Saturday, October 4, 2014

Profusest Apologies And The Parklands Concept Plan

Hello y'all and apologies for no post yesterday but I don't have the laptop and I'm trying to be 'out and about' as much as home yesterday arvo and and opened the blog, then checked but couldn't get into my emails, then couldn't get back into the blog...tried again this morning and what a disaster...

Was awake at 0500hrs and spent over 2 hours doing an email for The Border Watch re their Candidates Profile thingy coming up next week, as they requested...having already exchanged several emails and phonecalls with TBW, I genuinely struggled to come up with statements that might meet their very specific 'guidelines' re what I can and cannot say...then when I sent that 'Reply' on their own message, it just vanished...this is the third time in a week or so, second time to TBW...

I had to call in Tech Support...(a teenager then?-Ed)...indeed, and they had no idea, couldn't find not no trace of nuffin'...but helped steer me round to some new programs and I'll just have to take the slow-boat, do a document, save and print-off a copy, attach, etc, etc...anything other than the extreme annoyance of losing all that time and effort...what's really frustrating is that I don't think they're going to print my stuff anyway...(I was going to say, aren't you effectively banned?-Ed)...I'll cover that tomorrow... 

I've also lost goodly chunks of a couple of posts for no apparent effect, I've lost nearly 3 days to lost documents, emails, etc, in the last is absolutely possible that this is my mistake and/or a dodgy connection/access/whatevs, and it is also possible that someone is monitoring all my stuff, as is constantly stated to me by others, and going 'no I don't think so' and/or 'forget you hippy'...seems somethings run no problem and others not so much...

Please find attached this Rail Lands stuff from The Border Watch Friday 25th November 2011 as sort of a 'Feedback' post that, not a word of a lie, literally laterally fell into my hands yesterday when I was trying to tidy up my many piles of newspapers, documents, etc, and I moved a pile of papers and this edition of TBW slid off the remainder into my hand...this is what I have been talking about in numerous previous posts re the $10m Parklands Concept Plan as launched in November 2011...

Tomorrow: Bike Lanes And Tourism

Apologies again...I guess this is also an official statement by me because it involves Council shizzle, so cheers and laters and...

Written and Authorised by Nick Fletcher, Kooringa St, Mt Gambier

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