Tuesday, September 30, 2014

100% Bike Lanes...But First

(Noooo, no no no no no-Ed)...so no then...(no, I mean yes...no...yes-Ed)...just quickly? come on...(ok, ok just quickly, go on-Ed)...hello Aotearoa (New Zealand), Czech Republic, France, and Chile and welcome to the blog...and apologies to Mr Johnathan Thurstons of the Queensland Cowboys for calling him thingy yesterday...had a blank and was too distracted, too lazy, sorry Mr Thurstons...and it was he what cut crook last year about the referee's decision costing his team the game, hence a place in the Grand Final, etc...(just saw him last night on telly being tipped to win the NRL Best and Fairest-Ed)...

2) Former After School Carer Mark Harvey who raped an 8 year old girl in his care, was convicted as a Child Rapist but sentenced to only 5 years, then was convicted of further abuses against 4 more very young kids and got another 3 years, for a total of only 8 years, non-parole of just 3 yrs 3 months...(absolutely outrageous, a bloody disgrace...3&3 for raping an 8 year old and multiple other abuses against 4 others, 3&3 as the total from 2 separate hearings...sickening pro-paedophile leniency-Ed)...indeed, it's almost like the Court...(2 Courts-Ed)...looks like 2 Courts, the Judiciary, Whatevs, doesn't consider raping an 8 year old to be such a bad thing...

A Purely Comparative Theorising: prefaced with a big thankyou to whoevs suggested some time back that I remove my Guy Fawkes joke...I was wrong, you were right, it's exactly the sort of thing that could be used against me given the current security frenzy...one cannot be too careful...(shh, what was that?-Ed)...that, sir, was you being a dick...(orr yeah-Ed)...anyhoos, purely as comparison, one wonders what the sentence would be for raping a Magistrate as compared to this sentence for the rape of an 8 year old girl in School Care...  

Mark Harvey has just had his ludicrously lenient sentence increased after an Appeal by the Dept Public Prosecutions...(well at least that's something-Ed)...to a grand total of 11 years with a non-parole of 6&6...(but that's still less than 7 years for multiple abuses including rape, against multiple victims, and that's the ones we know of-Ed)...indeed...it's a sickening, saddening disgrace that looks like an insidious game of manipulation to try and give the DPP some credibility...(or worse, it's just the reality of how pro-paedohhile the South Australian Courts are-Ed)...I reckon it's both mate...the Courts are effectively pro-paedophile and this is a stunt to try and get credibility for a wholly corrupted system...

What very much concerns me is that some other Child Abuse cases seem to have 'disappeared' off the media cycle, and in a state where we have a particular government Authority that I'm reduced to referring to as Club Go Go Bananas and the Banana Lord...(even though you've not been charged with anything-Ed)...indeed...the Banana Lord who has the extraordinary power to order absolute media censorship...(even if it's not an issue/case/whatevs before that Authority-Ed)...indeed, absolute censorship including not being allowed to report at all that you've been censored/silenced/whatevs...more tomorrow...

Bike Lanes: Thankyou for the 'Comment' that is a question and apologies that it is my style as such that I tend to ramble 'round to things and/but I have covered a lot of this stuff in previous posts...but here we are now...it is a very convoluted issue that has already been immeasurably complicated by ludicrous planning decisions that appear to have been made from a desk by a person who has never seen so much as a map of Mt Gambier...(he's trying to say that Bike Lanes aren't the problem, it's where they've been shoved and how and why-Ed)...thankyou Ed...and also where they aren't...

In The Beginning: is personal responsibility and mutual respect and co-operation that means that pedestrians, cyclists, and all motorists can interact to their collective benefit and safety...but unfortunately we live in this world so let's deal with that and in this world it's the mighty metal mangleboxes that do the most damage because they're big and like made of metal and stuff...it is incumbent of all vehicle drivers to be aware that their actions are the most critical...people make mistakes, do stupid things...(well you've had girlfriends-Ed)...but it's the car that usually wins so it's a driver's responsibility...

It's down to the vehicle driver to be aware of whom/what/where's that bastard on the motorbike who keeps lane swapping in and out of my rearview and what are those 2 bloody kids on skateboards getting near the kerb opposite Maccas about to do and can I drive up that bike lane/carpark lane or is it the bike lane hours, do I have to go wide, damn there's a parked car, are there people on that bloody 2m wide painted 'death-zone' bullshit island thing, etc, etc, etc...drivers have the responsibility and it helps if we don't sit in each other's blind spots, race up to corners where there are pedestrians, etc...  

