Thursday, October 9, 2014

Latest Answers For The Border Watch

Hello and welcome to a quick post for these here answers...a very long day today, half spent doing stuff with/for others and/or re the Showgrounds and then grinding through these's far harder than doing this 'ere blog, because here I can ramble off on a tangent and meander back via several other relevant points across many paragraphs, not cover everything in 150 words...(and that's before the added complication of trying to operate within fairly rigid guidelines-Ed)...indeed...

No response yet from ALDI but I'd like to think my email means they're aware that there are here abouts some persons not so happy about what appears to be I found out that whilst this was on social media, etc, on Monday 6th October 2014, some possibly all Show Society members are yet to receive their letter/notification about the 'secret' meeting due to be held next Thursday 16th October 2014 and have in fact found out via said social media...

As per my email to ALDI, the very unfortunate and extensive history of dodgy dealings around the Mount immediately proceeding this situation automatically places it in a poor light, a light further dimmed by the very secretive nature of this is not irresponsible to suggest that it looks like ALDI were trying to get the John Hancocks on this li'l puppy before the rest of Mt Gambier knew...(very poor form sir, very poor form indeed-Ed)...well quite... 

Five months ago now 2 SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch detectives very politely 'raided' my home and seized my laptop as evidence, telling me that I should "expect to be charged" for simply talking about a state authority I still probably cannot name on this 'ere blog...just sayin'...without sayin' it...

Tomorrow: AHHHHHHHThat's Better

Written and Authorised by Nick Fletcher, Kooringa St, Mt Gambier...cheers and laters...

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