Sunday, September 21, 2014

Some Of A Beach Energy's Lies

Hello Macau, Czech Republic, Ukraine, and the still United Kingdom...and welcome to the blog...and the realities of what a corrupt and incompetent Labor government have done to South Australia and it's citizens, continues to play out across the board, as vital Regional jobs, eg, Forestry Industry (eg, ForestrySA) jobs and government depts continue to be decimated by cuts and Wind Turbines and Fracking loom large on the horizon...(whilst back in Adelaide, Labor is appointing to and even creating farcical positions for it's fundamentally incompetent and/or corrupt brethren, eg, Grace Portolesi (to Multicultural Affairs), Kevin Foley (to Motor Accident Commission), Mia Handshin (to Environment Protection Authority), etc, etc-Ed)...indeed...

***and I'm gunna' jump in here with a long list of post-script preemptive apologies because Mayoral candidate I may be...(for nearly a week already even-Ed) it really? know it seems like only yesterday that I began my stellar political career and...(mhmm-Ed)...oh right, sorry...but for the 12 years before that I've been a very angry, very traumatised parent locked in a pitched battle with authorities like SAPol and the Crown Solicitor, and both Liberal and Labor, and the Lutheran Church, just for trying to get something done about the gross abuse of a class of 7 year old kids at St Martins Lutheran School...

And dare I contradict myself by pointing yet again at the bleedin' pachyderm blocking the view of the band, and state that as always it seems that resolving the St Martins issue has become my primary motivation in running as Mayor in that that's where the desire/drive/need/whatevs to get political was originally spawned...(well that and the massive, crushing guilt you feel for 1) witnessing the abuse and not realising it for what it was at the time, meaning it went on for several weeks longer, and of course 2) failing to get it resolved since-Ed)...well yes of course there's the massive crushing guilt...

And 2 things really barked up my tree this week...firstly was former Labor Premier John Bannon (husband of notorious Robyn Layton, she of the 2003 Layton Child Protection Inquiry) and of the last 16 years on the Board of the SA Cricket Assoc, they what done run up a $90m debt that was payed-out by the Rann/Weatherill Labor government as a big bribe to get the Adelaide Oval Redevelopment done...(and bribe and building together just happen to equal exactly what Labor sold the South East Forestry Estate for, $670m-Ed)...indeed...

Well Johnno's mates have had a quick whip round and awarded him the, um...(the award for being another trough-romping stooge?-Ed)...indeed, close, 'Honourary Life Membership of SACA'...(well there's close and then there's exactly the bloody same, and that is exactly the bloody same-Ed)...ok, ok, fair enough...anyhoos, there's this little gem, and then there was the following button-puncher...***  

Indeed...had the pleasure of listening to part of an interview with that truly creepy piece of rank pro-paedophile corruption, the former Labor Attorney General who directed the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, that scummy bag of corruption and state-sanctioned paedophilia, my good mate and current speaker of Sow Strayan parliament, Mr Michael there a more thorough personification of how paedophiles run South Australia?...(former Premier Mike Rann?-Ed)...well ok...(current Premier Jay Weatherill?-Ed)...yes alright...(former Mt Gambier Member Rory McEwen?-Ed)...ok, ok, you've made your point, they're all entirely complicit in the St Martins case...

Anyhoos, Mikey boy was holding forth on the ABC Radio as only the truly insane can about respect and appropriate behaviour in parliament and how he's had to remove so-and-so and such-and-such, and blah, blah was all about Michael and how great Michael is and the power and majesty of state parliament...(but SA state parliament is a stinking pit of pro-paedophile corruption-Ed)...well indeed...and in that same sanctimonious, self-righteous tone of voice so typical of a benevolent despot speaking down gently to the poor stupid flock...

And of course it was Mikey's close friend and free personal lawyer, Tim Bourne, who manipulated and betrayed us parents whilst supposedly acting on our behalf...Mr Bourne who complicitly colluded with the Lutherans and his Labor mates, including lawyer Peter Humphries, to manipulate parents into a financially vulnerable position, forcing the case to be dropped...(is that the case that was in Court allegedly, yet you had the Court's Mr Rice asking you during a tele-conference what sort of case it was?-Ed)...yeah, that'd be the one...

Every contrivance, every betrayal, every denial, every collusion...I look forward to engaging with Messrs Bourne, Humphries, and their man on the ground, parent's local lawyer Bill DeGaris, when they inevitably threaten me yet again with defamation for explaining to the world the exact reality of their rank corruption in support of the Cover-up of the gross abuse of a class of 7 year old kids at St Martins...

And I'm sure all these fine white men, Mike, Tim, Pete, and Bill, are all completely enamoured of themselves and each other, wholly taken with a sense of their own wonder, so very proud of what they have achieved as corrupted people protecting paedophile teacher Glyn Dorling and the Lutheran Church that harbours him...and I note that it is at least a year since Bill DeGaris threatened me with defamation, as per previous posts...             

(Ah yeah, look, I get it that you're really angry about the St Martins stuff and being so definably, so comprehensively betrayed by Bill DeGaris, Tim Bourne and Peter Humphries-Ed)...and the Courts...(and the Courts...but what has it got to do with Beach Energy and Fracking at/around Penola?-Ed)...just making the observation that we're dealing with wholly corrupt people and I reckon that flows 2 definition, to do business in a corrupt state you have to operate corruptly...(fair enough...and then if you add on that Beach aren't paying any royalties, it really does look like preferential treatment-Ed)...

And somehow they've also got their grubby hooks into the iconic old Glenside precinct (former Mental Health facility in Adelaide)...(yes, but still, what's that got to do with Fracking?-Ed)...just laying the table, mis-en-place I think it's called, everything in it's place ready to go...just establishing the very cosy relationship between Beach Energy and the Labor state government...(fair enough-Ed)...

Only a coupla' weeks ago Beach had a full page ad in The Border Watch, and not long before that Reg Nelson was on the ABC, again, and it's all about how people are ignorant...(nerhhh people are ignorant-Michael Jackson from South Park) when it comes to the realities of what Beach are doing re Gas Exploration around Penola, in the heart of the Coonawarra...(well technically Penola's on the edge of the Coonawarra-Ed)...shut it...but on Thursday morning 18th September Reg baby took a huge swing at local Anti-Frackers...

This appalling denigration of genuine people by a vain, arrogant man is currently available on the ABC Local Radio Reloaded for Thursday 18th Sept 2014...I urge availees to listen to's all about how much Reggie baby knows about gas, and all the gas that's been extracted in the SE, etc, and just cobbling together completely unrelated technologies and outcomes that as an alleged professional in the field he should know, all to excuse/guarantee/deceive/deny/whatevs anything and/or everything about Fracking in the SE...

And again I completely reject this recent back-peddling nonsense from Beach about how they're investigating for natural gas pockets, because Reg explained very carefully some time back that they are going into the deep shale deposits that produced the already depleted Natural Gas pockets, eg, the Katnook site, to Frack that deep shale so as to release the gas within...anything since is a lie...(and a lie now bourne on wings of vile denigration and outright bastardry-Ed)...indeed...who the shreck do you think you are Reg?...  

Tomorrow: Back To The Local Election

And I've just added this gem below because I've read it through several times but I cannot get past the idea that this article completely contradicts one sentence it says that the street sweeper wasn't recently purchased for dealing with the atrocious grey pavers, but then says that it was recently purchased for the new pavers...(I'm gettin' a headache-Ed)...indeed...that followed by pathetic excuses about the stained, chipped, clearly C-grade pavers that Council has shoved into the Main Street...what a bloody disgrace...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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