada' bollocks...
Mt Gambier City Council does not now and has never listened to anything that anyone has said...Council does what it wants, when it wants, and almost without exception, there's a profit in it for a Councillor and/or their family and/or friends and/or someone in their tight-knit 'Vested Interests Bloc'...Council has again burned $10,000s of Ratepayer's money on multiple spurious workshops, paying a man to tell them what they want to hear...(that or the Prof is genuine in his praise because he's just got no idea what's actually happening, having been deceived by Council with yet another faux PCP-Ed)...
Fair call but the fact remains, Council could get a 10-page essay from everybody, can spend as long as they like, talk to whoever they want, 'cos it's all bullshit, they have absolutely no intention of listening to anyone about anything other than that which benefits them...(the Lady Nelson Bus Shelter is a perfect example-Ed)...well quite...Council completely ignored the definable majority support for a Terminal at/on the Old Rail lands because it compromised their ongoing plans for a massive Retail/Commercial expansion of the Lakes Plaza (Centro)...
Again, all due respect, but the Rail Lands Retail Agenda is not up for debate, this is what Council has been doing with that site, it's why the Terminal/shelter is way out on the Jubilee Hwy with no services, instead of adjacent the Plaza with all it's services, and it defines just how much Council is prepared to lie to Ratepayers to get what Councillors want...I dropped someone at the LNBS early one day last week and it was approx 2C (35F) and dropping, the open metal seating was absolutely freezing and the chill wind was just gusting through, no shelter what-so-ever...and when it rains and it's windy it's even worse, and when it's hot, you're stuck out in the middle of a baking car park.
The LNBS is a perfect example of all the things that Council can ignore, and not least of all because it doesn't affect them, and how any PCP they claim to be conducting is totally bullshit...it quintessentially defines the RLRA that Council flatly refuses the publicly responsible, logical, sensible option (renovating the Old Rail Station as a Terminus) and spends $250,000+ on that ludicrous sun-shade thingy...(and didn't they put out different Tenders and then give the job to a Queensland firm?-Ed)...
Excellent memory Ed, indeed they did...Council put out one Design Tender here that included a huge Limestone 'back wall' then refused to use a local contractor saying their Tenders were all too expensive, then, using the 'lower cost justification' gave it to the Queensland firm because 'they were cheaper', but the Shelter they built has no wall at all, it's a different design...(is it legal to put out different Tender designs to different applicants so as to deliberately manipulate the final choice of Contractor?-Ed)...I would very much doubt it Ed, but hey, this is SA Local Government we're talking about so I'm sure it's just fine...(just fine-Ed)...(just fine-LGA)...just fine...
On Friday 25th May ABC Local Radio ran a superb Dorthy-Dixer interview with Council's Micheal Silvy re the Palm trees on the Rail Lands, but this post is too long already, sorry, so in Tomorrow...
The first 3 stories on Channel Nine News (Adelaide) this (*last*) evening were the resignation of Families SA Deputy CEO David Waterford re his supposed 'misinforming' of the Education Minister Jennifer Rankine over the recent Families SA Child Rape case...(do you think there's a chance that a Labor minister will ever take responsibility for the fact that they have been wholly and fully responsible for this entirely dysfunctional system, have repeatedly lied on the floor of Parliament, Covered-up the Abuse at St Martins, etc?-Ed)...hell no, sociopathic incompetence knows not how to apologise...
And nobody in the Liberal Party is the least bit interested in holding Labor to account for anything, let alone Sow Straya's Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption...(indeed I'd suggest that it's the other way around...it's because they both have so many current and former Members directly involved, neither is going to hold either to account for that or anything else-Ed)...well quite...good ol' South Australia, organised, institutionalised, bipartisan, officially sanctioned paedophilia...call me crazy, tell me I'm a liar, think it's all bollocks, read the blog and know different...just look at the posts re senior Liberal Rob Lucas, a member of the grossly corrupt SARC Inquiry no.54...
I was recently asked, again, if there's a Paedophile Ring operating in Mount Gambier, and I answered that I certainly hope so...(sorry, what?!-Ed)...because at least that would explain the extraordinary behaviours of local politicians, SAPol officers, alleged Child Protection Services, etc, in a context that wasn't just about profitting from other corruption...(ah, I get it, fair enough...if these people were/are acting compulsively to abuse children then that's bad enough, but if they're protecting St Martins, the Lutherans, and teacher Glyn Dorling purely for the profit to be made from engaging with the Institutionalised Corruption that is SA, that is arguably worse-Ed)...spot on......
There's of course a third group who are just weak and compliant for the sake of their precious careers and don't necessarily involve themselves in specific corruption, eg, nepotistic Planning Decisions, but are equally complicit by "averting their eyes or looking away"...
But it's all good, no probs, according to former senior SAPol officer, now Education CEO......(Tony-TH)...Tony...(nnnHarrison-TH)...Tony Harrison...(so we've got 2 cops running the Education Dept, one replacing the former CEO Keith Bartley who 'quit' after the Western Suburbs School Case and the farcical DeBelle Inquiry, and who happened to be in the middle of another Child Abuse scandal in his former position with Oxford Council in England, and now a senior Families SA exec gone, rolling Child Abuse Cover-ups, eg, the Naracoorte student, Mark Harvey the WSS After School Carer, and now this...and everything's just fine-Ed)...just fine...(just fine-TH)...
Besides, when you look at most of these people, Labor and Liberal, it is my extensive personal experience re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up that they seem to want dysfunctional, emotionally traumatised, vulnerable children available, be it for their own personal sexual gratification or just because it's politically advantageous, whatevs...second: a male teacher from an Adelaide high school was arrested on school camp in Victoria, charged with Indecent Assault, etc, of a female student...and third is an old friend to this 'ere blog...Bernard Finnigan's Child Pornography case has stalled again as new charges are laid, which are the same as the old charges...
Originally arrested in April 2011, then Labor Acting Police Minister Bernard Finnigan (based in Mt Gambier) was facing nearly 2 dozen Child Pornography charges, which have since been reduced, re-instated, reduced again and/or changed, repeatedly, in and out of different jurisdictions, for over 3 years...and his lawyers continue to argue that this just isn't fair on their precious bloody client, and again are trying to get everything thrown out...and that's exactly what's going to happen, guarantee it...it'll take another year maybe, but that's exactly what will happen...
Multiple horrendous Child Rape cases with associated Cover-ups and ludicrous Royal Commissions, the entire SA Child Protection system in disarray, the Economy collapsing, etc, and Premier Jay Weatherill shrecks off to the Tour de France...I lied sorry, do hurry back Jay because we're all waiting to see you champ.
Feedback: please excuse my lack of 'Netiqette' re answering specific Notifications, etc, but I definitely appreciate the efforts, ideas, and support that I continue to receive...again, I don't blame some people for wanting to contact me off-blog, and many for wanting to remain blog 'availees' without making any contact at all...I do also receive quite a bit of third party feedback ...it's all good, just ask Oscar Wilde...(sorry?-Ed)...you know, 'the only thing worse than being talked about, is not being talked about'...(indeed-Ed)...you all will understand that I however remain reluctant to approach others...
Recent Discussions: have included that again someone thought Ed was a real person, not a linguistic construct I use to argue opposing ideas/positions/whatevs, and to set up jokes, etc, but that even knowing that, they still find themselves getting drawn into reading it as though it were 2 separate people...(willing suspension of disbelief-Ed)...honest to goodness, it's only me...(I note that the 2 Anti-Corruption Detectives who visited your home on Wed 7th May , then 'raided' your home the next day Thursday 8th May and "seized" your laptop as "evidence", etc, they didn't ask who is me-Ed)...no, no they didn't...
But that's because they've read (are still reading?) this 'ere blog and knew exactly who was doing this 'ere blog because I put my name on every post...(and they knew exactly where to find you, and when-Ed)...indeed...they stated outright that I had supposedly transgressed the first Law of Club Go Go Bananas by talking about Club Go Go Bananas, but were unable to say exactly what that was, they were just here to 'gather evidence for the DPP' (Director of Public Prosecutions), and that I should "expect to be charged"...
Club Go Go Bananas: is the high-tech, high-brow Double Super Secret Probation Nomenclature that I'm going to use here-on-in for the Authority that I probably can't mention by name although that's just a guess because SAPol didn't know the day they raided me and I've heard nothing since, and I've written to the Lord Of Bananas, via a lawyer, seeking clarification of what exactly is going on and the response was 'you figure it out lawyer and you tell him'...this in reply to the question, 'is Mr Fletcher allowed to speak to a lawyer?'...(deadset-Ed)...
So, the Lord of Bananas oversees issues to do with bananas and, via Club Go Go Bananas, will sort out all the bananas, but nobody else is allowed to mention the bananas or the fact that the Banana Lord has looked at the bananas...(ludicrous-Ed)...oh it gets better...by definition of the Banana Lord's own legislation, nobody can talk about any bananas anytime, ever, because the Banana Lord might possibly look at those bananas at some point in the future...and so it is that my legal advice has had to write yet again to the Banana Lord asking further and even more ludicrous but necessary questions...(sounds like the system that's 'Bananas' quite frankly-Ed)...indeed, quite Bananas...
Emergency Services Minister Tony Piccolo is furiously back-peddling away from comments he made in Mt Gambier on Sunday night that Labor were considering amalgamating the State Emergency Service, the Country Fire Service (both largely volunteer), and the full-time Metropolitan Fire Service...(so he lied-Ed)...wellll...(no, he came to Mt Gambier and said one thing, and then goes back to Adelaide and withdraws that saying 'I said something else'...that's lying-Ed)...well, deceit certainly, but possibly just standard Labor stooge incompetence, it's highly possible that Mr Piccolo is just another of these semi-functioning 'puppet-Ministers'...(yay-Ed)...
Tomorrow: Hey Let's Go To Club Go Go Bananas
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Monday, July 28, 2014
Palms Are For Greasing, Not The Rail Lands
Hello Ukraine, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and Greece, and welcome to the blog...apologies for no post yesterday but went tree-planting yesterday, politicing all afternoon and got home late arvo...then last night it took 10 minutes to get Interweb connected and then couldn't even get to the blog...I finally managed to get to my emails but couldn't get them to open...there was also a small screen message come up at one point saying that I was signing-out from somewhere else...
I have no idea whether this was 'hacking' or just the usual 'arse-end-of nowhere' Interweb service causing problems that others assure me are not uncommon around Mt Gambier...SAPol have seized my lap-top and my passwords and said to me whilst raiding my home that they could "just hack it" anyway...which reminds me that I continue to get legal advice re this Raidy Thingy and that entire situation has lurched from completely ludicrous to, to, very completely ludicrous...(oh way ta' use ya' words-Ed)...get stuffed...we apparently have the National Broadband Network available now but it requires 'registering'...anyhoos, started here yesterday morning***
What Would You Call It: if your City Council spends $10,000s on an alleged 'expert consultant' from Interstate to prepare a report saying exactly what Council wants it to say, and then uses that person to try and promote said 'Plan' and give Council some credibility re Public Consultation...(I'd call that some very expensive manure-Ed)...indeed...
Again on the ABC News 24 stating as fact that MH 17 bought down by a missile...and whilst there's meant to be an agreed ceasefire/amnesty in the crash area to allow independent observers/investigators unfettered access, there is actually increased military activity, particularly from the Ukrainians as they push to reclaim Eastern Ukraine...why the shreck would we thinking of putting armed Oz Federal Police and Defense personnel into the middle of a war-zone, particularly after we have been officially, repeatedly, publicly abusing the crap out of the East Ukrainian 'Separatists' and Russia...
I'm very, very, very concerned about the prospect of Oz casualties on the ground, and how PM Tony Abbott would milk that for every bit of personal credibility he can...***(this is where I got to yesterday)
And the news stream hasn't changed much, with the Aussie Federal Police not able to get into the area, although it was earlier reported that several had, possibly they were Crash Investigators or Observers or something different...I remain deeply concerned that Australians are being sent into harms way, and that there will be 'an incident' where 'innocent un-armed Australians were cowardly murdered whilst trying to Bring Them Home'...
Taking Potshots At Everybody: yet still I missed the elephant in the room by not making the very obvious observation that it's not just Western Europe that gets their gas/oil/whatevs from Russia...(oh, of course, China has just signed a massive gas deal with Russia-Ed)...which would therefore?...(give Russia the very powerful Economic upper-hand over Europe, particularly because the current Economic exchange has Russia exporting a lot of gas/oil/whatevs whilst importing mucho goods, eg, luxury cars-Ed)...yes, and...
(And Europe just doesn't have options for Energy aquisition but Russia can get luxury cars from wherevs-Ed)...yes, and?...(and Australia was relying on flogging off all our gas to China, which now means that market is either gone or greatly devalued-Ed)...exactly...Russia and China have just formed a very powerful Economic Bloc that can effectively control Western Europe...it just makes me more concerned that we are being quite deliberately dragged into a conflict in Ukraine...
**blog dropping out again so post this and do another post later today...sorry...
please find attached The Border Watch artical re this new 'Plan' and Prof Martin...and please listen to ABC
Radio South East for Thursday 24th July 2014
I have no idea whether this was 'hacking' or just the usual 'arse-end-of nowhere' Interweb service causing problems that others assure me are not uncommon around Mt Gambier...SAPol have seized my lap-top and my passwords and said to me whilst raiding my home that they could "just hack it" anyway...which reminds me that I continue to get legal advice re this Raidy Thingy and that entire situation has lurched from completely ludicrous to, to, very completely ludicrous...(oh way ta' use ya' words-Ed)...get stuffed...we apparently have the National Broadband Network available now but it requires 'registering'...anyhoos, started here yesterday morning***
What Would You Call It: if your City Council spends $10,000s on an alleged 'expert consultant' from Interstate to prepare a report saying exactly what Council wants it to say, and then uses that person to try and promote said 'Plan' and give Council some credibility re Public Consultation...(I'd call that some very expensive manure-Ed)...indeed...
