Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Round And Round The Rail Lands

Howdy and welcome to the blog Brazil, the USofA, Romania, and France, and of course y'all else...and back we go to the Rail Lands Retail Agenda and I don't necessarily apologise because there's been nuthin' locally that comes even close to wreaking the havoc caused by City Council's pursuit of this lunacy...(what about the criminal under-sale of the South East Forestry Estate for $670m, approx 2 thirds what it was worth just as logs?-Ed)...yeah, but that was a state Labor decision, I'm talking about Council decisions...

First up though, I'd just quickly like to modify my previous claims that I have proven the RLRA and therefore it's not up for debate, etc, because I'm not being facetious when I say that the RLRA is is called the RLRA because it is the RLRA and therefore that's what it should be called...(it's like a very large grey mammal with tusks and a trunk striding confidently to the middle of a crowded room and declaring it's presence-Ed)...absolutely...all I did was point and say 'hey, there's an egomanic rhinoceros smuggling ivory in a very large suitcase'...

It's also apparently National Child Protection Week, but I have absolutely no idea what that means anymore...I mean, I live in South Australia...(I think it means that on the Mt Gambier ABC Local Radio Stan Thompson gets former Member Rory McEwen and current Mayor Steve Perryman in to discuss what great work the Lutherans do at St Martins on issues of Child Protection-Ed)...and said with such succinct and specific yet almost poetic fury almost hatred...(thankyou, I try-Ed)'s news is awash again with the local teacher/social worker who is facing charges re intercourse with a young student he groomed whilst at work in her school...

And this on top of the raft of abuse and cover-ups, etc, currently constantly being exposed in Adelaide...and the real concern that 'social media' is largely responsible for exposing the cold hard reality of which these cases are just a glimpse...just the tip of that which has previously remained officially submerged, because it is my personal experience that Paedophiles effectively run South Australia, and the Rann/Weatherill Labor government has dutifully protected and cemented that pro-paedophile lobby control of this state...just listening to another 'expert' on the radio stating that it's not all gloom and doom though, and I won't condemn her for the truth in her statements about not letting oneself get swamped by these harsh realities by acknowledging the good work and back to the decisions...

(Yeah, thanks, and what about the 50 Shared Services job losses, loss of more Forestry SA jobs, more TAFE jobs to go, etc-Ed)...again they are all state decisions, albeit the Weatherill Labor government is currently furiously trying to unload all of the blame for their horrendous financial mismanagement on the Federal Liberals...(umm, ok, what about when state Labor Planning Minister Paul Holloway intervened re the Bunnings on Penola Rd situation (2007?) to support his dodgy Labor mates on/associated with the Grant District Council-Ed)...yeah, ok, go on...

(After years of City Council deliberately dragging re-zoning issues at the Penola Rd site because of their obsession with the RLRA, Minister Holloway suddenly re-zoned it from Bulky Goods/Retail back through Retail (shops), and Urban (housing), right back to Deferred Urban, which is effectively undeveloped farmland within City limits...and at the same time re-zoned the Millicent Rd site, as owned by then serving Grant District Councillor Brenton James, from Light Industrial to Bulky Goods/Retail so that Bunnings could go there instead-Ed)...yes, I see where you're headed with this...

(Brenton James/Grant Council argued that they must be allowed to put Bulky Goods on Millicent Rd to counter any potential monopoly that the Penola Rd site would have, and as soon as they had their approvals, in record time, started screaming that everything else 'Bulky' had to be stopped because it would damage their little baby-Ed)...indeed, and there's a whole separate post nay blog right there re the rank corruption of and collusion between the Grant District Council and the Labor state government...but today we're focussing on the Planning and Development Debasco that this Bunnings/Millicent Rd re-zoning has generated...

When Minister Holloway did his massively advantageous pro-Grant Council re-zonings he surely took a moment, because that's all it took me and I don't know crap about this stuff, he surely took a moment to look at where that LI development was going to go after he re-zoned that Light Industrial area...(apparently not-Ed)...indeed, because that corrupt cock-up has destroyed LI Zoning around Mt Gambier, forcing such development onto the Mount's main entrance Penola Road, an environmental and aesthetic disaster... 

