Sunday, October 12, 2014

Your Mayoral Candidates For Mt Gambier

Hello Russia, France, Brazil, and Ukraine and welcome to the blog and by crikey it's 'kicking orf, not quite starting with but including the attached Candidate Profiles from The Border Watch Friday 10th October 2014, being the fourth in the series of 12...which reminds me that I haven't emailed my answers 5-12 so's I'd better get ontta' that too...(ah, a large angry hippy's work is always doing what never gets done-Ed)...yet...

It is not "News of the Day" as claimed by one morning TV show that a drunk idiot racially abused a train conductor in Sydney/Brisbane/'s rascist bullshit that no-one should be subjected to, but I'm fairly sure there's some shizzle goin' down somewhere that is slightly more important...

And our ever pleasant Federal Treasurer 'Smokin'' Joe Hockey has repeated his commentary about "the war" that is ramming his Class War Budget down the throats of an adoring nation, and then ramped up the ridiculous rhetoric by stating that Bill Shorten's Labor should immediately approve all Budget measures to support the massive as yet undefined cost of effectively going to war in Iraq, and backed that up with a direct threat to raise taxes...(hard to cost something when one doesn't know exactly what it actually is or how long it will last-Ed)...indeed...

Ohhh, and he's just gone there again on ABC TV Insiders, the smug forget with the same bare-faced threat spewed forth as a faux regret and such poetry from such anger...he really does punch my buttons does young Joe...there's something about a rich, opinionated, smug bastard openly threatening to raise taxes if he doesn't win his Budget War his way, that somehow sits not quite right with me...(hippy-Ed) 

I don't usually do obituaries, but with the death of South Australian politician Bob Such, I'm personally back in the very weird space thinking about my own Cancer experiences, etc, but also that stuff when he was diagnosed back at the state Election in March 2014 where I was half-hoping he'd faked it somehow and it was just a sordid political stunt because that would mean that he didn't have Cancer...I don't know why if he was so ill that he didn't retire/resign or what exactly happens from here but probably a by-election for the seat of Fisher...

Tomorrow: More 

Of TBW stuff because there's a truckload just from Friday and check out this shizzle attached below...everybody gets with the program about how great the Main Corner is, including something about 'world class facilities'...(except for one idiot who wants to pull it down-Ed)...yes I do...(no, I was just sayin' that one fool wants to pull it down-Ed)...yes, that's me...(oh, so it is-Ed)...

Also noticed a sudden plague of stobie-pole advertising posters for Mayoral Candidates and current Councillors Andrew Lee and Allen Smith, nominees Bob Sandow and David Burt, and one for prospective Councillor Christian Greco...many of these are right outside the Main Corner and/or Council Chambers and I wonder if that contravenes guidelines about not having advertising material within the proximity of the Electoral office which is in the Council building, that's where you send your postal votes...

Written and Authorised by Nick Fletcher, Kooringa St, Mt Gambier

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