Monday, October 27, 2014

Ooo, I'm Angry Today

Hello and welcome to the blog y'all...and I've been reviewing the blog's viewing statistics page/s and still one of the top 'Referral URLs and/or Sites' is a series of web-dating/web 'sex-cam'/whatevs sites but I still haven't figured out how and or why...(well it's not me if that's what you're insinuating-Ed) no, this is about how people access the blog, which is why I don't see the's also similar but different I think to the ads on the same 'address' last time I checked...then it was something about 'cheating dating' and porn, this month it looks more like straight 'hook-up' sites...

Also, as vague and/or variable as the statistics can be, there are certain trends that do emerge, particularly when it comes to lists of countries where people are viewin' this 'ere blog...and in that context, it leaps off the page, literally, when Turkey was a relatively recent but reasonably regular companion in my literary shenanigans, but has not appeared once in over a month...why has this happened?...I find it very hard to believe that a similar number of daily views over several months would just suddenly stop day Turkey was there in the stats, then one day you/they ain't, and so you/they've fallen off the stats pages for 'now', 'day', 'week', and then 'month'...but I digress...

I'll quickly re-iterate my personal fury at the callous, cynical deceit of the recent 'funding announcement' for a Headspace Youth Mental Health Care Facility thingy in Mt Gambier, and there's Member for Barker Tony Pasin, his good mate Mayor Steve Perryman, Council CEO Mark McShane, etc, all praising each other up about a facility that they all know is never going to is a ludicrous and hurtful deceit to state as fact that there will be any such service in the context where there's currently only a handful of providers working in the sector in Mt Gambier...

I was shocked to learn via their Interweb site that there's already 85 Headspace units operating around Oz, 10 of those in Sow Straya...Tony Pasin has made a big song-and-dance about how he's got this alleged Mt Gambier Headspace for his electorate, yet failed to mention that one is already operating at Murray Bridge, also in his electorate of Barker...(and there's one in Pt Augusta too-Ed)...indeed...and so this is the third for Regional SA...(well actually 4th, because there's one at Berri in the Riverland-Ed)...anyone else?...(well Headspace themselves sortta' refer to their Northern Adelaide area Edinburgh/Gawler service and the one at Noarlunga, deep in Adelaide's Southern suburbs as being 'Regional services', so in that context 6th-Ed)...terrific... 

Apologies for being so parochial, and certainly no ill-will toward these other areas that are already getting the service, but Mt Gambier is frequently spruiked as being the largest Regional centre in SA...(because it is-Ed)...because it is the largest.....ah, because, it is...and therefore one could be excused for thinking that this might mean that the first Regional SA unit would be placed here...add to that the catastrophic state of Mental Health service provision across recent years, and that would seem to make it a forgone conclusion...(well I don't know where it's gone, but it ain't cummin' 'ere-Ed)...

And I don't apologise for repeating myself over yet again once more because this announcement is such a fundamental lie that all these people know is a lie because it's an equally fundamental reality of Health Provision across all sectors across the South East across decades, that the number one massive hurdle is recruiting staff, or rather the inability to recruit staff, and then even if specialists, etc, are recruited it appears it's near impossible to retain them...

(So you're suggesting that these people like Tones and Stevo and Marky Mark McShenanigans, when they aren't doin' shizzle like helping cover-up the gross abuse of a class of 7 year olds at St Martins, they're organising themselves to deliberately manipulate and deceive Mental Health care patients, their families and carers, and the broader public, all of whom are already suffering a gross lack of facilities/services/personnel/whatevs, manipulate and deceive them for personal political advantage going into the Local Government elections?-Ed)...

No Ed, I'm not suggesting that, I'm stating it outright because that's exactly what it is...callous, cynical, self-serving bastardry...(sorry? what's your Mayoral Aspirational Platform got to do with it?-Ed)...nice one Ed, indeed my MAP for Mt Gambier is one of callous, cynical, self-serving bastardry...(so you're promising business as usual-Ed)...oh stop it you...(seriously though, it's the joke that just keeps on writing itself-Ed)...yet is so screamingly unfunny...(indeed, nuthin' funny about some a' the bastardry goin' down in this li'l 'ol town-Ed)...well quite...

