Friday, October 24, 2014

FLMTMM Part II...Is Not Today's Post

Hello Poland, Canada, Thailand and Ukraine...welcome one and all to the blog for this Friday 24th October 2014 and a brief pause of a shortish post in the perpetual rant about the rank bastardry of politicians who promise things like a Headspace unit knowing full well that the system currently sortta' in place but only just, that system cannot get even the basic staff that Liberals Tony Pasin, Steve Perryman, et al, have been stating as fact for this proposed new unit which will allegedly appear in 2016...

But First: you'll have to excuse me, because I'm still struggling a little at the moment following the events of the CAS Mayoral Forum last Friday 17th October 2014...(why? that was a week ago-Ed)...I know, I know, but it's not the huge stress of the whole day/night and the lack of sleep for the next coupla' days, loss of weight, etc, it's a whole new paradigm of being hugely buoyed by my 'performance' and the reminder of who I once was and am capable of being, and yet confronted by that same reality given that it was a reminder of some-one whom has/had all but ceased to exist...

( can't just be happy for yourself for doing well and be content with that? why even bother with the rest of it? shizzle happens, man, and you are where you are...and you've said it yourself how many times dude? what a life of privilege and luxury you've lived for being born a White man in a stolen land-Ed)...true, I have often said that...(and how good was it to stand up there and speak politely and intelligently and passionately about what you believe and have enthusiastic applause?-Ed)...well absolutely...since when did you get so wise? I thought you were just here for the comic relief stuff?...

And I'd just like to career briefly off on that point about 'life of privilege', etc, because it's not just an old hippy's Socialist placard-waving, it's absolutely true, and best illustrated by the many problems I have had in the Social Security system, itself summed up best in the way it was explained to me, namely, 'we're having trouble placing you anywhere in the system because we're not geared/structured to deal with relatively sane, relatively able-bodied White men, because society in it's entirety is geared to serving their/your wants and needs'...I know I've been through this before, but it certainly bears repeating...

It's an obvious statement about the obvious 'sub-status' of women and non-White people in Australian society that the Social Security system doesn't really have a place for me and my White brothers when we need least until I finally got diagnosed with having suffered the traumas any sane person would for the realities goin' down in my little slice of the world...(and by that definition you're on the Disability Support Pension so technically you've had to be removed from the mainstream Social Security network to get even that very limited support-Ed)...good point...

It's obviously not a complete disaster for White men in the Social Security system, but my personal situation hit a number of blind spots where Centrelink et al were unable to really help me...and it hasn't helped that senior people around town have been denigrating me for years, basically off the back of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up from 2002...I have been scurrilously and openly attacked as a nasty liar with purely selfish and irresponsible motivations, and that confected reputation followed me into Centrelink...

And so we come full circle to the ever-present second most important underlying motivation of my politicising, namely, to present myself publicly and test by confronting these denigrations and defeat them...and if one believes the feedback, that's exactly what I've done with my Candidate Profile stuff in The Border Watch and by being involved in the Forum, etc...(and what's the first?-Ed)...well, resolving the St Martins stuff overall...(ah, of course, sorry-Ed)...

And the many positives of that Forum continue for me personally, because as confronting as it was/is, it's also proof positive that I'm more than capable of functioning at functions, performing at performances, donning the robes and fronting respectfully where and when proves I'm more than capable of stepping right back from my own personal politicking and still engaging intelligently...(that you can leave the rage on this 'ere page not take it on stage-Ed)...indeed...

And absolutely delighted to come up for breath briefly with several great bits of news...two bits from the KCA mill at Snuggery/Millicent, where Kimberley Clark are making a further $20million investment in the critically important mill, and also have drastically further reduced their 'pollution' output into the nearby Lake Bonney, itself improving greatly from the somewhat disastrous condition it was in only years still has a long way to go and will never be 'pristine', but it's fantastic that KCA is making these efforts/improvements along with other initiatives like the $33million earlier this year on a cogeneration plant that effectively reduces emissions by providing the mill's electricity...

Sorry, I'm not in any way an expert on this issue and basically follow it through the media, the Interweb, etc, but the improvements KCA have made are self-evidently massive advances in exactly the right direction...(you bloody hippy-Ed)...and in what can only be described as a very hostile economic climate, eg, competing with heavily subsidised foreign imports...I personally have a small arsenal of KCA products...(there's nothing small about your arsenal, chortle-Ed)...and I don't think there's anything wrong with me spruiking others to consume said product...(ooo, I wouldn't eat it-Ed) purchase said product because of the benefits for local economies...

And most excellent news that the Tennyson Woods College Jazz course is to be greatly expanded into a UniSA 3 year course with the direct involvement of James both instigator (along with several others) and operator, Mr Morrison will be using his contacts to draw international jazz professionals as lecturers, etc...this will have widespread benefits for Mt Gambier that will go some way toward addressing the many negative pressures on the city...more on this in future posts...

I'm going to go pretty much against type here and 'happily' type here that this is enough for today and now I'm going to go away to deal with the way that I wasn't quite as angry today as I was expecting to be, what with all the shizzle and the shenanigans and so on and so forth...(well indeed, shenanigans and such-Ed)...

Tomorrow: FLMTMM Part II

Because for all the frivolity in today's various announcements, there's still a wall of shizzle to run in to...and probably at is my want...

Written and Authorised by Nick Fletcher, 16 Kooringa St, Mt Gambier, SA 5290...cheers and laters

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