Thursday, October 23, 2014

Fracking Lies Make This Mental Mad

Hello and welcome to the blog and unfortunately another diatribe about the rank political bastardry being played out around issues of Mental's clearly currently very fashionable to talk about MH issues as though one actually gives a damn, but that hasn't stopped the lies and the manipulation and the increased trauma these false behaviours cause...on top of that I'm still recovering from the mind-bogglingly self-indulgent praisefest of Tuesday night's Council meeting...

But First: this week the spineless, complicit Liberal Party showed it's true colours when voting against the Greens Motion calling for an Inquiry into Fracking...the official Liberal line is that Greens leader Mark Parnell's proposed Inquiry was about all mining everywhere across the planet, and therefore totally's difficult for me to ascertain where the truth lies here because all involved on the Committee that rejected this plan 5-1 (Labor with 3 no votes, Liberals with 2 no votes, and the Greens) have proven to be consistently competent indeed consumately complete liars...when they all just lie as a matter of daily business, who do you believe?

But there's no mistaking the vacuous denials of the Liberal Member for McKillop Mitch Williams, on ABC Radio Monday morning 20th October 2014 when he tried to explain away the Liberals voting against this proposed Inquiry...Mr Williams has previously promised to support an Inquiry...before blasting the Greens Motion as farcical, he slanderously denounced the Lock the Gate people as being irresponsible liars, and claimed that no-one had sent him any information proving Fracking was bad...(what do you mean 'hasn't sent him anything?-Ed)...exactly that, 'he doesn't know because no-one sent him stuff'...

(But that's nonsense...what about all the stuff that you can find in minutes on the Interweb about the non-testing of the chemicals used, particularly lack of testing for these 'combination uses', and/or lack of information on even what chemicals are actually being used; groundwater exhaustion and/or contamination; seismological issues, eg, earth-tremors; major companies selling-off already exhausted resources and just pulling-out without doing reclamation; etc, etc?-Ed)...yeah, I know, it's absolute bollocks...

Mr Williams claims to be in a position of absolute ignorance re the potential and in many cases realised negative impacts of Fracking, because some-one else hasn't sent it to him, yet wielding his alleged ignorance on high, he's prepared to attack Lock The Gate for being irresponsibly wrong...(but how can he know they're wrong if he (allegedly) hasn't done the research and/or doesn't know what the facts are himself?-Ed)...well exactly, he can't even slander people properly, whatta' joke...and it gets better...

Having established his own self-alleged ignorance on the issue of Fracking, an ignorance mired in his own alleged laziness and apathy in that he allegedly can't be bothered to spend 10 minutes looking it up on the Interweb, Mr Williams redefined hypocrisy and stupidity and opinionated belligerence by holding forth that there's been '30 years of gas extraction in the South East without any problems'...(but Fracking and Conventional extraction are completely different, you simply cannot compare the two...this is exactly the same bullshit that Reg Nelson of Fracking company Beach Energy has tried to run in his media bits-Ed)...indeed...

Indeed and in fact, it sounds like our man Mitch is actually some-one else's chap, and they're writing his stuff for was classic Labor government/mining company bullshit, dragging unconnected pieces together in crassly incoherent justifications and denying any knowledge of any negatives...absolute lies from someone who has clearly said one thing before the election because it was politically expedient, and now he's back in it's business as usual with corrupted politicians, corrupt development and planning decisions, and handsome profits for those in the game...and Mr Williams is clearly in the Fracking Game...

Days later Mr Williams then took his particular brand of two-faced bastardry to very much the next level down, when, in response to the widespread and quite rightly furious backlash to his original moronicisms re Fracking, he revised his position, again attacking all and sundry opposed to Fracking, but this time by saying that he'd gone on line and immediately found where the USofA Environment Protection Agency says Fracking is AOK Super no.1 Energy Resource...(so days ago he'd allegedly done no research and knew nothing, but in the 3 days since he's managed to access 1 website, and that just happened to be the official USofA government statement supporting Fracking?-Ed)...apparently...

(So he's looked up 1 website and it just happened to support his own personal position that he clearly lied about at the March 2014 state election, and he still can't see any of the plethora of negative examples, eg, multiple cases of groundwater contamination across many states in the USofA, Methane contamination issue in Queensland, etc, etc-Ed)...indeed, indeed, it's one thing to have an opinion about something, be that opinion a factual one or an ideological one, but it's something entirely different to deliberately deceive and knowingly non-know that which one should know and is indeed unbelievable in it's claimed unknowingness...