And yes I'm going straight back to the St Martins stuff again too, because today is apparently Blue Knot Day, and I had to suffer through yet another insufferably sincere Child Protection interview from my ABC bestie Stan Thompson...(mate, your pal Stuart Stansfield 'll go gettin' all bent outta' shape if you go callin' Stanley ya' bestie-Ed) no, gor' bless, gor' bless, I'm a big -hearted fella' and I got enough love to go 'round, don't cha' worry 'bout that...(ooo mate, I can feel the love comin' off ya' much passionate warmth that it could quite easily be mistaken for white-hot rage-Ed)...go with your first instinct champ...

Blue Knot Day is an initiative of ASCA (Adult Survivors of Child Abuse) and I'll direct y'all to their Interweb site if you're interested in more info...I dealt with ASCA back in Adelaide in 2004/05 re the St Martins stuff and they just didn't seem interested, but that was a decade ago and it could be all different personnel, etc,'s largely irrelevant because the focus for me was the involvement of the ABC Mt Gambier in yet another bleatingly insincere interview re Child Protection whilst they are entirely complicit in covering up the St Martins case...

And here's where I lurch to the good ol' "Christian Cuddle" defense that the Lutherans et al have used to deny abuse at St Martins, abuses committed by grade 2 teacher Glyn Dorling in 2002...'he was just giving the kids a Christian cuddle'...and I can't even be bothered trying to mask what I feel about all of these people with even a lame attempt at humour, and I thank my good god that She has made me a pacifist of such easy conviction, but I remain always a man and only a man...I don't sit comfortably in the Angry Chair but this is where I find myself and so shall I make it my throne or some shizzle...(sortta' like poetry and yet really not-Ed)...

The point I'm making...(poorly-Ed) that as a mere ManBear StuffPig Scorpio Fire-Horse, I do get angry when I hear/see/smell some of the bullshit that's spewed through the local media, not least of all in a context where what isn't heard is worse...(good point, I'll give you that's bad enough some of the stuff they do run, but it's worse the stuff they refuse to run-Ed)...exactly...I do get angry and I do have those moments where, for example, my jokes about visiting a little bitta' "Christian Cuddling" on a few select politicians and media lackies, etc, those jokes lose their humour...

Time and again I and other parents have been berated to our faces (and feverishly behind our backs) with the observation that pursuing issues of Child Abuse re Glyn Dorling were vindictive and unnecessary, etc, because all he'd been doing was give the kids a "Christian Cuddle"...and I've often semi-joked about giving people like Rory McEwen exactly that sort of 'CC' as a way of illustrating just how inappropriate those contacts were between 50 year old male teacher Glyn Dorling and the 7 year old students in his care...basically, if these contacts were so innocuous, then I should be able to 'CC' another adult without causing anyone any concern...

And it is of course a joke that is a thinly-veiled 'threat' to touch people like Rory in ways that they're really not going to appreciate, therefore highlighting just how inappropriate those teacher/student contacts were...and when I say 'threat' it is of course a metaphoric threat implied by the inappropriateness of the contacts...(and the fact that even saying it is a perceived threat further emphasises just how inappropriate those contacts were-Ed)...well just goes 'round and 'round constantly re-enforcing the breadth and depth of the problem...

There's still heaps to do re the Mental Health stuff, but that'll have to wait...thankyou for sharing this basically venting, mildly repetitive post with me today...I am aware that there are some people who've started readin' the blog only recently, and doing so as a way to get to know me as a Mayoral candidate, so here's some more stuff mostly about me, what I'm involved in, how I deal with it, etc...

Tomorrow: Council Meeting 21st October 2014

It's only taken me a week to calm down enough to produce a postable post...(fair enough-Ed)...

Written and Authorised by Nick Fletcher, 16 Kooringa ST, Mt Gambier, SA 5290...cheers and laters...

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