Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Indignant Tones And The Death Pit Of Stupidity

Hello China, France, Indonesia, and bringin' it on home for a big shout out to all ma' homies on Mt Gambier City Council...hello and welcome to the blog and today's post about what is arguably the stupidest, most costly piece of outrageously dangerous and pointless crap that any Council could plausibly conceive, a genuine doozy even for Mt Gambier City Council...ladies and gentlemens, welcome to my latest diatribe about the Fake Lake on the Rail Lands, now a major Hollywood production...

(Best announcers voices please) "Our hero battles a shambling army of Local Government zombies staggering about the Rail Lands with great wads of Rate-payers cash falling out of their pockets...Nick Fletcher is Indignant Tones in his latest adventure, trying to sort out the deadly lunacy of the Death Pit of Stupidity"...(when you say DPOS, do you mean the Fake Lake/Drainage Pond thingy on the Rail Lands that is just such an immediately obviously deadly drowning hazard that it beggars belief that it ever got out of someone's lunatic imagination onto the page let alone onto the plan let alone approved let alone constructed?-Ed)...

Well yes that is what I'm on about, I was just trying to jazz it up a bit...(well jazz is by definition a series of often discordant notes cobbled craftily together, so it's a perfect metaphor for this 'ere blog-Ed)...I can handle being called a bit jazzy...but don't change the subject because for all of my attempts to couch this in attempted humour, it is a deadly serious situation as a result of a massive, unnecessary expenditure...

I can only ask that availees consider the anger and the vitriole evident in this post is not a construct born of my current political aspirationings and is completely separate an issue to any Election, but rather, exactly the sort of shenanigans that fuels my desire to be a part of a process I fully intend to change because quite frankly I don't trust the process we have now, either...(so you don't trust Council and you don't trust the Electoral Processes in South Australia, so 2 questions, who do you trust? and why be part of a process you don't trust?-Ed)...where to start...

1)  It doesn't matter whether I trust Council or not, they have proven themselves untrustworthy;
2)  I wouldn't burden those I trust by naming them...(fair enough-Ed)...and;
3)  no I do not trust any of the Electoral processes in South Australia, let alone Local Government Elections that are a voluntary (non-compulsory) postal vote, posted to the Council offices...and before y'all go gettin' all bent outta' shape about slandering all at Council and shizzle, it only takes one dodgy bastard and I reckon I could find at least one...oh, and 4) you have to be in it to win it...

Who else but Mt Gambier City Council could be so mind-bogglingly inept as to fill their Fake Lake with $??? of tapwater the day before a decent rain event has it overflowing into the 'rock pool' overflow sump drainage thingy bit?...(um, another Council controlled by disassociated vested interests who should be publicly vilified for the damage their greed and stupidity have caused?-Ed)...indeed...

(Can we talk about the rank corruption that drives the sort of stupidity that sees a Council spend approx $700,000 of borrowed money on a pointless, deadly drowning hazard that completely stuffs-up one end of the Rail Lands?...can we talk about that?-Ed)...I think we already are Ed, just putting the words 'Rail Lands Retail Agenda' and 'Council' in the same and/or indeed any sentence usurps the dictionary definitions of 'corruption' and 'incompetence'...

I can only apologise for the potentially brutal and jarring language of this post, but I am deeply concerned about this situation...I am not being a shrill political stuff-pig about this when I refer to it as a 'Death Pit' and/or state outright that someone will drown in there and it's only a matter of time, be it a kid who strays from the playground drawn by the lure of water and silently falls in, some drunk who decides to have a refreshing drown on the way home at 0300 on a hot summer night...(and the beach was burnin', there was fog rollin'...-Ed)...stop that...sorry, but there's a time and a place for Meatloaf...(and this ain't it?-Ed)...exactly... 

The Death Pit Of Stupidity: has apparently been fulled up ta' the brum...(by a New Zealander?-Ed)...nah, just doing a silly accent thingy...(so they've sorted the safety/security fencing issues then to remove the 'immediately obvious as absolutely deadly' potential of this straight sided 8-9 foot deep concrete pit with a 6-7 foot of water in it?-Ed), apart from 'pull-apart site fencing' that will be removed, there's nothing...oh, except of course for the kiddies Nature Playground that they've built right next to it..(so Council has openly, publicly acknowledged that they realise the potential for drowning in this pit yet they've gone and filled it up anyway without fencing it?-Ed)...yep...

(And how much water is that? and how much does that much water cost? why fill it at the end of Winter?-Ed) much I don't know, but Council are madly rushing this stuff through now so they can run another lie-riddled self-congratulatory self-promotion going into the Local Government Elections...(and how often will it have to be topped-up across Summer? is it going to be a huge unusable, rubbish filled, stagnated mozzie haven drowning hazard?-Ed)...well yes it's going to be all of those things anyway, but what else is it going to be?