Again on the ABC News 24 stating as fact that MH 17 bought down by a missile...and whilst there's meant to be an agreed ceasefire/amnesty in the crash area to allow independent observers/investigators unfettered access, there is actually increased military activity, particularly from the Ukrainians as they push to reclaim Eastern Ukraine...why the shreck would we thinking of putting armed Oz Federal Police and Defense personnel into the middle of a war-zone, particularly after we have been officially, repeatedly, publicly abusing the crap out of the East Ukrainian 'Separatists' and Russia...
I'm very, very, very concerned about the prospect of Oz casualties on the ground, and how PM Tony Abbott would milk that for every bit of personal credibility he can...***(this is where I got to yesterday)
And the news stream hasn't changed much, with the Aussie Federal Police not able to get into the area, although it was earlier reported that several had, possibly they were Crash Investigators or Observers or something different...I remain deeply concerned that Australians are being sent into harms way, and that there will be 'an incident' where 'innocent un-armed Australians were cowardly murdered whilst trying to Bring Them Home'...
Taking Potshots At Everybody: yet still I missed the elephant in the room by not making the very obvious observation that it's not just Western Europe that gets their gas/oil/whatevs from Russia...(oh, of course, China has just signed a massive gas deal with Russia-Ed)...which would therefore?...(give Russia the very powerful Economic upper-hand over Europe, particularly because the current Economic exchange has Russia exporting a lot of gas/oil/whatevs whilst importing mucho goods, eg, luxury cars-Ed)...yes, and...
(And Europe just doesn't have options for Energy aquisition but Russia can get luxury cars from wherevs-Ed)...yes, and?...(and Australia was relying on flogging off all our gas to China, which now means that market is either gone or greatly devalued-Ed)...exactly...Russia and China have just formed a very powerful Economic Bloc that can effectively control Western Europe...it just makes me more concerned that we are being quite deliberately dragged into a conflict in Ukraine...
**blog dropping out again so post this and do another post later today...sorry...
please find attached The Border Watch artical re this new 'Plan' and Prof Martin...and please listen to ABC
Radio South East for Thursday 24th July 2014
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Fighting Tooth An' Nail - Just A Week
Hello Latvia, China, Moldova, and Thailand and welcome to the blog for Saturday 26th May 2014 and a semi-day-off post of mostly re-posted stuff but all in context...(it's all about the context-Ed)...yes, and 'contextually' availees have heaps of homework if they feel like doing it...actually, sorry, no, I'll do that tomorrow with the latest Council stuff re Palm trees and Mayoral machinations, etc...it needs a post it's own...but first, a joke...
Free-Trade Huskies: are Capitalist Running-Dogs...(really?-Ed)...I thought it was funny...(really?-Ed)...
When I describe Judaism as bigotted, insular, self-focussed, self-righteous, etc, they're no different to the Lutherans I've met, or Anglicans, etc, etc...criticising Israel for invading Gaza again, is not support for rocket attacks against Israel, it is criticism for killing hundreds of women and children with the justification that you're protecting women and children...still deeply concerned about the militaristic rhetoric being flung about re MH 17 and repeated conflicting statements (as though fact) that the plane was shot down, but elsewhere, that we still don't know why it crashed and possibly won't...
Just A Week:...because 10 years ago, back on Tuesday 20th July 2004 I attended Mt Gambier Hospital Emergency seeking treatment for the continuing/worsening pain in my chest, problems breathing, etc...this was my second visit to Emergency in a month following an initial visit to a local Clinic...2 days later (22nd) I flew to Adelaide, gave evidence at the Teachers Registration Board (on Friday 23rd), and flew home that night, a 1 hr flight in a 35 seater twin-turbo prop Saab (I think)...
How To Get A Free Flight From Mt Gambier To Adelaide:...be on one from Adelaide to Mt Gambier that can't land because of the blanketing fog, so after 3 aborted goes at landing, turns around and flies back to Adelaide...(clever-Ed)...as happened to us that Friday night...I remember dropping out of the clouds to the almost infinite glory of the Adelaide plains lit up like a Christmas tree...the Painted Old Tart never looked so good...there was a very relieved round-of-applause when we landed I can tell you...
Got back to MG on the bus Monday, and on the Thursday 29th I went to Emergency for a third time with still worsening symptoms and was finally X-rayed, discovering a 12cm x 16cm tumour in my chest, and was then discharged...(I still don't believe that-Ed)...but that's a story for later because today I want to quickly cover the rank corruption of the TRB/Crown Solicitor hearing into the gross abuses committed against our children by teacher Glyn Dorling, the sort of rank corruption that leads directly to incidents like the rape of those children in Families SA...
I completely reject this faux outrage and disbelief from the Weatherill Labor government and serial incompetents like Minister Jennifer Rankine re the Families SA Child Rape case...this is the Families SA that Mr Weatherill was in charge of (as FACS) when he officially blocked Comm Ted Mullighan from investigating the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up (copy attached below)...had St Martins been investigated many of the gaping holes in Child Protection, appropriate Court Access for Children, etc, would have been addressed and hopefully the latest rapes would not have been possible...
The TRB/CSO clearly conspired with Dorling's lawyer Stephen Lietschke (Premier Jay Weatherill's business partner) to exonerate Glyn Dorling, and deliberately ran a disjointed, incompetent Inquiry, flatly refusing to even acknowledge a vast amount of evidence and/or critical witnesses...the Teachers Registration Board/Crown Solicitor Inquiry into Glyn Dorling was a Cover-up from the moment we parents lodged our complaints/concerns in March 2003...
Also attached, the email from Freda Briggs (that's not my current Email address) stating that multiple authorities have stuffed up the case, including SAPol who have "messed it up" and the TRB, "It appears that they completely disregarded the findings of Dr Fitzgerald and colleague."...Dr F & Co are the Flinders Child Protection Service (also FMC) who gave direct evidence that Dorling was responsible for organising a series of inappropriate contacts with children...(whom the the TRB/CSO ignored?-Ed)...well not so much ignored as called outright professional incompetents and/or liars...
By accepting Glyn Dorling's defense that the kids were forcing themselves on him and he couldn't control them, and that was his exact defense - yes those contacts were happening, but not my fault - by accepting this and finding the exact opposite to what FCPS had stated outright, the TRB/CSO have called FCPS incompetent to the extent of becoming liars...(it's almost like the TRB/CSO wants paedophile teachers in schools?-Ed)...nothing almost about it...
A cock-up across the board, and what did Freda do? absolutely bugger-all...still waiting...she identifies the gross failures of 1) SAPol, 2) the Court system re Child Abuse, 3) the TRB, and 4) the FCPS refusing to give us our children's statements, all of that and nuthin'...she repeatedly asked us how she could help and we said 'expose St Martins using your media contacts'...still waiting...it's absolutely irrelevant what Comm Mullighan is 'obliged to do' because he repeatedly told us he would, he'd spoken to the Premier, etc, and Freda knows all that...her failures to act can also be said to have contributed to these latest abuses.
And so did Jay know when he denied Mullighan 'official powers' to investigate St Martins...then Minister for FACS, now Premier, Jay Weatherill knew exactly what he was denying appropriate investigation of...so on a day when I hear about the rape of numerous very young children in Families SA, and then Premier Weatherill bleating his particular brand of obscene hypocrisy, and then Freda holding forth, I'll not be asking anyone's permission and/or forgiveness (but you'll still please excuse me) for getting a little bit bent out of shape...
Tomorrow: Palms Are For Greasing, Not The Rail Lands
Old style Council corruption for the new Millenia...(only 14 years late-Ed)...well this is Mt Gambier, so I'm actually about half a century ahead still...(true and hilarious-Ed)...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Free-Trade Huskies: are Capitalist Running-Dogs...(really?-Ed)...I thought it was funny...(really?-Ed)...
When I describe Judaism as bigotted, insular, self-focussed, self-righteous, etc, they're no different to the Lutherans I've met, or Anglicans, etc, etc...criticising Israel for invading Gaza again, is not support for rocket attacks against Israel, it is criticism for killing hundreds of women and children with the justification that you're protecting women and children...still deeply concerned about the militaristic rhetoric being flung about re MH 17 and repeated conflicting statements (as though fact) that the plane was shot down, but elsewhere, that we still don't know why it crashed and possibly won't...
Just A Week:...because 10 years ago, back on Tuesday 20th July 2004 I attended Mt Gambier Hospital Emergency seeking treatment for the continuing/worsening pain in my chest, problems breathing, etc...this was my second visit to Emergency in a month following an initial visit to a local Clinic...2 days later (22nd) I flew to Adelaide, gave evidence at the Teachers Registration Board (on Friday 23rd), and flew home that night, a 1 hr flight in a 35 seater twin-turbo prop Saab (I think)...
How To Get A Free Flight From Mt Gambier To Adelaide:...be on one from Adelaide to Mt Gambier that can't land because of the blanketing fog, so after 3 aborted goes at landing, turns around and flies back to Adelaide...(clever-Ed)...as happened to us that Friday night...I remember dropping out of the clouds to the almost infinite glory of the Adelaide plains lit up like a Christmas tree...the Painted Old Tart never looked so good...there was a very relieved round-of-applause when we landed I can tell you...
Got back to MG on the bus Monday, and on the Thursday 29th I went to Emergency for a third time with still worsening symptoms and was finally X-rayed, discovering a 12cm x 16cm tumour in my chest, and was then discharged...(I still don't believe that-Ed)...but that's a story for later because today I want to quickly cover the rank corruption of the TRB/Crown Solicitor hearing into the gross abuses committed against our children by teacher Glyn Dorling, the sort of rank corruption that leads directly to incidents like the rape of those children in Families SA...
I completely reject this faux outrage and disbelief from the Weatherill Labor government and serial incompetents like Minister Jennifer Rankine re the Families SA Child Rape case...this is the Families SA that Mr Weatherill was in charge of (as FACS) when he officially blocked Comm Ted Mullighan from investigating the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up (copy attached below)...had St Martins been investigated many of the gaping holes in Child Protection, appropriate Court Access for Children, etc, would have been addressed and hopefully the latest rapes would not have been possible...
The TRB/CSO clearly conspired with Dorling's lawyer Stephen Lietschke (Premier Jay Weatherill's business partner) to exonerate Glyn Dorling, and deliberately ran a disjointed, incompetent Inquiry, flatly refusing to even acknowledge a vast amount of evidence and/or critical witnesses...the Teachers Registration Board/Crown Solicitor Inquiry into Glyn Dorling was a Cover-up from the moment we parents lodged our complaints/concerns in March 2003...
Also attached, the email from Freda Briggs (that's not my current Email address) stating that multiple authorities have stuffed up the case, including SAPol who have "messed it up" and the TRB, "It appears that they completely disregarded the findings of Dr Fitzgerald and colleague."...Dr F & Co are the Flinders Child Protection Service (also FMC) who gave direct evidence that Dorling was responsible for organising a series of inappropriate contacts with children...(whom the the TRB/CSO ignored?-Ed)...well not so much ignored as called outright professional incompetents and/or liars...
By accepting Glyn Dorling's defense that the kids were forcing themselves on him and he couldn't control them, and that was his exact defense - yes those contacts were happening, but not my fault - by accepting this and finding the exact opposite to what FCPS had stated outright, the TRB/CSO have called FCPS incompetent to the extent of becoming liars...(it's almost like the TRB/CSO wants paedophile teachers in schools?-Ed)...nothing almost about it...
A cock-up across the board, and what did Freda do? absolutely bugger-all...still waiting...she identifies the gross failures of 1) SAPol, 2) the Court system re Child Abuse, 3) the TRB, and 4) the FCPS refusing to give us our children's statements, all of that and nuthin'...she repeatedly asked us how she could help and we said 'expose St Martins using your media contacts'...still waiting...it's absolutely irrelevant what Comm Mullighan is 'obliged to do' because he repeatedly told us he would, he'd spoken to the Premier, etc, and Freda knows all that...her failures to act can also be said to have contributed to these latest abuses.
And so did Jay know when he denied Mullighan 'official powers' to investigate St Martins...then Minister for FACS, now Premier, Jay Weatherill knew exactly what he was denying appropriate investigation of...so on a day when I hear about the rape of numerous very young children in Families SA, and then Premier Weatherill bleating his particular brand of obscene hypocrisy, and then Freda holding forth, I'll not be asking anyone's permission and/or forgiveness (but you'll still please excuse me) for getting a little bit bent out of shape...
Tomorrow: Palms Are For Greasing, Not The Rail Lands
Old style Council corruption for the new Millenia...(only 14 years late-Ed)...well this is Mt Gambier, so I'm actually about half a century ahead still...(true and hilarious-Ed)...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Friday, July 25, 2014
Hippy Of The Down - Fighting Tooth And Nail
Hello y'all and welcome to the blog...apologies for no post yesterday, but it was late, I was very tired, and after the emotional and physical trauma of the last few days, I was quite hippy to doze-off early on the couch, again, because tired sleep is sleep well earned...(you bloody happy-Ed)...and then ping!, 0430hrs and I'm wide awake and blogging...welcome to my world...
