Friday, October 31, 2014

More Work From The Angry Chair

Hello South Africa, Poland, Ireland, and Germany...and welcome to the blog and Turkey has 'gone' again after 'coming back' for one idea what's going on there...the stats stuff page is a bit allover the place at the moment is also possible that availees are going via another source, eg, just via Google itself not directly through the blog...whatevs, cheers to everyone wherevs/whoevs/whyevs...

My Tech Support:...(a teenager-Ed)...indeed, has looked at these 'Cheating sites', etc, that are coming up in the stats as 'Referring Sites', and reckons some are probably genuine but chances are they're largely trawling for unprotected computers and/or carrier sites for Trojan viruses, etc, and in that context are not particularly unusual...excuse please my paranoia but 1) every week I get people saying that my computer and phones, etc, will be monitored, bugged, etc, and 2) I'm para enough about someone setting me up for some shizzle via a computer/laptop/whatevs because I understand it's relatively fairly easy to do...

And of course 3) SAPol still have my laptop from when they "seized" it back on May 8th 2014 when 2 Anti-Corruption very politely executed their anonymous, open-ended, 6 month valid, Police Commissioner issued, general daily use, go wherevs, whenevs, whyevs and seize whoevs, whatevs, and there's sweet Fanny Adams ya' can do 'bout it hippy, Search Warrant...(ohhh, that Search Warrant-Ed)...and gourd only knows what's possibly on that laptop by now...(and that, folks, ain't bein' one single bit paranoid-Ed)...indeed...

I'll just re-iterate that I and some other parents have been in effectively a pitched battle against SAPol for 12 years+ as SAPol covers up their gross failures re teacher Glyn Dorling and the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, a conflict founded in SAPol's abject refusal to even do an investigation...I remind availees that Dorling was never even formally interviewed, let alone charged, despite multiple adult witnesses, also none of whom were interviewed, and several kids disclosures, and that Principal John Alexander had already removed Dorling, never to return, etc, etc...

But Dorling being unceremoniously reefed outta' the school midyear for grossly inappropriate contacts with the 7 year olds in his care, that didn't stop the shreckin' Lutherans including him in the class photos section of their year book at the end of 2002...(whatta' packa' bastards-Ed) very politely put dear Ed when one considers I know what's hap'nin' in your 'ead...

And tomorrow I'm going to be hacking, slashing and compulsively clearing all about the yard, etc, after there was a fire near Nantawarra in the state's Mid-North today...that's approx 700+kms North East of here but it won't be long before Mt Gambier is ringed by dry shizzle and I ain't taken any chances...and at Nantawarra the local CFS and the farmers saved other people's houses but there were injuries and one man is in hospital fighting for his life after being badly burned...poor bastard fell off a unit into the fire and had to be air-lifted to Adelaide...

This was/is a relatively small fire restricted largely to cropping areas, a 'grass fire', but there were a couple of bad injuries including this volunteer...I shed a tear when I saw this on the news, it's a terrible personal tragedy and a starkly terrifying reminder of the potential disaster facing the heavily populated Adelaide Hills this summer and every summer thereafter...Mt Gambier is not immune from this fire threat as evidenced by the 2003 Canberra fires where a fire starting in farm land rushed into the outer suburbs causing several deaths, hundreds of injuries and several hundred homes were lost, a scenario that surrounds Mt Gambier...  

It is not playing any sort of political game to link this terrible injury with Labor's and the Member for Frome Geoff Brock's 'stunting' over including Country Fire Service volunteers in compensation/insurance cover similar to the full-time Metropolitan Fire Service...(or the gross underfunding of CFS units that see individual units doing fundraisers to purchase basic equipment like water tanker-trucks-Ed)...indeed...nor is it merely politically expedient to then hurl furiously at the Labor Party for it's scandalous re-vamp of WorkCover and the associated legislation...

Again I remind availees that Labor Minister Leon Bignells' wife has made a fortune running the WorkCover scheme, and the pair of them were personally involved in the fake Family First t-shirt/pamphlet fraud as conducted outside polling booths in Neon Leon's electorate back at the March 2010 election...(just charming people-Ed)...cream of the crop Labor's exciting new plan is called Get Back To Work You Bloody Plebs...(um, I think it's actually called Return To Work-Ed)...and under GBTWYBP protocols a worker who, for example, loses an arm and a leg, will still have trouble accessing full compensation and can/will be pushed off income support/compensation after only 2 years...

This is a compilation paraphrase of several interviews, articles, etc, and a 'nearly worst case' scenario, but it is a reasonable example of what these changes will allow to happen...(and this from the Labor Party, defender of the Working Man...bollocks-Ed)...indeed, bollocks...there's only one species of politician in SA and as best I can tell even people who generally don't complain are revolting...(dirty, dirty peasants-Ed), the West Coast CFS crew (Greenrise?) who have officially declared that they will not be fighting fires in National Parks, etc, in response to the outrageous hikes in the Emergency Services Levy...

(I reckon that Labor were counting on the fact that most CFS/SES/whatevs volunteers are hardcore about supporting their communities and would just turn out no matter how badly they're treated by the Adelaidecentric politicians, and it's all gone a little bit wrong-Ed)...indeed, with these massive increases people 1) can't actually afford the time off work to volunteer, 2) companies cannot afford to give people the time-off they have in the past, and 3) all involved are feeling thoroughly unappreciated and quite rightly a bit pissed off at goin' the hard yards time and again, for over and over again risking terrible injuries even death, and then gettin' arsed-about re compensation and slugged with a massive tax rise called the ESL...

Surely even Labor can see the huge insult in charging people for a service that they (the farmers, employers, volunteers, etc) themselves supply for free and at great personal cost and risk, and to a value far above what they're being slugged...(and that's exactly what is it, a nasty gouge from a broke government, a government broken, morally and literally bankrupt-Ed)...indeed, and Labor's main strategy for financing their fiscal incompetence is to open up an artery called the public purse and bleed the citizenry dry via the highest taxes and charges, fees and levies, the highest fines, exacerbated by far and away the highest utility prices in Oz, second for electricity across the entire planet, shocking unemployment figures, etc...

And these 'manipulated loyalties' concerns naturally leech into the proposed amalgamation of the MFS, CFS, and SES (State Emergency Service) where I fear the same 'they'll turn out no-matter-what' gamble/strategy is being applied as Labor appear to be trying to get absolute control over the CFS and SES, possibly with a view to cutting back paid MFS concerns are 'fueled' by Labor's Emergency Services Minister Tony Piccollo citing 'cost-cutting' and 'duplication' as the main justifications for this amalgamation, and the quickest way to save is cut services, particularly paid services that can be replaced with volunteers...

And apologies but I'm just gunna' cut and run right's been a very long week and I'm thoroughly stuffed albeit the stuffedness of the achiever rather than the sufferer...(yeah, I can dig that man-Ed)...cheers...

Tomorrow: The Council Meeting...I Promise

(Dorrr, we've all heard that before-Ed)...and probably again, but I will get there, I promise...

Written and Authorised by Nick Fletcher, 16 Kooringa St, Mt Gambier, SA 5290...cheers and laters...

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