Drivers do have the ultimate responsibility to be aware/beware/wee bare/whatevs and make adjustments and allowances, etc...problem is not everyone does that and that's right where ya' start havin' ya' problem right there...(ah yeah, I can just see it there-Ed)...yep, that's gunna' be expensive too...(oh dear-Ed)...gunna' have to get the parts in......anyhoos, joking aside, there will always be problems with cycles on busy roads because they are vulnerable...    

Right Down The Guts: is not just how ya' play ol' fashin' footy, it's exactly where Mt Gambier should already have a bloody great bike lane/footpath/whatevs...right down the guts right along the Ol' Rail Easement/Corridor...(orrr not the bloody Easement again-Ed)...indeed, but in a slightly different context, but a context that is irretrievably linked to the Rail Lands Retail Agenda because of the millions wasted on that site, at least some of which should have already been spent on this project...(I'll give you that one-Ed)...and years ago too...

Mt Gambier should already have a main arterial bike lane/footpath/third runway from one end of town to the other, and then take that all the way to Frances or Bordertown or wherevs and Portland in the opposite direction, whatevs, bring in family biking holidays from across Europe, Asia, etc...the perfect, safe family holiday cycling down through the South East on a designated track...link it up to the Great South West Walk thingy through Victoria...there's some gold-plated Tourism ideas right there...but back in the Mount, with this main corridor established, utilising the current rails as the form for the track, simply fill and bitumenise...it's literally that easy...camber off the side with crushed Limestone...

I personally believe that for the safety of the riders that cyclists shouldn't ride on the main sections of Penola Rd or along Jubilee Hwy because the traffic is too fast, too frequent and with plenty of trucks in the mix...it is a dangerous place to be on a bike...I'm a very confident driver but don't feel safe going through the Wireless Rd/Penola Rd in a car, forget doing it on a bicycle...there are also issues of cyclist/pedestrian egress at Jubilee Hwy, with only 2 signalled crossing points, 3-4 kms apart, eg, the Crouch St Nth Bike Lanes suddenly end just short of Jubilee Hwy at the very tricky S-bend Crouch St intersection, then start again just on the other side...

Because of the bend in the highway there is very limited eyelines for oncoming traffic but no protection at all for cyclists/pedestrians/poor bastards staggering off the interstate bus asking 'where the hell are we?', etc, etc...as stated in a previous post, I believe that those lanes should run down behind the Lady Nelson building to a staggered pedestrian crossing that leads directly across Jubilee Hwy, up the back of Frew Pk oval there, and onto Ferrers St, on through to the Rail Corridor Accessway...this utilises the much quieter Ferrers St which also runs right up to the Blue Lake...much more to come on bike/pedestrian/public transport to come...

In a nutshell, I believe that bikes can be used on roads that are naturally safer than others, but putting lanes in place just fro the sake of it, eg, Penola Rd at HungJs, that's a disaster...more tomorrow...and the Artificial Lake on the Rail Lands was yesterday fulled-up from the tap and according to the ABC there's been a huge response about the safety issues...you know what I think of it, so more bike stuff but also...

Tomorrow: Indignant Tones And The Death Pit Of Stupidity

Below please find attached 2 photos of 1) the large pipes that SAWater is installing from one side of the hill behind me, through here, and down to town basically straight ahead...another large pipe appears to be going right from here toward the Eastern side...and SAWater is sparing no expense, with state of the art technologies expertly applied for precision outcomes with this critical infrastructure...(so what's that second photo?-Ed)...that's a stick stuck in the ground with some pink ribbon tied to it marking where the pipe is going...(classic-Ed)...

Along with all the usual spray-painted grass markings', etc, there was this 'ere stick...(do you think we should tell them we moved it 2 feet to the East?-Ed)...probably not, what given that we didn't and all...and if we said we had moved it and they moved it back they'd be moving it away from where it should be...(thinking they're putting it back again-Ed)...exactly...but then again, if one wanted them to move it without one actually touching it oneself which would just be wrong, then one might attempt to create a false belief that indeed the super high-tech 'stick with a pink ribbon' technology had somehow been compromised...

(I'm confused, did you move it or not?-Ed)...no, no, it's just hilarious because that stick is an actual thing but I'm also just doing a 'dead joke zone' thang about how easy it is to create a falsehood should one wish and that it's never my intention to do that...I make mistakes, have my own biases, opinions clouded by trauma, etc, etc, but deliberate deceit is not my suite...

Written and Authorised buy Nick Fletcher I mean by Nick Fletcher ahaha haaaa...(do it properly-Ed)...sorry...

Written and Authorised by Nick Fletcher, Kooringa St, Mt Gambier...cheers and laters...

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