(Oh gord, is this going to happen every morning now?...now that you've discovered there are TV News replays from the USofA and England and WAFL footy, etc?-Ed)...oh you mean the PBN, NBC, BBC, and WAFL?...no, no, most of this would be available Interwebbily...I'm not going to get fixated with theses programs the way I do with local stuff...I mean, what sort of idiot is up at 0430 watching Aussie rules replays from Western Australia?.........(moving on?-Ed)...I think it best...
Just watching the evening newses (1800hrs), and there's Premier Jay Weatherill, and he's still just like so outraged about the latest Families SA Child Abuse case that he's leaving the state...(you are shreckin' kidding me-Ed)...nope, the country in fact, he's off to the Tour de France if you don't mind...(well actually I do bloody mind, what's it to you matey-Ed)...and when asked the question 'are you still going?', Ray-Jay replied "Why not?" and then just stood there...that was it, 'why not?'...what a bastard...off you go Jay, don't hurry back...
Fighting Tooth And Nail: is not a metaphor or a quaint saying or whatevs, it's a specific physical reality that has visited itself upon my life...and such sweet irony that I should suffer such affliction in order to save me that I lived to suffer such affliction...I lied, sortta', when I said I had no side-effects from my Chemo treatment back in 2004/05 (in posts re Medicinal Marijuana, etc), because during treatment I lost all my hair except eyebrows, my toenails which fortunately grew back, and nearly lost my finger nails, both are still quite 'brittle'...I've also lost several teeth since...
And that Chemo was for a Lymphoma Tumour that I believe was the direct result of the extraordinary events of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and the stress and frustration and anger, etc...as witnessed this week these impacts on me are very real and very extreme and most unfortunately very current...ne'ry a day goes by that doesn't bring me the joy of Institutionalised Paedophilia in Australia...and so I don't even brace for the impact anymore, I just let it happen...at some point in any given day, in every day, it's going to run me down and that's just the way it is...
I've not stopped watching the frenzied blizzard of MH 17 coverage, but I've stopped believing any of it...I particularly don't believe the very voyeuristic obsession with exploring every passenger in detail...yes it is a terrible thing that has happened, but it is another plane crash and there are many plane crashes, including several in the week since MH 17 crashed...how and why was that plane allowed to fly over a war-zone?
Why I Hate Being Right: Because it leads to headlines like "Send in The Troops", referring to Australian soldiers being used to 'secure the crash scene' of Malaysian Airlines MH 17...(but that's in the middle of a war-zone where fighting has intensified as the Ukrainian government pours troops into the area to try and reclaim it, and 2 Ukrainian fighter jets have been shot-down, one allegedly by a Russian fighter-jet-Ed)...yep, and the Ukrainian President has just quit along with the government.
I find it deeply disturbing the language being used by PM Tony Abbott, eg, yesterday it was 'no-one left behind', which is effectively the catch-cry of the USofA Military, and today again 'leaving no-one behind' and he's sending in probably armed Oz Federal Police and potentially Defense Personnel...(no, sorry to interrupt, but that was just reported as a certainty-Ed)...and now it's Operation Bring Them Home...(um, I don't think you should be making jokes-Ed)...I'm not, that's what he's calling it...(bullshit?!-Ed)...not a word of a lie, Interweb it...
(Oh, your, god...it's true, it's called Operation Bring Them Home...that's just crass...and why is it being called an 'Operation'?-Ed)...because Tony's a militaristic nutjob?...(a rhetorical question as an answer, nice-Ed)...and very much hoping but not confident that the extraordinary statements I heard (I believe it was Australia's Angus Huston at a MH 17 memorial service, sorry) about what we are going to do to remember those killed, get them home, etc, hoping it was an unfortunate Freudian Slip when he ended with lines that were directly referenced from The Last Post, as played at ANZAC Day, etc...he closed with something about 'the start of the day, and as the sun goes down, we will remember them' (sorry I was in the car, no notes).
And yes, I do think that the same people who were capable of lying to the world about 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' to justify opening the Gates of Hell on Iraq...invading, occupying, and then just walking away, all in the name of World Peace but really all about the Oil...yes I do believe that these people are more than capable of deliberately shooting down a Domestic Airliner to create an International Incident ripe for the Moral High-ground picking...and every month an MH 17 of civilians are being killed by bomb attacks in market-places, near Mosques, etc, in Iraq and it gets 20 lines on page 10, but more often 10 on 20...
Look at we have done to the Middle East to suit our own purposes, eg, the apparently Ãœber-evil former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein was a 'Western Allie' for decades, supplied and supported by the USofA, Germany, France, et al, to provide a physical barrier to the Islamic state of Iran, support that 'saved Iraq' from certain defeat...but then when it didn't suit us, he's the biggest bastard in the history of bastardry...(well where does that leave you?-Ed)...not trying hard enough obviously...
It's not Rascist or Anti-Semetic or anything else to merely criticise Israel, other than it compromises and contradicts the Western media's Israel Man-Crush desire to just trot along with whatever they're told and/or gloss over unpleasant realities re Israel's behaviours...for example, 4 hits on known United Nations sites in 4 days, including a hospital and school, and it gets mentioned, then nothing...where's the outrage and indignation from Tony Abbott and Julie Bishop?...how does Israel's alleged justification that they are just exercising their right to defend their own people justify plowing through Palestinian suburbs killing hundreds of women and children?
I'm absolutely over Israel and being force-fed Holocaust guilt whilst being constantly subjected to the rank self-righteousness and bigotry of Judaism...I know that the Holocaust happened, my fighter-pilot grandfather explained it to me when I was a young lad about his hard-as-heck friend the American Marines Captain who used Military Police to disarm his own troops at gunpoint and literally force them back into the Concentration Camp they had 'liberated' the day before...it was so horrific that Pacific Campaign veterans had to be forced at gunpoint by their own side...
It is a horrendous reality that the Jewish Holocaust was one of several of the 20th Century, eg, Stalin in Russia, and only another one in the Human Race's long and inglorious history of slaughtering one another for the least little reason...it was horrific but nothing justifies what is happening now in Gaza...MH 17 is a terrible incident, but as yet it hasn't even been established exactly what happened...
I've been watching ABC TV News for 10 minutes (early this morning) and thus far about 6 mins of that have been about MH 17, a brief mention of the Taiwan and Mali plane crashes, a discussion about a stray dog in Darwin, and not a mention of the latest atrocities being committed by Israel in Palestine, but oop, no, there it is at the end of the headlines bit, another dozen civilians killed in an attack on an UN Refuge, and then straight back into MH 17...for another 5 minutes...
Just watching Foreign Minister Julie Bishop now, 'remember there were 80 children', and "it's an atrocity", "it's a crime"...(but I was watching stuff last night where various alleged experts were saying that it's still not known exactly what happened and it's highly likely we won't ever know-Ed)...yeah I know...that's what I mean about the rank Political Bastardry and Soulless Self-serving posturing and prevaricating from our illustrious leaders...how does goin' off like a two-bob watch help anybody?
She's apparently over there to negotiate access to the site, etc...(what? we've got no hope...she's been hurling abuse and accusation at Russia and the East Ukrainian 'Rebels' for a week, and then expects those same people to do her favours?...negotiate with me you atrocious criminals...not gunna' happen-Ed)...well exactly, the whole thing is a bloody debacle.
Language Warning:...is no longer needed because I choose to self-censor...I still type in all the 'effin and jeffin' that's goin' on in my head...(and often out loud-Ed)...indeed...all of that goes on the virtual page and then I edit it out at the end...(man, you should've seen the post from the other day, the one about the Families SA Child Abuse stuff-Ed)...I did see it, I wrote it... anyhoos, just how shreckin' stupid does Mt Gambier City Council think we are?...yesterday a Professor Martin was on ABC Local Radio (might be on the ABC South East Interweb site Reloaded thingy) and was in The Border Watch today...yet more self-funded pro-Council propaganda...more tomorrow...
I completely reject the potential/proposed/whatevs amalgamation of the Country Fire Service, the State Emergency Services (largely volunteer organisations) and the Metropolitan Fire Service as identified in the Holloway Review...(that's not the former Labor Minister Paul Holloway by any chance, just another state politician intimately involved in the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up?-Ed)...yep, that's the one...as far as I'm concerned this is the Labor government trying to plug up the gaping holes they've gouged in Forestry SA's fire-fighting ability by recently axing dozens of jobs, again, and grossly under-funding the current CFS...
It gives Labor the opportunity to completely fudge the numbers by saying there are X people involved in Fire Protection by lumping in all the volunteers, a cynical number-shuffling that could become an unavoidable reality...how long after this happens will there be funding cuts - and that's the one main justification, to reduce costs of multiple bureaucracies - and then how long until SES volunteers are fighting fires out of a sense of community and camaraderie and necessity?...and that's what Labor is counting on.
The Royal Cormorant: has remained at Balmoral, but Queen Elizabeth's Bittern did arrive safely in Scotland for the opening of the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow...but it's not looking good for the Bittern as it apparently contains a 'message' from her Majesty, and it will be opened and read at the Opening Ceremony...(ooo, a bit of Voodoo entrail reading, nice-Ed)...oh no, wait, it's a 'baton' not a 'Bittern', my bad...and we go there now live...
(using your best hushed posh English accent), "...and the baton is passed to the official Crier...he's unscrewing the intricately laced lid and removing the hand-made scroll...the crowd waits in hushed anticipation..the Crier peruses the message and steps up to the microphone...Hear Ye, Hear Ye, I Own Yo' Bitches...oh and it's everything we could have hoped for, the crowd goes wild...it's a great day for England, and therefore the world"...are you quite done?...(pretty much-Ed)...
Tomorrow: Just Mo' Me Moanin'
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
(Oh gord, is this going to happen every morning now?...now that you've discovered there are TV News replays from the USofA and England and WAFL footy, etc?-Ed)...oh you mean the PBN, NBC, BBC, and WAFL?...no, no, most of this would be available Interwebbily...I'm not going to get fixated with theses programs the way I do with local stuff...I mean, what sort of idiot is up at 0430 watching Aussie rules replays from Western Australia?.........(moving on?-Ed)...I think it best...
Just watching the evening newses (1800hrs), and there's Premier Jay Weatherill, and he's still just like so outraged about the latest Families SA Child Abuse case that he's leaving the state...(you are shreckin' kidding me-Ed)...nope, the country in fact, he's off to the Tour de France if you don't mind...(well actually I do bloody mind, what's it to you matey-Ed)...and when asked the question 'are you still going?', Ray-Jay replied "Why not?" and then just stood there...that was it, 'why not?'...what a bastard...off you go Jay, don't hurry back...
Fighting Tooth And Nail: is not a metaphor or a quaint saying or whatevs, it's a specific physical reality that has visited itself upon my life...and such sweet irony that I should suffer such affliction in order to save me that I lived to suffer such affliction...I lied, sortta', when I said I had no side-effects from my Chemo treatment back in 2004/05 (in posts re Medicinal Marijuana, etc), because during treatment I lost all my hair except eyebrows, my toenails which fortunately grew back, and nearly lost my finger nails, both are still quite 'brittle'...I've also lost several teeth since...
And that Chemo was for a Lymphoma Tumour that I believe was the direct result of the extraordinary events of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and the stress and frustration and anger, etc...as witnessed this week these impacts on me are very real and very extreme and most unfortunately very current...ne'ry a day goes by that doesn't bring me the joy of Institutionalised Paedophilia in Australia...and so I don't even brace for the impact anymore, I just let it happen...at some point in any given day, in every day, it's going to run me down and that's just the way it is...
I've not stopped watching the frenzied blizzard of MH 17 coverage, but I've stopped believing any of it...I particularly don't believe the very voyeuristic obsession with exploring every passenger in detail...yes it is a terrible thing that has happened, but it is another plane crash and there are many plane crashes, including several in the week since MH 17 crashed...how and why was that plane allowed to fly over a war-zone?
Why I Hate Being Right: Because it leads to headlines like "Send in The Troops", referring to Australian soldiers being used to 'secure the crash scene' of Malaysian Airlines MH 17...(but that's in the middle of a war-zone where fighting has intensified as the Ukrainian government pours troops into the area to try and reclaim it, and 2 Ukrainian fighter jets have been shot-down, one allegedly by a Russian fighter-jet-Ed)...yep, and the Ukrainian President has just quit along with the government.
I find it deeply disturbing the language being used by PM Tony Abbott, eg, yesterday it was 'no-one left behind', which is effectively the catch-cry of the USofA Military, and today again 'leaving no-one behind' and he's sending in probably armed Oz Federal Police and potentially Defense Personnel...(no, sorry to interrupt, but that was just reported as a certainty-Ed)...and now it's Operation Bring Them Home...(um, I don't think you should be making jokes-Ed)...I'm not, that's what he's calling it...(bullshit?!-Ed)...not a word of a lie, Interweb it...
(Oh, your, god...it's true, it's called Operation Bring Them Home...that's just crass...and why is it being called an 'Operation'?-Ed)...because Tony's a militaristic nutjob?...(a rhetorical question as an answer, nice-Ed)...and very much hoping but not confident that the extraordinary statements I heard (I believe it was Australia's Angus Huston at a MH 17 memorial service, sorry) about what we are going to do to remember those killed, get them home, etc, hoping it was an unfortunate Freudian Slip when he ended with lines that were directly referenced from The Last Post, as played at ANZAC Day, etc...he closed with something about 'the start of the day, and as the sun goes down, we will remember them' (sorry I was in the car, no notes).
And yes, I do think that the same people who were capable of lying to the world about 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' to justify opening the Gates of Hell on Iraq...invading, occupying, and then just walking away, all in the name of World Peace but really all about the Oil...yes I do believe that these people are more than capable of deliberately shooting down a Domestic Airliner to create an International Incident ripe for the Moral High-ground picking...and every month an MH 17 of civilians are being killed by bomb attacks in market-places, near Mosques, etc, in Iraq and it gets 20 lines on page 10, but more often 10 on 20...
