Thursday, October 2, 2014

Just More Stuff About Stuff

Hello y'all and welcome to the blog...tomorrow I'll do half and half Bike Lanes and Tourism as a sortta' 'Vote 1 Large Angry Hippy for Mayor' thingy post, but today I'm just gunna' cut crook about a buncha' random shizzle...

Yesterday I was subjected, like other ABC listeners, to the inglorious psychopathy of federal Liberal Treasurer Joe Hockey belligerently blustering his way through an interview about the problems with his/their Budget...he started with the belittling 'we'll negotiate with intelligent people' which quite specifically infers that if you won't negotiate and/or if he won't negotiate with you, you're an idiot...(well how can you win that one? if you disagree you're an idiot, and he can wave you away if he decides you're an're an idiot either way-Ed)...indeed, but it gets so much better...

'Smokin'' Joe immediately proceeded to label himself a duel idiot by emphatically stating that he/they would just plow forward to achieve what they wanted Budget-wise because it's "a war"...(he didn't-Ed)...he did...(and of course his arrogance and sense of entitlement blinded him to the contradiction of his own words and the fact that he has just clearly acknowledged exactly what everyone on the receiving end has been saying about is a war, a Class War, a Class War where the entitled will joyfully hold forth about how it's everybody else's fault and therefore everybody else must pay-Ed)...right on comrade... definition he's saying that if you don't negotiate to a point where you totally agree with him, then you're an idiot, and that he's not going to negotiate anyway and he's going to push ahead with his great policies anyway, etc, 'never stop until you get what you want', etc, 'ít's a war', etc, straight after 'we'll negotiate with intelligent people'...(ahahahaahaaahha ahahh aha...classic...although personally I think that what he's actually trying to say is that you'd have to be an idiot to negotiate with him on any issue because he's just gunna' skulk away and do whatevs 'e wants-Ed)...nice...

I was very concerned and disappointed to note that the story of alleged Independent and alleged Minister for Regional Development Geoff Brock and his latest foul betrayal of all South Australians, but particularly Regional SA, with his support for Labor's version of the CFS Insurance Legislation, this story was buried deep in The Border Watch, page 19, September 20th 2014 (attached)...this follows immediately on from his betrayal of Regional fishing/tourism communities re the Marine Parks legislation that he was recorded promising to oppose just before the March 2014 election...

This CFS stuff is a critical piece of bastardry I mean Labor legislation that denies career/long term Country Fire Service volunteers, people who have often risked their lives to protect their communities...(and usually Regional communities but there are many thousands living in the Adelaide Hills who are equally, arguably more vulnerable-Ed)...indeed...Mr Brock has blocked this legislation therefore denying these unpaid volunteers the same compensation cover that their paid Metropolitan Fire Service colleagues will now receive for certain illnesses related to their exposure to fires/pollution/etc...well done Geoffo, you little piece of work you... 

Also disappointed that Child Protection Week has been and gone again and yet the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up remains unresolved, ignored, and denied...on and on it takes a village to cover up the abuse of a class of 7 year old kids...and so on and on does also go us parents gettin' vilified, etc, for it...barely a mention of Child Protection Week in the local media...(hardly surprising really given their basically complicit involvement in the St Martins issue-Ed)...indeed...

Costing An Arm And A Leg: as conducted by the SA WorkCover Inc, values the loss of 2 limbs as being insufficient to justify a permanent Working Wage compensation for life...I'm only going by the reportage I've heard/seen, but apparently the '30% Incapacity' criteria means that a worker can lose 2 limbs in a workplace incident and still be pushed off WorkCover after only 2 years, as per new changes to the legislation, changes designed to save the incompetent Labor government a few dollars at the expense of injured workers...(absolute bastardry, particularly given the rank maladministration at the head of WorkCover that is effectively syphoning off the majority of funds-Ed)...indeed...

I'm not sure of the exact current structure, but Labor Minister Leon Bignell's wife was until recently the Director of the company administrating the WorkCover organisation, and has drawn millions in wages, fees, etc...(not that that's dodgy or anything?-Ed)...I pick the 'or anything'...what a disgrace that the rankly corrupt Labor Party would screw-over workers to continue funding their own profiting...(I thought that was what the Unions and Labor and that were supposed to do, protect workers and their rights, families, etc, protect their bloody safety and wellbeing?-Ed)...supposed to...don't...   

And speaking of Biggers...(Biggers? maaate-Ed)...yeah Neon Leon was on the ABC again last week spewing his vacuous rhetoric re Forestry and how everything's just shreckin' great, and woobloodyhoo the enthusiasm, and roger me sober the optimism...pure nonsense over and over...I missed the first minute or so, but I didn't hear him once mention NF McDonnell and Sons Timber Mill...regular ABC listeners, blog availees, et al, will be very familiar with Biggers love affair with NF McDonnell, usually naming them over and over, praising them over and over...(slingin' 'em $millions over and over-Ed)...indeed...but not this time for some reason...

