Wednesday, October 15, 2014

My Magnificent Octopus

Hello to Aotearoa (New Zealand), Kenya, Canada, and India and welcome to the Magnus Opus if you will...and just quickly explaining my own joke re the post 'Nerrrr, People A' Ignorant' was a specific reference to and/or the comments from our Attorney General John Rau re the state authority overseeing this farcical pantomime of 8 SAPol officers getting busted for relatively minor theft offences...the J-Man was waving away criticisms of said authority with a series of dis-jointed even irrelevant comparisons whereby basically all of the immediately obvious faults and failings of said authority that are apparent to anyone who even glances that way, all of that is your/my misunderstanding of Johnno's version of reality...

(But I don't like Johnno's version of reality...because it's bullshit-Ed)...indeed, a coherent if somewhat verbose treatise on this manipulation of fact and figure and cleverly crafted long-winded non-responses for political expedience...(no, it's because it's bullshit, all bullshit...pure and simple...came out of a bull, is made of...-Ed)...yeah ok, ok, I think we get the point...and I re-iterate my point that there's been a surge of chatter from these people about how they probably need tough new laws...and I was stunned to here within this discussion a situation I'm in being mentioned/criticised as being 'inappropriately restrictive''s a farcical faux complaint to mask the intended nature of this 'restriction'...(and that's about all we can say about that-Ed)...indeed...

(Go on, say it-Ed), I don't want to...(ahah, come on-Ed)...nooo, don't want to...alright already, stop looking at me like that...yesterday I was assailed with someone's opinion that Stuart Stansfield's interview of Mt Gambier Show Society's President Peter Woodroofe was excellent, particularly where he (Stuart) reminisced about a valuation of the strategic site over 20 years ago, and that the current offer/deal/whatevs was around the same amount...(but what about 20 years of inflation, land value increases, etc, it must be worth heaps more by now-Ed)...I believe that that is the point that was cleverly politely made...

(See, that wasn't so bad now, was it?-Ed)...get stuffed...and as is my wanton need upon addiction teeters to fall below sight and so out of my mind...(cop that for some Love poetry from back in the day, basically it's saying 'just because it's how I roll') as is my way, I redress the imbalancing and disconcerting phrasing of praising by noting that I'm still yet to hear anything from the ABC about their Candidate Profile interviews, and in the Tatiara Mayors forum on the ABC this morning, one of the guests (James DeBarro?) stated that Stuart Stansfield had instigated and organised this on-air forum...

And just reported just like that Labor writes-off $47million on the Gawler Rail project...$47m just gone...(well it's only money, when we run out again this year we'll just sell the forests again-Ed)...indeed...

I thought it was just me, but several people have commented that Mayor Steve Perryman was absent from the recent SAPol Commemoration Day ceremony at the Mt Gambier SAPol Station...I didn't go either, but I thought I'd picked up the absence of Mr Perryman's name in the list of guests read on the ABC the next has also been put to me by a senior public figure who did go that there wasn't anyone at all from the Mt Gambier City Council in strikes me as extraordinarily odd that Councillors and/or Mayor Perryman, whom have been droppin' outta' trees at every other function, didn't attend this one...

The Pool: I'm just going to dot point this because I've covered heaps of it in previous AG Johnno's spiel the other day, there's a sense that they've got my blog in front of them ticking off the points much the way I'm doing right now, but given the bleedin' obvious nature of the issues raised/denied/whatevs it's somewhat inevitable that we'd all end up running over the same old ground...anyhoos...

1)  Poppycock!...

Right, that's that sorted, moving on, with the ALDI sale there's...(hang on, hang on-Ed), you hang on because that was just a hilarious dissertation on the content in it's entirety and a trap into which you have stumbled and bazinga! the trap is sprung...and you sir, are now in The Dead Joke Zone...(and so are you-Ed)...damn...

1)  Don Astin is the man whom Mayor Perryman rudely chastised for standing up and trying to speak at Council's September meeting...I've covered this...rude and aggressive and dismissive...forget 'told', it was scold;
2)  acknowledge the public petition and immediately dismiss it and move on;
3)  'strings attached' is the excuse that Council has used again and again to spend well over $20million on the Library and a completely useless Main Corner, is the plans that Council presents when applying for the is my understanding that those funds could have been used for the same style of projects at/around the Aquatic Centre, if that's what had been presented/requested;
4)  how jealous am I that I can't get this sortta' help from Council...won't even look at me;
5)  I do not believe one single word coming out of Council on this issue, they have clearly decided against it many years ago, and as many put it to me, it's because none of them swim and Mayor Perryman has his own pool at his motel;
6)  what idiot suggested covering the current his Candidate's Profile...dismiss that idea and move on;
7)  again, a bunch of figures prepared and provided by a Council that clearly doesn't want to build a pool...I don't know why, but they don't...all of these same considerations were completely ignored with the Main Corner;
8)  Council have recently put rates up and down as suits them in the moment...again, any numbers provided are totally unreliable;
9)  I'm not "encouraged" by anything Council has to say on this issue;
10)  and more fear and loathing about rate rises...again with figures sans credibility.

This article is a crass attempt to stifle dissent and steer the debate away from all of the things this Council has done to make a pool nearly impossible...sorted...

Tomorrow: Back To The Hustings

Written and Authorised by Nick Fletcher, Kooringa St, Mt Gambier...cheers and laters...


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