Look at we have done to the Middle East to suit our own purposes, eg, the apparently Ãœber-evil former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein was a 'Western Allie' for decades, supplied and supported by the USofA, Germany, France, et al, to provide a physical barrier to the Islamic state of Iran, support that 'saved Iraq' from certain defeat...but then when it didn't suit us, he's the biggest bastard in the history of bastardry...(well where does that leave you?-Ed)...not trying hard enough obviously...
It's not Rascist or Anti-Semetic or anything else to merely criticise Israel, other than it compromises and contradicts the Western media's Israel Man-Crush desire to just trot along with whatever they're told and/or gloss over unpleasant realities re Israel's behaviours...for example, 4 hits on known United Nations sites in 4 days, including a hospital and school, and it gets mentioned, then nothing...where's the outrage and indignation from Tony Abbott and Julie Bishop?...how does Israel's alleged justification that they are just exercising their right to defend their own people justify plowing through Palestinian suburbs killing hundreds of women and children?
I'm absolutely over Israel and being force-fed Holocaust guilt whilst being constantly subjected to the rank self-righteousness and bigotry of Judaism...I know that the Holocaust happened, my fighter-pilot grandfather explained it to me when I was a young lad about his hard-as-heck friend the American Marines Captain who used Military Police to disarm his own troops at gunpoint and literally force them back into the Concentration Camp they had 'liberated' the day before...it was so horrific that Pacific Campaign veterans had to be forced at gunpoint by their own side...
It is a horrendous reality that the Jewish Holocaust was one of several of the 20th Century, eg, Stalin in Russia, and only another one in the Human Race's long and inglorious history of slaughtering one another for the least little reason...it was horrific but nothing justifies what is happening now in Gaza...MH 17 is a terrible incident, but as yet it hasn't even been established exactly what happened...
I've been watching ABC TV News for 10 minutes (early this morning) and thus far about 6 mins of that have been about MH 17, a brief mention of the Taiwan and Mali plane crashes, a discussion about a stray dog in Darwin, and not a mention of the latest atrocities being committed by Israel in Palestine, but oop, no, there it is at the end of the headlines bit, another dozen civilians killed in an attack on an UN Refuge, and then straight back into MH 17...for another 5 minutes...
Just watching Foreign Minister Julie Bishop now, 'remember there were 80 children', and "it's an atrocity", "it's a crime"...(but I was watching stuff last night where various alleged experts were saying that it's still not known exactly what happened and it's highly likely we won't ever know-Ed)...yeah I know...that's what I mean about the rank Political Bastardry and Soulless Self-serving posturing and prevaricating from our illustrious leaders...how does goin' off like a two-bob watch help anybody?
She's apparently over there to negotiate access to the site, etc...(what? we've got no hope...she's been hurling abuse and accusation at Russia and the East Ukrainian 'Rebels' for a week, and then expects those same people to do her favours?...negotiate with me you atrocious criminals...not gunna' happen-Ed)...well exactly, the whole thing is a bloody debacle.
Language Warning:...is no longer needed because I choose to self-censor...I still type in all the 'effin and jeffin' that's goin' on in my head...(and often out loud-Ed)...indeed...all of that goes on the virtual page and then I edit it out at the end...(man, you should've seen the post from the other day, the one about the Families SA Child Abuse stuff-Ed)...I did see it, I wrote it... anyhoos, just how shreckin' stupid does Mt Gambier City Council think we are?...yesterday a Professor Martin was on ABC Local Radio (might be on the ABC South East Interweb site Reloaded thingy) and was in The Border Watch today...yet more self-funded pro-Council propaganda...more tomorrow...
I completely reject the potential/proposed/whatevs amalgamation of the Country Fire Service, the State Emergency Services (largely volunteer organisations) and the Metropolitan Fire Service as identified in the Holloway Review...(that's not the former Labor Minister Paul Holloway by any chance, just another state politician intimately involved in the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up?-Ed)...yep, that's the one...as far as I'm concerned this is the Labor government trying to plug up the gaping holes they've gouged in Forestry SA's fire-fighting ability by recently axing dozens of jobs, again, and grossly under-funding the current CFS...
It gives Labor the opportunity to completely fudge the numbers by saying there are X people involved in Fire Protection by lumping in all the volunteers, a cynical number-shuffling that could become an unavoidable reality...how long after this happens will there be funding cuts - and that's the one main justification, to reduce costs of multiple bureaucracies - and then how long until SES volunteers are fighting fires out of a sense of community and camaraderie and necessity?...and that's what Labor is counting on.
The Royal Cormorant: has remained at Balmoral, but Queen Elizabeth's Bittern did arrive safely in Scotland for the opening of the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow...but it's not looking good for the Bittern as it apparently contains a 'message' from her Majesty, and it will be opened and read at the Opening Ceremony...(ooo, a bit of Voodoo entrail reading, nice-Ed)...oh no, wait, it's a 'baton' not a 'Bittern', my bad...and we go there now live...
(using your best hushed posh English accent), "...and the baton is passed to the official Crier...he's unscrewing the intricately laced lid and removing the hand-made scroll...the crowd waits in hushed anticipation..the Crier peruses the message and steps up to the microphone...Hear Ye, Hear Ye, I Own Yo' Bitches...oh and it's everything we could have hoped for, the crowd goes wild...it's a great day for England, and therefore the world"...are you quite done?...(pretty much-Ed)...
Tomorrow: Just Mo' Me Moanin'
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Large Angry Hippy Down
Hello Turkey, France, Poland and Japan and apologies that the first part of this post because I started it yesterday, ran headlong into the latest South Australian Child Abuse Case/Cover-up and related vile hypocrisies from Premier Weatherill, then tried to do some more post, and it was all rather a very angry disaster, as you'll see...(is Large Angry Hippy Down that darling little fuzz of baby Orangutan fur that grew back between your shoulder blades after that shizzle-load of Chemo you had?-Ed)...no, no it isn't...
When Jay Weatherill is sprouting his faux outrage, he's clearly forgetting that he has acted repeatedly and officially to block investigation of the gross abuses committed against our 7 year old children at St Martins Lutheran School, has refused to meet me and/or other parents, and that his government, with the absolute and unquestioning collusion of the Liberal Party used a Parliamentary Inquiry (SARC Report no 54) to try and bury it all...epic fail...so here's the bit from yesterday and then some other stuff...
*** and welcome to the blog and I'm sorry that I didn't get more of this post done before I heard the news just below, but I didn't...and now I'm just a very, very angry man who would very much like to get his very, very angry hands on the grubby little man who is directly, irrefutably responsible for the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and that man is our charming Premier Jay Weatherill...
And I can talk like that because I'm just a man, just a father, just a parent who has been under attack by this Paedophile State for 12 years and I've had plenty of people say shizzle like 'given what you've been through, how is it that you haven't killed someone yet?'...and I can say it because in the moment I do have absolute control of my temper...as hard as some people find it to believe, I've never punched anyone in my life...
Ask Mt Gambier City Councillor Penny Richardson what a Large Angry Hippy looks like when It lets fly at corrupt pro-paedophile politicians like former MP Rory McEwen...ask her what it's like to be feet away from a Large Angry Hippy as It peeled the paint off Rory's chair with a blistering tirade of very specific, very coherent speaking volume abuse...and ask her if she felt at any stage that her personal safety was at risk...
And when Jay's not covering-up Child Abuse, he's busy corruptly flogging off state assets like the SE Forestry Estate, doing dodgy land re-zonings for his mates, etc, etc...and to hear him today bleating out his vile hypocrisy about this latest Child Rape case and how 'horrendous' he finds it 'as a father and the leader of the state' and straight into 'we're having a Royal Commission'...forget you buddy because you've clearly forgotten the role you've played for a decade and more in protecting and perpetuating the Institutionalised Paedophilia that defines South Australia...
I think today I experienced what others might describe as unmitigated rage when I heard that a 32 year old employee of Families SA working as a Carer with pre-school aged children, has been charged with Possessing/Producing Child Pornography yet it took SAPol 'some time' to realise that it was him in the porn, with at least 7 of the kids he was entrusted with...and he was also working as an After School Carer...and this news was immediately followed by Premier Weatherill...
I make no apology for just being a man and a father and that in that brief moment when this news broke, and Weatherill stated 'as a father and the State leader I'm horrified', that I was so upset I may well have lashed out...had this charming slice of buttoned down Politic been standing right in front of me and spewed that trite bullshit, that crass fake empathy right in my face, I reckon I might have had a little something for his face...
And that's not a threat, not a prediction, not nuthin' but an indication of exactly who I am and how I felt...it traumatised me to the extent that I feel like I've been pole-axed. ,***...and we're back...twenty four hours later I still feel a bit ill from the massive surge of whatevs that put a grinding knot in my stomach and a pounding headache in my, well, head...24hrs later I still feel sick for it, physically impacted.
Yet Another South Australian Child Abuse Royal Commission:...forget me...what a load of bullshit...(obviously there's a clear paper-trail of responsibility that leads straight onto Jay Baby's desk that needs to be gotten rid of, ala the farcical DeBelle Inquiry-Ed)...exactly...and the department is apparently now called the SA Dept for Education and Child Safety...(deadset...is that the one run by 2 Police Officers not Education specialists?-Ed)...I reckon, including our mate......(Tony-TH)...Tony......(nnnHarrison-TH)...Tony Harrison...(Mighty Boosh-BBC TV)
UN-Australian Behaviour: is a popular, clearly Nationalistic criticism used often affectionately but also often in derision, but always without specific definition...(one assumes that 'Australian' is the opposite to what is perceived to be 'Un'-Ed)...well good point, but how often does one act/belief/whatevs have only 2 clear sides, let alone a definable opposite?...(good point yourself-Ed)....but there's an absolute mystery to me that leaves me yet again urging caution...the apparently Australian led United Nations Security Council 'Resolution' to 'condemn the downing of MH 17'...
I note that the term 'shot-down' was changed to 'downed' at Russia's request, but our charming PM Abbott and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop immediately resumed using 'shot-down' and getting stuck into Russia/Vladimir Putin about how it's their fault...and then today I heard Ms Bishop stating that we don't know who did it...deadset...straight into it slinging abuse and accusation and direction, and then days later it's all 'we don't know'...(why do I get the feeling that we, Australia, are being led by the nose whilst being pushed out in front of someone else's agenda-Ed)...because you're an intelligent and empathetic being...
Perhaps I'm wrong, perhaps my disposition and resultant dissertations are drastically distorted because every time I see/hear/whatevs Minister Bishop I'm reminded that right there's yet another Federal politician who has officially acknowledged that they are aware of the St Martins cover-up, but has written back to me saying 'gee whiz, how terrible, so sorry, not my responsibility'...to go with the plethora of South Australian politicians who have refused to act...
(Bloody disgraceful...it's almost an exact pre-play of the Sri Lankan Refugee bullshit-Ed)...sorry, not with you...(well, we're scooping up people fearing persecution fleeing a State, etc, saying 'forget you you dirty sea-hippies' and sending them back-Ed)...yeahhh, and?...(and you wrote to Julie Bishop (in 2006?) explaining the rank paedophile corruption of the State and the persecution that you and other parents were being subjected to by the State, eg, then Front-bench Minister Rory McEwen attacking you on the front page of The Border Watch, the Crown Solicitor threatening to gaol you if you don't shut up about the St Martins Cover-up, etc-Ed)...
Ohhhh, I get it...I/we identified these Child Abuses, the Labor government's corruption in covering it up, and the persecution I/we have suffered at the hands of the State, and (then) Minister Bishop acknowledges these things as fact, 'so sorry to hear about it', but then specifically directs me/us straight back to the same pack of pricks who are responsible for this institutionalised bastardry...(exactly, you're being persecuted by the State, and she washed her hands of you and sent you straight back there-Ed)...
Actually it's worse than the Sri Lankan stuff because they're not Australian citizens (apols for the Nationalism) and the Liberals say there is no problem in SL...but with the St Martins case, these are Aussie citizens (again apols) and the Libs/Minister Bishop have acknowledged that there is a problem, many problems, yet sent us back there...(a slightly facetious point but one well made...I hate it when you do that-Ed).
Dryer, Dryer, Pants On Fire: on Monday(?) in Mt Gambier when someone's laundry did it's bestest doggy impersonation...(sorry, what?-Ed)...you know, it's the very old, very distasteful joke about 'how to turn a cat into a dog and/or a dog into a cat'...(distasteful enough to get a guernsey in this blog?-Ed)...oh absolutely...but just not today...fortunately, when a dryer caught fire at a Mt Gambier laundromat the other day there was very limited damage and no injuries...
Jay-Kitty HACs Up Accountability Furball: with an insipidly obvious red-herring, namely, deliberately focusing on concerns for the future of the Health Advisory Councils...(hang on, Labor introduced HACs after dumping local Hospital Boards, and the first HAC 'Chair' in Mt Gambier was serial business destroyer Grant King-Ed)...exactly...I completely reject this unmitigated bollocks from the Jay Weatherill Labor state government about axing Boards and Committees because the HACs were put there by Labor with a very specific if dual purpose...
1) To maintain absolute control from above, whilst 2) blocking complaints, feedback, responsibility, etc emanating from 'below' in the hospital, the patients, etc...the HACs are all about unfettered control with zero accountability...nothing else...the ABC ran an interview with a lady from the Penola HAC who repeatedly if politely stated that they (Labor/SA Health) just don't listen, 'Ãt's good that we're here for people, but the government don't listen'...(so what's the point then?-Ed)...that is the point, total control, no accountability.
