Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Show Grounds For ALDI Sale

Hello Malaysia, Hong Kong, Moldova and Turkey and welcome to the blog and another fairly local issue that unfortunately has all the hallmarks of some other recent shenanigans...(imagine my surprise at rollin' up for your blog only to discover it's more shenanigans-Ed)...indeed, and the good news I guess is that this is a topic that has found it's way to me directly as a result of my Mayoral candidacy..

Please find attached the email I sent to ALDI this evening after another long day of floggin' about, phonecalls, etc...(and 'losing' another email-Ed) the rumoured sale of a goodly chunk of the Mt Gambier is fairly self explanatory and I'll do more tomorrow...

As critical as this is, it wasn't the highlight of my day because this morning I was subjected to the glory of another ABC 'Dorothy Dixer' interview with Liberal Member for Barker, Tony Pasin, re the supposed arrival of the HeadSpace adolescent Mental Health service in Mt Gambier as per the Federal announcement of funding for said program previous posts I have covered the gross lack of MH services in Mt Gambier and I really wanted to get onboard with this announcement but my cynicism and reality soon overtook me, went meep! meep!, and disappeared over the horizon as I wheezed to a halt in it's settling dust...

As the interview progressed it was quickly revealed that this ain't the announcement that it's gunna' be built by the Federal government, it's merely a verbal commitment to provide funding for a private contractor to come in and build and staff and run the entire service...(well that's never gunna' bloody happen is it...they can't even get staff for the new 'dedicated MH ward' at the Mt Gambier Hospital and there hasn't been a resident psychiatrist in the Mount for years, in a population context where we should have 5-6-Ed)...indeed...

This spectacular load of political buffoonery is all announcement and zero substance by way of a promotional exercise on behalf of Council and current Mayor and Councillor candidate Steve Perryman...and away goes Tony praising-up Council CEO Mark 'McShenanigans' McShane and Stevo...(mate-Ed)...for the earth-shattering work they've done in MH...(but this current Council voted a coupla' years back to not advocate on behalf of MH patients-Ed)...I know, reality is an inconvenient irrelevance this close to an election...

(They did the same thing with the Aboriginal Flag display issue, voting it down 2-3 years ago, then voting late last year/early this to display it, before taking another 6-8 months to actually make it happen, lying about it along the way, and just in time for that all to be turned into an election stunt as well...just charming-Ed)...charming...and it gets better, they then had Stevo mate on to self-praise-up Council for all of the fantastic work they have done/do in the MH field...(aaahahahahhh...ahaaha...ahahhha, that's just priceless-Ed)...yeah sorry, but the humour escapes me...

And just to kick it on from the sublimely offensive political stunt that it clearly is, on came Greens Senator Penny Wright to say what a great bloke Stevo is and, again, what great work he's done for MH and for the youths, etc, etc...(that's absolute bollocks, he's an arrogant little bully who has no respect for anyone and regularly displays his contempt if and when he actually shows up for shizzle-Ed)...indeed, he didn't even go to the SAPol Commemoration Day service stuff, not nobody from Council did...I wasn't there either but then you wouldn't expect me to be, but it has been observed to me several times that Stevo was conspicuous by his absence...

But this HeadSpace announcement is bizarre beyond bloody words and offensive in the extreme...all the usual suspects getting together to praise each other up about a lie...this is all announcement and no service...I hope to be very wrong and that something does eventuate but I genuinely believe that this defines itself as 100% bullshit...funding for someone else to come and do it? ain't gunna' happen and Tony knows it and so does Stevo and gourd knows what Senator Wright knows because I don't...(wow, whatta' day-Ed)...indeed...

Tomorrow: More Answers And Stuff

Written and Authorised by Nick Fletcher, Kooringa St, Mt Gambier

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