Back on the Rail Lands, the RLRA dictated that still nuthin' happened...(well the new Library and the Main Corner thingy and the Lady Nelson Bus Shelter, etc, and the Big W/Woolworths Centre now on the Penola Rd site, that all happened where they did because of the RLRA-Ed)...fair call Ed...all of these things are where they are because Council refused to compromise the RLRA with unwanted (by Council) development of any sort...and this RLRA was justified with a raft of oft repeated deceits from Mt Gambier City Council, a Council clearly more than comfortable with deceit for personal gain...

And now it's Wednesday evening 10th September and earlier I started this post before going out to grab The Border Watch, today's and yesterdays, and there in TBW Tuesday 9th September 2014 is yet another article about the Rail Lands 'development' which self-identifies as a 'clarification' of previous stuff and I think is related to the ABC interview from Monday 8th...(yay-Ed)...indeed yay and please find attached...but first I'll just finish scoriating the article from Friday 5th Sept 2014 first...

I can't remember exactly where I was up to...(I reckon we'd just covered the bit where Council's Michael Silvy states in TBW last Friday (not attached again but available from posts earlier this week) that everything's on budget therefore they won't have to ditch the 'public sculptures', yet on the ABC Monday 8th he stated that the 'sculptures' were compulsory, being a prerequisite for getting the $2m in Labor state government funding-Ed)...well remembered...

And it is very confusing when someone goes about apparently clarifying via the ABC radio, previous erroneous statements made in TBW, eg, that the pictured Sound Shell is not actually part of current plans, but then winds up contradicting themselves on other issues, eg, the sculptures and the attached funding...(wow, no wonder I'm confused-Ed)'s what happens when the truth is casualty uno...anyhoos, then it was on to our stalwart Councillors supposedly arguing about things that should have been sorted out before anything was voted on and passed let alone built, eg, putting a safety fence around the drowning hazard "expansive artificial lake"...

(I'll tell you what's bloody artificial, it's that shreckin' picture...either those people are 2 feet tall or that pictured lake is 5 times bigger than actual size-Ed)...they're Oompahloompahs from Willy Wonka...and that's a lake of pure chocolate...(pure bullshit...that picture isn't just generous, it's an outright lie, and the whole damn thing is just a drainage pond for the huge roof area of the RLRA-Ed)...indeed...and I've included page 4, what the heck, make it all 4 pages of Council's November 2011 $10m Parklands Concept Plan showing the full, very exaggerated lake picture...

Actually, because there's heaps of text I'll post it as separate post that you can check out if you wish, skip it and come back to it if you've had enough rail stuff for a while...having said that, check out the excellent www.johnny' for a wealth of great Mt Gambier train photos and other a Cancer survivor I'd have loved to have had the treatment travel option of a cruisy 12hr, 80kph overnight train trip to Adelaide in one of the passenger cars attached to the end of a freight train, and/or on the fantastic Bluebird...but those days were removed and now too the rails and I just don't have the energy to summon the optimism that any of it will return...

(Which is a good thing really, that rail won't return, because when you consider that Council didn't clarify who was responsible for the cost of replacing everything they've just ripped up and/or moved, even after repeatedly using it as an excuse to not act, then Mt Gambier ratepayers could be in for a very nasty shock somewhere down the track...pardon the pun-Ed)...I understand what you're saying but rail is vital and it must return and there's absolutely no reason why it shouldn't run exactly where it did before these clowns supposedly moved it...    

In a recent post I stated that reference to a rail turntable was probably about a different site and now I've checked it out via the most excellent www.johnniespages, and I was both right and wrong...(of course you were...why limit yourself to yes or no when there's 'yeah but'?-Ed)...both, in so much as there was an old rail turntable located on the Rail Lands site, right at the Wehl St End roughly where that 'amphitheatre' is shown in the picture below...(aha, so you were wrong-Ed)...but there is/was also one just further West along in the Main 'New' Marshalling yards...(damn I hate you-Ed)...I know, you should try being me...(geez, no thanks-Ed)...

Again this has got away from me so I'll pull stumps, do the extra post of the 2011 Plan, and catch y'all... 

Tomorrow: For More Banana Lord Stuff

 (Wow, the chuckles just never end with you do they-Ed)...again I refer you to my previous statement that you ought to try being me for a bit...(and again I politely decline-Ed)...fair enough...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters... 

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