(Have I explained how much I hate it when you're so jibberishly incoherent in being so precisely concisely accurate and/or vice versa? have I told you that?-Ed)...frequently...I don't know why it happens that way, it's just how this shizzle occurs to me, how it manifests itself here on the page for public distribution...(you mean with all the expletives deleted?-Ed)...exactly...I'd like to think that it's partly inspired/created/ingrained/whatevs by Monty Python whom I've loved since I was but a ManBear StuffPiglet...

The Life Of Brian is a sublime masterclass in simplicity and economy of language encapsulating deep psychological studies and the breadth of human history, masked by layers of pantomime and farce...if you haven't watched it, give it a go, and look beyond the silly voices, costumes, etc, and look at the history being told, the psychology explored, the deeply insightful commentary on what it is to be human, done with biting satire, simple language, and beautiful timing...but I digress...

What Mr Williams has done in trying to justify his clear support for Fracking by claiming to be ignorant of the most fundamental information, is dig himself a deep hole, get in, and then start filling it back in, but not with the scree he just removed, but by digging an even deeper hole, a hole so deep that he had to get out of the original hole and into the new one...(it's wholly unacceptable behaviour-Ed)...well quite...Mr Williams has scant little credibility anymore and this weeks efforts ain't helped at all, not at all sir...        

I'll go as far as to say that our state politicians lie so much, so often, with such a breath-taking casualness, that when my opinion/belief/whatevs coincide with what they're saying, I find myself carefully revising my position for fear I've erred...haven't had that problem this week with the rank deceits spewing into the public sphere, and not least of all from our own highly paid professional liar, Mayor Steve Perryman...I had thought that the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up was going to be the highlight of his political career, but lying to and manipulating those with major/severe/whatevs Mental Health issues is right up there...well done Stevo mate...(maaate-Ed)...

I refer to the crass political stunt that is the announcement of 'HeadSpace funding' for a private contractor to supposedly come to Mt Gambier and build and then staff a Mental Health unit for the youths, a Headspace Unit...and there was former City Councillor now Member for Barker Tony Pasin with CEO Mark McShane and fellow Liberal candidate and Mayor Steve Perryman all furiously praising each other right-up for this farcical declaration that will never happen...(may you be wrong-Ed)...indeed, as always, I hope to be very wrong...but I'm not...

Mental Health provision in Mt Gambier is in absolute chaos with the Medicare local referral service to remain closed for another 2 weeks for a total thus far of 6 weeks closed, as this 'moratorium' allows them to 'catch-up with the backlog of referrals'...(and as previously posted, what the hell sort of backlog is going to be waiting when, and if, they do re-open?Ed)...and that is a worrying if...there's barely any Drug/Alcohol Counselling available, fly in/fly out part-time psychiatry, etc, etc...everybody who has had the least little thing to do with MH provision in Mt Gambier, indeed any Health provision across the South East, knows that the biggest hurdle is getting specialists to move here to provide the full-time services we need...

For our Federal Member Tony Pasin and Mayor Steve Peryman and CEO Mark McShane, et al, to engage in this cynical deceit of the community for their own personal political expediency, exactly defines them for the sort of people they are...and Steve Perryman has carried this deceitful, confected non-reality into his campaigning for the current Local Government election, in which he seeks a position as his advertising he proudly lays claim to "'Headspace youth mental centre funding", and/or "Headspace Centre"...

What an absolute piece of political scummery...and when I called it exactly that at the CAS Forum Friday night 17th October 2014, I received a warm round of applause from half the room...(two things, namely, 1) I think you actually called it "political bastardry" not 'scummery', and 2) the other half of the room still hated you-Ed)...oh I'm counting on it...I'm very, very confident that there were several people who left that forum hating me even more because I went right into the heart of their precious little world and very, very politely tore down all of of their ill-gotten ideas of who I am and what I'm like and why I behave the way I do...  

And the reality of what I said and how I said it, etc, clearly did shatter those ideas for some because they came up to me afterwards and said exactly that, 'didn't like the blog (therefore me), but having seen you speak, now I get it'...and again congrats and cheers to those who are not afraid to admit they're misapprehensions and misunderstandings, etc, be prepared to acknowledge it, because I consider it a sign of intelligence and decency when people will see genuine intent when presented to them genuinely...and I got genuine in bucket-loads...

I'll finish here for today, but...

Tomorrow: FLMTMM Part II

What our local leaders are doing to deceive and betray our community re Mental Health provision, is a crass mimicry of the Labor state government, and on through to the full-circle bastardry of the federal Headspace announcement...

Written and Authorised by Nick Fletcher, 16 Kooringa St, My Gambier SA 5290...cheers and laters...

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