Monday, October 13, 2014

Nerrrr, People A' Ignorant

Hello India, Venezuela, Turkey and the USofA and welcome to the blog for Monday 13th October 2014...and another sortta' cut'n'paste kinda' post but it's kinda inevitable when there's The Border Watch and/or whatevs articles involved and it's only logical that the quickest way to say 'here's what they said' is to post exactly what they said...(that's what I said-Ed)...and that title is the South Park Michael Jackson...(nerrrrr!-SPMJ)...

OMG: I've heard the ABC last week advertise a candidates forum for Councillors at Naracoorte or Millicent I reckons, and today a Mayoral Forum in Bordertown or wherevs, and although I've missed a bit lately because I'm tryin' to be gettin' out on the street wif' ma' peeps for the downlow on the high horse...(what?-Ed)...yeah sorry, lost it a bit at the end there...but on the ABC I've heard not one mention since the nominees were all read out back in September of the 8 candidates here where it is what we is actually at and stuff, and the ballots go out next week and stuff, and stuff all...and's almost like they don't want to talk to us...

(Well I'll go way out on a limb and suggest that they're waiting for the Community Action Sustainability Forum on Friday night so 1) that they can report what they want of that and 2) in the way they want and . 3) so that they won't give some loose unit a platform on the precious bloody ABC to spread the love-Ed)...I concur sir...  

But First: Had the distinct displeasure this morn of listening to approx 10 minutes of the ABC Radio's Stan Thompson interviewing former Member for Mt Gambier Rory McEwen whilst Rory held forth about the great work Rory is doing for the children of East Timor because he goes there and builds some things and helps something a whatevs...(you bloody well what? helps the children?-Ed)...orr yeah mate, 10 bloody minutes of it...(what about the children in South Australia? what about the children in Mt Gambier? what about the children at St Martins Lutheran School?-Ed)...indeed...

(What about good ol' Rory's rank betrayal of the 7 year olds at St Martins and their families? and how that betrayal further cemented the institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption that constantly erodes our community?-Ed)...all good questions Ed...but what really burns me is the Stan end of that conversation because my extensive intensive involvement with Rory has shown him to me to be irretrievably insanely passionate in his commitment to his corruption, but how can Stan have a lengthy, matey, bon hommi laden conversation about Rory's great work with kiddies, and appear to genuinely enjoy it?

How do you have that conversation in such a pleasant manner?...Stan Thompson knows exactly what has happened at St Martins, what Rory has done to cover that up, Stan's seen and apparently lost the extensive personal documentation I provided him, etc...there are few people who know more about St Martins than Stan and yet he can sit there and have a good chummy rummy chat with his mate Rory and that's another one they've got through without mentioning St Martins...well done fellas''re a pair of champs...

And out of a vague respect I won't name the organisation(s) that Rory was representing and they can deal with having him as their public representative because to me he represents a state effectively being run by paedophiles and every time he raises his head I'm going to give it the metaphoric kickin' he has so thoroughly earned...when a class of 7 year old children is abused and the local member attacks parents to help cover up the abuse and protect the Lutherans, what the hell is that?...(that's a Metaphoric Kickin' offense right there, that's what that is-Ed)...yeeha...  

And you and I Rory, we have so very, very much in each and every room we share our precious air with oh so many who hate us and who loathe us and every conversation beyond earshot is look at that shrecking bastard and what he has done...that's what they're saying know it, I know it, we know it...they know what you are and what you have done to help the Lutheran Church cover-up the gross abuse of dozens potentially hundreds of children at St Martins School at the hands of "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling... 

I completely reject this farcical pantomime being played out today in Adelaide where 6 lower to mid-level SAPol officers are being charged for minor theft offenses, and immediately all of the usual suspects like Premier Jay Weatherill and SAPol Commissioner Gary Burns and Attorney General John Rau are carolling the wonders of the particular state authority that's sorted all of this out after getting the info from SAPol...(sorry, so SAPol gave the info that led to the SAPol officers being charged, so why didn't they just do it internally?-Ed)...ah Ed, the question that is the answer...(whaaa?-Ed)...

This is a promotional stunt to 1) big-up how great the authority is and what great work it does, whilst 2) keeping SAPol supposedly at arms length from this action that 3) sets-up SAPol and Ray Jay Weatherill et al to hold forth about how squeaky clean South Australia is, and especially about how SAPol has been thoroughly investigated and all that was found was these few villains rammin' the odd dodgy jammy donut in their sky rocket and then scarperin'...guvna'...

AG 'Herrrres Johnny' Rau was on the ABC Radio from Adelaide (this arvo) making ludicrous comparisons between what happens here with such issues and the stuff being played out in the parallel authority in New South Wales...(yeahh, you haven't named that authority-Ed) I haven't have I...or have I?...(do not start that bullshit with me today-Ed)...indeed...but it's also the DeBelle Inquiry shenanigans all over's an absolute pantomime that will be here-on-in perpetually referenced as the be-all and end-all of what supposedly isn't wrong with's all fine...(just fine-Ed)...just fine...

Please find attached below the other stuff from The Border Watch last Friday 10th October 2014, following on from yesterday's post which had the Candidate Profiles from the same edition...apologies that it's a bit cut-off but it's readable, title says...I would consider the fact that the first letter was even published in Letters To The Editor is an indication or rather reflection of the wide-spread community displeasure with any potential sell-off of the Showgrounds site, eg, the stuff on Limestone Coast News...and the other I'll cover tomorrow...

I also acknowledge those comments, some made directly to me, that some people find entrance fees for the up-coming Mt Gambier Show prohibitively high to the extent that people don't go because families simply cannot afford it, and similarly that site fees are also problematic, and that combined it's a downward spiral...less people attending with less spending means less operators will even attend so the show shrinks and so onward it goes 'til it just stops...this can be fixed...

Bear Grylls new show would be really funny if he dropped off 30 men on an island and left them to it for a week, and comes back and there's only 11 left...(11 very chubby, sheepish looking men?-Ed)...indeed...

Tomorrow: The Pool Of Despair

And other tomfoolery...sorry didn't get to it today...

Written and Authorised by Nick Fletcher, Kooringa St, Mt Gambier...cheers and laters...

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