Also heard (most of) a long interview with Robe Mayor Peter Risely re this stuff about how a $1m loan from the Council to the newish Marina Project had sortta' disappeared...apparently it's not disappeared it just doesn't appear anywhere, even in the other area where it actually is because it isn't actually a loan, etc...don't know much more other than Council has apparently appointed an 'Independent Auditor' or some such to sort it all out..(well that's just fine-Ed)...just fine...seriously though, for all his assurances Mayor Risely didn't sound particularly confident...don't know, just sayin' something is clearly not right, but what that actually is remains to be revealed...

This action was precipitated by concerns expressed by former Robe Mayor William Peden, he whom was also involved in that Mayoral position with the ridiculous 5 year Court case with Regional Development Australia...must admit I'm not aware of the absolute specifics of this case, eg, did RDA try to sue the Robe Council en masse, or did RDA's Grant King file a personal action against Mr Peden, etc...whatevs, I find it totally unacceptable that 1) the RDA reacted in this manner, launching a tax-payer funded legal action laden with threats/allegations of defamation, etc, rather than just explain as to whom/where/whatevs they were handing out all their taxpayer funded grant money...

Secondly, RDA continues to hold it's meetings in private and hand out unknown sums to unknown recipients apparently without any external scrutiny...(wow, how could that possibly go wrong?-Ed)...well RDA could  just give great wads of unaccountable cash to their family and mates...(yeah yeah, it was a rhetorical question...the current RDA set-up is just bloated with potential maladministration and corruption-Ed)...I know, I know...and look at what they do out in the public eye, eg, the RDA Tourism thingy Operations person and current but not re-applying City Councillor Biddie (Tietz) Shearing, as her first act as RDA Tourism Person, handed $140,000 to the millionaire owners of The Barn Palais...I note that they are both on the self appointed new 'Tourism TaskForce Working Party ThinkTank Committee' along with Mayor Steve Perryman and former local Member Rory McEwen...  

Hilarious: that when I Googlied Mr Peden just to make sure I'd correctly spelled his name, it came up with 'Ombudsman says Mr Peden threatened him'...just search 'William Peden Robe' strikes me that this is another example of the questions asked being the problem, therefore rendering the questioner, Mr Peden, as equally problematic...(I don't know mate, these bastards who seem to actually give a damn about their communities and ask simple but embarrassing questions of clearly suspect public officials-Ed)...indeed Ed, indeed...

The ABC is getting awfully shirty in it's old age, just launching Operation Step Outside...(Operation Outdoors you eedeeot, a social study in how little time kids spend outside these days-Ed)...I was referring to the little incident last time I tried to drop some paperwork in at the ABC office here, and Stuart Stansfield ordered me to leave the building, actually picking-up the phone and threatening me with the police...(yeah, even that was more 'Operation Get Out You Bloody Bastard Hippy'-Ed)...fair enough...

Am preparing, at their request, to lodge my first answers to the 12 questions sent to all Mayoral candidates by TBW for their Profile articles ahead of the Local Government election, but am struggling a little with the limitations re criticising the current Council, defamation,'d be fair to say that I operate at a certain 'speed' with this 'ere blog, and it's quite difficult to slow right down to try and accommodate someone else's ideals of 'non-defamatory', etc...(but we're tryin'-Ed)...yes we are...we're failing miserably, but we're tryin'...

Tomorrow: Biking Mad Dogs And Englishmen

And of course Englishwomen and other European, Asian, African, South and/or North American, that bit just off to the leftians...(us 'ere in Ozians-Ed)...indeed, local tourists, etc, etc, one and all...and apologies if I left out any major spheres, continents, etc...more bike stuff and I'll start laying out my Tourism agenda tomorrow and I've already started really with both re the proposed push to utilise the currently disused Rail Corridor as a Bike/Walking lane right through Mt Gambier and from wherevs up North near Bordertown (Francis?) that the line isn't used, etc...

And yes I'd also love to think that this might have to be ripped up almost straight away because someone suddenly decides to invest the odd lazy several $100millions in Rail services to/from Mt Gambier...and when it gets here they can pull up at the curved platform that Council is liable to rebuild, curved 'cos they moved the Easement and made it one long curve, there is no straight bit for a train to pull up...(sweet baby cheeses, it's a bloody traipse through the tulips every bloody time with you isn't it?-Ed)...just sayin'...

Written and Authorised by Nick Fletcher, Kooringa St, Mt Gambier...except for the bit below which is from TBW...cheers and laters...

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