Saturday, October 18, 2014

Stress Weighs 3 Kilos

Hello Indonesia, Poland, Netherlands, and Japan and welcome to what is going to be a bit of a dis-jointed really short post because after the CAS Mayoral Forum last night I didn't get home 'til 2300hrs and then to sleep until about 0400hrs this morning, and then woke up 3 hours later 3 kilos lighter...and have been wondering in small circles all day and sort of got some stuff done and sortta' not...I'm a bit of a right off today...

That's 3 separate 'stress' episodes in the last 5 months that have seen me lose 3kgs in a 24-36 hr period...first was when SAPol raided my home, etc, back on May 7/8th 2014...then it was the recent election enrolment day, ballot draw, and third trip back to Council for the meeting that evening (16th September?...and then yesterday evening...just snuck under 100kgs last night...

(Ah yes, I meant to ask, how did it go last night?-Ed) was a triumph darling, a triumph, dare one say it one self, a tour-de-force...(so it went well then?-Ed)...can't imagine that it could have gone much better...(you sound very sure of that, you're not overstating the matter a bit?-Ed)...nope...I said my piece and each time had hearty applause, with people clapping some of the points I made before I'd finished...overall I reckon it went really well, and a few people come up to me afterwards and said well done...(well done-Ed)...

Ta' was really nice to feel that sense of self and confidence, albeit tattered remnants of what or rather whom I once was...and to receive so much really positive feed-back, including from people who said sorry I won't be voting for you, but still congratulated me heartily for my effort and my passion, etc...and as repeatedly stated to me, Paul Jenner, sitting immediately to my left, and I were the only ones who bought a sense of the unfortunately unpleasant realities that Mt Gambier faces off the back of what the previous coupla' Councils have done ...

Sweatin' bullets early though...(orrr geez, I bet-Ed)...really confronting to get on that relatively low stage in front of that relatively small group (maybe 130?) amongst the relative anonymity of 8 candidates, and then stand and say your piece with all eyes on you...but at least I did stand...David Burt, seated to my immediate right, he and I were the only 2 to stand when speaking, the rest spoke sitting down...

I made the decision going in last night to just play it completely politely and talk about things in a very general and non-accusatory manner and as positively as possible, and indeed I had already promised CAS (Community Action for Sustainability) that that's how I'd was great that they organised this forum and it's far too important for me to stuff it up and make them less inclined to do it in the future, indeed, it should be a fundamental part of the official election process, organised by the Electoral Commission...

A few people said they read the blog and love it, cheers, and there were a coupla' people who came up and introduced themselves, said well done, and then stated that they read the blog but didn't like it, but having seen me talk and shizzle, that now they 'got it'...(hang on, they've read the blog but don't like it, but they're reading it?-Ed)...yeah, I thought about that, and it could well be that they've read only a few posts and didn't like them, whatevs, but the point being that they were so honest and clearly had no ill-intent, indeed they congratulated me...

And last night I mentioned the blog and said that I'd be polite, etc, and then was exactly that...the words 'corruption', 'child abuse', 'St Martins', 'relentless cavalcade of Conflict of Interest, nepotism, cronyism, etc', etc, never crossed my lips ...I don't think the forum was recorded, but a couple of people said that they wish it was so that it could be put online for all of Mt Gambier to see, not so much for my effort as how very substandard some of the candidates were...and I'll get into that tomorrow...

Just watchin' the Bledisloe Rugby (Aotearoa vs Straya) and I'm sorry my brothers from different mothers (my Papa was a Kiwi), but Australia is gettin' an absolute caning in the refereeing...don't know much about rugby, but I know how to hear the commentators say 'you can't put a knee down there, that should be a penalty to Oz', and shortly after 'you can't dive in like that, should be a penalty to Oz', and Aotearoa has just been allowed a try following a clear knock-on that even I spotted...just sayin'...

OMG: and in the last minute it's an illegal block not paid and then a penalty not paid and a try to Aotearoa and there's another game won and lost on refereeing...and I haven't sat down and watched a full game for quite a while and I gotta' say that NZ play a very unpleasant brand of rugby, constantly committing "cynical fouls" or "professional penalties", and running off-side to slow play, etc, and it's what I'm sure some call a professional 'win at all cost' attitude but to me it looks a lot like cheating...mistakes are mistakes, but if you deliberately, knowingly  break the rules to gain advantage, I'd call that cheating...anyhoos, that's a philosophical argument for another day...

Again my cynicism screams quietly at me that the whole thing's rigged and maybe it is and whatevs...maybe it was just a touch of personal bias, who knows, but the manipulation of major sporting events is well documented, albeit more commonly in cricket or football (soccer), etc...anyway, thankyou again to CAS for organising the forum and to everyone who turned out and I'll get stuck into some of it,

Tomorrow: Nuthin' Funny Happened

On the way to the forum, but there were some chuckles once there, although I'm not sure how many of the candidates were actually trying to be funny...(were there any media there?-Ed)...Anelia Blackie from The Border Watch was there but no I didn't see any journalists...(ooo, ouch-Ed)...oh you wait 'til tomorrow and I'm going to really unload about that little incident x2...

Written and Authorised by Nick Fletcher, 16 Kooringa St, Mt Gambier...cheers and laters...

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