Ranger Danger: as yet more jobs are axed from the state's Parks Services...I worked at Cleland Wildlife Park 20+ years ago and there were far more office staff than actual Rangers then, and all the senior Rangers ended up at their desks full-time doing budgets and rosters, etc...cutting these positions whilst Ray-Jay maintains his personal army of spin gropers and media slugs...what a disgrace you are Jay...
In closing, I'd just not like to have to say but I do, that you Jay are absolutely, directly responsible for the rape of those children...you and Rory McEwen and every other bastard because for over a decade you've had a group of parents fighting tooth and nail against this 'system' that you, Rory, described to me in August 2002 as "dysfunctional" and promised to help us "fix", all as part of resolving the St Martins Case...having to fight this 'system' to get something done about the the teacher who abused our children...it's a bloody disgrace...
And instead of fighting with us Jay, you have fought against us...you, sir, are the problem...
Tomorrow: Forget Knows 'Cos I Don't
Nah nah, go' bless, go' bless..it's called Fighting Tooth And Nail, inspired by yesterday's sickening experience...it's about the massive toll on my health due to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and the name of my new political party, Forget-Up...(nice, very nice-Ed)...Forget-Up, Not Out perhaps could be the slogan...(in Oz there's an 'Activist' organisation called Get Up)
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
When Jay Weatherill is sprouting his faux outrage, he's clearly forgetting that he has acted repeatedly and officially to block investigation of the gross abuses committed against our 7 year old children at St Martins Lutheran School, has refused to meet me and/or other parents, and that his government, with the absolute and unquestioning collusion of the Liberal Party used a Parliamentary Inquiry (SARC Report no 54) to try and bury it all...epic fail...so here's the bit from yesterday and then some other stuff...
*** and welcome to the blog and I'm sorry that I didn't get more of this post done before I heard the news just below, but I didn't...and now I'm just a very, very angry man who would very much like to get his very, very angry hands on the grubby little man who is directly, irrefutably responsible for the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and that man is our charming Premier Jay Weatherill...
And I can talk like that because I'm just a man, just a father, just a parent who has been under attack by this Paedophile State for 12 years and I've had plenty of people say shizzle like 'given what you've been through, how is it that you haven't killed someone yet?'...and I can say it because in the moment I do have absolute control of my temper...as hard as some people find it to believe, I've never punched anyone in my life...
Ask Mt Gambier City Councillor Penny Richardson what a Large Angry Hippy looks like when It lets fly at corrupt pro-paedophile politicians like former MP Rory McEwen...ask her what it's like to be feet away from a Large Angry Hippy as It peeled the paint off Rory's chair with a blistering tirade of very specific, very coherent speaking volume abuse...and ask her if she felt at any stage that her personal safety was at risk...
And when Jay's not covering-up Child Abuse, he's busy corruptly flogging off state assets like the SE Forestry Estate, doing dodgy land re-zonings for his mates, etc, etc...and to hear him today bleating out his vile hypocrisy about this latest Child Rape case and how 'horrendous' he finds it 'as a father and the leader of the state' and straight into 'we're having a Royal Commission'...forget you buddy because you've clearly forgotten the role you've played for a decade and more in protecting and perpetuating the Institutionalised Paedophilia that defines South Australia...
I think today I experienced what others might describe as unmitigated rage when I heard that a 32 year old employee of Families SA working as a Carer with pre-school aged children, has been charged with Possessing/Producing Child Pornography yet it took SAPol 'some time' to realise that it was him in the porn, with at least 7 of the kids he was entrusted with...and he was also working as an After School Carer...and this news was immediately followed by Premier Weatherill...
I make no apology for just being a man and a father and that in that brief moment when this news broke, and Weatherill stated 'as a father and the State leader I'm horrified', that I was so upset I may well have lashed out...had this charming slice of buttoned down Politic been standing right in front of me and spewed that trite bullshit, that crass fake empathy right in my face, I reckon I might have had a little something for his face...
And that's not a threat, not a prediction, not nuthin' but an indication of exactly who I am and how I felt...it traumatised me to the extent that I feel like I've been pole-axed. ,***...and we're back...twenty four hours later I still feel a bit ill from the massive surge of whatevs that put a grinding knot in my stomach and a pounding headache in my, well, head...24hrs later I still feel sick for it, physically impacted.
Yet Another South Australian Child Abuse Royal Commission:...forget me...what a load of bullshit...(obviously there's a clear paper-trail of responsibility that leads straight onto Jay Baby's desk that needs to be gotten rid of, ala the farcical DeBelle Inquiry-Ed)...exactly...and the department is apparently now called the SA Dept for Education and Child Safety...(deadset...is that the one run by 2 Police Officers not Education specialists?-Ed)...I reckon, including our mate......(Tony-TH)...Tony......(nnnHarrison-TH)...Tony Harrison...(Mighty Boosh-BBC TV)
UN-Australian Behaviour: is a popular, clearly Nationalistic criticism used often affectionately but also often in derision, but always without specific definition...(one assumes that 'Australian' is the opposite to what is perceived to be 'Un'-Ed)...well good point, but how often does one act/belief/whatevs have only 2 clear sides, let alone a definable opposite?...(good point yourself-Ed)....but there's an absolute mystery to me that leaves me yet again urging caution...the apparently Australian led United Nations Security Council 'Resolution' to 'condemn the downing of MH 17'...
I note that the term 'shot-down' was changed to 'downed' at Russia's request, but our charming PM Abbott and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop immediately resumed using 'shot-down' and getting stuck into Russia/Vladimir Putin about how it's their fault...and then today I heard Ms Bishop stating that we don't know who did it...deadset...straight into it slinging abuse and accusation and direction, and then days later it's all 'we don't know'...(why do I get the feeling that we, Australia, are being led by the nose whilst being pushed out in front of someone else's agenda-Ed)...because you're an intelligent and empathetic being...
Perhaps I'm wrong, perhaps my disposition and resultant dissertations are drastically distorted because every time I see/hear/whatevs Minister Bishop I'm reminded that right there's yet another Federal politician who has officially acknowledged that they are aware of the St Martins cover-up, but has written back to me saying 'gee whiz, how terrible, so sorry, not my responsibility'...to go with the plethora of South Australian politicians who have refused to act...
(Bloody disgraceful...it's almost an exact pre-play of the Sri Lankan Refugee bullshit-Ed)...sorry, not with you...(well, we're scooping up people fearing persecution fleeing a State, etc, saying 'forget you you dirty sea-hippies' and sending them back-Ed)...yeahhh, and?...(and you wrote to Julie Bishop (in 2006?) explaining the rank paedophile corruption of the State and the persecution that you and other parents were being subjected to by the State, eg, then Front-bench Minister Rory McEwen attacking you on the front page of The Border Watch, the Crown Solicitor threatening to gaol you if you don't shut up about the St Martins Cover-up, etc-Ed)...
Ohhhh, I get it...I/we identified these Child Abuses, the Labor government's corruption in covering it up, and the persecution I/we have suffered at the hands of the State, and (then) Minister Bishop acknowledges these things as fact, 'so sorry to hear about it', but then specifically directs me/us straight back to the same pack of pricks who are responsible for this institutionalised bastardry...(exactly, you're being persecuted by the State, and she washed her hands of you and sent you straight back there-Ed)...
Actually it's worse than the Sri Lankan stuff because they're not Australian citizens (apols for the Nationalism) and the Liberals say there is no problem in SL...but with the St Martins case, these are Aussie citizens (again apols) and the Libs/Minister Bishop have acknowledged that there is a problem, many problems, yet sent us back there...(a slightly facetious point but one well made...I hate it when you do that-Ed).
Dryer, Dryer, Pants On Fire: on Monday(?) in Mt Gambier when someone's laundry did it's bestest doggy impersonation...(sorry, what?-Ed)...you know, it's the very old, very distasteful joke about 'how to turn a cat into a dog and/or a dog into a cat'...(distasteful enough to get a guernsey in this blog?-Ed)...oh absolutely...but just not today...fortunately, when a dryer caught fire at a Mt Gambier laundromat the other day there was very limited damage and no injuries...
Jay-Kitty HACs Up Accountability Furball: with an insipidly obvious red-herring, namely, deliberately focusing on concerns for the future of the Health Advisory Councils...(hang on, Labor introduced HACs after dumping local Hospital Boards, and the first HAC 'Chair' in Mt Gambier was serial business destroyer Grant King-Ed)...exactly...I completely reject this unmitigated bollocks from the Jay Weatherill Labor state government about axing Boards and Committees because the HACs were put there by Labor with a very specific if dual purpose...
1) To maintain absolute control from above, whilst 2) blocking complaints, feedback, responsibility, etc emanating from 'below' in the hospital, the patients, etc...the HACs are all about unfettered control with zero accountability...nothing else...the ABC ran an interview with a lady from the Penola HAC who repeatedly if politely stated that they (Labor/SA Health) just don't listen, 'Ãt's good that we're here for people, but the government don't listen'...(so what's the point then?-Ed)...that is the point, total control, no accountability.
Ranger Danger: as yet more jobs are axed from the state's Parks Services...I worked at Cleland Wildlife Park 20+ years ago and there were far more office staff than actual Rangers then, and all the senior Rangers ended up at their desks full-time doing budgets and rosters, etc...cutting these positions whilst Ray-Jay maintains his personal army of spin gropers and media slugs...what a disgrace you are Jay...
In closing, I'd just not like to have to say but I do, that you Jay are absolutely, directly responsible for the rape of those children...you and Rory McEwen and every other bastard because for over a decade you've had a group of parents fighting tooth and nail against this 'system' that you, Rory, described to me in August 2002 as "dysfunctional" and promised to help us "fix", all as part of resolving the St Martins Case...having to fight this 'system' to get something done about the the teacher who abused our children...it's a bloody disgrace...
And instead of fighting with us Jay, you have fought against us...you, sir, are the problem...
Tomorrow: Forget Knows 'Cos I Don't
Nah nah, go' bless, go' bless..it's called Fighting Tooth And Nail, inspired by yesterday's sickening experience...it's about the massive toll on my health due to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and the name of my new political party, Forget-Up...(nice, very nice-Ed)...Forget-Up, Not Out perhaps could be the slogan...(in Oz there's an 'Activist' organisation called Get Up)
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
A Brief Post
Apologies but I'm really a bit crook with a thumping headache and a churning stomach, both as a result of the physical reaction I had this afternoon when I heard the news that a Families SA worker has been arrested for raping children in his care...and our Pro-Paedophile Premier Jay Weatherill immediately following, spewing out his vile hypocrisies about how terrible it is and we're having another forgetting Royal Commission...
Jay Weatherill is one of the key players in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, the Paedophile Premier of the Paedophile State, and his business partner Stephen Lieschke was "text-book grooming paedophile" Glyn Dorling's lawyer in the Teachers Registration Board, itself a corrupt Union controlled cover-up of the abuse of our children...Weatherill trots out his vacuous lies about how terrible he thinks it is, "I'm angry", whilst in reality he acts to cover-up abuse and protect paedophiles...
I think what I experienced today was unfettered rage as I've never experienced before...don't know why, but living in a Paedophile state complete with Paedophile Premier makes me not a happy panda...
Tomorrow: What I Really Think Of Jay Weatherill
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Jay Weatherill is one of the key players in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, the Paedophile Premier of the Paedophile State, and his business partner Stephen Lieschke was "text-book grooming paedophile" Glyn Dorling's lawyer in the Teachers Registration Board, itself a corrupt Union controlled cover-up of the abuse of our children...Weatherill trots out his vacuous lies about how terrible he thinks it is, "I'm angry", whilst in reality he acts to cover-up abuse and protect paedophiles...
I think what I experienced today was unfettered rage as I've never experienced before...don't know why, but living in a Paedophile state complete with Paedophile Premier makes me not a happy panda...
Tomorrow: What I Really Think Of Jay Weatherill
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Monday, July 21, 2014
Putting The Wind Up Turbine Investment
Hello Turkey, Moldova, India and Canada, and welcome one and all to the blog...with the bewildering array of conflicts and human tragedy currently playing out across every continent it seems very trite indeed to make bad puns and facetiously sarcastic jibes, but my cynicism sure as hell gets a good run...(where's the human tragedy in Oz?-Ed)...how about the gross failures in Aboriginal health provision, eg, 70-80% of kids going deaf with treatable ear infections...(that's not just a tragedy, that's an embarrassing national disgrace-Ed)...indeed...
This morning Liberal Foreign Minister Julie Bishop is stating as fact that the Malaysian Airlines flight MH 17 was brought down by a missile, and PM Tony Abbott is charging about wanting to call it an 'Act of Terrorism', and while there is still apparently no specific evidence beyond official conjecture, the USofA Secretary of State John Kerry is saying that they have data showing/tracking a missile launch at the time of the disaster, and strong evidence that Russia supplied the Mobile Missile system allegedly responsible, "an extraordinary amount of circumstantial evidence"...and in the next sentence says 'the Administration fully supports Israels right to do what it's doing'...
And again, I'm not trying to be sensationalist or anything stupid when I say that I take with a grain of salt any definitive statements of fact coming from any government, let alone statements of 'we're pretty sure', and particularly from our own PM Tony Abbott who has demonstrated a bewildering capacity and distinct affection for deceit...he clearly has no problems just lying through his teeth, usually with that arrogant, belligerent bullying, insular, bigoted self-righteousness, and smug swagger of a borderline insane zealot...
