Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Biking Mad Dogs and Englishmen

Hello Zimbabwe, Poland, United Kingdom, and the United States of America...welcome one and all to this 'ere blog and a sortta' Mayoral campaigning thingy...(wow, you are one slick political animal aren't you? a campaigning thingy-Ed)...I happily admit to being a non-politician operating in political paradigms not of my creation...also howdy to Ukraine which keeps dropping in and out of our 'news cycle' and one report in the morning says there's a ceasefire, then in the afternoon it's reports of shelling and deaths, etc, that occurred during that ceasefire, etc...

Reportage of the conflict has somewhat fallen beneath the wheels of our own domestic issues...I subscribe to the idea that the Abbott Liberal government is doing everything it can to distract from the bullying, arrogant Class War Budget that they cannot get through without constantly rolling over to the (Clive) Palmer United Party, and the fact that this distraction involves rushing headlong into the middle of another Sectarian conflict in Iraq is just a big win for our militaristic nutjob PM...(and when a mental calls someone else a 'nut-job' you can be assured it ain't good-Ed)...no it ain't...

Pardon my anger masking confusion because WTF we're at war and apparently allied to people who we are also opposed to or at least were this time last week and set to spend squizillions flying our Secret Squirrels /Super hornets/whatevs over areas where accurate targetting is difficult due to civilian populations, etc, etc...I'm not trying to be flippant because I do not know what exactly it is that we as Oztraya are trying to do...it's a horrendous situation that I feel we've just gone wading into, even if it is with genuine intent...

Just Sayin: that my trap wasn't the only thing flappin' 'round the ol' Mount recently because I spied with my little ear some tin bangin' away on top of a certain tower and called the peeps involved at their office here and then was past that way again the next day and spoke to someone there...they spotted it and called it in and next morning there was a crane there with a cradle for 2 and up they went and down it came...said to those gathered that I'd wait to hear/see it mentioned officially...more when I see their public release...just sayin'...

But First: apparently the tide of public opinion has forced Wattle Range Council to enlarge their groins...(fnyark fnyark, but I think you'll find that it's actually tidal flow that is causing sand build-up and associated problems around Southport (I think?) and the solution is apparently to increase the size of the artificial feature, the sea groyne that is causing the problem-Ed)...but if you increase the size of the thing that causes the problem, won't that just...(ahhshhshh, ixnay on the leedin'bix bviousoix-Ed)...and anyway, I thought Tidal Flo was King Neptune's palatial housekeeper...(chortle-Ed)...

Bike Lanes: is such a lovely, gentle problem all things considered and should all already stem from the Rail Corridor which should already be an end-to-end bike/walkway, and then not along main arterial roads like Penola Rd...I've covered this before and that's where the Englishman and hopefully all the other tourists come trundling in on their deadly treadlies...(whaaa?-Ed)...bicycles, deadly treadlies...all the bicycle tourists who would use a designated bikeway to cycle across the South East in the midday sun, linked to the Great South West Walk in Victoria...

Excuse my ignorance/poor memory/ignorance and/or poor memory and ignorance but there's something kinda' lika' bell ringin' in ma' head re Mad Dogs and Englishmen being in the midday sun...(is it 'ít's so hot out in the midday sun' only mad dogs and Englishmen would be so stupid?-Ed)....I reckon you're right Ed...anyhoos, whoevs nationality is doing the riding, this is prime for walkers also and particularly family groups, pensioner groups, etc, etc...I don't bike but know those who have/do, including one dude who cycled Europe, etc, and reckons Oz in general is great because it's just so flat...it's so flat...

Kalangadoo and all points similar could have all sorts of peeps rolling through...it's clean, it's green, it's safe from Bordertown to Portland (including GSWW)...spend a week with the family cycling South for a couple of days before driving slowly back via the Coast...or vice versa...cycling tours around the wineries, etc...back in the Mount, we'll be fleecin' the cyclin' suckers I mean providing friendly services...this would be perfect for operators who run catered tour groups that carry all the food and set-up ahead, etc...

Town Bike: is not a slick new nick-name that Mt Gambier should aspire to but that doesn't mean there's not a dollar to be made being cyclist friendly...imagine lotsa' peeps rollin' into the Rail Lands what I've done fix-up proper once I'm Mayor...there's also a lot of stuff happening about cycling events in the SE that could be used to cross-promote these group tour sort of things...

Also organising, or at least trying to, a little public transport/service stuff as well, but until I know more about who can do what, etc, I'm afraid I'm going to be a bit shy on detail because I've said I would to those involved, but there's plenty of this stuff I've covered in previous posts about lack of services, shelters, etc, due to lack of funding by both Labor state government and Council, eg, no weekend/public holiday buses at all...I'm enthused that most people are shocked to learn that we have such a limited service and support improving funding for improved services...(yay-Ed)...

Just beyond words with the sickening satire of self-exoneration that has former SAPol Commissioner Mal Hyde, at the head of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, running the review of Families SA which is itself run by former SAPol officer...(Tony-TH)...Tony...(nnnHarrison-TH)...Tony Harrison, and another SAPol officer...and 25 staff immediately side-lined with 75 more under scrutiny and god only knows what is really happening...it's just a disgraceful display of deeply corrupted people wallowing about in the filth of their own creation...

With all of the trauma I've had around my life re this abuse stuff, this last week is a new low...

Not quite on the same scale but none the less concerning, the bizarre stuff that's going on with the Tenders for Solar Lights and panels for the Blue Lake, Rail Lands, and Library...just that zany ol' Mt Gambier City Council doin' zany ol' dodgy things , again, more later, but of even more immediate concern is what appears to be unravelling re the worst kept secret in Mt Gambier...(you mean even after St Martins?-Ed)...indeed, but no I mean the apparent bid by the Mt Gambier Show Society to sell off a chunk of the Showgrounds site to supermarket chain Aldi...

Sorry to be such a prat about it, again, but I cannot say exactly what I know nor how because that exposes whom, etc...suffice to say that it is confirmed that negotiations between Aldi and the Society have taken place, apparently in secret...this reeks big-time and would be a disaster for the Mount...I'm goin' to kick this puppy around tomorow and see what it coughs up...(charming metaphor-Ed)...yeah, my sense of humour has abandoned me somewhat of late...anyhoos, more...

Tomorrow: Shenanigans Afoot 

More Showgrounds stuff et al...most of my first profile answer made it into The Border Watch, but with the reference to this 'ere blog removed...let's see what shows tomorrow...

Written and Authorised by Nick Fletcher, Kooringa St, Mt Gambier...cheers and laters...

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