Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Welcome To My Happy Place

Howdy y'all and welcome to the blog and today I'm going to not so politely unload on the scumbags who comprise South Australian parliament...(just for something different-Ed)...indeed...and I'll do our local member Troy Bell the casual dis-favour of sayin' that I believe that he hates Fracking as much as anyone but has himself been betrayed by the spineless, gutless, moralless, born-to-rule mentality Liberal Party...and Labor are the even scummier bags who almost make the Libs look like human beings...almost...

(Do I sense a post laden with venom and vitriole, venting and vengeance?-Ed)...pretty much...***and apologies that I didn't post this yesterday, but I got back in from Mt Gambier City Council's meeting and was so pissed-off with their self-congratulatory gibberish that what I managed to conjure for this ere blog was, well, angry, un-postable I didn' it that is...and I've strayed from Fracking to the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up, so's apologies for that too***

I note that Cr Penny Richardson stated last evening that she attended the SAPol Commemoration Day as Deputy Mayor representing Mayor Steve Perryman...along with (I think) other Councillors (?) and CEO Mark McShane...I had thought that the statements made to me that no-one at all from Council had attended seemed unlikely, but the attendees who told me this were adamant, no-one from Council...I can't imagine that Cr Richardson is lying, and can only assume that she/they did not speak, etc, giving the impression that no Councillors were there...I don't believe that this was an attempt to set me up with an errant observation, as I am aware has occurred a coupla' times on other issues...

Last Monday 20th October 2014 on the ABC was a long interview with the Mayoral candidates Bob Sandow and current Councillor Andrew Lee, and the politest thing I have to say about that is 'waffle', lots of waffle...if you missed the Forum on Friday night 17th October 2014, then simply access the ABC Local Radio 'Reloaded' bit on the ABC website (should be there) for a beautiful word picture of just how bewilderingly average these 2 lead candidates were/are...and I'm not just cutting crook against my 'opponents', these were the comments made to me on the night and repeatedly since.

Answer after answer, the pair of them produced nonsensical non-responses that rarely bothered the actual question...Cr Lee in particular kept trotting out cute 'idioms' rather than actually address the issue, backed-up with repeated references to how much door-knocking he's been was a sorry display mimicking what happened Friday night...(10 minutes of my life I'll never get back-Ed)...was it only 10 minutes? seemed so much longer...(it did, didn't it...hilarious-Ed)...classic...but it gets even classicer, more classically, most classicious, bloody whatevs...(how so?-Ed)...

When the ABC interviews were announced early Monday morning there was no mention of the Candidates Forum run by Community Action for Sustainability (CAS), and then there was no mention by interviewer Stan Thompson...(but Cr Lee mentioned it twice, once quite specifically, and Bob Sandow also mentioned it-Ed)...exactly, and did Stan ask how it went or in any way acknowledge that it had even happened let alone been mentioned right to him?...(well, no, he studiously avoided even identifying that it had happened-Ed)...and do you reckon that might be about 1) not admitting they failed to even attend, and 2) denying the reality that Nick Fletcher was/is involved, let alone that he might give everyone else an absolute metaphoric caning?, and 3) the bloody hippy did exactly that, carried the day with style and grace and intelligence and empathy...(you bastard-Ed)

Call me a vain, arrogant pig, but...(alright, you're a vain arrogant pigbutt-Ed)...are you quite done?-(yep-Ed)...but I'd like to think that's got something to do with me as much as I believe that the first motivation is 'plausible deniability'...don't go, can't know, can't be held responsible, avoid having to ask difficult questions of your dodgy mates, etc, continues to baffle me as to why the ABC doesn't attend Council meetings, except when you apply the above motivation, plausible deniability...

(I'd have to say that it's a pretty big call to state that the ABC didn't mention, advertise, promote, even attend, then fail to even acknowledge including when it's mentioned to them, the CAS Mayoral Forum, just because you're involved-Ed)...buuut...(but I've seen just how bizarrely the ABC behave when it comes to you, and how absolutely complicit they are in the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...sooo...(so I'd have to say that, in lieu of any rational explanation, the idea that this extraordinary behaviour from the ABC is at least partly driven by a hatred for you, that idea becomes highly possible even probable-Ed)...absolutely...

The voting forms are already arriving in the post and I've yet to be even contacted by the ABC. 

But at this juncture I'm going to go slewing off into an angry piece re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and refer back to the recent gut-churning disgrace of the Stan Thompson interview with his bestie Rory McEwen...10 minutes of Stan sucking-up to Rory about what great work Rory does with the kids in East Timor...and I've been taken there/am writing this because I've just got in (***) from tonight's Council meeting, the last for this particular group...and the last thing they did was spend half an hour congratulating each other, including the announcement that they're launching their ludicrous Children's Charter today Wednesday 22nd October 2014.

And they're getting their little mate Labor MLC Kyam Maher along to launch this particular piece of screaming hypocrisy and absolute 'blue-sky' bullshit that is so very typical of the ludicrous things this Council has found to waste ratepayers money on whilst tipping it into their own and/or Councillor's mates pockets...(wow, angry much?-Ed)...and as part of his self-congratulatory drivel last night Stevo raved on about what a great bloke Rory McEwen was/is and how much he helped Stevo...on and on and on...

Rory McEwen and Steve Perryman are the 2 local politicians most complicit in and most responsible for the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up.

And great news that Country Health SA is extending the month long moratorium on Mental Health referrals for another fortnight but they've nearly cleared their backlog of referrals...(but what about all the referrals they haven't even accepted in the last month? just the other day the Royal Adelaide Hospital Emergency unit had 20+ Mental Health patients in beds there, with one person there for 6 days, the entire MH system is in disarray-Ed)...I know, this is the reality of what a disaster Labor have been for health provision in SA, right across the board...and demonstrates that claims that a HeadSpace unit will be opening in Mt Gambier are quite farcical and exceedingly politically cynical...

And yet another $2m, 24 bed expansion has just been approved for the Mt Gambier Gaol, taking it from 309 beds to 333, adding to the 84 bed expansion currently underway and the 108 beds opened in August 2013 and 8 surge beds were also added as Mt Gambier continues to be used as a dumping ground for SA's paedophiles and other sex offenders...just terrific...and the announcement of the launch of the Children's Charter...sickening...welcome to my happy place...

Tomorrow: Liberal's Fracking Lies

Please find attached below the letter from Premier Jay Weatherill that shows that our current Premier (along with then Premier Mike Rann) is aware of and has blocked official investigation of the St Martin's Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and so when I see/hear Steve Perryman praising-up Rory McEwen I'm engulfed by the reality that our charming Mayor and our charming former local Member are entirely complicit in this cover-up...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog and angry is just a word...cheers and laters mofos...

Written and Authorised by Nick Fletcher, 16 Kooringa St, Mt Gambier, SA 5290.

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