When Tony Abbott is banging on about who supplied what weapon to whom and who is a terrorist, etc, does he stop to think of some of the arms deals some of his allies have done in very recent times, let alone over the past 20-30 years?...(did someone say Contra?-Ed)...indeed...and where is his bellicosity...(bellicose at velocity?-Ed)...spot on Ed, with the latest Israeli invasion of Palestine and the deaths of hundreds of civilians?...(didn't we just give the Sri Lankan Navy a couple of Patrol Boats?-Ed)...indeed we did Ed, indeed we did...
(Well then I believe it's terribly unfair on us that we should still have to catch Sri Lankan refugees and hand them back to the government that they're fleeing...we didn't give SL those boats to stop the boats only to have to use our boats to stop the boats by getting those boats that our other boats didn't get and get those boats to the other boats but not before keeping them for a week on our boat first-Ed)...sorry, which boat is ours again?...(they're all our boats-Ed)...even the one's we've stopped...(particularly the one's we've stopped-Ed)...and which boat are we on?...(that I'm not so sure about-Ed)...
I am of course making a very specific critique of the very genuine fact that we did give the Sri Lankans 2 Patrol boats, but have done nothing about the horrendous executions, bombings of civilians, and other atrocities committed by government troops at the end of the 30-year war...I feel that this refusal to acknowledge these atrocities and current issues of persecution, disappearances, etc, is purely about denying the possibility of any such critter as the Genuine Sri Lankan Refugee...no conflict, no persecution, no Refugees, no problem...
There is nothing that will make right what has happened with MH 17, but remember it only takes one loose unit on either side to fire a missile, or even to make a mistake...and it's not just me that thinks that the Politics of European Power Supply already evident in the muted response of some European nations will win out over any real action...there's a lot of fuel, particularly gas, pouring into Europe, from Russia, via pipelines that run through Ukraine...
Russia for it's part seems reluctant to exercise the influence it clearly has in that Region to demand immediate and unrestricted access for Air Crash Investigators, retrieval of bodies, etc, but does this indicate guilt?...is it purely political bastardry in response to an incident not of Russian President Putin's doing? does he know something we don't, eg, that someone did target his plane but missed?...regardless, commentators are unanimous in stating that the last thing we would want to do is push him into a corner with rampant, pig-headed bellicosity...(ala Tony Abbott-Ed)...exactly...because Russia/Vladimir is likely to respond with increased aggression in Ukraine...
Similarly, it's not just my opinion that the USofA government was capable of deceiving it's own citizens re the 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' claims that allegedly justified the Iraq Invasion, a deceit that other world leaders were complicit in perpetuating, whether they knew it or not...and again, there are multiple incidents of passenger jets being shot down 'accidentally', eg, Russia with a Korean Airlines plane, the USofA Navy and an Iranian jet, the Italian airliner by the French Airforce, etc ...
Never one to miss any opportunity for rank self-promotion, no matter how inappropriate, is our darling pro-Paedophile Premier Jay Weatherill. who was straight in the media stating that the High Commissioner or who-evs was immediately on the phone to let him know that no South Australians were on MH 17...(yeah right...in all this chaos and tragedy, the HC's first thought was 'I better ring Jay-baby right now to let him know nothing's happened' because Ray-Jay is just so important...bollocks-Ed)...but I digress...
Completely denying the effects of pollution and/or trying to derail and/or distract from the realities with arguments about 'Climate Change' is usually a wanton stupidity mired in Ideology and self-gain, and ditching appropriate research in Solar and/or Geo-Thermal production, is simply wrong...completely dumping efforts to address pollution, etc, is irresponsible, but I was not upset to hear today that my good friends at Pacific Hydro have put their 42 Turbine Kyneton Wind Turbine project on hold, along with 6-7 other projects.
Didn't catch the spokesperson's name but it sure sounded like my main man Lane Crockett whom, in responding to my statement (at the Portland public meeting in July 2012) about South Australia's 2011 Development Plan Amendment removing any rights to oppose Turbine developments, admitted/agreed that the DPA was 'unfair' on citizens...I have covered this in several early 'Turbine posts'...anyhoos...
Mr Spokesperson stated that the Kyneton Project was a $240m investment in the Region, that would provide many jobs in construction, lease fees for land holders,etc, but that was all in jeopardy now...long story short, the Liberals threatening to scrap the Climate has put the wind up investors, which for me confirms how Economically vulnerable/fragile/unviable Wind Turbines are...(don't you mean 'Climate Change', not just 'Climate'?-Ed)...no, I'm sure Tony & Co are tabling the Climate Repeal Bill to end all this nonsense about change...no Climate, no Change, no problem...
Wind Turbines are a fully established industry in South Australia with an absolutely unchallengeable, legislated Green Light on further development that is unquestionably outright Fascism, and are already also receiving massive subsidies, and yet the whole industry is supposedly in disarray at the first hurdle...(can't help feeling this 'we're pulling our investment and the jobs, etc', is just Turbiners pushing for more government funding, albeit coupled with the reality you describe that they can't survive without it-Ed)...it's a vicious swooshing, whistling, grinding, pulsing, circle...
And yet more propaganda about 'Gas Shortages' in Australia but 'no we don't need a National Domestic Reserve'...we have no sort of Domestic Reserve policy or export regulation, etc, which means that 'our gas' is being syphoned off overseas driving local prices up to the export value, and without any control over how much is taken, or any effort to secure our own national demands...it's 'Quarry Australia' stuff where we yet again are losing our Natural Resources with massive profits for very few...(it's a bloody outrage-Ed)...
And this 'supply disaster' is the farcical justification for Fracking at Penola as given by Beach Energy's Reg Nelson himself...and it's a lie, an outrageous manufactured lie reflecting the even more outrageous reality...in closing, a brief shout-out to them what does continue to sendeth me the Turbine stuff...much appreciated and saves me a ton of time...cheers...
Tomorrow: Bolty The Wonder Mare Rides Again
More Local Government Election shenanigans...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
This morning Liberal Foreign Minister Julie Bishop is stating as fact that the Malaysian Airlines flight MH 17 was brought down by a missile, and PM Tony Abbott is charging about wanting to call it an 'Act of Terrorism', and while there is still apparently no specific evidence beyond official conjecture, the USofA Secretary of State John Kerry is saying that they have data showing/tracking a missile launch at the time of the disaster, and strong evidence that Russia supplied the Mobile Missile system allegedly responsible, "an extraordinary amount of circumstantial evidence"...and in the next sentence says 'the Administration fully supports Israels right to do what it's doing'...
And again, I'm not trying to be sensationalist or anything stupid when I say that I take with a grain of salt any definitive statements of fact coming from any government, let alone statements of 'we're pretty sure', and particularly from our own PM Tony Abbott who has demonstrated a bewildering capacity and distinct affection for deceit...he clearly has no problems just lying through his teeth, usually with that arrogant, belligerent bullying, insular, bigoted self-righteousness, and smug swagger of a borderline insane zealot...
When Tony Abbott is banging on about who supplied what weapon to whom and who is a terrorist, etc, does he stop to think of some of the arms deals some of his allies have done in very recent times, let alone over the past 20-30 years?...(did someone say Contra?-Ed)...indeed...and where is his bellicosity...(bellicose at velocity?-Ed)...spot on Ed, with the latest Israeli invasion of Palestine and the deaths of hundreds of civilians?...(didn't we just give the Sri Lankan Navy a couple of Patrol Boats?-Ed)...indeed we did Ed, indeed we did...
(Well then I believe it's terribly unfair on us that we should still have to catch Sri Lankan refugees and hand them back to the government that they're fleeing...we didn't give SL those boats to stop the boats only to have to use our boats to stop the boats by getting those boats that our other boats didn't get and get those boats to the other boats but not before keeping them for a week on our boat first-Ed)...sorry, which boat is ours again?...(they're all our boats-Ed)...even the one's we've stopped...(particularly the one's we've stopped-Ed)...and which boat are we on?...(that I'm not so sure about-Ed)...
I am of course making a very specific critique of the very genuine fact that we did give the Sri Lankans 2 Patrol boats, but have done nothing about the horrendous executions, bombings of civilians, and other atrocities committed by government troops at the end of the 30-year war...I feel that this refusal to acknowledge these atrocities and current issues of persecution, disappearances, etc, is purely about denying the possibility of any such critter as the Genuine Sri Lankan Refugee...no conflict, no persecution, no Refugees, no problem...
There is nothing that will make right what has happened with MH 17, but remember it only takes one loose unit on either side to fire a missile, or even to make a mistake...and it's not just me that thinks that the Politics of European Power Supply already evident in the muted response of some European nations will win out over any real action...there's a lot of fuel, particularly gas, pouring into Europe, from Russia, via pipelines that run through Ukraine...
Russia for it's part seems reluctant to exercise the influence it clearly has in that Region to demand immediate and unrestricted access for Air Crash Investigators, retrieval of bodies, etc, but does this indicate guilt?...is it purely political bastardry in response to an incident not of Russian President Putin's doing? does he know something we don't, eg, that someone did target his plane but missed?...regardless, commentators are unanimous in stating that the last thing we would want to do is push him into a corner with rampant, pig-headed bellicosity...(ala Tony Abbott-Ed)...exactly...because Russia/Vladimir is likely to respond with increased aggression in Ukraine...
Similarly, it's not just my opinion that the USofA government was capable of deceiving it's own citizens re the 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' claims that allegedly justified the Iraq Invasion, a deceit that other world leaders were complicit in perpetuating, whether they knew it or not...and again, there are multiple incidents of passenger jets being shot down 'accidentally', eg, Russia with a Korean Airlines plane, the USofA Navy and an Iranian jet, the Italian airliner by the French Airforce, etc ...
Never one to miss any opportunity for rank self-promotion, no matter how inappropriate, is our darling pro-Paedophile Premier Jay Weatherill. who was straight in the media stating that the High Commissioner or who-evs was immediately on the phone to let him know that no South Australians were on MH 17...(yeah right...in all this chaos and tragedy, the HC's first thought was 'I better ring Jay-baby right now to let him know nothing's happened' because Ray-Jay is just so important...bollocks-Ed)...but I digress...
Completely denying the effects of pollution and/or trying to derail and/or distract from the realities with arguments about 'Climate Change' is usually a wanton stupidity mired in Ideology and self-gain, and ditching appropriate research in Solar and/or Geo-Thermal production, is simply wrong...completely dumping efforts to address pollution, etc, is irresponsible, but I was not upset to hear today that my good friends at Pacific Hydro have put their 42 Turbine Kyneton Wind Turbine project on hold, along with 6-7 other projects.
Didn't catch the spokesperson's name but it sure sounded like my main man Lane Crockett whom, in responding to my statement (at the Portland public meeting in July 2012) about South Australia's 2011 Development Plan Amendment removing any rights to oppose Turbine developments, admitted/agreed that the DPA was 'unfair' on citizens...I have covered this in several early 'Turbine posts'...anyhoos...
Mr Spokesperson stated that the Kyneton Project was a $240m investment in the Region, that would provide many jobs in construction, lease fees for land holders,etc, but that was all in jeopardy now...long story short, the Liberals threatening to scrap the Climate has put the wind up investors, which for me confirms how Economically vulnerable/fragile/unviable Wind Turbines are...(don't you mean 'Climate Change', not just 'Climate'?-Ed)...no, I'm sure Tony & Co are tabling the Climate Repeal Bill to end all this nonsense about change...no Climate, no Change, no problem...
Wind Turbines are a fully established industry in South Australia with an absolutely unchallengeable, legislated Green Light on further development that is unquestionably outright Fascism, and are already also receiving massive subsidies, and yet the whole industry is supposedly in disarray at the first hurdle...(can't help feeling this 'we're pulling our investment and the jobs, etc', is just Turbiners pushing for more government funding, albeit coupled with the reality you describe that they can't survive without it-Ed)...it's a vicious swooshing, whistling, grinding, pulsing, circle...
And yet more propaganda about 'Gas Shortages' in Australia but 'no we don't need a National Domestic Reserve'...we have no sort of Domestic Reserve policy or export regulation, etc, which means that 'our gas' is being syphoned off overseas driving local prices up to the export value, and without any control over how much is taken, or any effort to secure our own national demands...it's 'Quarry Australia' stuff where we yet again are losing our Natural Resources with massive profits for very few...(it's a bloody outrage-Ed)...
And this 'supply disaster' is the farcical justification for Fracking at Penola as given by Beach Energy's Reg Nelson himself...and it's a lie, an outrageous manufactured lie reflecting the even more outrageous reality...in closing, a brief shout-out to them what does continue to sendeth me the Turbine stuff...much appreciated and saves me a ton of time...cheers...
Tomorrow: Bolty The Wonder Mare Rides Again
More Local Government Election shenanigans...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Sunday, July 20, 2014
LTGATMHB - Part II - There's A Mayor In There
Hello y'all and welcome to post 549 approx, over almost 18 months, and it's an unplanned co-incidence that these anniversaries should fall pretty much right on the day that I gave evidence to the Teachers Registration Board in 2004, one week before I was diagnosed with a 16cm x 12cm Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma Tumour...you'll excuse therefore my rather ripe tones and fruity attitude across a few posts...
Cheers: to the top 5 'TMGI availees' of this 18 months, who, according to the blog statistics page are, at no 5, Ukraine, Russia at 4, then Germany third, second for the USofA, and of course at numero uno, li'l ol' Oz...
Apologies that when I pooh-poohed the whole Carbon Tax and Mining Tax pantomime I stated that the Mining Tax Repeal Bill had passed, but it hasn't...yet...I maintain my Pantomime Predictions though...it's a matter of time before the Liberal/Nationals and Clive Palmer both get exactly what they both want for themselves, via a process of maximum self-aggrandisement for Clive...and we'll wear the fall-out...