Comments on the ABC about the Fake Lakes/Rail Lands show just how stupid, aggressive and abusive other people can be...(other people?-Ed)...ridiculous comments ridiculing people who oppose, ultimately achieve nothing...(you do realise you're doing exactly what you're accusing of others?-Ed)...yeah yeah, I'm doin' a thing, shh...'let's never have anything new, that'd make those complaining people happy', and 'anything's better than old rail yard', or, 'you can drown-proof kids', etc...poppycock...

Hey hep cats, let's kick it back a gear and re-visit Council's outrageously arrogant, bullying bullshit a coupla' years back when they hurled abuse at a young mum who quite rightly expressed concerns that several Council-constructed 'open drainage sumps' were potential drowning hazards because of their depth and steep sides and location right amongst housing...(and they were only 2-3 feet deep with grassy sloped sides, not 6-7ft of water with sheer concrete sides-Ed)...indeed...and Council went nut-sack crazy ballistic abusive at her, not least of all on the front page of the good ol' TBW...(go' bless 'em-Ed)...

And then Council slunk-off and re-engineered those sumps/ponds so that they had safe shallow sides - you can't 'fall in' and if you do end up in it, you can just stand up and walk out - and not one word of apology to that young mum...

This absolutely disgraceful incident absolutely quantifies/personifies/whatevs exactly what sort of bullying, selfish, corrupt body that Mt Gambier City Council is, as run by an ignorant bully of a Mayor, Steve Perryman...(Mr Perryman who is in for a very nasty shock when he gets dumped off Council and finds himself back amongst the plebeians-Ed)...nah I think he'll continue to do alright either way, syphoning off all of the acts from the Helpmann Theatre courtesy of his mate Frank 'The Ghost' Morello, himself running as a Councillor...(fair enough-Ed)...personally I want Stevo mate...(maaate-Ed) get in because I want him right there where I can get him, bloggily speaking...

Again, I make these statements about Mayor Perryman's Insider Trading in collusion with Frank Morello because 1) it has been repeatedly, specifically alleged to me by other local providers, and 2) I'm confident that a cursory examination of the Theatre's books alongside Mayor Perryman's Motel guest list will provide ample evidence to support these claims...I understand this issue and several others re Mayor Perryman's Motel dealings will be raised at the Community Action Sustainability forum later this month...and not by me either...hilarious...(can't wait-Ed)...wonder if he'll even bother to show up...  

So having been through the public humiliation of having their own stupidity and arrogance and bullying flung back in their faces, you'd think Council would've learned their lesson and not burned $700,000approx on building a 'drainage pond' that is such an obvious drowning hazard...(well apparently not-Ed) to acknowledge that you recognise it as a drowning hazard after you've already built it, and then compound that lunacy by turning it into that hazard by filling it with water before you resolve those identified fencing/safety's just mind-boggling...  

Just for the record, as young teens we would ride kilometres to the Belair National Park often via the Ford in Coromandel Valley, where it was the most fun in flood and we stood the risk of being swept away...we'd spend hours across days, Summer/Winter/Whatevs, across years mucking about there, at the dam behind Coromandel Primary, at the Old Rail Re-filling Lake in the BNP, along the Sturt River/Creek, etc, a young adult we would go get drunk and jump out of trees into the Torrens where it was still a river way up in the Gorge...and as an adult I've used my penchant for plummetting to step right off the edge and into the Little Blue...Lake that is...(it was bloody bright green last time I was there, yuk-Ed)...

Point is, I've committed many if not all of the precursor behaviours for being a drowning statistic, namely, repeatedly played in flooded creeks, been a drunk young man doing stupid things around/in water, etc, and it probably is largely luck that I haven't drowned at some stage, but my ultimate point is one that has been made and I agree and repeat, if you put a water feature there it will draw people, especially young kids and drunk peeps...this stuff and relative statistics has been all over the media for the last few days...

Tomorrow: More Indignant Tones 

Careful What You Wish For: me thinks upon hearing that SAPol has just given itself permission to carry and then use 'Tazers' on unarmed people at their (SAPol's) general discretion...(so as is your experience, SAPol could come to your home with their self-granted, open-ended, anonymous, un-challengeable Search Warrants, again, and potentially completely legally Tazer you straight-off because you're quite a large, angry hippy?-Ed) per my hilarious joke of only weeks ago, yes...(apparently SAPol have only used Tazers 78 times with no misuse reported-Ed)...I'm fairly sure it's kind of hard to report when you're flipping about on the ground going nnnnnnnnn...

Written and Authorised by Nick Fletcher, Kooringa St, Mt Gambier...cheers and laters...

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