I am deeply cynical/concerned about statements of fact re who is responsible for the shooting down of Malaysian Airlines MH 17 as it offers just too many opportunities for Western leaders like PM Tony Abbott to clamber onto the Moral High ground and make all manner of claims, stick it to Russia, etc, whilst the wreckage and passenger's bodies remain in the fields of Eastern Ukraine...(how was anyone allowed to flyover that area when it has been reported for months that 1) planes have already been brought down, and 2) there's Russian heavy armaments there?-Ed)...a question being asked I'm sure...
You don't have to go far on the Interweb to find very comprehensive 'Conspiracy Theories' on pretty much anything and I have covered several times in this blog the very unsettling events that have often immediately proceeded the USofA entering a major conflict...events such as the sinking of the Lusitania that saw a non-combatant, unwilling USofA join World War One as a righteously aggrieved respondent rather than a reluctant participant, the Pearl Harbour attack in 1941, the 911 attacks, etc...
There is clear evidence, multiple eye-witness accounts, etc, indicating that missiles/rockets brought down the TWA flight off Long Island, but the official report was an exploding fuel tank...the French Airforce accidentally shot down an Italian airliner whilst going after Gaddafhi, the USofA Navy an Iranian airliner, etc, etc...how do we know who fired what at whom from where?...(or even that it was a missile-Ed)...indeed...did it collide with a spy drone? was there a bomb on the plane? etc...
Just watching PM Tony Abbott right now (earlier today) on the ABC with his carefully rehearsed outrage, yet another Western leader playing solemn states person, and abusing/criticising Russia without any proof of who is definitely responsible, etc...who the shreck is Tony to be holding forth about who's responsible when the official line is nobody knows...and when asked the specific question, PM Tony went off on a long waffle about 'a high degree of confidence that it was a missile' and that 'it was probably Russian supplied', etc, etc...
(Sorry, 'we're pretty sure and it probably was and definitely maybe but nobody knows because it's absolute "chaos" but yeah it was them'...that sort of bollocks wouldn't fly in a Used Car Yard, let alone the Australian PM stating this in the Media-Ed)...and he went on about 'genuine remorse' with other cases, but got stuck into Russia for a lack of decency and humanity and their apparent hand-washing "not acceptable"...this bellicose chest beating from PM TA is entirely inappropriate and unwarranted.
Compare it to the official line from the Netherlands government and people, who lost nearly 200 citizens, where they are saying it's too early to go accuse anyone of being responsible for anything because no-one knows...but in Australia our PM is slinging accusations, abuse, and direction at Russia...this is a terrible event, and yes it is highly possible that this was Russian supported troops of whatevs description using Russian supplied equipment, but it is also possible that it was someone/thing else...were the Ukrainians after Russian President Putin's aircraft and picked the wrong plane?
And it just gets better and better with rabid Right-Winger and slavering Tony Abbott groupie Gerard Henderson on the ABC's Insiders program, and surprise, surprise, whatevs it is that he's praising-up Tony for today (it was the Carbon Tax repeal) is yet again 'the greatest thing in Australian political history'...(deadset? it really is quite scary just how righteous pricks like our mate Gerard can be...reality is not something Gerard lumbers himself with on the way to maintaining his glorious White Rightness-Ed)...you're such a bloody expert Gerard, run for Parliament yourself...which ironically is often Gerard's advice to others.
I note that the latest Israeli invasion of Palestine (Gaza) with the resultant deaths of 340 Palestinian people, including dozens of children, including 4 children shelled by an Israeli warship whilst they were collecting scrap/playing on a beach, tanks and troops in the Gaza suburbs whilst Jewish settlers continue to just steal/annex/call it what you bloody like, large chunks of Palestine, all of this horrendous violence against largely un-armed civilians has been pushed somewhat into the shadows, receiving relatively scant coverage...(particularly given how we tend to get the Israeli agenda shoved down our throats so regularly-Ed).
I note that in the Western media the focus is very much on the Ukraine and the Palestine stuff gets a bit of a go, yet elsewhere, eg, on the SBS Aljazzerah feeds, it's pretty much the other way around...
My Night Mayor: I'm not going to re-attach The Border Watch article from yesterday's post and the latest deceits from Council re the Rail Lands, but do identify the issues there-in, namely reference to some sort of 'amphitheatre' on the site, but I've no idea where that's going...(perhaps it's the grassy swale that fills up with water when it rains?-Ed)...you mean where Council has homaged the Roman Colosseum that was engineered to be filled with water for Nautical escapades...(yes, that's the one-Ed)...and the acknowledgement that there is no plan to restore/reclaim the Asbestos riddled Old Station...
Yet Council is proceeding with $700,000 of paving and the $650k+ Fake Lake on the Rail Lands, and approx $500,000 on Night Lights for the Blue Lake, more paving in the Main, etc...
Where's The Joke?: in the Mock Trial held in Mt Gambier last week which I chose not to attend...there are many events that I don't attend because it's just too much bullshit and I won't keep my mouth shut...(lord knows it's hard enough at City Council meetings-Ed)...indeed, and for example, I thought about popping along to lawyer Bill DeGaris's little legal soiree recently just to get in his smug little face, but there'll be time for that...
Dear Billy: people keep asking me what's happening with your extremely dodgy acquisition of the SERDE Building on Penola Rd, a deal that is defined by the gross corruption of appropriate process, particularly for the private sale of a public asset...and that includes the clear Fraud committed by the SERDE Board in deliberately running a false Tender Process, including lying to and ripping off the Realtor involved...and all provable in a Court...so let's get it on Billy-boy.
Stop being a gutless, paedophile protecting betrayer who tries to hide his criminality by pulling down the posts that expose your deeply offensive dealings, but do me that favour anyway because people read what I have to say about your shenanigans, particularly your rank betrayal of me and other parents when as my/our lawyer you deliberately manipulated, deceived, and betrayed me/us and therefore my/our child/ren re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...they read that then see you pull that post...then they see me replace it with supportive documents, etc, and that post then remain, and they say to me, Nick they say, because it's my name, Nick it looks massively sus when these posts get pulled , but it's absolute proof and vindication when you replace them and they stay there.
People are also keen to know when you'll action your otherwise vacuous threats to sue me and get me and make me pay, threats made over a year ago...no wonder you cross the road when you see me coming...
(I thought the 'Mock Trial' thingy was just another paedophile getting a suspended sentence from a South Australian Court for raping a young child-Ed)...indeed, I can see how you might make that mistake...
Gobsmacked: that Mr Peter Clarke gets yet another long pro-establishment propaganda piece in The Border Watch (Thursday 17th July 2014) inanely praising up current Mayor Steve Perryman, including Stevo's appearance in August 2010 on ABC TV QandA program and the great work Stevo's done for the great City of Mt Gambier...(deadset? I want what he's on-Ed)...more tomorrow...
And my mate Russell Marsh of the Clean Energy Council, the 'Renewable Energy' Industry lobby group, was back on the ABC carefully explaining that the $5.5m government money invested in the recently failed Ocean Power Technologies Portland Wave Energy project will be refunded, and that the other $60m was never paid toward the $230m project...(and a whole bunch of other nonsense that don't bear repeating, other than to mention he barely mentioned his previously much-loved Wind Turbines-Ed)...indeed, there's been a real drop-off in Turbine promotion...
Tomorrow: A Third LYGATMHB
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Cheers: to the top 5 'TMGI availees' of this 18 months, who, according to the blog statistics page are, at no 5, Ukraine, Russia at 4, then Germany third, second for the USofA, and of course at numero uno, li'l ol' Oz...
Apologies that when I pooh-poohed the whole Carbon Tax and Mining Tax pantomime I stated that the Mining Tax Repeal Bill had passed, but it hasn't...yet...I maintain my Pantomime Predictions though...it's a matter of time before the Liberal/Nationals and Clive Palmer both get exactly what they both want for themselves, via a process of maximum self-aggrandisement for Clive...and we'll wear the fall-out...
I am deeply cynical/concerned about statements of fact re who is responsible for the shooting down of Malaysian Airlines MH 17 as it offers just too many opportunities for Western leaders like PM Tony Abbott to clamber onto the Moral High ground and make all manner of claims, stick it to Russia, etc, whilst the wreckage and passenger's bodies remain in the fields of Eastern Ukraine...(how was anyone allowed to flyover that area when it has been reported for months that 1) planes have already been brought down, and 2) there's Russian heavy armaments there?-Ed)...a question being asked I'm sure...
You don't have to go far on the Interweb to find very comprehensive 'Conspiracy Theories' on pretty much anything and I have covered several times in this blog the very unsettling events that have often immediately proceeded the USofA entering a major conflict...events such as the sinking of the Lusitania that saw a non-combatant, unwilling USofA join World War One as a righteously aggrieved respondent rather than a reluctant participant, the Pearl Harbour attack in 1941, the 911 attacks, etc...
There is clear evidence, multiple eye-witness accounts, etc, indicating that missiles/rockets brought down the TWA flight off Long Island, but the official report was an exploding fuel tank...the French Airforce accidentally shot down an Italian airliner whilst going after Gaddafhi, the USofA Navy an Iranian airliner, etc, etc...how do we know who fired what at whom from where?...(or even that it was a missile-Ed)...indeed...did it collide with a spy drone? was there a bomb on the plane? etc...
Just watching PM Tony Abbott right now (earlier today) on the ABC with his carefully rehearsed outrage, yet another Western leader playing solemn states person, and abusing/criticising Russia without any proof of who is definitely responsible, etc...who the shreck is Tony to be holding forth about who's responsible when the official line is nobody knows...and when asked the specific question, PM Tony went off on a long waffle about 'a high degree of confidence that it was a missile' and that 'it was probably Russian supplied', etc, etc...
(Sorry, 'we're pretty sure and it probably was and definitely maybe but nobody knows because it's absolute "chaos" but yeah it was them'...that sort of bollocks wouldn't fly in a Used Car Yard, let alone the Australian PM stating this in the Media-Ed)...and he went on about 'genuine remorse' with other cases, but got stuck into Russia for a lack of decency and humanity and their apparent hand-washing "not acceptable"...this bellicose chest beating from PM TA is entirely inappropriate and unwarranted.
Compare it to the official line from the Netherlands government and people, who lost nearly 200 citizens, where they are saying it's too early to go accuse anyone of being responsible for anything because no-one knows...but in Australia our PM is slinging accusations, abuse, and direction at Russia...this is a terrible event, and yes it is highly possible that this was Russian supported troops of whatevs description using Russian supplied equipment, but it is also possible that it was someone/thing else...were the Ukrainians after Russian President Putin's aircraft and picked the wrong plane?
And it just gets better and better with rabid Right-Winger and slavering Tony Abbott groupie Gerard Henderson on the ABC's Insiders program, and surprise, surprise, whatevs it is that he's praising-up Tony for today (it was the Carbon Tax repeal) is yet again 'the greatest thing in Australian political history'...(deadset? it really is quite scary just how righteous pricks like our mate Gerard can be...reality is not something Gerard lumbers himself with on the way to maintaining his glorious White Rightness-Ed)...you're such a bloody expert Gerard, run for Parliament yourself...which ironically is often Gerard's advice to others.
I note that the latest Israeli invasion of Palestine (Gaza) with the resultant deaths of 340 Palestinian people, including dozens of children, including 4 children shelled by an Israeli warship whilst they were collecting scrap/playing on a beach, tanks and troops in the Gaza suburbs whilst Jewish settlers continue to just steal/annex/call it what you bloody like, large chunks of Palestine, all of this horrendous violence against largely un-armed civilians has been pushed somewhat into the shadows, receiving relatively scant coverage...(particularly given how we tend to get the Israeli agenda shoved down our throats so regularly-Ed).
I note that in the Western media the focus is very much on the Ukraine and the Palestine stuff gets a bit of a go, yet elsewhere, eg, on the SBS Aljazzerah feeds, it's pretty much the other way around...
My Night Mayor: I'm not going to re-attach The Border Watch article from yesterday's post and the latest deceits from Council re the Rail Lands, but do identify the issues there-in, namely reference to some sort of 'amphitheatre' on the site, but I've no idea where that's going...(perhaps it's the grassy swale that fills up with water when it rains?-Ed)...you mean where Council has homaged the Roman Colosseum that was engineered to be filled with water for Nautical escapades...(yes, that's the one-Ed)...and the acknowledgement that there is no plan to restore/reclaim the Asbestos riddled Old Station...
Yet Council is proceeding with $700,000 of paving and the $650k+ Fake Lake on the Rail Lands, and approx $500,000 on Night Lights for the Blue Lake, more paving in the Main, etc...
Where's The Joke?: in the Mock Trial held in Mt Gambier last week which I chose not to attend...there are many events that I don't attend because it's just too much bullshit and I won't keep my mouth shut...(lord knows it's hard enough at City Council meetings-Ed)...indeed, and for example, I thought about popping along to lawyer Bill DeGaris's little legal soiree recently just to get in his smug little face, but there'll be time for that...
Dear Billy: people keep asking me what's happening with your extremely dodgy acquisition of the SERDE Building on Penola Rd, a deal that is defined by the gross corruption of appropriate process, particularly for the private sale of a public asset...and that includes the clear Fraud committed by the SERDE Board in deliberately running a false Tender Process, including lying to and ripping off the Realtor involved...and all provable in a Court...so let's get it on Billy-boy.
Stop being a gutless, paedophile protecting betrayer who tries to hide his criminality by pulling down the posts that expose your deeply offensive dealings, but do me that favour anyway because people read what I have to say about your shenanigans, particularly your rank betrayal of me and other parents when as my/our lawyer you deliberately manipulated, deceived, and betrayed me/us and therefore my/our child/ren re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...they read that then see you pull that post...then they see me replace it with supportive documents, etc, and that post then remain, and they say to me, Nick they say, because it's my name, Nick it looks massively sus when these posts get pulled , but it's absolute proof and vindication when you replace them and they stay there.
People are also keen to know when you'll action your otherwise vacuous threats to sue me and get me and make me pay, threats made over a year ago...no wonder you cross the road when you see me coming...
(I thought the 'Mock Trial' thingy was just another paedophile getting a suspended sentence from a South Australian Court for raping a young child-Ed)...indeed, I can see how you might make that mistake...
Gobsmacked: that Mr Peter Clarke gets yet another long pro-establishment propaganda piece in The Border Watch (Thursday 17th July 2014) inanely praising up current Mayor Steve Perryman, including Stevo's appearance in August 2010 on ABC TV QandA program and the great work Stevo's done for the great City of Mt Gambier...(deadset? I want what he's on-Ed)...more tomorrow...
And my mate Russell Marsh of the Clean Energy Council, the 'Renewable Energy' Industry lobby group, was back on the ABC carefully explaining that the $5.5m government money invested in the recently failed Ocean Power Technologies Portland Wave Energy project will be refunded, and that the other $60m was never paid toward the $230m project...(and a whole bunch of other nonsense that don't bear repeating, other than to mention he barely mentioned his previously much-loved Wind Turbines-Ed)...indeed, there's been a real drop-off in Turbine promotion...
Tomorrow: A Third LYGATMHB
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Lock The Gate After The Mayor Has Bolted
Hello and welcome to the blog...what does it say about the world when I feel that I need to bring a bit of brevity to the party...news services plunge from the downing of Malaysia Airlines MH17, through the latest killing of Palestinian children by the invading Israeli Army, a brief mention of the 300 abducted Nigerian schoolgirls still missing, back to the ongoing conflict in Iraq...(gee, thanks for all that brevity-Ed)...indeed...
But there is a degree of brevity to be gleaned from the title of this post, the merest suggestion that the Universe has an ironic sense of humour...'tÃs as though 'twere meant to be that we have a saying that means 'it's too late to act, the damage is done'- shutting the gate after the horse has bolted - and the apparently pointless Polite Protesting recently conducted in Adelaide against the Fracking that's happening right now around Penola...opposition that centres on the catchphrase/Movement, "Lock The Gate"... the self-perpetuating irony of this name is obvious given the behaviour of the Weatherill Labor government and Minister Koutsontonis...
Labor have 1) flagged removing all 'Green Tape' from Development Applications, Mining, etc, and have appointed their rank hack Mia Handshin to the head of the Environment Protection Authority, so it's go go gadget for all Gas Fracking...2) given Beach Energy and other companies a 5 year 'No Royalty' free kick at knocking off our resources without having to pay for any of it...and 3) when Polite Protestors attended Minister Koutsontonis's office with their petition, they got the big Tommy Forget You and were left standing in the street...
Life In The OB:...again, I take no pleasure in being right in just how pointless it is politely negotiating with people who don't give a forget what you think, not a forget what you say, not a forget what's happening to you, who have no intention of doing anything other than exactly what benefits them personally...I note that in May 2014 Rawson Resources bought Otway Energy and it's 2 exploration licenses (1 at Penola, 1 between Robe/Millicent) in the Otway Basin...(what is where we is-Ed)...indeed, this whole area of the South East is the OB, including off-shore.
Can't Believe I Know This Stuff: but there's an excellent site, energy-pedia news, that has extensive reportage of the 'investment' being made in the OB by Beach Energy (who have expanded their operations by purchasing a company called 3D Oil), Rawson Resources, etc, and has some great resource material, eg, maps of proposed exploration, licenses, etc...check out their (energy-pedia) news for June 16th 2014, under Australia: Beach Energy aquires interest in off-shore OB permit T/49P from 3D Oil...
We're Knackered: because whilst the bolt is the horse's natural enemy, the Weatherill government has not opened the gate for Fracking so much as ripped it clear off it's hinges...and Stevie's had the nod...our illustrious Mayor Steve Perryman had to excuse himself from the Mt Gambier City Council meeting when it came to the 'Fracking Moratorium' vote because he 'has a business agreement with Beach Energy'...which segues inappropriately well into his farcical statements recently in The Border Watch...
Whilst announcing his intention to run for a position on Council rather than as Mayor, Stevo stated that he was looking forward to getting to vote on all the things he missed out on by being Mayor...(what the? he's not there half the time and spends most of the time he is there pogoing in and out of his seat with a relentless parade of 'Conflict of Interest' business agreements-Ed)...well quite...
Prospect Mayor and Local Government Assoc President David O'Loughlin was interviewed on the ABC yesterday about his 11.5 years in Local Gov, 2 terms as Mayor, etc, and his advice re making sure y'all are enrolled and eligible to vote...and something that caught my attention, votes are apparently allocated as per property, ie, more than one property, more than one vote...(so the Landed Gentry with Rental Properties, etc, get more say than than some poor gimp in Public Housing?-Ed)...exactly...anyhoos, the roll closes 8th August with nominations for Councillors/Mayor open Sept 2nd, closing on the 16th at 12 noon.
What really concerns me is that 1) this is a voluntary vote, and then 2) only a postal vote that runs from 20th Oct I think, closing Nov 7th...I'll check exact details and post...but Mr O'Loughkin advises candidates to start campaigning, and ahaha, that there are only 3 criteria for people wanting to nominate, aha, that one needs to be at least 18, an Australian citizen, and, aha, have a big ego...(I can see why you're laughing, I guess that's what passes for humour in the LGA-Ed)...well he is partly right in saying it takes a certain amount of ego to say vote for me...
(Well that or a desire to engage in the Institutionalised Corruption of Public Office in South Australia-Ed)...well quite...(or driven doubled-over before a cold howling wind of torment in a lunatic stagger bent on vengeance and retribution-Ed)...look, no, I told you already, I'm not running for Councillor...(taboomtish-Ed)...because there's just no point...the vested interests currently running the show will make absolutely sure that they've got this all buttoned down before anybody registers let alone votes...and once on Council I would be gagged by their various self-imposed restrictions...
(Yes, but if you don't get on Council and displace all the cronies and collaborators, how can you affect change?-Ed)...that, is an excellent question...(do you happen to have an excellent answer-Ed)...no.
Mr O'Loughlin further advised that a single issue ticket isn't enough reason to run because you'll quickly become frustrated and there are over 300 different areas that Councillors must vote on so they must get educated and there are training courses available through the LGA...and of course you can't run for Councillor and Mayor although with some Councils elected members choose Mayor, but it's better to be elected City wide because the Mayor could have peer support but not the community's...
It was noted that 2 non-Councillors standing for Mayor will need to quickly learn new skills, eg, read the Local Government Act now, and that being Mayor is not a dictatorship but mostly being Chair of the Council meeting, occasionally having a casting/deciding vote...they apparently need to be able to work with people, to be 'a good team player'...Mr O'Loughlin's advice was to talk to your relevant Council's CEO and/or a friendly member...(hah, good luck with that!-Ed)...well obviously he didn't mean Nick Fletcher...(well obviously-Ed)...anyhoos, if you're going to get involved, get started...
I'd like to close with Council's latest deceit re the Rail Lands, as again being played out in The Border Watch, as attached below...not a word of a lie, I've spoken to many people about this Market business and I am assured that nobodies going nowhere no time soon...note the article makes a big song and dance about how Council has organised it, then states it won't happen for a year...(and also acknowledges that Council has no plans for the largely unusable Asbestos-riddled Old Rail Station, despite telling the Market stall holders that they'd renovate it for the Marketters to use-Ed)...unbeforgettin'lievable...
Tomorrow: More LTGATMHB
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
But there is a degree of brevity to be gleaned from the title of this post, the merest suggestion that the Universe has an ironic sense of humour...'tÃs as though 'twere meant to be that we have a saying that means 'it's too late to act, the damage is done'- shutting the gate after the horse has bolted - and the apparently pointless Polite Protesting recently conducted in Adelaide against the Fracking that's happening right now around Penola...opposition that centres on the catchphrase/Movement, "Lock The Gate"... the self-perpetuating irony of this name is obvious given the behaviour of the Weatherill Labor government and Minister Koutsontonis...
Labor have 1) flagged removing all 'Green Tape' from Development Applications, Mining, etc, and have appointed their rank hack Mia Handshin to the head of the Environment Protection Authority, so it's go go gadget for all Gas Fracking...2) given Beach Energy and other companies a 5 year 'No Royalty' free kick at knocking off our resources without having to pay for any of it...and 3) when Polite Protestors attended Minister Koutsontonis's office with their petition, they got the big Tommy Forget You and were left standing in the street...
Life In The OB:...again, I take no pleasure in being right in just how pointless it is politely negotiating with people who don't give a forget what you think, not a forget what you say, not a forget what's happening to you, who have no intention of doing anything other than exactly what benefits them personally...I note that in May 2014 Rawson Resources bought Otway Energy and it's 2 exploration licenses (1 at Penola, 1 between Robe/Millicent) in the Otway Basin...(what is where we is-Ed)...indeed, this whole area of the South East is the OB, including off-shore.
Can't Believe I Know This Stuff: but there's an excellent site, energy-pedia news, that has extensive reportage of the 'investment' being made in the OB by Beach Energy (who have expanded their operations by purchasing a company called 3D Oil), Rawson Resources, etc, and has some great resource material, eg, maps of proposed exploration, licenses, etc...check out their (energy-pedia) news for June 16th 2014, under Australia: Beach Energy aquires interest in off-shore OB permit T/49P from 3D Oil...
We're Knackered: because whilst the bolt is the horse's natural enemy, the Weatherill government has not opened the gate for Fracking so much as ripped it clear off it's hinges...and Stevie's had the nod...our illustrious Mayor Steve Perryman had to excuse himself from the Mt Gambier City Council meeting when it came to the 'Fracking Moratorium' vote because he 'has a business agreement with Beach Energy'...which segues inappropriately well into his farcical statements recently in The Border Watch...
Whilst announcing his intention to run for a position on Council rather than as Mayor, Stevo stated that he was looking forward to getting to vote on all the things he missed out on by being Mayor...(what the? he's not there half the time and spends most of the time he is there pogoing in and out of his seat with a relentless parade of 'Conflict of Interest' business agreements-Ed)...well quite...
Prospect Mayor and Local Government Assoc President David O'Loughlin was interviewed on the ABC yesterday about his 11.5 years in Local Gov, 2 terms as Mayor, etc, and his advice re making sure y'all are enrolled and eligible to vote...and something that caught my attention, votes are apparently allocated as per property, ie, more than one property, more than one vote...(so the Landed Gentry with Rental Properties, etc, get more say than than some poor gimp in Public Housing?-Ed)...exactly...anyhoos, the roll closes 8th August with nominations for Councillors/Mayor open Sept 2nd, closing on the 16th at 12 noon.
What really concerns me is that 1) this is a voluntary vote, and then 2) only a postal vote that runs from 20th Oct I think, closing Nov 7th...I'll check exact details and post...but Mr O'Loughkin advises candidates to start campaigning, and ahaha, that there are only 3 criteria for people wanting to nominate, aha, that one needs to be at least 18, an Australian citizen, and, aha, have a big ego...(I can see why you're laughing, I guess that's what passes for humour in the LGA-Ed)...well he is partly right in saying it takes a certain amount of ego to say vote for me...
(Well that or a desire to engage in the Institutionalised Corruption of Public Office in South Australia-Ed)...well quite...(or driven doubled-over before a cold howling wind of torment in a lunatic stagger bent on vengeance and retribution-Ed)...look, no, I told you already, I'm not running for Councillor...(taboomtish-Ed)...because there's just no point...the vested interests currently running the show will make absolutely sure that they've got this all buttoned down before anybody registers let alone votes...and once on Council I would be gagged by their various self-imposed restrictions...
(Yes, but if you don't get on Council and displace all the cronies and collaborators, how can you affect change?-Ed)...that, is an excellent question...(do you happen to have an excellent answer-Ed)...no.
Mr O'Loughlin further advised that a single issue ticket isn't enough reason to run because you'll quickly become frustrated and there are over 300 different areas that Councillors must vote on so they must get educated and there are training courses available through the LGA...and of course you can't run for Councillor and Mayor although with some Councils elected members choose Mayor, but it's better to be elected City wide because the Mayor could have peer support but not the community's...
It was noted that 2 non-Councillors standing for Mayor will need to quickly learn new skills, eg, read the Local Government Act now, and that being Mayor is not a dictatorship but mostly being Chair of the Council meeting, occasionally having a casting/deciding vote...they apparently need to be able to work with people, to be 'a good team player'...Mr O'Loughlin's advice was to talk to your relevant Council's CEO and/or a friendly member...(hah, good luck with that!-Ed)...well obviously he didn't mean Nick Fletcher...(well obviously-Ed)...anyhoos, if you're going to get involved, get started...
I'd like to close with Council's latest deceit re the Rail Lands, as again being played out in The Border Watch, as attached below...not a word of a lie, I've spoken to many people about this Market business and I am assured that nobodies going nowhere no time soon...note the article makes a big song and dance about how Council has organised it, then states it won't happen for a year...(and also acknowledges that Council has no plans for the largely unusable Asbestos-riddled Old Rail Station, despite telling the Market stall holders that they'd renovate it for the Marketters to use-Ed)...unbeforgettin'lievable...
Tomorrow: More LTGATMHB
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
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